Give newsie a purpose!




I see Newsie standing handing out papers all the time, and Mr. Activist has been doing the same thing. As it stands now, they serve no purpose. They occasionally spout something about the new issue (I've been hearing them talk about Shields and Willpower a lot) but that's pretty much it. I think they should actually DO something instead of just standing around all day.

I propose the Newsie/Activist be actual informants. For example, I click on them, and a window will appear similar to the gmotd window. This window will have information on latest events, new issues and what-have-you. This could be a way for returning players to find out what's changed since they've been gone, and for beginning players to get a grasp on the new stuff.

Since villains currently don't have anybody like this, maybe there should be a shady guy lurking around major city-zones simply named "Informant." Similar to the Black Market's "Looks like he knows something" character.

Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero

Got Inf?







you have no idea how many times I've click on a newsie to see if there was actually ADDITIONAL information to what he was shouting in AP...

So I really like this idea.



You got my vote



Originally Posted by Maniac_Raid View Post
You got my vote

Oh, and nice avatar Maniac.



Originally Posted by Smash_Zone View Post
I see Newsie standing handing out papers all the time, and Mr. Activist has been doing the same thing. As it stands now, they serve no purpose. They occasionally spout something about the new issue (I've been hearing them talk about Shields and Willpower a lot) but that's pretty much it.

I propose the Newsie/Activist be actual informants.
Handy! I like it.

Since villains currently don't have anybody like this, maybe there should be a shady guy lurking around major city-zones simply named "Informant."
Sure they do! There are those guys with the hot dog carts in Cap au Diable, for instance ("Your one stop shop for nothing in particular!").

Say, while we're sort of on the subject, isn't it about time someone went through the NPC chatter source files and either redacted or updated the lines that reference events that happened several years ago as if they just happened (I'm looking at you, "Did you hear they reopened the tram line to Salamanca")?



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
you have no idea how many times I've click on a newsie to see if there was actually ADDITIONAL information to what he was shouting in AP...
The only thing the Activist says to me when I click on him is "Take a pamphlet, yo."

Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero

Got Inf?



So /signed
And the City Information terminals. Make them DO something, hmm?
And Security Chiefs...not just their horrible 'You need to do a hunt!' mission.
Hell, make a few small TFs that the Security Chiefs give you, maybe focussing more on groups like the Skulls, Hellions and suchnot, something interesting.

And maybe add Redside versions. Arachnos are, after all, the law enforcers too. Their just a bit more tyranical with it.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Its good to see people still would like that.
And yes je_saist, I can imagine that. I clicked them all the time when I was new, as they say they got the latest scoop. But they dont. I recall there is something like a monthly "City Scoop", but like so many other things about the game its something that you have to dig for outside of the game. (Very bad design that imo. When its official info to some events or story background, it should be accessible inside the game.)

On the other side I always wished (and asked) for more NPC interaction.
Why doesnt the newsie have the news?
Why cant the security chief tell me about the zone without me having the mission?
Why cant I give the panhandler a dime?
Why cant a cop give me some info on the local gangs and their whereabouts in a list menu?
Why cant a pedestrian give me directions to a neighborhood or brief story of the zone I'm in?*
Why cant I take a pamphlet, especially from miners and Ludites on villain side? Maybe I DO want to find out about the PTS or Cage Corporation. Why am I immediately attacked, and not just when I attack them or stand there without taking one for too long?
Why cant I buy something at a street vendor and end up with a snack in my hand that I can pull out again with '/e lastbought' e.g.?

*They might have a random list of things they know about, and conversation options for inquiring about this zone, this neighborhood, adjacent neighborhoods, villain groups you need to hunt for (click"Ask about Circle of Thorns activity". - "Seen any strange green glows or people in robes around lately?"), ask if they saw anything strange or dangerous around lately, ask for the time.

There could even be (gasp!) little side missions that some pedestrians or cops have randomly available.



Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
Its good to see people still would like that.
And yes je_saist, I can imagine that. I clicked them all the time when I was new, as they say they got the latest scoop. But they dont. I recall there is something like a monthly "City Scoop", but like so many other things about the game its something that you have to dig for outside of the game. (Very bad design that imo. When its official info to some events or story background, it should be accessible inside the game.)

On the other side I always wished (and asked) for more NPC interaction.
Why doesnt the newsie have the news?
Why cant the security chief tell me about the zone without me having the mission?
Why cant I give the panhandler a dime?
Why cant a cop give me some info on the local gangs and their whereabouts in a list menu?
Why cant a pedestrian give me directions to a neighborhood or brief story of the zone I'm in?*
Why cant I take a pamphlet, especially from miners and Ludites on villain side? Maybe I DO want to find out about the PTS or Cage Corporation. Why am I immediately attacked, and not just when I attack them or stand there without taking one for too long?
Why cant I buy something at a street vendor and end up with a snack in my hand that I can pull out again with '/e lastbought' e.g.?

*They might have a random list of things they know about, and conversation options for inquiring about this zone, this neighborhood, adjacent neighborhoods, villain groups you need to hunt for (click"Ask about Circle of Thorns activity". - "Seen any strange green glows or people in robes around lately?"), ask if they saw anything strange or dangerous around lately, ask for the time.

There could even be (gasp!) little side missions that some pedestrians or cops have randomly available.
Yes, please and more yes? Very nice ideas here. Make it happen.



