November 27 2009




They'll allow Europeans access to the U.S. servers?

I am your tax dollars at work.

Just when you think you've made something id10t proof, they make a better id10t. - Jade_Dragon



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
Not if I have anything to say about it... *grins*

Now, you know, when she gets THAT tone of voice, you know she's got something GOOOOOD planned.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Originally Posted by SwellGuy
I may be reading this wrong but it seems to me closed beta starts on October 24 for the Hero Con attendees who sign the NDA.
I doubt it. The loyalty program doesn't even end until November 10.
The start of closed beta does not have to wait until after the loyalty program subscription period ends.

The subscription period is for the 2nd tier of closed beta. 60 month vets can be let in before then as they qualify for tier 1 CB regardlesss of their participation in the Autumn '09 loyalty program.

Having said that, I suspect that SG is 'reading it wrong', just not for the reason that you state.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
Good find by the OP

I have to say if the Dev's do miss this then they will have missed a trick.
You mean there's been a time when the devs HAVEN'T missed a trick?

The 5 year anniversary springs to mind, there...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
You know, the very 1st cape mission I ran I actually tried to open the capsule! My curiosty was greater than my need for a cape.

I'm curious though, if they do open it will the cape mission be altered?
It would be nice if they made a real game changing event out of it, but I expect what we'll get is an article posted on the website which says something like this: "We opened the capsule. It had pretty much all the stuff in it that we remembered putting there just a few years ago. We chucked in a couple more items just for the heck of it and then sealed it up again. It was a very moving ceremony. The end. PS We're not opening it again for 100 years."

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
You know, the very 1st cape mission I ran I actually tried to open the capsule! My curiosty was greater than my need for a cape.

I'm curious though, if they do open it will the cape mission be altered?
And what about the Dr. Kahn TF and the Barracuda SF?

And yes, it's time to remove the Cape mission entirely and just make them available at level 1.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



<Edna Mode>
No capes!
</Edna Mode>

Sorry, couldn't resist.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Semi-unrelated, but is it confirmed you'll definitely get into GR Closed Beta if you're a 5-year vet/been part of the Loyalty program/preordered GR, or do you merely get the CHANCE of getting into the Closed Beta?

I tend to overlook fine-print, so I don't wanna get my hopes up just because I was part of the Loyalty program.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
I may be reading this wrong but it seems to me closed beta starts on October 24 for the Hero Con attendees who sign the NDA.
I don't know how you're reading it that way. The announcement makes no mention of when the closed beta will start, merely that attendees will be signing their NDAs there. Those of us who aren't attending Hero-Con and will get in via veteran status or the loyalty program (as well as anyone who is randomly picked -- they could be doing that as well) will (probably) have to electronically sign NDAs the way we did for the CoV closed beta.

The GR closed beta *could* start at any time, of course. I just don't see how you're getting anything about the start date from that announcement.



Originally Posted by Hellguard View Post
The GR closed beta *could* start at any time, of course. I just don't see how you're getting anything about the start date from that announcement.
I suspect they'll want to test the winter holiday event before they tie up the test server with the closed (and then open) beta, given that they don't know for a fact that GR will go live before the winter event needs to.



Originally Posted by Mindscythe View Post
I suspect they'll want to test the winter holiday event before they tie up the test server with the closed (and then open) beta, given that they don't know for a fact that GR will go live before the winter event needs to.
If memory serves, with the CoV closed beta the "regular" test server was still available; CoV was done on different servers from the normal test server. I remember having to do some weird stuff with the test client to be able to log on to the CoV beta server.

At any rate, I'd say the winter event will definitely go live before Going Rogue. Have they even hinted that there's a chance of GR coming out this year? As big as GR will undoubtedly be, and given the usual times for closed (and then open) beta of regular issues, I just don't see how there's nearly enough time for it to be pushed live by the end of the year, even if the GR closed beta started today.



Originally Posted by Hellguard View Post
If memory serves, with the CoV closed beta the "regular" test server was still available; CoV was done on different servers from the normal test server. I remember having to do some weird stuff with the test client to be able to log on to the CoV beta server.
Yeah, I vaguely remember that...

