Truelly sorry to all...

Bright Shadow



This may be the most pointless thread any of you have ever read. But I started this new thread to apologize. Apologize for my 'misuse' of colors in the font. I am not going to lie, I am VERY new to this. Before I just played the game for fun, then I discovered this forum site. It intrigued me to know that I could post so many things on here, for instance...the AE thread. But I obvisiously didn't know is how critical everyone is on here. I don't mean how critical people are with the thread titles or the idea of it, I mean how critical people are of color fonts and how i use my grammer, yadda yadda yadda...But since everyone here has been so kind as to point out my faults, let me point one out to you, when you know someone is newer on here, instead of being so mean about things, just give them a heads up and tell them politely, instead of, well, basically starting an arguement! I really don't expect any responses, and if I get a few, kool beans. I just wanted to tell everyone that happens to read this, that I am sorry for the colors of the font and my 'attitude'. Hopefully, in the future, I will get better at this!!



Some folks just don't seem to be able to be polite when discussing things in an anonymous format.

Heroes : Angrem (50 Stone tank), Exo Inferis (50 Fire blaster), Exo Proteus (50 ill/emp), IceVengance (50 cold defender)
Villains : AtomBomb (50 Rad/Kin corruptor), Aleks (50 SS/Inv brute), StoneLethal (50 EM/Stone brute), Davroz (50 Bots/Dark mastermind)



Thank you



Not just on forums, the U.S. itself seems to be more rude as of late.

The topic came up the other night, I theorized that humanity is actually connected by an energy field that vibrates at a certain frequency.
When this energy field is charged with positive ions the majority of us are in good moods, willing to lets things go, etc. However, when this energy field is charged with negative ions we all seem to be more irritable and quick to lash out.
Those of us who are normally happy-go-lucky simply become apathetic when this happens.

It would seem that we're in a -ion phase atm.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



HA! I totally get it! Its really hard to admit when your wrong, but I was wrong and got on a lot of peoples nerves and bad side and I definitly don't want that!



First off, I have a feeling this post was aimed at my head like a shoe sailing towards a certain ex-president. I myself am an incredibly abrasive and rude person. I don't sweeten words and often do everything I can to put as much venom in each letter as possible. So for what it's worth, sorry if I hurt your feelings. I still meant every word.

That said, I have a tendency to hate 95% of all people I meet. Don't take it too hard; I'm a total jerk. I could have put all it a lot better. I'm not REALLY apologizing for it, but I'm trying to explain it so it might lessen the impact it apparently had.

You kind of jumped into the middle of an already heated point of disagreement for a lot of people, so that's where most of your aggro came from. Don't worry; people have the attention span of gnats around here. We don't hold grudges (usually).



Originally Posted by Tir_McDohl View Post
You kind of jumped into the middle of an already heated point of disagreement for a lot of people, so that's where most of your aggro came from.
Yup. Both the thread about Architect Entertainment and the one about 'definition' of RP were pointed towards two very controversial, extensively debated topics.

When people (me included) see a thread title that implies it is about a touchy debate, we step into the thread with full body armor, flame throwers, dynamites, and popcorns.

Now, when you step into a thread with full body armor, flame throwers, dynamites, and (last but definitely not the least!) popcorn, and the first thing you see is a poorly formatted text that is clawing at your eyeballs, your finger gets twitchy on the flame thrower, you start fiddling with the fuse on the dynamite, you toss away the bucket of popcorn, and you adjust your body armor in response, before your post is even read; and that, my friend, is what we call terrible first impression!

That is why people were so 'critical' and 'rude'.

Yes, internet is a cruel, stupid, and hilarious world. xD

Personally, I did not take into consideration that you may be new. And I apologize for that if I came out as offensive.



I accept your apology. We overreacted, I guess. We aren't too used to people using lots of colors. *is saddened a bit*



Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post
Personally, I did not take into consideration that you may be new. And I apologize for that if I came out as offensive.
Wish I could claim that. I totally knew that person was new. I'm a jerk like that. It's how I roll. I'm the type of person who scares small children for fun. I may be somewhat sociopathic now that I think about it.

I uh, also drink. A lot.



F**k ya'll, i ain't rude! JERKS!



The crazy thing is, with this new I16 crazy colorization of powers thing, I don't see how the color of your fonts are a big deal ya know. I never really did understand why people hated multi-colored fonts. To me it is a peek into your true personality. Colorful, creative, maybe meticulous, but nothing bad. It's self expression.

