Truelly sorry to all...

Bright Shadow



Originally Posted by EverStryke View Post
BE PREPARED to get slammed for EVERY post you make, ALWAYS!!!!
Worst. Post. Ever.



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
I haven't seen the original post(s) this thread refers to, so I don't know how annoying the colors or the grammar were, but your grammar in this thread looks OK to me. What I can't abide is people who write things like:

"Y is AE been nerf sence that was the only gr8 part of dis game!"

New or not, if someone can't even express themself on an 8th grade level, they shouldn't be wasting time playing videogames.

Anyway, welcome to a fellow western Pennsylvanian! I hope yunz have fun in dahntahn Paragon City n' at. Go Stillers!
Yea! I have another western Pennsylvanian on here! But ya, if you all lived here (meaning the English majors) you might hate it because of the way we talk!



I understand i didn't need to apologize, but I didn't get on the forums so I could get bashed. I just wanted to be on here because you could communicate with other citizens of the game that 1. You would never run into and 2. I love meeting new peeps! The buttheads and the sweethearts, everyone is interesting to me. How they respond, react, their opinions....everything. I always thought of maybe being a therapists or psychologist or something of that nature.



Originally Posted by Hart View Post
Worst. Post. Ever.



Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
I understand i didn't need to apologize, but I didn't get on the forums so I could get bashed. I just wanted to be on here because you could communicate with other citizens of the game that 1. You would never run into and 2. I love meeting new peeps! The buttheads and the sweethearts, everyone is interesting to me. How they respond, react, their opinions....everything. I always thought of maybe being a therapists or psychologist or something of that nature.
Somehow, I get the mental image of a psychologist taking notes with several crayons, all in different colors, alternating them at random with no rhyme or reason.

...guess I'd feel a little more sane after watching that display. You may be onto something here.



Aww, you know me so well...



My two inf on the topic.

Personally I hate when people post in multiple colors because the great majority of the time it slows dowm my reading speed by a huge margin. I go from reading a sentence at a glance to reading each word individually. It does however give me great insite into why people who are slow readers generally hate reading. It's like watching a slidshow instead of a movie. I just generally skip past those messages.

Let's put it this way. You might think colors are cool and easy to read because you are the one who typed in the words in the first place so you know exactly what they say. However some people like me will experience a slow down when reading them. Other people won't be able to read them at all because due to differing levels of color blindness.

Second, on to grammar. People who are capable of using proper grammar and spelling and yet refuse to do so are annoying. Have you ever spoken with a person who mumbles? Yes they are usually understandable but when they say "I went to kmr yesay an ba sm nuw shs." don't you want to say to them "Speak up. Did you go to Kmart yesterday and buy new shoes or did you go to the Kmer Rouge and bah Sams Nishes?" Poor grammer and spelling are the text equivalent of mumbling. I will read those messages and don't really care that much personally unless the poster of those scrambled musings starts defending themselves by saying "So wut. If you no wut I ment then it dosnt make no difference." I tend to ignore them from that point on.

((Disclaimer: If a person has learning difficulties or the language being posted in is not their native one then it's a different matter entirely. In those cases it's like a speech defect or an accent and is usually quite recognizable.))

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
My two inf on the topic.

Personally I hate when people post in multiple colors because the great majority of the time it slows dowm my reading speed by a huge margin. I go from reading a sentence at a glance to reading each word individually. It does however give me great insite into why people who are slow readers generally hate reading. It's like watching a slidshow instead of a movie. I just generally skip past those messages.

Let's put it this way. You might think colors are cool and easy to read because you are the one who typed in the words in the first place so you know exactly what they say. However some people like me will experience a slow down when reading them. Other people won't be able to read them at all because due to differing levels of color blindness.

Second, on to grammar. People who are capable of using proper grammar and spelling and yet refuse to do so are annoying. Have you ever spoken with a person who mumbles? Yes they are usually understandable but when they say "I went to kmr yesay an ba sm nuw shs." don't you want to say to them "Speak up. Did you go to Kmart yesterday and buy new shoes or did you go to the Kmer Rouge and bah Sams Nishes?" Poor grammer and spelling are the text equivalent of mumbling. I will read those messages and don't really care that much personally unless the poster of those scrambled musings starts defending themselves by saying "So wut. If you no wut I ment then it dosnt make no difference." I tend to ignore them from that point on.

((Disclaimer: If a person has learning difficulties or the language being posted in is not their native one then it's a different matter entirely. In those cases it's like a speech defect or an accent and is usually quite recognizable.))
=I'm better than yoo

Remember The internet is serious bussiness!



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
My two inf on the topic.

