How to make money?
Sell salvage/recipes mainly.
The AE is good for getting the exact high selling salvage you need.
What are you guys doing to make cash these days? All of my toons are knee deep in a recession.
Eventually, you'll get enough Merits to purchase the IO Set Recipes you want for yourself. Once you take care of your own toons, use the Merits to buy the most expensive Set Recipes (usually Numina's Convalescent) and craft them and sell them on the market.
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If they're common IOs that sell for more than 500k, craft 'em and sell 'em.
use the Merits to buy the most expensive Set Recipes (usually Numina's Convalescent) and craft them and sell them on the market. |
You will not break even at 500k; crafting fee is 460k and the recipe is anywhere from 80k to 120k. You also spend a market slot and time waiting for the crafted enhancement to sell. Generally, unless you have the recipe memorized (and in that case, why are you not vendoring the recipe?), you will not beat dedicated crafters at common IOs.
Numina's is a poor choice since it costs 250 Merits and only sells for ~70m crafted. LotG 7.5 costs only 200 Merits and sells for nearly 100m crafted. |
It is, but that's why we like you.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
If you're gonna be an encyclopedia of useless knowledge, you might as well flaunt it to those who appreciate that knowledge.
I started a new hero char and got it to lv 22 and I have no $ for enchancements because apparently lv~20 SO sell for 30K+??? THey need to pt in a way to transfer $ in the game I don't want to farm just to be non gimped.
Phase 1: Collect underpants
Phase 2: ?
Phase 3: Profit
I started a new hero char and got it to lv 22 and I have no $ for enchancements because apparently lv~20 SO sell for 30K+??? THey need to pt in a way to transfer $ in the game I don't want to farm just to be non gimped.
If you sell the stuff that drops you should end up with at least a couple million by level 20. I haven't needed a loan for any of my new characters since the Invention system was introduced.
Vendor common IOs, check the market to see what salvage sells for (~30-50k for a Luck Charm for example), if you get lucky and get a Steadfast Res/Def you don't need as a drop, well, there's your several million right there.
And there IS a way to transfer $ in the game....make friends who will help you with it. I find it hard to believe that you've been playing since February and haven't met a single person you trust to not steal your influence.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
How to make money? What are you guys doing to make cash these days? |
Go get a job, you lazy hippie!

Ultimate Damz - illusion/rad controller
Either goes to the shadow shard and farms the large level 50 mobs [even with the bosses they go down VERY quickly and quite easy if you know how to do it]. Good xp and great salvage drops. Tend to be my "lucky area" for that character where i seem to get really lucky with drops
Secondly he likes to do the mender silos taskforce solo, at the speed i do it i can roughly earn 1.2 million influence every 10 minutes without taking into consideration drops [first 4 missions, quit and restart]
Noob Buster - fire/dark scrapper
Via ouroboros i do one of the RWZ arcs in which you can pratically stealth every mission and get 10 merits roughly every 15 - 20 minutes on average
Also my strongest character to bomb through missions quickly.
Lord Lightman - AR/NRG blaster
Took me a while to get this character to the level i wanted it to be but eventually did With capped ranged def now and a good solid all round build, he can now farm the demon map with great ease [by the time they get to melee they're all dead]. Boost range + full auto + buckshot = mob dead. Up every mob too.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Umm, how did you NOT end up with several million influence by level 22?
Unless I just strip all the inf. and enhancements off of them and hand to someone else. Which friends are good for.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
What are you guys doing to make cash these days? All of my toons are knee deep in a recession.
There've been a couple of recent threads with a lot of great information on how to build wealth.
Free tip for today:
the Halloween even will generate a huge surplus of arcane salvage, so buy now, fill up your storage & sell back after its over and things return to 'normal'.
The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.
My City Was Gone
I started a new hero char and got it to lv 22 and I have no $ for enchancements because apparently lv~20 SO sell for 30K+??? THey need to pt in a way to transfer $ in the game I don't want to farm just to be non gimped.
Also, you don't need to pay Inf for SOs. Run an MA arc and buy them with Tickets.
However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator
This^. Pretty quickly you should have enough inf. to IO out your character by the time IOs make sense. Most of mine have enough inf. to yellow-out (and slightly orange) out by the time they hit 50. If I'm interested, then we'll see about actually putting some effort into orange/purpling them out.