I've always felt the Info stands were not used correctly. I propose combining the newsies and the Info stands into Newsstands.

You could go to a Newsstand (at least one in every zone) and pick up a paper and read the city's headlines. You could catch up on the latest completed TFs, complete with the names of the heroes who completed them.

You could read about famous villain hunters in each zone and their number of "arrests".

You could leave short messages in a classified ads section for another hero, or advertise an upcoming SG or zone event.

You could browse through a few different magazines and read features on the different zones or events currently active. Or look at hero fashion mags, complete with submitted screenshots of heroes and costume ideas.

Much of the appeal of a newstand would be user created content, such as short articles, costume design contests, layouts featuring the newest lvl 50 heroes, and plugs for AE arcs.



Originally Posted by Cyberforce View Post
You could go to a Newsstand (at least one in every zone) and pick up a paper and read the city's headlines. You could catch up on the latest completed TFs, complete with the names of the heroes who completed them.
And reset your newspaper/police scanner mission choices without having to leave the zone and come back.



I like everything on this thread

One other thing that'd be good; when you go the news stand you can get an in-game version of City Scoop to read while waiting on a TF and whatnot to start.






The current event demonstrates the perfect use for newsies and the info terminal: displaying active events.

When I log in with a character I can't tell if there is a Rikti raid or supernatural activity in progress, or where it is. The only way to know is to be in that zone, or to have been around when it started.

The info terminals currently do nothing. The devs should start small by having them list ongoing zone events.

Or perhaps the zone events should appear on my police radio scanner or newspaper?



Lots of good idea's here.. Small but fun text stuff.. and use of things neglected.

It has my vote!

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



I'm glad this is getting support because if I were a superhero and I wanted to find out where the trouble was, I'd at least pick up a newspaper.

The only other thing I'd like to add is that it would be hilarious to see a dozen costumes loitering around a newsstand waiting for some poor slob to do something stupid.

But imagine how easy it would be to plan or commit to TFs.

"Posi TF. Sun. 1:00 PM. Looking for attractive single defender, preferably a healer, who likes long runs through sewers, the smell of decaying flesh, and horror movies."



Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
There could even be (gasp!) little side missions that some pedestrians or cops have randomly available.
But that would be taking an idea from that other MMO, and heaven forbid we do that! =P

Great ideas guys, keep 'em coming! Hopefully a dev will poke his head in here and read some of these suggestions.

Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero

Got Inf?



Hmm, how about reading a newspaper could unlock a new contact in the zone you are in?

"Mister X looking for enterprising Vigilantes for some cleaning business."



Originally Posted by GrinningSpade View Post
Hmm, how about reading a newspaper could unlock a new contact in the zone you are in?

"Mister X looking for enterprising Vigilantes for some cleaning business."
I don't know... that would probably take away the point of newspaper/scanner missions.

Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero

Got Inf?



Originally Posted by Smash_Zone View Post
I don't know... that would probably take away the point of newspaper/scanner missions.
The purpose for scanner missions and in lesser degree newspaper missions is to level up. Fast, no fuss, no messing around with irritating contacts who make you do hunts, talk to others or zone all over the map before giving you a mission your team is waiting for.

The purpose blue side is NOT to get new contacts. Red side it is true, but not blue side.

I like to make normal contacts a bit more convenient.



Originally Posted by GrinningSpade View Post
The purpose for scanner missions and in lesser degree newspaper missions is to level up. Fast, no fuss, no messing around with irritating contacts who make you do hunts, talk to others or zone all over the map before giving you a mission your team is waiting for.

The purpose blue side is NOT to get new contacts. Red side it is true, but not blue side.

I like to make normal contacts a bit more convenient.
It may not be the purpose, but the scanners can be used that way blueside. If you have no contacts in the zone, run scanners until the detective offers the safeguard. After that, he'll offer you a contact for the zone.

And /signed to ALL the suggestions for newsies. I've also clicked hoping to get more info on something the newsie just mentioned.



Originally Posted by Smash_Zone View Post
But that would be taking an idea from that other MMO, and heaven forbid we do that! =P
But I'm sure we had the idea here already before that other MMO **** its first spandex diaper.

At any rate the 'more interaction with npcs' has been brought up several time already. Maybe now that the evil lords left to do that other MMO it can finally come and underline how CoX is not only MMO but also RPG?



Originally Posted by Smash_Zone View Post
I see Newsie standing handing out papers all the time, and Mr. Activist has been doing the same thing. As it stands now, they serve no purpose. They occasionally spout something about the new issue (I've been hearing them talk about Shields and Willpower a lot) but that's pretty much it. I think they should actually DO something instead of just standing around all day.

I propose the Newsie/Activist be actual informants. For example, I click on them, and a window will appear similar to the gmotd window. This window will have information on latest events, new issues and what-have-you. This could be a way for returning players to find out what's changed since they've been gone, and for beginning players to get a grasp on the new stuff.

Since villains currently don't have anybody like this, maybe there should be a shady guy lurking around major city-zones simply named "Informant." Similar to the Black Market's "Looks like he knows something" character.
Either your idea or make it a place for players to input information about events that they are hosting such as Hami raid coming up, etc. It would be limited server wide rather than across all servers.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
Either your idea or make it a place for players to input information about events that they are hosting such as Hami raid coming up, etc. It would be limited server wide rather than across all servers.
How about both? =P

Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero

Got Inf?