Mission Architect: 2009 Player Awards! Voting




My vote for the comedy category:
#1 Seeking Men 169114
#2 Vernor von Grun 115174

131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
I changed it at some point in time to allow for one extra weekend of play.

I think I will extend the deadline for voting *only for the multi-part arcs* for one additional week and possibly 1-2 more of the categories that were posted late. Let me know what you think of this.
I would not extend the deadlines and just take what you learned from this year's awards and apply it to next years like by maybe listing the Multi Arcs first and the Shorts last. Extending it now could change results and then anyone that should of won on the original last day of voting might feel shafted. I don't know if the Multi Arcs are that close, but something to consider.



I think that it is best if this weekend will be the last chance for us to vote. Extending the period won't lure many more players to this event. Plus I feel it is nicer when you canaward everybody simultaneously.



My vote for Best Use of Mechanics:

1) Speeding Through Time # 51728 @Geek_Boy
2) The Next War on Drugs #245042 @arachnodragon

Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
I think I will extend the deadline for voting *only for the multi-part arcs* for one additional week and possibly 1-2 more of the categories that were posted late. Let me know what you think of this.
Well, I would bet that of all the posters here I have the absolute least time to play CoH (due to a ton of RL responsibilities) and, I'm going to be able to get votes in on the two parters. So, I think your one extra weekend was plenty of time. Ultimately, it is your decision. However, I just don't want this to end up like a bunch of the five part arcs I have played that easily could have been four but, where padded to five because of the dogma that a serious arc must have five parts.




I'll take you up on that bet.

In any case, I've also managed to run all the multi-arcs (granted, one was mine, so I cheated a little), plus four other categories so far. My nine month old and my wife might both have something to say about that, but I *did* do it.

The SOLUS Foundation - a Liberty and Pinnacle SG

"The Consequences of War" - Arcs # 227331 and 241496



Okay, this'll likely be my last set of votes (unless the contest gets extended into late next week) - won't have game access until next Monday at the earliest.

Best Short Arc:
#1 - Celebrity Kidnapping #1388
#2 - Forget the Rose, send me the thorns #8925

(Another very close vote for me - all five of the arcs had very similar 'scores' in my notes)

With that done, thanks again to Bubbawheat for putting this together. It was a great idea, and a great excuse to play through some very good arcs!

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)



My votes for the best Epic Arcs:

#1 One Million Eyes #71933 @minimalist
#2 The Most Important Thing #266877 @Aisynia

This category gave me some tough opposition. It even made me change the cossie of one toon. Because when you go to medieval Japan you dress accordingly and you don't bring your own guns.



Originally Posted by GrinningSpade View Post
It even made me change the cossie of one toon. Because when you go to medieval Japan you dress accordingly and you don't bring your own guns.
Inspiring someone to make a special costume in order to better fit in with the story is pretty terrific in my book Thanks for playing it!

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"



Ok, I've weighed in on both sides, and decided to stick with Monday the 9th. I've got something else in the works already too. So, we'll see how that goes.



Best Short Arc

1st- Celebrity Kidnapping #1388 @PW
2nd- The Monster Hop #27861 @Big Daddy Vio



I just wanted to give my sincere thanks to Bubbawheat for putting this together - I had not even been aware of its existence, let alone my nomination for one of the categories, until recently. The sudden spike of plays that Cutthroat Competition was getting, along with reviewer responses, left me scratching my head for a while. But it did lead me to running some long-overdue basic maintenance on that arc.

Good luck to all who were nominated. Putting serious effort into crafting fun material for fellow players is always a good thing, and I truly appreciate the feedback that this has generated for my own work.



My vote for best use of mechanics:
#1) The Next War on Drugs #245042
#2) Macguffin Delivery Service #1567

Some things were done in these arcs that I wasn't aware could be done ...
very interesting.

131430 Starfare: First Contact
178774 Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name ( 2009 MA Best In-Canon Arc ) ( 2009 Player Awards - Best Serious Arc )



My votes are as follows:

TO Level:

#1: 15+ Minute Tutorial - Knowledge is Power: Architect Entertainment #28470
#2: Day Job Hell: A Villain's First Day Job #322480

DO Level:

#1: Ctrl+Alt+Reset #137561
#2: The Invasion of the Bikini-Clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space #61013

SO Level:

#1: Teen Phalanx Forever #67335
#2: Polar Emergence Neutral Government User Interface Network (PENGUIN) #29205


#1 A Warrior's Journey: The Flower Knight Task Force #260284
#2 The Fracturing of Time #171031


#1 Forget the Rose, Send Me the Thorns #8925
#2 Celebrity Kidnapping #1388


#1 The Consequences of War Part 1 and Part 2 #227331 and #241496
#2 The Audition Part 1 and Part 2 #221240 and #221241


#1 Captain Dynamic, the Great, Faces the Great Face #190069

Haven't gotten to the rest yet - will update if I can.

Thanks to Bubbawheat for putting this together!

Leave the saving of the world to the men? I don't think so! -Elastigirl

The SOLUS Foundation - http://www.solusfoundation.com
A Liberty-based bastion, seven years strong.



My votes for Best Multi-Part Arc (2+ arcs) are:

First place: The Consequences of War Part 1 #227331 and Part 2 #241496 @Dalghryn
Runner-up: The Audition Part 1 and Part 2 #221240 and #221241



My final votes, for multi-part arcs:

1st: Consequences of War
2nd: The Audition



Votes for Best TO Range:

1st: Mercytown, the one with the fish #6017 @Tangler
2nd: Nuclear in 90: The Fusionette Task Force #58363 @Cavatina

"Mercytown" was light-years ahead of the competition. "Nuclear in 90" got the second-place nod over "15+ Minute Tutorial" because the latter is not a story arc. "Day Job Hell" had issues and "The Marconeville Horror" shouldn't have been nominated in the first place.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Here are my votes for the best multipart arcs.

