Single Target Blasters valuable on teams?
I do not mean to troll here, but I am interested in gathering some opinions.
I used to solo more but now I mostly team. It seems that my AoE blasters, such as fire/, AR/ and Archery/ bring more damage to a team than my single-target blasters such as ice/ and sonic/. Do you think single-target blasters pull their weight on large teams? Why or why not? |
So long as everyone is using the powers they have to the best of their ability to help the team, that's all that's required for my definition of 'pulling your weight.' If your question is really about overall effectiveness against large spawns, well the answer to that seems pretty obvious to me. The more enemies you're facing, the more valuable AoE is.
That depends on who you ask.
Some people, literally, think every Blaster is a fire Blaster (the team is providing mitigation so your 'job' is to just do damage), much in the same way every Defender is naturally an empath, and every Tank should be made of granite. Those roles are so stuck in their head that nothing else is worth playing nor adding to a team.
The truth is, everyone has AOE. I've done invincible ITF's with an Energy/Elec/Elec where I'm the only Blaster/Corrupter on the team and we're doing great. I don't need to be a fire Blaster to 'pull my weight', because I am but a sum of the team's AOE (that Blaster, with 3 AOEs, gets played just the same as I would a fire blaster on teams, just with more care taken in terms of positioning and timing). I may be the biggest chunk of AOE damage on a team like that, in most cases, but everyone else is contributing as well (unless you have people that want to play with incomplete toons with pigeonholed roles, but I rarely play with those kinds, anyhow).
That's a big reason why I try to make a point every time someone skips a power like Explosive Blast (or the equivalent).
"Well, I'm not an AOE blaster" is the common response.
But you are part of the AOE component of your team!
Most blasters have a cone + targeted AOE as part of their primary, and therefore the possibility of adding a rather substantial amount of AOE damage to a team. The ones that don't still tend to bring some AOE to the table and make up for it by providing other valuable tools (such as the holds in ice).
I may not have answered your question, but that's because (outside of intentionally built concept toons) I don't think there really is such a thing as an AOE or ST blaster. Some sets tend to have a little more of one or the other, but all sets provide some of both, and therefore those components are added to the team's overall damage output if the player decides to use them.
I do not mean to troll here, but I am interested in gathering some opinions.
I used to solo more but now I mostly team. It seems that my AoE blasters, such as fire/, AR/ and Archery/ bring more damage to a team than my single-target blasters such as ice/ and sonic/. Do you think single-target blasters pull their weight on large teams? Why or why not? |
But even then comparing the number of AoE/Cones can't be done directly because you have think about the type of damage being dealt and what the set offers in terms of mitigation/protection.
And then you have to take into account what secondary they have taken because they fill in some gaps which your primary may be lacking. For exampe a Fire/ blaster may take /Devices to fill in the gap that Fire/ lacks any mitigation while a Psi/ blaster may take /Mental or /Fire to boosts its AoE potential.
It all depends on how the toons uses the tools it has avaiable.
Do you think single-target blasters pull their weight on large teams? Why or why not?
They can help take down Bosses faster while their AoE brethren are smiting the Minions and then they can both work on moping up the Lieutenants. ST-focused Blasters are also very useful in AV battles as well.
-= idspispopd =-
[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]
It all depends on how the toons uses the tools it has avaiable.
They can help take down Bosses faster while their AoE brethren are smiting the Minions and then they can both work on moping up the Lieutenants. ST-focused Blasters are also very useful in AV battles as well.
I just wanted to also to point out that the sets that I would consider the most ST heavy for blasters (at least in the primary) are Ice/ and Psychic/. Ice/ has two holds, enough -speed and -recharge to floor any targets' attack rate, and a nuke (yes, it's AoE) that when used appropriately is jaw dropping. Psy has a sleep, disorient, knockback, knock up AoE, and all that aforementioned -recharge.
Yeah, ST Blasters shine more on small teams, but I'd go as far as to say the ST sets can be amazing on a smaller team. An Ice/Ice/Elec blaster that knows what it's doing can pin down two bosses at a time easily. They're like Controllers who gave up all the buffs and debuffs for Blizzard.
