How To Distinguish Ourselves?




City of Heroes is a wonderful MMO; the best out there, in my opinion. It's got it's bugs and different things that need to be worked out here and there, but it's definitely my best pick of the litter.

When Champions Online came out (this isn't a comparison thread!) I bought it with high hopes to find that it just wasn't what I wanted... Not in the least. It was as is someone had taken a turd, polished it, and put glitter dust all over it; it just wasn't what I was looking for in many ways.

But now, every last person that hasn't intimately played both CoX and CO is adamantly stating that it's just 'CoX2'. At first, it was something to laugh at, and now it's just something that's downright annoying.
I can easily see how one would confuse the two, however; both have an iconic Hero and Villain, along with the Hero/Villain Groups, both are centered around metropolitan cities, and they... Both deal with Superheroes. While this is all well and good, it leaves me with the question of 'just HOW do we distinguish ourselves as something other than the precursor to the game with polished graphics and more bloom than a rosebush in spring?

To me, it strikes me as Villains, and Going Rogue being what can make the distinguishing factor; we have something that can border on a monopoly of Villains. Champions doesn't have them, Marvel has not mentioned anything... and is DC Universe still in production?

Of course, that's just a small idea, but really, should City of Heroes be concerned with distinguishing ourselves, or should we simply rely on Going Rogue to be THE factor that separates us from everyone else? Is it even an issue? I'm looking forward to the feedback.



I don't think it's an issue to worry about. CHV will always distinguish itself by being the first one.

Time will tell if it remains the only worthwhile one.

Be well, people of CoH.



I'm content to leave such matters to the professionals.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
I'm content to leave such matters to the professionals.
Yes, but do you see it as concern, Cap? Do you think that Paragon Studios is sweating over being perceived as CO 0.5, or do you think that it's something we shouldn't look twice at?



Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
and is DC Universe still in production?
Yes, and you can play a villain.

Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
Yes, but do you see it as concern, Cap? Do you think that Paragon Studios is sweating over being perceived as CO 0.5, or do you think that it's something we shouldn't look twice at?
No. No. Yes. Respectively.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Let me first state that I am a loyal player and feel COX is the best MMO of its type. That being said, I hope the developers are concerned about distinguishing themselves and that feel the heat from the competition. I feel the competition will ultimately bring on new ideas and improvements that no one has thought of before. We as the gaming community will benefit. Even though I hope COX will win this battle, I think it is one that is healthy and necessary.



Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
Yes, but do you see it as concern, Cap? Do you think that Paragon Studios is sweating over being perceived as CO 0.5, or do you think that it's something we shouldn't look twice at?
I'm not sure whether the guys at Paragon are sweating it - I'd rather they didn't, since I personally think their energies should be focused entirely on the job at hand, namely making City of Heroes the best game they can make it, without fear or favor. Unrealistically idealistic, I suspect, but that's the way I've always felt about products in a competitive market - that the people developing the product shouldn't think about the competition, but only about the absolute quality of their own work. Let the marketing people worry about the competition.

That said, I do expect NCsoft to keep an eye on what's going on in the market at large. That's a tightrope act, though. I don't particularly like the idea of marketing dictating what the game is. To me - and again, I accept that this may be unworkably pollyanna of me, but I can't help how I feel - their job is to draw attention to the fact that the developers are doing their aforementioned best, not try to control what they're doing.

So, yeah. In a perfect world, the developers make the best game they can and the publisher makes sure people know it's the best, and then nature takes its course and all is well. Here in the real world, it's probably a lot messier than that, but on both sides of that coin it's a business I don't really know anything about. I could come up with suggestions to marketing until the cows come home - how about "free stuff if you switch" offers, like the satellite TV providers do? - but they'd be based on what are essentially just guesses as to how these things work, which I submit is not the best foundation.



I just wanted to step in to say...


That is all.

(Full Disclosure: My primary project this weekend is to level up my now level 35 villain to 50 to unlock VEATS)



I'd say that the key point of difference NCSoft/Paragon Studios is marketing Co* on at the moment is the Mission Architect. It's unique to the Superhero MMO niche, yes? Maybe to the whole MMO genre, yes? It was the subject of the latest boxed release, yes?

I think that the MA system is the primary marketing / unique point of difference feature that NCSoft are pushing. I think they've chosen right.

