What the best Mastermind for av soloing?
I suggest Bots/Poison with the self-repairing bots, the defensive bubbles coupled with mastermind debuffs like envenom, weaken, and noxious gas.
It has been noted that heat exhaustion and melt armor are not to be trifled with either.
Bots/poison or Bots/thermal
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
Any primary with /Traps, /Therm and /Dark is good for soloing AVs. Just be sure to take Hover if you go with melee henchmen
Robotics primary with Storm, Poison or TA secondary can range from barely ok to decent
Everything else is bleh (IMO)
Bots/Force Field
Boring as sin to play, but tough to take down ... so long as the AV doesn't have attacks that ignore defenses.

As much as I love my undead posse. I'd avoid Necro if your goal is outright AV pwnage.
My Necro/Dark can and has soloed AV's, however since they all (minus the Lich) really wanna be in melee some of the AV's out there can whomp em good with a well timed PbAOE.
My vote would be;
Bots/FF - with the mandatory warning of this combo becomes COV on easy mode which = boring.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
I've done AV soloing with both Bots/Traps and Bots/Poison and, for the single purpose of AV soloing Poison is definitely better.
Maybe sinking lots of inf into enhancements will even Traps up with Poison.
Traps can get the job done though, and is much, MUCH more flexible for the rest of the game.
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)
In order these are some suggested AV soloing builds
Long story short basically anything can solo "nearly" anything with exceptions so long as they have a good debuffing secondary that has some form of -regen component (Robotics aside from this as the Assault Bot's -regen attack stacks the regen debuffs like mad).
So long as you realize your character's limitations and advantages you'll be good to go, so long as you can also utilizie that character's strong points. Understand your character and enemy and you will find a way to way.
i've solo'd 2 AV's simultaneously with my bots/FF. it was in a story-arc Ouranbegan mission. forgot which 2 were the AV (I think it was Infernal and Diabolique).
i've solo'd AV with my necro-poison, but as someone mentioned, if you face PBoE'r, you're going to end up in a world of hurt pretty quickly.
The best MM primary for AV soloing.
Demon Summoning
C'mon you can just tell the damage output is going to be borderline broken =P have you seen the concepts!!! an AV would run away screaming if they saw you =P
but on a more seriouse note, i saw a video of a Bots/Dark soloing a GM, so for AV's no problem =)
I solo'd the ITF with a Bots/Dark, I would put my vote on that one!
Hmmm, be unique and do it with Necro/Traps. If you succeed I will be highly impressed.
And here I was going to say the best Mastermind for AV soloing was an SG Leader ...

Bots/Force Field
Boring as sin to play, but tough to take down ... so long as the AV doesn't have attacks that ignore defenses. |
But then, saying it involves more micro-management than Bots/FF isn't really saying much...
I am sure a petless x/traps MM has soloed AV's before, so anything /traps would get my vote.
But then again it is a set that requires a certain style of play that you really need to enjoy, and requires good investment.
Bots/FF can do it on the cheap, but very slowly!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
I've solo'd plenty of AVs and a GM or two with relative ease using a necro/dark build. It tends to be a bit rough during the initial assault, before all of the acc debuffs go in, but once things stabilize the target can't really do much but flail around as the zombies whomp him.
The -regen debuffs don't hurt any, either. Just personal experience.
These are not the glory days for MMs any more. I used to be able to roll over damned near anything with my Thugs/Traps. I havent played him in a while, but he is 50, fully slotted with IOs and accolades. The other day in Warburg I went after a Zeus Titan and lost. Twice. We got hit pretty hard with the nerf hammer. The only AVs I ever had trouble with were the Radio and the Vampyr-looking Council leader. I would bet most would be trouble now.
Thug/Dark with Maneuvers/Assault/Tactics to stack with the Enforcers' Leadership buffs will take down pretty much any AV that gets in front of them. All the +def from leadership combined with the (lesser against AVs) tohit debuffs will provide your pets with quite a bit of safety, while Assault/Tactics will significantly up your (and their) damage output, even against foes with good defense like Mynx. Add in the Auto-Hit debuffs to regen and resistance from Howling Twilight and Tar Patch, and the auto-hit -dam from Darkest Night, and not much will be able to stand up against you for long.
I always found it best to try to toggle-pull around a corner with DN, so the AV comes to your Patch and Bruiser. Once he has the aggro well in hand, let the Thugs and Enforcers unload their damage. Resummon/Buff as needed. So long as DN stays on the AV, you should have plenty of safety to do that.
This build can be a bit tight, however, so you may want to consider skipping an epic pool. If you do decide to take an epic, I'd go with Leviathan, for the early immob (which most AVs don't have protection against, so you can keep them in one spot, on a Patch and away from your thugs/enforcers) and for KO Blow. It doesn't hit as hard as the Brute or Tanker version, but it is a nice little boost to damage output. Soul Mastery's Night Fall can also add some -tohit, which can add a little more survivability, considering AVs resist the hell out of your debuffs anyway, a little more can mean the difference between survival and doom.

I've ripped EB's, AV's, and GM's apart with Bot/Dark. Plus you get an extra pet.
Can solo very few AVs with SOs and no incarnates, Solos AVs in under 2 minutes with IOs and Incarnates (without Lore), takes like 3-5 minutes to kill GMs without lore pets.
Ninjas and Necro have the best single target damage, surprised no one considered ninjas with all those criticle hits.
Mace Mastery (Black Scorpion) has Speed Boost. c'mon! That's common sense for choice for a poison mastermind.
With this build I soloed every lvl 50 AV/Hero/GM in CoV, soloed BSF and ITF.
Building another soloer, Necro/Dark/Mace, only for hero content.
Main characters:
Shalite - Ninjas/Poison Villain Mastermind. Solo challenger in PvE.
The Gore Melody - Necro/Dark Vigilante Mastermind. Solo challenger in PvE.
Technophile Lila - SJ/Fire Hero Brute. Outstanding Farmer.
Building another soloer, Necro/Dark/Mace, only for hero content.

You did realize this thread was 2 1/2 years old right?
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
A necro post posting about necros. How appropriate.
I'd like to put in a good word for Time Manipulation. I can, and do, solo AVs very well.
I tank and kill the AVs on Dr Khan pretty much solo while the rest of the team beats up on Reischman.
@ Dr Gemini
�If we would come together and be great role models, it would be amazing to see how the next generation turns out.� |
Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.
Bots/Time/Mace. I've thus far solo'd every AV I've encountered. Had to drop Vanessa down to +3 but otherwise no sweat.
On my Ninja/Time/Mace I've yet to meet an AV or GM I cannot solo. Granted, I've not yet tried Lusca, but I'm planning to one of these days.
I been wanting to make a mm for some time now and i was thinking about maybe making a bot/dark or bot/term but am unsure which one would be the best to solo av with also i might want to try to pvp on this mm as well.