At any rate, I'd say the winter event will definitely go live before Going Rogue. Have they even hinted that there's a chance of GR coming out this year? As big as GR will undoubtedly be, and given the usual times for closed (and then open) beta of regular issues, I just don't see how there's nearly enough time for it to be pushed live by the end of the year, even if the GR closed beta started today.
If they would have started closed beta this month, it could have come out in time for the holidays. However, I doubt that will happen, and launching a game right before the holiday season would be troublesome at best, given the bugs that can pop up, and given the amount of Support that can pop up for even the most trivial things (including computer illiterates trying to install the game). No, it will probably go gold in Jan. or Feb., assuming that we start beta testing in Nov.



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
You know, the very 1st cape mission I ran I actually tried to open the capsule! My curiosty was greater than my need for a cape.

I'm curious though, if they do open it will the cape mission be altered?
I don't know when they did this or if it was intentional, but I just ran the cape mission today and the Time Capsule is making a different sound now. Instead of the regular "glowie" sound, it's kind of a low-pitched mechanical pulsing noise. A little freaky actually.



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
Semi-unrelated, but is it confirmed you'll definitely get into GR Closed Beta if you're a 5-year vet/been part of the Loyalty program/preordered GR, or do you merely get the CHANCE of getting into the Closed Beta?

I tend to overlook fine-print, so I don't wanna get my hopes up just because I was part of the Loyalty program.
As to the pre-order ... I checked my preferred Gamestop this past Friday ... there isn't even a sniff of being able to pre-order Going Rogue. Which makes me wonder if even the closed Beta will be coming all that soon.




Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
Unless you're like me and work in a toy store. I'm gonna be busy as all hell that day...Black Friday sucks...
heh, one good thing about when i worked grocery. after being beaten like roman galley slaves for the first half of the week, we tended to get a light friday and saturday (who needs food after thanksgiving?)



Originally Posted by MTS__ View Post
I don't know when they did this or if it was intentional, but I just ran the cape mission today and the Time Capsule is making a different sound now. Instead of the regular "glowie" sound, it's kind of a low-pitched mechanical pulsing noise. A little freaky actually.
i've noticed that most destructible objects make that noise now. Regular clickies still make the old noise.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



How do they do such a HUGE test on the test server. This is being sold as a box and is most likely full to the brim with content. Excuse me if Im wrong but wouldnt that be a HUGE patch for test?

EDIT: I may have been a bit vague. Referring to GR



Originally Posted by Shadowclone View Post
How do they do such a HUGE test on the test server. This is being sold as a box and is most likely full to the brim with content. Excuse me if Im wrong but wouldnt that be a HUGE patch for test?

EDIT: I may have been a bit vague. Referring to GR
Like I said in my post earlier in the thread, the bulk of the closed beta will probably be done on a separate server from the Test Server, like CoV. However, CoV's closed beta was back before they started closing off access to the Test Server for regular issue testing (they didn't start doing that until Issue 9), so maybe with GR they'll just use the regular Test Server.

I'm not sure what the size of the content patch has to do with what server they decide to test it on. It's going to eventually be on the regular Test Server anyway, regardless of where they do the closed beta testing...



Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
An invasion of Rikti mutated killer turkeys?
"As God is my witness, I thought Rikti could fly!"



Originally Posted by Shadowclone View Post
How do they do such a HUGE test on the test server. This is being sold as a box and is most likely full to the brim with content. Excuse me if Im wrong but wouldnt that be a HUGE patch for test?
It will be very similar to CoV, I think - that must have been a huge patch to download and test.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It will be very similar to CoV, I think - that must have been a huge patch to download and test.
It was indeed.
But worth it none the less!

And should I get entrance now, it will be a lot nicer to download as my quality of connection has multiplied by close to 40 since then

Once they start moving to regular test though, I don't think it will be long before the downloads-on-close start happening as well on live servers (first for things like textures and such, later on the rest of the goodies).