There is also of course Going Rogue, another box set, massive expansion, and new feature. Do other Superhero MMO's let you go from being a hero to villain, or back again?

I don't think the OP has anything to be concerned about, Ross and the Marketing Team know how to spin. There are numerous articles on popular gaming sites with the developers about the latest in the game, contests, conventions...the list goes on.

I'm confident the game's in good hands. Can't say I'm so sure about the competition.

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Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
Yes, but do you see it as concern, Cap? Do you think that Paragon Studios is sweating over being perceived as CO 0.5, or do you think that it's something we shouldn't look twice at?
Feel free to worry and fret about it.
I'm not concerned about it and I don't care if Paragon Studios is 'sweating' over it.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Isn't CoX already distinguished?

If the newer superhero MMO's are being compared to CoX, doesn't that indicate that the dev team has set the standard that must be met or surpassed for the others to be considered a success?

Since CO is being referred to as "CoX2", it seems to me that they didn't meet or exceed that standard enough to step out from the shadow of CoX. Are other fantasy MMO's often referred to as "WOW2" or "UO2"? Are other sci-fi MMO's referred to as "SWG2" or "EVE2"? I haven't heard so (but I don't know everything!).

I am your tax dollars at work.

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I thought we distinguished ourselves by not looking like we were made out of play dough.



Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
It was as is someone had taken a turd, polished it, and put glitter dust all over it.
HAHAH best description of the game todate



Here is my speculation. I think the developers were a little worried at first upon hearing all the features being implemented in CO, but I bet as soon as they played the game it dawned on them, CoX was not in any danger.

Honestly, I bet the Devs are a bit pleased with having CO on the market. It gives them another source of finding new features, player likes/dislikes, etc.



If villains are going to be the distinguishing feature, you'd be better served by not having most of the content be "Invade this other villain group's hideout and beat up their leader and 'steal' the same treasure you'd be 'saving' as a hero".

Oh, and wandering citizens shouldn't smart-mouth me ("My, you're looking villainous tonight") as they walk by. Or at least let me hit 'em with my axe when they get sassy

I've only played up to 20 in CoV so far so maybe there's awesome villainous content ahead. If so, it shouldn't take 20 levels to start reaching it.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
If villains are going to be the distinguishing feature, you'd be better served by not having most of the content be "Invade this other villain group's hideout and beat up their leader and 'steal' the same treasure you'd be 'saving' as a hero".

Oh, and wandering citizens shouldn't smart-mouth me ("My, you're looking villainous tonight") as they walk by. Or at least let me hit 'em with my axe when they get sassy

I've only played up to 20 in CoV so far so maybe there's awesome villainous content ahead. If so, it shouldn't take 20 levels to start reaching it.
To some extent the red side content does get better, but it still all boils down to your character being shoehorned into some megalomaniac's organization and falling into subservience under one of the "patrons." (Though if you follow the patron arcs, you get to the point where you are no longer their lackey.)

I think that was the real problem with the villain content, along with the issues you mentioned above. Are there some really good red side contacts? Absolutely. Westin Phipps is awesome. The crazy evil scientist dude (can't think of his name currently...not enough coffee yet) is awesome. Television is...odd...but awesome. Johnny Sonata is pretty cool.

On the other hand, a few of the very worst contacts in the game are still in front of you. Kelly Uqua's arc is hands down the worst. ("Go find this spy that's out there somewhere even though it's blatantly obvious that I'm the spy and I'm covering my tracks while playing you for a sap." Mama Defenestrator didn't raise no fool.) Hardcase is a big party pooper, too.

Back on hand to the original topic, this game is five years old and probably needs some updating and polishing to keep up with the times. I also really wish they could retool some of the old content (i.e. get rid of all the "go to this hazard zone and defeat a bunch of guys" missions as they're completely outdated and outgrown by the game).

I also don't believe that CO is "CoX 2.0." The game is entirely a different species and, frankly, not very good. I'd even wager that there are currently more people working on CoX than there are on CO (if Cryptic's history is any indication, most of their staff are already off working on STO).

Any super hero game that comes out is ultimately going to be compared to CoX since they were here first. I'd say that these new games are the ones that need to distinguish themselves from CoX in some way. THEY need to innovate and bring something new to the table that would make me want to try them and leave behind over 5 years of gaming.

