Give newsie a purpose!




Originally Posted by BlueRaptor View Post
Its good to see people still would like that.
And yes je_saist, I can imagine that. I clicked them all the time when I was new, as they say they got the latest scoop. But they dont. I recall there is something like a monthly "City Scoop", but like so many other things about the game its something that you have to dig for outside of the game. (Very bad design that imo. When its official info to some events or story background, it should be accessible inside the game.)

On the other side I always wished (and asked) for more NPC interaction.
Why doesnt the newsie have the news?
Why cant the security chief tell me about the zone without me having the mission?
Why cant I give the panhandler a dime?
Why cant a cop give me some info on the local gangs and their whereabouts in a list menu?
Why cant a pedestrian give me directions to a neighborhood or brief story of the zone I'm in?*
Why cant I take a pamphlet, especially from miners and Ludites on villain side? Maybe I DO want to find out about the PTS or Cage Corporation. Why am I immediately attacked, and not just when I attack them or stand there without taking one for too long?
Why cant I buy something at a street vendor and end up with a snack in my hand that I can pull out again with '/e lastbought' e.g.?

*They might have a random list of things they know about, and conversation options for inquiring about this zone, this neighborhood, adjacent neighborhoods, villain groups you need to hunt for (click"Ask about Circle of Thorns activity". - "Seen any strange green glows or people in robes around lately?"), ask if they saw anything strange or dangerous around lately, ask for the time.

There could even be (gasp!) little side missions that some pedestrians or cops have randomly available.
i love you =D

/signed to the MAX!