Personally I hate when people post in multiple colors because the great majority of the time it slows dowm my reading speed by a huge margin. I go from reading a sentence at a glance to reading each word individually. It does however give me great insite into why people who are slow readers generally hate reading. It's like watching a slidshow instead of a movie. I just generally skip past those messages.

Let's put it this way. You might think colors are cool and easy to read because you are the one who typed in the words in the first place so you know exactly what they say. However some people like me will experience a slow down when reading them. Other people won't be able to read them at all because due to differing levels of color blindness.

Second, on to grammar. People who are capable of using proper grammar and spelling and yet refuse to do so are annoying. Have you ever spoken with a person who mumbles? Yes they are usually understandable but when they say "I went to kmr yesay an ba sm nuw shs." don't you want to say to them "Speak up. Did you go to Kmart yesterday and buy new shoes or did you go to the Kmer Rouge and bah Sams Nishes?" Poor grammer and spelling are the text equivalent of mumbling. I will read those messages and don't really care that much personally unless the poster of those scrambled musings starts defending themselves by saying "So wut. If you no wut I ment then it dosnt make no difference." I tend to ignore them from that point on.

((Disclaimer: If a person has learning difficulties or the language being posted in is not their native one then it's a different matter entirely. In those cases it's like a speech defect or an accent and is usually quite recognizable.))
As a person with a disability that makes my use of words very difficult, and from the few times I have been slammed by Grammer (bleeps) I highly doubt you or others can tell when someone has such a disability.



Why is it that on everyone of my threads, the topics change to grammer? Lol, I know that there are a lot of peeps on here that major in English, grammer, ect., but do you have to show off constantly? Everyone does have their own dialect of the English language, you don't like it, don't bother. If they wish to make changes, kool beans, by all means help them. But if they do not realize that they are speaking or typing that way, just be curtious enough to tell them. You shouldn't bash them if they don't want the help!



I love English. English is a very nice lady who's been kind to me over the years. She's let me do a lot, not to mention that whole "language is what makes us more than beasts" thing. We owe her a lot.

And you beat her daily with a large spiked club. For no reason.

You are a monster.



Haha? I made this thread to apolige to the peeps I offended, yet I still keep offending them...Spelling is trully a personal refernce. If you want respect of others, you should spell correctly. If you don't care, then prepared to be bashed upon. I know this. Plain and simple! But if you hate someone or something so much, why put all your energy and time into it, when you could be putting it else where? Just a thought...



Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
But if you hate someone or something so much, why put all your energy and time into it, when you could be putting it else where? Just a thought...
For some of us, hate isn't a reflex or a response. It's a passion. It's why we get up in the morning. If I didn't have at least a tiny chance of spreading some form of misery, well, I really don't know if I could manage to start my day.



Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
Haha? I made this thread to apolige to the peeps I offended, yet I still keep offending them...Spelling is trully a personal refernce. If you want respect of others, you should spell correctly. If you don't care, then prepared to be bashed upon. I know this. Plain and simple! But if you hate someone or something so much, why put all your energy and time into it, when you could be putting it else where? Just a thought...
Cause we're bored.

That's why we even come to the forums to begin with.



Yes, we are all bored. Just don't understand why peeps are so particular about this subject....Nice arguement we're having, not with you, just in general.



Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
Haha? I made this thread to apolige to the peeps I offended, yet I still keep offending them...Spelling is trully a personal refernce. If you want respect of others, you should spell correctly. If you don't care, then prepared to be bashed upon. I know this. Plain and simple! But if you hate someone or something so much, why put all your energy and time into it, when you could be putting it else where? Just a thought...

You know what you should do then?

**** them if they can't take a joke. Bring on the colours!



Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
Yes, we are all bored. Just don't understand why peeps are so particular about this subject....Nice arguement we're having, not with you, just in general.
It is, oddly, a form of respect. People pick on grammar because they think you can do better. Because they expect you to do more, and find looser and lighter use of language to be simple laziness. It's sort of like your mother who knows you can get As or Bs who refuses to let you "settle" for Cs.

It goes both ways, too - by using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, you in turn show that you respect those you are communicating with enough to take the time and effort to communicate properly. It's like the difference between turning in a double-spaced, properly typed report and a hand-written scribbled one.

Poor grammar and loose language is a way of telling the people you're communicating with that you don't consider them worth the effort of doing it right. If you take the time to use proper language, you're telling those you're communicating with that they are worth it.

Are we worth it?



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
It is, oddly, a form of respect. People pick on grammar because they think you can do better. Because they expect you to do more, and find looser and lighter use of language to be simple laziness. It's sort of like your mother who knows you can get As or Bs who refuses to let you "settle" for Cs.