Unless I just strip all the inf. and enhancements off of them and hand to someone else. Which friends are good for. ![]() |
I started a few new toons. One was lucky in selling a recipe for 20 mil, another helped someone transfering info and got inf for that (not that I would not have helped without that) the last one has no way enough inf to buy SO's at 22.
Simple fact is. salvage/recipe prices dropped to such a low that it is very hard to earn enough to buy SO's let alone IO's.
I'll pass along the secret of wealth that was given onto me:
"Shake your groove thing, Shake your groove thing"
Before issue 16 and after introduction of IO's, this was not a problem for me. Nowadays however it is.
I started a few new toons. One was lucky in selling a recipe for 20 mil, another helped someone transfering info and got inf for that (not that I would not have helped without that) the last one has no way enough inf to buy SO's at 22. Simple fact is. salvage/recipe prices dropped to such a low that it is very hard to earn enough to buy SO's let alone IO's. |
The funny thing is, late in the AE era when salvage prices were high, there was incessant whining about it. The fact that it was very easy for a lowbie to make cash in those days was never mentioned, and there were a few alarmist prophets of doom going about saying how inflation would kill the game and it was impossible to afford anything.
! M O O O O O O O O O O O O D
D O O O O O O O O O O O O M !
You don't need to know how to work the Market to profit.
Even the simplest of Market use nets enough $Inf to get you fully equiped with good enough enhancements.
Slot whatever recipes and enhancements drop (via normal gameplay) that are usable/desirable.
Vendor the remaining (TO/DO/SO) Enhancements and Common (non-set) Recipes. Put all other Salvage and Recipes on the Market at 200 $Inf.
(That's pretty much a "Sell Now!" price).
This is definately NOT the most optimal Market strategy, but it's the simplest, easiest way and over time, you will have more than enough to be fully equiped with enhancements.
The only way to be broke in this game is to either:
1) Intentionally and deliberately waste money.
2) Be completely team-dependant.
3) Power-level.
(Super-fast methods of XP gain usually don't multiply the profit:time ratio nearly as much as they multiply the XP:Time ratio.)
Recipe and Salvage drops are the primary source of income in this game. I have characters with 300 Million $Inf who have followed my super-simple, less-than-optimal Market strategy above, but have not yet made 10 Million via straight enemy defeats, and the $Inf dropped that way.
That's a 30:1 ratio and not counting that they are slotted out with decent IO sets when I could have settled for Generics.
Everything you do in this game nets $Inf.
Want to get cash fast and easy? Here's what I do:
1) Have a look at the Recipe Level/Divider chart on ParagonWiki's Common Invention Recipes page. If you divide a Common IO's crafting price by the appropriate divider, you get the amount of Influence an NPC vendor will give you for that Recipe.
2) Hit Wentworth's or the Black Market and look at what Common IO recipes are selling for over there. You want to find Recipes with plenty for sale and showing a sell price history well below what an NPC will give you for them. This is easier than it sounds, because people are silly and slap Recipes on the market for whatever amount instead of checking what they're worth. Especially look at Recipes which relatively few people use, like Confuse Duration and Range Increase. You can usually skip Accuracy Recipes.
3) Set up buy orders for as many underpriced Recipes as you have Influence and/or market slots for. Go for it! So long as you're bidding less than an NPC pays, you're good.
4) Go. Play. Have fun. This is the part where you wait, except you're not really waiting, because you don't have to be right there at the Consignment House. Beat up some enemies, enter a costume contest, log off and do something else, whatever!
5) Come back after some time. Sometimes you'll buy a huge stash of Recipes in a matter of minutes, other times you'll have to wait overnight. For this step, I recommend going to a Consignment House very close to an NPC that buys Recipes. Grab as many Recipes as you can carry and sell 'em to said NPC. Repeat until you've sold all the Recipes you just bought. Then, place bids on more Recipes.
This method isn't going to generate massive amounts of money, but it'll easily get you enough to SO out a character, and it takes minimal time and effort. I've got characters in the teens that have generated millions of Influence through this system.
BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.
What are you guys doing to make cash these days? All of my toons are knee deep in a recession.