I would probably put Sonic in a ST category too, even though it was mentioned that it has the average number of AoEs. The problem with it is Shockwave's knockback is huge (see: arguments about Energy Blast for AoEs) and Siren's Song and Screech both do really low damage for the sake of Sleep/Disorient. So anyway, I would shove it into the first set and make it a trio with a lil asterisk. It has a significant debuff and some good mez for mitigation. (Howl, the one I didn't mention, is comprable to Frost Breath IIRC)
Sonic could certainly be played AoE style considering the -res, too, I would say it swings both ways.
I play heroes on Champion.
I play villains on Virtue.
ST Blasters with a good Tanker = easy mode. Target the Tanker and burn down the bad guys quickly and safely. All other scenarios require restraint, planning and a good team. You are just as effective/useful, it just requires more of you.
Alright. Thanks all. I was feeling a little guilty about making a great sonic/em solo blaster and how he wouldn't be as effective on teams, but maybe he'll be just fine. Thanks.
What a good example of using the tools available!
... I would probably put Sonic in a ST category too, even though it was mentioned that it has the average number of AoEs. The problem with it is Shockwave's knockback is huge (see: arguments about Energy Blast for AoEs) and Siren's Song and Screech both do really low damage for the sake of Sleep/Disorient. So anyway, I would shove it into the first set and make it a trio with a lil asterisk. It has a significant debuff and some good mez for mitigation. (Howl, the one I didn't mention, is comprable to Frost Breath IIRC) Sonic could certainly be played AoE style considering the -res, too, I would say it swings both ways. |
Screech is a single target stun.
In any case, Howl by itself makes a Sonic/ worth having on your team. It's quick to fire, has quick recharge, and (IMO) should be slotted for range and recharge so it hits everything in the building and stacks -res.
Add in the ability to -seriously- stack -res on a boss/eb/av with single target blasts, and you've got a very valuable component of any team.
I do not mean to troll here, but I am interested in gathering some opinions.
I used to solo more but now I mostly team. It seems that my AoE blasters, such as fire/, AR/ and Archery/ bring more damage to a team than my single-target blasters such as ice/ and sonic/. Do you think single-target blasters pull their weight on large teams? Why or why not? |
So in terms of team safety and total damage output single-target blasters may be marginally preferable to scrappers. After all, an ice blaster can continuously lock down most bosses in 3.5 seconds, and an Electrical/Electrical blaster can do it in 3.17 seconds, which is faster than most controllers.
On the other hand, the basic question isn't one that I'd think to pose. The real question is whether the character is effective: is it competently built and competently played?
After all, if the mega-AoE blaster is jumping the gun and dying so often that you have to wait around for them to come back from the hospital your DPS is going to much lower than if your single-target blaster is an effective controller and doing the same damage as a scrapper.
Alright. Thanks all. I was feeling a little guilty about making a great sonic/em solo blaster and how he wouldn't be as effective on teams, but maybe he'll be just fine. Thanks.

I really love Sonic Attack... i have a 50 Dark/Sonic defender and had a 34 Sonic/Fire (talk about no ability to solo bosses!), plus a couple other fledgling Sonic/* blasters. Fun stuff, and the blasts colorize nicely

I'm a little late to the conversation...
as mentioned, the spawn isn't over until ALL the enemies are down. Bosses too.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
One thing that cannot be said enough times - a single-target-focused Blaster who's on the ball can put any Scrapper to shame in his sleep. Blasters have absurdly powerful melee attacks (for what they are, anyway) and very high sustained damage output, so if a Blaster isn't afraid to stick his neck out, he can do amazing things. I remember putting a couple of Scrappers to shame on a team by wiping out two bosses by myself by the time the two Scrappers were almost done with the third one. That's with heavy team support, of course. Solo, I'd have been a spot on the wall.