It goes both ways, too - by using proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, you in turn show that you respect those you are communicating with enough to take the time and effort to communicate properly. It's like the difference between turning in a double-spaced, properly typed report and a hand-written scribbled one.

Poor grammar and loose language is a way of telling the people you're communicating with that you don't consider them worth the effort of doing it right. If you take the time to use proper language, you're telling those you're communicating with that they are worth it.

Are we worth it?

blink, blink... waaaat? I don't think so, NO WAY ARE YOU OR ANYONE WORTH IT....BLAAAAA

you got to be kidding that is a little pretentious wouldn't you say? I wonder if someone tried to say the same to Samuel Clements when he first started to write. What he would have said?
Sometimes we type the way we talk, and if we use word order or spelling rules that you are unfamiliar with then that may mean we are from another part of the world or we may think very different from you.
Bad Grammar has never been an insult. Moreover, to say that is the most moronic thing ever said on these or any forums.
My dear I hate to say this but you are a well spoken ignoramus.



I weep for the younger generations.



Originally Posted by Mariel_Martog View Post
you got to be kidding that is a little pretentious wouldn't you say? I wonder if someone tried to say the same to Samuel Clements when he first started to write. What he would have said?
I think you may be confusing the speech of characters and communication between real people...

The whole purpose of language is to facilitate communication. Sometimes clarity can be altered for idiom's sake... things like iambic pentameter or phonetic adjustment to simulate accent... but internet-style text speak was developed not to facilitate clarity of expression, it was created for speed. Hence the creation of stock phrases such as "lol," "noob" and so forth. Much like leet, its even more obtuse cousin, it is only an effective pseudo-language if everyone within the conversation is aware of the lexicon. It fails to become successful as a medium of communication for this reason.

Clarity of communication is SO important in the written media. That is why people object to being forced to decipher bad spelling or odd syntax. The easier it is for someone to play with another person, the more likely they are to play with that person again.

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



Originally Posted by Mariel_Martog View Post
blink, blink... waaaat? I don't think so, NO WAY ARE YOU OR ANYONE WORTH IT....BLAAAAA

you got to be kidding that is a little pretentious wouldn't you say? I wonder if someone tried to say the same to Samuel Clements when he first started to write. What he would have said?
Sometimes we type the way we talk, and if we use word order or spelling rules that you are unfamiliar with then that may mean we are from another part of the world or we may think very different from you.
Bad Grammar has never been an insult. Moreover, to say that is the most moronic thing ever said on these or any forums.
My dear I hate to say this but you are a well spoken ignoramus.
((I disagree. My character HEROID regularly butchers the English language when he speaks, but it's generally for comedic effect. Even so, I take pains to make him clear when he's trying to communicate in a serious manner while staying true to his personality. But that's in roleplaying.

With out-of-character communications clarity is even more important. I've been on pick-up teams with leet-speakers and quit because those idiots expect me to interpret whatever idiocy they're failing to communicate. People who use urban slang also confound me and I avoid them. It's not because I think they don't know proper grammar. It's because I speak English, and I'm pretty sure they can too, so if they respect me, and they know my language, they'll communicate in my language. It's that simple.

One of my best team-up partners when the game first started was a Japanese girl living in the U.S. I could tell right away that she was extremely bright -- a lot smarter than me, in fact -- but English wasn't her first language, so I took that into account when we rp'd or chatted. I mean, her English was infinitely better than my Japanese. The point here is that there's a difference between not knowing well the language of the people you are interacting with and purposefully using slang and dialects you know they don't understand. I never had a problem understanding her, by the way, because she knew how to structure a sentence, even if she didn't quite know the right word to use. I was able to fill in the blanks simply by context. Did I mention she was extremely bright?

And, yes, I know when you rp or chat online, you type fast and make mistakes, and some of us are better typists than others -- that's not a problem. I can even live with people who don't use caps in the first letter of every sentence. But people who don't use proper syntax and punctuation, spelling and sentence structure? Or people who are just sloppy and expect their language skills to compensate for your laziness?

Yeah, if you don't respect me enough to be clear, I don't respect you enough to listen.

Have you read any Mark Twain stories? He's one of the fathers of modern fiction! The language in his stories is clear and concise, despite the fact that he uses coloquialisms generously. And I think Samuel Clemens would consider it pretty ignorant for someone to cite him without bothering to spell his name correctly.

Ely, in my experience, is far from being an ignoramus. Ely has always been very polite, certainly humble, and extremely intelligent in my opinion.

But maybe you and Samuel Clements disagree. ))



Originally Posted by Elysienne View Post
I think you may be confusing the speech of characters and communication between real people...

