Update the Bases




I have played the game for over two years now and have yet to see any new content added to our bases. My suggestions would be minor details like pool tables, juke boxes, casino table games, darts....some of which could actually be mini-games. A lot time and effort goes into the creation of bases but our actual time in those bases are minimal. My biggest suggestion would be NPC's that could be purchased with prestiege that could actually do things in your base, such as giving missions to your sg members or protecting your base from raids from NPC's....imagine defending your base from an AV, it would be great fun.



Originally Posted by Greythor View Post
My biggest suggestion would be NPC's that could be purchased with prestiege that could actually do things in your base, such as giving missions to your sg members or protecting your base from raids from NPC's...
Agreed. Butler, receptionist, personal assistant, lab scientist, doctor... I would also think that if you could purchase the biggest plots you could have an expanded limit to base storage. Even 3 or 4 more additional storage units would be great, maybe something we have to earn through sg play?

Perhaps even a TF earnable portal to Cimerora?

FWIW, YMMV, IMHO, See dealer for details...

In the immortal words of Socrates, "I drank what?"
-- Real Genius



As much as the idea of having to defend my base from an AV makes me shudder, I can't help but admire the spunk behind the idea.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Originally Posted by Greythor View Post
imagine defending your base from an AV, it would be great fun.
I'm imagining it. Mostly, I'm imagining all our hugely expensive, painstakingly arranged equipment getting broken. It's... well, it's not striking me as great fun, to be honest.



I would imagine leaving your base vulnerable to attack would be something willingly allowed. Then those of us who would rather live in peace can do so. However, there should in that case be a reward or bonus of some form given for taking the risk, for the sake of risk vs. reward.

On that note, it would be interesting if said raid system progressed in tiers. At first, a couple of weak PPD might go investigating your Fortress o' Evil. After awhile, Longbow starts making regular infiltration attempts. Next thing you know, Positron is blowing up your stuff.

As a courtesy, it would also be nice if the raids came with a warning. "Enemy forces have tripped your alarm" or something, to give you enough time to rally the troops and get to the base. It would certainly suck if the base was half trashed by the time anyone got there.

Anyways, I'm always in favor of new base stuff, so I'm unconditionally /signed on adding some more items, especially interactive ones. As for NPCs...I'd set up a custom mob system akin to AE, but replacing Powers with Functions. Instead of scaling the number of Functions by difficulty, scale them by price (IE, if you want more functions on one NPC, you'l have to pay more per month). As for Power/Control costs...Hm...

Maybe have some differant options?

Robot/Golem - High Power cost, low Control cost.
Butler/Servant - Low Power cost, high Control cost.

Since obviously a person doesn't run on electricity/mana, a Power cost makes very little sense. However Control is a far more abstract concept which can be interpreted in whatever way you please. In contrast, a machine or magical construct would require much Power to function, but being of limited, pre-programmed intelligence is fairly simple to control.

In any case, this is just my thoughts on the matter. Overall, I'm always greatly in favor of adding more to the base system, as it seems to be one of the most unloved parts of the game in terms of updates...

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
I'm imagining it. Mostly, I'm imagining all our hugely expensive, painstakingly arranged equipment getting broken. It's... well, it's not striking me as great fun, to be honest.
Heh. True.

That said, there's a "base stuff" thread somewhere, I believe.

My biggest gripe - *give me more stuff (or, blueside, *anything at all*) to do with the SG Computer.* Seriously. Great SG content potential... that does nothing.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Heh. True.

That said, there's a "base stuff" thread somewhere, I believe.

My biggest gripe - *give me more stuff (or, blueside, *anything at all*) to do with the SG Computer.* Seriously. Great SG content potential... that does nothing.
I always thought it would be nice if they turned the Raid Teleport into an AE terminal for bases.