On the other hand, the efficiency of AoEs scales quite sharply with the number of enemies affected, and both endurance/time efficiency and raw damage output outstrip single-target attacks after about four or five enemies, off the top of my head. Situations with HUGE spawns naturally favour AoE-centric Blasters. Situations with few hard targets, like multi-boss spawns, highly favour single-target Blasters, as AoEs are just a waste of resources in this case.
Generally, pick your Blaster, pick your build and play accordingly. If you're Fire/Fire or AR/anything, play for AoE and build for it. If you're energy/Energy or Ice/Ice, play for single target, even if can fudge AoE.
One final note: number of AoEs does not equal AoE power. Radiation Blast, for instance, has three AoEs, but all three together do about as much damage as Fireball + Fire Breath.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
(not sure why you list Sonic as a single attack powerset) |
Sonic Shockwave's knockback is insane, Energy Torrent pales in comparison to it. Using this power all but guarantees the entire spawn is on the other side of the room. It's damage is also pathetic.
Siren's Song also has pathetic damage, because it is a control power. The only reason is even HAS damage is so you can't stack it with itself to sleep Bosses (the damage component breaks the sleep)
That leaves 2 AoEs that are useful on teams, 1 that can be used regularly. Very, very few sonic blasters even TAKE Shockwave, and Siren's Song is usually not used on large teams, because the damage/end ratio sucks, and you can bet the spawn won't stay sleeping long enough for it to be worth using.
On the other hand, Sonic has one of the best single target chains available to any blaster (Shriek-Scream-Shriek-Shout, seamless with moderate recharge)
On those criteria Sonic is a ST-focused set.
Having 4 AoEs doesn't make it an AoE set, not when 2 of them have absolute crap damage in exchange for dubiously useful effects, and 1 kills your end bar every time you use it.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Yes that can. Airhammer is a single target Nrg/Nrg specialist. I hated Explosive Blast and I hated Energy Torrent. I did not like throwing mobs all over the map, not to mention how underwhelming Explosive Blast is as a power IMO.
So Airhammer was built with the ability to do several things. He is a hover fighter. Three slots in hover and in swift allow him to move over a battle field quickly. Secondly he has three damage range HO's in EVERY ranged attack. Combined with Boost Range it give him ridiculous range. Secondly he has all his melee attacks except Stun.
He is a boss killer. It was very common when I played him a lot years ago to hear on teams.. Yo Air.. Boss... It was expected of me to take down the most dangerous foe.. A Boss.. The annoying Avalanche Shaman.. The Malta Sapper.. etc etc.. He also bought very good damage in AV fights.
So YES a single target blaster can be very valuable in teams but a lot of times unfortunately the team doesnt recognize the value.
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
Yes that can. Airhammer is a single target Nrg/Nrg specialist. I hated Explosive Blast and I hated Energy Torrent. I did not like throwing mobs all over the map, not to mention how underwhelming Explosive Blast is as a power IMO.
Which means you must be disappointed with a lot of blasters.
I have a lvl 50 Sonic/Em blaster, I use him for PVP and is built as such. I recently joined a new SG and they like to run BM a lot and so I joined to see if I could pick up some recipes and a little extra coin.
I focused on the boss's(lvl54) and after about 4/5 clicks the boss's go down one after the other. By the time I'm done taking out the the boss's the rest of the team in done with minions and luets and on to the next mob.
I have been a scrapper for about 90% of my time on CoH and while teaming I focus on the boss then move down to minions. I can say I enjoy ST Blapping way more then scrapping and I feel way more effective as long as a Tank or troller can keep the damage of me. Good times
That power is replicated several times over in blaster targeted AOEs..........
Which means you must be disappointed with a lot of blasters. |
Static Discharge
Energy Torrent
Explosive Blast
That's some fun stuff; it isn't hard to control the KB... just slam them against a wall or from the top.
So long as everyone is using the powers they have to the best of their ability to help the team, that's all that's required for my definition of 'pulling your weight.' If your question is really about overall effectiveness against large spawns, well the answer to that seems pretty obvious to me. The more enemies you're facing, the more valuable AoE is.