Arc# 92382 -- "The S.P.I.D.E.R. and the Tyrant" -- Ninjas! Robots! Praetorians! It's totally epic! Play it now!

Arc # 316340 -- "Husk" -- Azuria loses something, a young woman harbors a dark secret, and the fate of the world is in your hands.



Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
But now, every last person that hasn't intimately played both CoX and CO is adamantly stating that it's just 'CoX2'. At first, it was something to laugh at, and now it's just something that's downright annoying.
I always have to laugh when people say this, and that's coming from long-time City of Heroes players sometimes. Champions Online, from what I've seen, isn't anything like City of Heroes 2. It's more like City of Heroes 2/3 to 3/4. I came into the game expecting it to blow my mind with its greatness, being a newer game and all, and give me a really, really hard choice as to whether I want to stay with City of Heroes where my nostalgia is, or whether I want to be with the better game. When I found Champions Online lacking pretty much half the things I expected it to have and being literally YEARS behind City of Heroes, not to mention an unashamed WoW clone, I've found it hard to understand where that stupid notion of CoH 2 is coming from.

City of Heroes has always distinguished itself as being different and being its own game made to its own standard. Even when the game has copied concepts from other games, it has done so in its own unique way. These days, I can literally list through MMOs and go "Like Everquest. Like Lineage. Like WoW. Like Everquest. Oh, wait, that IS WoW! Like WoW." and so on and so forth. They're all the same game, but with a different paintjob and with a smooth-talking sailsman trying to convince you that it's unbelievable how it is not yoghurt! Champions Onlike, for all of Jack's boasting, is no different.

I don't like everything City of Heroes does. Some things other games do better, and some things are just downright broken. But even so, City of Heroes distinguishes itself by being its own game with more than a little bit of imagination. In my book, that counts for a LOT.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Star_Engine View Post
Are other sci-fi MMO's referred to as "SWG2" or "EVE2"?
People sometimes think they're playing EVE 2, but then they remember that they're just using TurboTax.




Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
If villains are going to be the distinguishing feature, you'd be better served by not having most of the content be "Invade this other villain group's hideout and beat up their leader and 'steal' the same treasure you'd be 'saving' as a hero".

Oh, and wandering citizens shouldn't smart-mouth me ("My, you're looking villainous tonight") as they walk by. Or at least let me hit 'em with my axe when they get sassy

I've only played up to 20 in CoV so far so maybe there's awesome villainous content ahead. If so, it shouldn't take 20 levels to start reaching it.
The CoV content is generally easier to take if your villain is a mercenary (lucky for me most of mine are). For more villainous stuff do: Doc Buzzsaw (you get to collect body parts, mostly from living people), Crimson Revenant (a hero hunter), Psimon Omega (you get a void rifle to use on a warshade), Johnny Sonata (that arc ends...well), Phipps (its pure evil), Von Grun (silly villainy, but villainy nonetheless).

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I think the OP has a valid concern. CoX is a niche game; fantasy and, secondly, sci-fi MMORPGs are the more visible games and genres. A lot of the MMORPG player base has not even tried our game here, much less played for any length of time. They see a new (OOOOOO Shiney!!) CO game that came out, has the same developer name as ours (Cryptic), and people being dumb and gullible as they are, immediately assume that it is the successor to us. And because it is new, it just HAS to be better, right?

Uninformed perception is one of humanities worst failings, IMO. People will often take the path of least resistance in whatever they do, if it involves less of our time or trouble. Don't believe me? Just read through the forums here, especially a thread that is more than a couple of pages long. You will inevitably see somebody commenting or replying that admits they haven't read all the previous posts, but are more than willing to add their two cents on the topic.

My point (after a lot of rambling): the general gaming populace will NOT (again, my opinion) take the time to research or try out both games for a decent amount of time to determine which is the turd and which is the gem. Most will opt for the new "shiney" that is perceived to be a sequel that HAS to be better than the original. Now I'm not talking about old customers that played CoX before, but brand new customers, people that we need to be bringing here. The Architect edition helped with that, but I think NCSoft had better come up with a good plan to place it foremost in the face of every new potential MMORPG player that is in the market for a new game to play. Our dev team is one of the best out there, but if the general gaming populace is unaware of our virtues and "win", we will continue to struggle and lose new potential customers to those other games.