Originally Posted by Greythor View Post
I have played the game for over two years now and have yet to see any new content added to our bases. My suggestions would be minor details like pool tables, juke boxes, casino table games, darts....some of which could actually be mini-games. A lot time and effort goes into the creation of bases but our actual time in those bases are minimal. My biggest suggestion would be NPC's that could be purchased with prestiege that could actually do things in your base, such as giving missions to your sg members or protecting your base from raids from NPC's....imagine defending your base from an AV, it would be great fun.
To OP, congrats on your first post. I'm with you in many ways. My suggestion is that you check out the base construction forum. Your ideas will be welcome (not that they aren't here) and you'll see many others. Also, to tell you the truth, IMHO, the success rate at getting "new stuff" developed for bases (or even some old broken stuff fixed) hasn't been great so far. So we need more people like yourself expressing an interest. If there are enough of us, just maybe... some of it will happen.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.




I share your sentiment, and to be frank, I will be a bit disappointed if we don't get anything base-wise in Going Rogue. I know the devs have been grinding on GR for over a year, so there's a high likelihood something will happen with bases. I don't want to get my hopes up, but I want something good to come out of bases.

Sure, they are nice for storing items, crafting, and transportation, but there have been several threads on the Base Construction boards with suggestions about new functional items, decorative items, etc. Hopefully the devs have been using some of those suggestions as a basis for improvements. If not, I won't help but feel disappointed.



Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
I would imagine leaving your base vulnerable to attack would be something willingly allowed. Then those of us who would rather live in peace can do so. However, there should in that case be a reward or bonus of some form given for taking the risk, for the sake of risk vs. reward.

On that note, it would be interesting if said raid system progressed in tiers. At first, a couple of weak PPD might go investigating your Fortress o' Evil. After awhile, Longbow starts making regular infiltration attempts. Next thing you know, Positron is blowing up your stuff.

As a courtesy, it would also be nice if the raids came with a warning. "Enemy forces have tripped your alarm" or something, to give you enough time to rally the troops and get to the base. It would certainly suck if the base was half trashed by the time anyone got there.

Anyways, I'm always in favor of new base stuff, so I'm unconditionally /signed on adding some more items, especially interactive ones. As for NPCs...I'd set up a custom mob system akin to AE, but replacing Powers with Functions. Instead of scaling the number of Functions by difficulty, scale them by price (IE, if you want more functions on one NPC, you'l have to pay more per month). As for Power/Control costs...Hm...

Maybe have some differant options?

Robot/Golem - High Power cost, low Control cost.
Butler/Servant - Low Power cost, high Control cost.

Since obviously a person doesn't run on electricity/mana, a Power cost makes very little sense. However Control is a far more abstract concept which can be interpreted in whatever way you please. In contrast, a machine or magical construct would require much Power to function, but being of limited, pre-programmed intelligence is fairly simple to control.

In any case, this is just my thoughts on the matter. Overall, I'm always greatly in favor of adding more to the base system, as it seems to be one of the most unloved parts of the game in terms of updates...
To expand on that idea, maybe the "invasion" could actually use something similar to the event invasion code... i.e. the more SG members online, the greater the threat to the base would be.

What be equally (if not more) amazing would be the ability to use the critter creator to have your own, custom faction(s) invade.

<sigh> I'm pipe-dreaming now...
Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post

I share your sentiment, and to be frank, I will be a bit disappointed if we don't get anything base-wise in Going Rogue. I know the devs have been grinding on GR for over a year, so there's a high likelihood something will happen with bases. I don't want to get my hopes up, but I want something good to come out of bases.

Sure, they are nice for storing items, crafting, and transportation, but there have been several threads on the Base Construction boards with suggestions about new functional items, decorative items, etc. Hopefully the devs have been using some of those suggestions as a basis for improvements. If not, I won't help but feel disappointed.
This. A thousand times this. I, like many builders, spend countless hours getting the base to look just so, and then we do... what? If you don't use the base to congregate for "meetings," there's really nothing to do or see outside of crafting, storage and travel.



