Truelly sorry to all...

Bright Shadow



Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
*smiles* Quick question, since all of you know I'm new, do peeps like to take points from reputation instead of giving? I mean in general. I know I started out real rough, but, it's like if I say even one word wrong, peeps take them without a thought. Hmmmmm, just wondering.:/
My suggestion? Turn off Rep in the User CP under Options (I think). It is useless for all intents and purposes, and is a haven for people to make insidius and mean-spirited remarks while maintaining anonymity.

(And yes, people do tend to leave more negative than they do postitive... unless you are one of those mysteriously respected forum members.)

Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
This thread became really funny today. Good job, thread!
I'm sure it loves you too!

Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
((Why, you're smarter than I thought you were. Bless your heart/ ))
I think that translates to "yes." Also, what's with the OOC parantheses on EVERYTHING I have ever seen you post? Isn't that a bit excessive? (Just a random observation.)



Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
Also, what's with the OOC parantheses on EVERYTHING I have ever seen you post? Isn't that a bit excessive? (Just a random observation.)
((Back when I first started posting on these boards, I posted in-character a lot. So for some silly reason, I used the (( )) like many of us do in-game to keep OOC comments seperate from IC comments. Now, it's my little quirk; my own statement of identity that I'm real and not just a character on these boards.

Or maybe I'm OCD and this is just a symptom. ))