Last night I jumped on CoH for my SG-night activities, we meet once a week on Thursday nights, and after that played a bit of CO with my buddy. Both games are excellent in my opinion, despite their flaws, and provide me with a good "diet" of Superhero co-op/MMO playtime. Both games are already distinguished as they are, providing different gameplay styles, and different concepts despite their similarities.

If the question is, what should Paragon Studios do to make CoH/V interesting and relevant in a world where more Superhero MMO's exist. The answer is very easy actually. Just keep providing the best narration you can, from your point of view of the Superhero experience.

As an example, consider that both CoH/V and CO provide user-created content. CoH/V does this with AE, and CO does this with the Nemesis system. In all honesty, at first, I thought that the AE was superior to what CO would offer with the Nemesis system. However I recently changed my mind and delightedly (although grudgingly) gave points to CO because their Nemesis system has direction that to me feels better than AE.

What could CoH/V do with AE to make it surpass CO's Nemesis system? Very simply, provide more tools for catering for mission-content rather than pure and simple mission-combat, and also increase the immersion factor by integrating AE missions and story-arcs in the "normal" game environment.

Numerous examples exist for this, so both games are already distinguishing themselves by developing original concepts that may stem from the same ideas.

Disclaimer: This post is naturally my personal opinion. It may be contradicting to other people's opinions, including the Mods who may decide to delete/lock/ban or whatever. Just keep in mind that compare/contrast threads can teach us a lot about what players are looking for as long as the posts are done constructively.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

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Originally Posted by Partsman View Post
They see a new (OOOOOO Shiney!!) CO game that came out, has the same developer name as ours (Cryptic), and people being dumb and gullible as they are, immediately assume that it is the successor to us. And because it is new, it just HAS to be better, right?
I would think that anyone with sufficient knowledge to know who DEVELOPED each game isn't going to make this error.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
I would think that anyone with sufficient knowledge to know who DEVELOPED each game isn't going to make this error.
You're joking, right?

Read this thread, then read all 9+ pages at the MMORPG site that this thread links to. You will see supposedly knowledgeable players making that same mistaken assumption that CO is just CoX2. With new players coming into this industry with no knowledge whatsoever, except for what their "informed" friends "know" and tell them, then that group to which you refer to is probably very small.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Originally Posted by Partsman View Post
They see a new (OOOOOO Shiney!!) CO game that came out, has the same developer name as ours (Cryptic), and people being dumb and gullible as they are, immediately assume that it is the successor to us. And because it is new, it just HAS to be better, right?
I would think that anyone with sufficient knowledge to know who DEVELOPED each game isn't going to make this error.
I think the folly lies with actually trying to claim one game is actually better than the other, especially when we're talking about games that essentially are designed to be fun. A more accurate question would perhaps be: Which game is more fun? and since that is completely subjective, the whole "this game's better" notion doesn't really hold water because if we were to judge "better" by the one criteria most important to publishers, i.e. subscriptions = money; the best game on the planet is WoW, but most of us wouldn't even be posting on this board if we thought WoW was actually more fun than CoH/V would we?

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
I think the folly lies with actually trying to claim one game is actually better than the other, especially when we're talking about games that essentially are designed to be fun. A more accurate question would perhaps be: Which game is more fun? and since that is completely subjective, the whole "this game's better" notion doesn't really hold water because if we were to judge "better" by the one criteria most important to publishers, i.e. subscriptions = money; the best game on the planet is WoW, but most of us wouldn't even be posting on this board if we thought WoW was actually more fun than CoH/V would we?
I agree with you that fun should be the deciding factor when playing a game. I know I sure wouldn't be playing a game that exactly mimics my everyday workday!

But my point is this: Uninformed buyers, impulse buyers, gift buyers will be more likely to purchase or try out CO if it is perceived that that game is a sequel to ours, and not just a new competition. And if they don't like it, and are still under that assumption, what reason will they have to try out our older, less-advanced prequel to CO? They will shy away from it.

I've seen this happen myself in the aisles of Best Buy, Wally-world, etc. I cringe every time that it happens, but I will not fool myself into disbelieving it. Consumers, for the most part, are being led by the nose-ring like cattle, to the products that are labeled "NEW!! IMPROVED!!" I believe that NCSoft's marketing has got to do something visible to distance itself from CO in order for us to be able to draw in newer customers.