#1 The Consequences of War Part 1 #227331 and Part 2 #241496 @Dalghryn
This gave me a good ipmpression of the desperation and madness of the Rikti War. I liked it enough to not be upset with the map I absolutely hate. I must admit that I was lucky with the objectives in that one.

#2 The Audition Part 1 #221240 and Part 2 #221241 @MRCaptainMan
Funny arc. Whacky looney tunes humor.

I have to confess that I did not play The Lost Choir #123675, 136959, 141011 @MrSquid. Simply because the arcs contained extreme AV's. And that disqualifies the arc for me. It might be the best story-arc ever but unless those Extreme AV's get downgraded to normal levels I will not know.

But this means that I amj done with the voting. An epic task has ended! But it was worth it, I have enjoyed a lot of the arcs during the voting.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
"The Marconeville Horror" shouldn't have been nominated in the first place.
The funniest thing about this comment to me is I genuinely wonder whether Venture realizes he has insulted the intelligence of pretty much everyone involved in these awards. This is, yet again, another demonstration of why I don't take his reviews seriously and wonder why anyone would trust his judgment as a reviewer on any level. The wisdom of Solomon, indeed!




The last two categories I need to vote in:

Best Multi-Part Arc

The Audition Part 1 #221240 and Part 2 #221241 @MRCaptainMan
The Consequences of War Part 1 #227331 and Part 2 #241496 @Dalghryn

Best use of Mechanics

The Next War on Drugs #245042 @arachnodragon
Macguffin Delivery Service #1567 @Lazarus


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Originally Posted by PoliceWoman View Post
Inspiring someone to make a special costume in order to better fit in with the story is pretty terrific in my book Thanks for playing it!

I was first going to use myself to run this. But a Thug mastermind happily blazing away while agonizing about the wrongness of bringing guns to a medieval zone? that felt to wrong So I used My DB scrapper, let her change into that samurai costume and a katana wakizashi combo and felt right at home.

It was funny though to get a remark from one of the bosses that I looked out of place .

Ps. I did the same with the consequences of war and geared myself up with a partial Vanguard Outfit. Which was fitting because Vanguard did not have much special gear right then.



Originally Posted by GrinningSpade View Post

I was first going to use myself to run this. But a Thug mastermind happily blazing away while agonizing about the wrongness of bringing guns to a medieval zone? that felt to wrong So I used My DB scrapper, let her change into that samurai costume and a katana wakizashi combo and felt right at home.

It was funny though to get a remark from one of the bosses that I looked out of place .
Funnily enough I had the opposite reaction. What's better to solve the gun problem than to use an army of gun wielding thugs I ask?

A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691 <- Dev's Choice'd by Dr. Aeon!
Submit your MA arc for review & my arcs thread



Originally Posted by Jail_Bird View Post
The funniest thing about this comment to me is I genuinely wonder whether Venture realizes he has insulted the intelligence of pretty much everyone involved in these awards. This is, yet again, another demonstration of why I don't take his reviews seriously and wonder why anyone would trust his judgment as a reviewer on any level. The wisdom of Solomon, indeed!

Originally Posted by Jail_Bird View Post
In my opinion they are. I'm a fan of shorter arcs and I can easily name a number of arcs more entertaining than any of the other four entries in this category. Given that yardstick, no award was the obvious choice.
Which do you want to be, the pot or the kettle?

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
"The Marconeville Horror" shouldn't have been nominated in the first place.
Having read your longer review of this arc I understand you had issues with it being too difficult for low level toons, aside from just not liking the admittedly Scooby Doo type plot.

Personally that's the reason I liked it. To beat it you just about have to team at low levels and you also get the satisfaction of being able to come back to the arc later once you get to higher levels if you want to try soloing it. I like this kind of arc cause it has replayability built right into it rather than forcing me to adjust my difficulty slider every time I want more of a challenge.

I know some have said that there shouldn't be an EB/AV in a TO range arc but since the Dev's don't follow that rule why should players? And I don't need to be spoon-fed the knowledge that there's a hidden AV in a mission every single time in a way that destroy any possibility of even a mild surprise.



Originally Posted by Irresponsible View Post
Personally that's the reason I liked it. To beat it you just about have to team at low levels and you also get the satisfaction of being able to come back to the arc later once you get to higher levels if you want to try soloing it. I like this kind of arc cause it has replayability built right into it rather than forcing me to adjust my difficulty slider every time I want more of a challenge.
Anything that forces teaming is bad. The devs admitted as much when they allowed AVs to downgrade to EBs for soloers.

An arc should be playable by characters within the level range to which the arc is set.

I know some have said that there shouldn't be an EB/AV in a TO range arc but since the Dev's don't follow that rule why should players? And I don't need to be spoon fed the knowledge that there's a hidden AV in a mission every single time in a way that destroy any possibility of even a mild surprise.
If we're going to use "the devs do it" as a defense, the devs also "spoil the surprise" by including warnings on AV missions.

By the way, there are no AVs in TO-range dev-created content. Players don't encounter AVs in dev-created content until level 15.

And finally, the devs also create defeat alls on giant maps, "find 20 hostages and 30 blinkies in Oranbega," high-end villainous content that forces players to face AVs with nukes, mezzes, massive damage and tier 9s no matter which contact they choose, and many other examples of poor design decisions. Player architects should be learning from these mistakes, not imitating them.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World