The internet can be cruel on self expression, because when you aren't face to face with a person then you have to be what the majority wants you to be or else prepared to get flamed! I've been kicked out of two forums over the passed year for being myself. I AM NOT GETTING BANNED FROM COH. LOL! I was on a sports car forum...banned. Just because I had a funny opinion about certain sized people riding in certain sized cars. No lie.

Yeah, over the past 2 years I have seen the ugly face of forums. Sometime you just have to go with the flow or have leather skin for this.



Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
But I obvisiously didn't know is how critical everyone is on here. I don't mean how critical people are with the thread titles or the idea of it, I mean how critical people are of color fonts and how i use my grammer, yadda yadda yadda...
I haven't seen the original post(s) this thread refers to, so I don't know how annoying the colors or the grammar were, but your grammar in this thread looks OK to me. What I can't abide is people who write things like:

"Y is AE been nerf sence that was the only gr8 part of dis game!"

New or not, if someone can't even express themself on an 8th grade level, they shouldn't be wasting time playing videogames.

Anyway, welcome to a fellow western Pennsylvanian! I hope yunz have fun in dahntahn Paragon City n' at. Go Stillers!

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
I haven't seen the original post(s) this thread refers to, so I don't know how annoying the colors or the grammar were, but your grammar in this thread looks OK to me. What I can't abide is people who write things like:

"Y is AE been nerf sence that was the only gr8 part of dis game!"

New or not, if someone can't even express themself on an 8th grade level, they shouldn't be wasting time playing videogames.

Anyway, welcome to a fellow western Pennsylvanian! I hope yunz have fun in dahntahn Paragon City n' at. Go Stillers!
The Colors ere a Bright red and black with a larger than normal font that was italicized (SP?).

That being said, people are jerks. IT shouldn't be a knee jerk reaction to something you don't like to pick on it. It shouldn't be the cause of a thread like this or the derailment of a decent thread. More get accomplished with honey than with hate. Try asking nicely the first time and you just might find that people are more receptive overall, and those that aren't were not gonna be receptive to the anger posts anyway.

That being said, While I did see some flames thrown at the OP, I also saw a lot of people trying to ask nicely, and that can get lost once a defensive front is up. Yes I had a hard time reading the OPs original posts because of the colors, but it wasn't any worse than some of the others that post on these boards. I hope the OP keeps coming back and posting here, just because I think its nice to get more opinions, and the OP seems to have a good head on their shoulders.

Now then, who wants some cake and pie?

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



/e Clapping hands together daintily saying "cakes and pies oohhhh cakes and pies!"



Like this cp2?

I liked the red and black. Wasn't THAT hard to read. Post away Shikraria however you wants!

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



Haha! Just like that rook!



dont let it get you down opinions are like ******** everyone has one some times in virtue it looks like people have two. just keep posting your welcomed anytime to rookery =)

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Originally Posted by cp2_4eva View Post
The crazy thing is, with this new I16 crazy colorization of powers thing, I don't see how the color of your fonts are a big deal ya know. I never really did understand why people hated multi-colored fonts. To me it is a peek into your true personality. Colorful, creative, maybe meticulous, but nothing bad. It's self expression.
As I said it many times on this topic.

We have style, art, and functionality.

Style is something that compliments, enhances, and presents functionality.

Art is something created by man that has no functionality.

Functionality is the purpose of any tool, medium, or device.

If you have a style that reduces functionality, then it is no longer style. It is no longer self expression, and it is not longer a peek into your true personality...unless you're presenting a work of art.

If you are presenting a work of art by posting a thread in an internet forum about a controversial topic, then you are either hiding a message behind your 'art' (i.e. a political cartoon, for instance), or you should not expect people to derive a meaningful, mature, and useful debate from your art, because it's not an art forum.

I am gonna assume the original poster was not trying to hide a 'message' on the topic in their typography. If they did, I would give them two awesome points!



The sad truth is that when you enter the internet, much like entering the sea, you enter the food-chain.

Thick skins are recommended wearing. Don't take anything seriously, and feel sorry for the people that do. Life has so many more important things to concern yourself with than the idiot words of an anonymous stranger that lives a hundred thousand miles away.

As the old saying goes, it's a grand life if you don't weaken.

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



Can someone upmod the OP for me? There's no way to take back feedback, and since I downmodded the original scary font thread I can't upmod him/her for some arbitrary period of time.



Originally Posted by Tir_McDohl View Post
Don't worry; people have the attention span of gnats around here. We don't hold grudges (usually).

Did you say something Tir?



Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
This may be the most pointless thread any of you have ever read. But I started this new thread to apologize. Apologize for my 'misuse' of colors in the font. I am not going to lie, I am VERY new to this. Before I just played the game for fun, then I discovered this forum site. It intrigued me to know that I could post so many things on here, for instance...the AE thread. But I obvisiously didn't know is how critical everyone is on here. I don't mean how critical people are with the thread titles or the idea of it, I mean how critical people are of color fonts and how i use my grammer, yadda yadda yadda...But since everyone here has been so kind as to point out my faults, let me point one out to you, when you know someone is newer on here, instead of being so mean about things, just give them a heads up and tell them politely, instead of, well, basically starting an arguement! I really don't expect any responses, and if I get a few, kool beans. I just wanted to tell everyone that happens to read this, that I am sorry for the colors of the font and my 'attitude'. Hopefully, in the future, I will get better at this!!
And the Virtue CoX forum is one of the tamer ones. If civility matters to you, I would suggest avoiding almost any Internet forum.

Also, unique to gaming forums is the "this game sucks so bad and is going to die tomorrow solely because of ______" attitude. You start playing a new game, you think you're having a lot of fun, and then you check out the forums -- only to discover that the game is actually a terrible, awful mess and only a fool would keep playing it.




Photosensitive Seizure Warning: The post contains light pattern that might induce seizures (e.g. light-headedness, altered vision, twitching, jerking, disorientation). If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a doctor before Reading. People who have no history of seizures or epilepsy should immediately stop Reading when feeling unwell.****

Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
This may be the most pointless thread any of you have ever read. But I started this new thread to apologize. Apologize for my 'misuse' of colors in the font. I am not going to lie, I am VERY new to this. Before I just played the game for fun, then I discovered this forum site. It intrigued me to know that I could post so many things on here, for instance...the AE thread. But I obvisiously didn't know is how critical everyone is on here. I don't mean how critical people are with the thread titles or the idea of it, I mean how critical people are of color fonts and how i use my grammer, yadda yadda yadda...But since everyone here has been so kind as to point out my faults, let me point one out to you, when you know someone is newer on here, instead of being so mean about things, just give them a heads up and tell them politely, instead of, well, basically starting an arguement! I really don't expect any responses, and if I get a few, kool beans. I just wanted to tell everyone that happens to read this, that I am sorry for the colors of the font and my 'attitude'. Hopefully, in the future, I will get better at this!!

Its OK lots of folks here have no Humor what so ever, and I think you should use color just try to avoid Flashing colors that mess with eyes.

Me I usually use Pink...well on the old forums it was hardly noticeable, these forums are a little different.

Needless, you shouldn't be too Apologetic to everyone here since they can be meanies at times.

oohh what is an Flashing color?

Back in the 19 century certain people discovered that if you put two bright and opposite colors next to each other they would create an optical

Today it just gives folks headaches.

Personally I like them.



Originally Posted by Tyrantula View Post
Did you say something Tir?

Huh? eh what was the topic?

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
This may be the most pointless thread any of you have ever read. But I started this new thread to apologize. Apologize for my 'misuse' of colors in the font. I am not going to lie, I am VERY new to this. Before I just played the game for fun, then I discovered this forum site. It intrigued me to know that I could post so many things on here, for instance...the AE thread. But I obvisiously didn't know is how critical everyone is on here. I don't mean how critical people are with the thread titles or the idea of it, I mean how critical people are of color fonts and how i use my grammer, yadda yadda yadda...But since everyone here has been so kind as to point out my faults, let me point one out to you, when you know someone is newer on here, instead of being so mean about things, just give them a heads up and tell them politely, instead of, well, basically starting an arguement! I really don't expect any responses, and if I get a few, kool beans. I just wanted to tell everyone that happens to read this, that I am sorry for the colors of the font and my 'attitude'. Hopefully, in the future, I will get better at this!!

1. It's the internet, it's ALWAYS serious bussiness.

2. If you post it in the forums, there's ALWAYS some big mouth that either thinks they know more, or are the vocal majority and the voting minority. Don't take them seriously.

3. BE PREPARED to get slammed for EVERY post you make, ALWAYS!!!!

4. If you like your colors, ALWAYS tell the other folks screw off. Make yourself happy.

5. The internet isn't fun if there isn't any arguing. Half the folks that come to the forums EXPECT an argument, or they try to START the argument.

I would finalize by saying, if you care what these folks think you have self confidence issues. If that bothers you I will start an internet thread that says you arms are flabby and you work for a gold farming company and YOU are the person spamming e-mails to everyone, just so we can all have some drama today.

Have a nice day, and realize.... it's just the internet. They can't tell you how to post, play or color!!!!