I think that the invasion should be something that the SG choses to start. That way smaller SGs wont be stuck watching their base get trashed because only one person is online and they are already busy with something else. It could be a good thing to have as an option on the Mission Computer. At least then the computer will have some use blueside.

�Let there be truth, happiness, and waffles�
-Vagabond, Dark Lord & Avatar of Gnarr
The Justiciars



Personally, I'd love an AE Mission Portal and Computer for bases ^^



How about the Rikti? They seem like the logical choice to infiltrate a base:

Using their technology, they randomly scan TP frequencies, hoping to find an unguarded TP pad (your base's) to use as a staging ground to covertly infiltrate the city and set up new strongholds. Fortunately, heroes are on hand to fight them off and send them packing back to the mothership (number/level of Rikti based on heroes currently in the base - similar to starting a mish).

This would all be predecated on the SG allowing raids, of course. Some of us just want to relax and read a book, for a change.



I'm hoping issue 17 is a new base editor with WAY more options than we currently have.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



You do realize that when enemies can enter the base (and i like that idea), then every base would be subject to the old 'clear path' rule. Rendering most base build nowadays invalid. Of course you could make opening the base for invasions an optional thing.



Originally Posted by GrinningSpade View Post
You do realize that when enemies can enter the base (and i like that idea), then every base would be subject to the old 'clear path' rule. Rendering most base build nowadays invalid. Of course you could make opening the base for invasions an optional thing.
I've been thinking about this. Here's an idea I had, where I profess no knowledge of how hard this would be to do.

New base PVP

1. Server makes a copy of the base to be invaded.
2. All items are flagged as destructible, with values similar to Mayhem destructibles. Storage items are only copies of the real ones, so no losses.
3. Blow it all up.
4. After battle, return to old ('repaired') base.

If everything is destructible, pathing doesn't matter. No 'TP Jails'. No blocking off the energy room. And it would be so so so so fun to blow all of this...


Check... and Mate (poster) - Arc ID# 15095 (comments)
Invasion on Earth BX1132! (poster 1) - (poster 2) - Arc ID# 98943 (comments)
Global @ARH



Hehe, yes that would be a nice idea indeed. I still see a lot of problems trying to make it into something that works without becoming a lag fest or bases rapidly being demolished by aoe attacks. But I am sure that it would be tremendous fun.



I always thought it would be cool if a spawn showed up in a SG base everyday that there were not at least five SG members logged in. There would have to be a limit to how many filled the base, but you could potentially come back from a six month absence and have to fight to regain control of your base. It always seemed fitting to have a challenge for heroes to face on their return to the game/base. Just throwing it out there.



I'd just be happy to have bases that included LABELED maps. I can't tell you how many times I have taken a toon out of a SG or VG because their base was absolutely horrible.

"Look! We have enough prestige to build a maze of a base, with 28 rooms, a layout that makes not even an iota of sense, and more useless rooms than you can shake a stick at! Gee, doesn't everyone want a "pool" in their base?"

I wouldn't care about the pointless rooms and the maze of an interior if the base maps could have labels added. "Transporter Room." "Medical Bay." "Storage." "Meeting Room." "Pool."

Please, help those of us who can't stand spending 30 minutes wandering around a crappy base just to find an area transporter. Let the groups label their rooms!



Originally Posted by AngryRedHerring View Post
I've been thinking about this. Here's an idea I had, where I profess no knowledge of how hard this would be to do.

New base PVP

1. Server makes a copy of the base to be invaded.
2. All items are flagged as destructible, with values similar to Mayhem destructibles. Storage items are only copies of the real ones, so no losses.
3. Blow it all up.
4. After battle, return to old ('repaired') base.

If everything is destructible, pathing doesn't matter. No 'TP Jails'. No blocking off the energy room. And it would be so so so so fun to blow all of this...


We have a winner.

First off, though, they need to make bases a HELL of a lot more stable.
Lag when you have a lot of items all in one place is...killer. Putting it lightly.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.