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
Well, the extremes would be a Blaster that concentrates totally on AoEs and does the maximum damage to the largest amount of foes at once, which can be helpful to a team, and the Blapper that concentrates on his melee attacks as well as his single target attacks to maximize the damage that can be done to a Boss or AV. Either is going to be useful. But there's a lot of room in between to have some AoEs and some melee attacks, and concentrate mainly on your single target damage.
I'd agree with most here that it depends on the player. It seems like single target damage or even close range AoE damage is the domain of the Scrapper, but I don't see why they have to be mutually exclusive. The single target Blaster will draw less aggro simply by virtue of his more concentrated attacks, and as mentioned, he has both Aim and Build Up to spike his damage. He's capable of doing far more damage in a short period of time than the Scrapper. Possibly, he would only be outmatched by that by the Stalker, and the Stalker wouldn't have the potential for ranged AoE.
I can see overlap, but I wouldn't turn anyone down for my team over any other, unless I got to see them in action and concluded they were an idiot and a threat to the rest of the team.
For my Sonic/EM blaster (a 50, fwiw), I had the same concerns as the OP for a while.
Eventually I reconciled that by spamming Howl, and positioning myself for max effect with its cone and taking out the nastiest single targets in a spawn, one by one.
Later, with the epics, you can grab Static Discharge and chain it with Howl, again using ST attacks as needed.
Eventually the concerns I had about being the "ST blaster" went away. Take out the high prioriy targets and that's a great teammate.
Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)
Oddly enough, I just had someone badmouth single-target blasters for the first time last week.
I joined a PUG Positron task force with a hover-blapper. The leader made a comment about single-target blasters, but kept me on the team as filler.
During the Circle of Thorn missions, I kept hovering over the Agony Mages' earthquake and trapping them in knockdown/blap combos. Around half way through the TF, the leader sent me a tell to apologize.
So that's my warm-and-fuzzy story of the day.
The Bacon Compels You.
On my Energy/Energy/Elec, I skipped explosive blast thinking it was pooo, but I did a respec at 44 or so to focus on :
Static Discharge Energy Torrent Explosive Blast That's some fun stuff; it isn't hard to control the KB... just slam them against a wall or from the top. |
Explosive Blast has a really bad name, partially stemming from a time when we didn't have the numbers and so people felt it was lackluster in damage for a level 26 power. The truth is that Blaster powers are not balanced that way, and that particular power is cloned in several sets and it is very consistent in damage with targeted AOE blaster powers (with the notable exception of Fireball).
Rush_Bolt's Guide to Picking Teammates - Blaster Version
Q. Can you kill things?
A. Yes
Congratulations, I want you on my team!
This has been another edition of Rush_Bolt's Guide to Picking Teammates.
So, um... yeah. Anyone who turns down a Blaster because they're "single target instead of AoE" is a dummy.
Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the Repeat Offenders
Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize

Do you think single-target blasters pull their weight on large teams? Why or why not?
I have single target blasters and single target blasters - and mixes of the two, that is to say I operate them as single target, but, if I'm on a team that is good at holding agro, then I'll bust out some AoEs.
You can have plenty of high damage output without AoEs.
Single target Energy blasters can do extremely well and they tend to annoy teams less as the knockback is confined to a single target.
AoEs open you up to a huge amount of agro. If the Tankers on the team do not have Taunt, you open yourself up to taking a lot of damage.
People can argue all they want.
Unless your goal is to mini-max, you can make a character practically any way you want to make it and learn how to use that character effectively as part of a team if you take the time to do so.
Personally, I like to take down targets instead of just wounding them.
AoE's tend to wound a lot of enemies.
Single targeting allows eradication of a single targeted enemy. Sometimes some Lt or boss just needs to get taken out right away, and that's where single target really shines.
I do not mean to troll here, but I am interested in gathering some opinions.
I used to solo more but now I mostly team. It seems that my AoE blasters, such as fire/, AR/ and Archery/ bring more damage to a team than my single-target blasters such as ice/ and sonic/.
Do you think single-target blasters pull their weight on large teams? Why or why not?