The whole purpose of language is to facilitate communication. Sometimes clarity can be altered for idiom's sake... things such as the iambic pentameter or phonetic adjustment to simulate accent... but internet-style text speaks was developed not to facilitate clarity of expression, it was created for speed. Hence the creation of stock phrases such as "lol," "noob" and so forth. Much like “Leet”, it is even more obtuse cousin, it is only an effective pseudo-language if everyone within the conversation is aware of the lexicon. It fails to become successful as a medium of communication for this reason.

Clarity of communication is SO important in the written media. That is why people object to being forced to decipher bad spelling or odd syntax. The easier it is for someone to play with another person, the more likely they are to play with that person again.
Actually, I think you are confused. First, everyone on these forums is a Character and not a real person.
Moreover, most communication over the internet is between characters and not real people.
Why do I say this? Who am I? What do I look like? Am I male or Female? Old or Young? Tall or Short?
If you cannot answer these questions then I am a character and not a real person to you.
Part of communication is the willingness and understanding that English is a constantly evolving language. The written word five hundred years ago had very few if any rules; it was not until the invention of the printing press, that the English language got its rules for grammar and spelling, which we abuse today. Even then, anyone with a press could publish dictionary, and they mostly did.
In my life, I have seen several words change in meaning and spelling such as “Noob” when I was younger before the internet “Newb” was an abbreviation of the phrase “New Body” and it was mostly used in the military, for people who had just come to a duty station. It wasn’t really considered an insult it was just a way to describe someone new to a situation. “Now a’days” it is considered an insult and it has changed in spelling.
Some of you may say but your example is not a real word, but I say to you that it is. English is unique in that it can accept new words daily and it can evolve over time.
Also lets look at how English evolves I will use two words both are in the dictionary both come from Mexico and are Spanish words, and we use different pronunciation rules for them.
Long ago Texas was called tejas, pronounced Te’Has. But the English speaking settlers couldn’t say Te’Has and started calling it TeX’ahs,
Conversely, say this dog breed aloud Chihuahua bet you said Chi’wawh’wawh and not Cheye’who’ah’who’ah according to the written rules the second is correct but most people say the word close to the Spanish pronunciation.
So if someone types something and I can understand them what’s a little error in spelling or grammar when English is so messed up anyway. English is a forgiving and complicated language.

Oh and just to let you know I had to fix some of your grammar in the quote.
Leet is a proper noun and the name of a dialect. Moreover, you used “like” in a very informal way.



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
((I disagree. My character HEROID regularly butchers the English language when he speaks, but it is generally for comedic effect. Even so, I take pains to make him clear when he is trying to communicate in a serious manner while staying true to his personality. But that's in role-playing.

With out-of-character communications, clarity is even more important. I have been on pick-up teams with Leet-speakers and quit because those idiots expect me to interpret whatever idiocy they are failing to communicate. People who use urban slang also confound me and I avoid them. It is not because I think they do not know proper grammar. It is because I speak English, and I am sure they can too, so if they respect me, and they know my language, they will communicate in my language. It is that simple.

One of my best team-up partners when the game first started was a Japanese girl living in the U.S. I could tell right away that she was extremely bright -- a lot smarter than me, in fact -- but English wasn't her first language, so I took that into account when we role-playing or chatted. I mean, her English was infinitely better than my Japanese was. The point is there is a difference between not knowing well the language of the people you are interacting with and purposefully using slang and dialects you know they do not understand. I never had a problem understanding her, by the way, because she knew how to structure a sentence, even if she did not quite know the right word to use. I was able to fill in the blanks simply by context. Did I mention she was extremely bright?

In addition, yes, I know when you role-playing or chat online, you type fast and make mistakes and some of us are better typists than others -- that is not a problem. I can even live with people who do not use caps in the first letter of every sentence. However, people that do not use proper syntax, punctuation, spelling and sentence structure. Alternatively, people who are just sloppy and expect their language skills to compensate for your laziness?

Yeah, if you do not respect me enough to be clear, I don't respect you enough to listen.

Have you read any Mark Twain stories? He is one of the fathers of modern fiction! The language in his stories is clear and concise, despite the fact that he uses colloquialisms generously. In addition, I think Samuel Clemens would consider it ignorant for someone to cite him without bothering to spell his name correctly.

Ely, in my experience, is far from being an ignoramus. Ely has always been very polite, certainly humble, and extremely intelligent in my opinion.

Nevertheless, maybe you and Samuel Clements disagree. ))
Sorry I just fixed your post, if you are on the perfect grammar side then please use proper grammar or your augment is invalid.



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
Ely, in my experience, is far from being an ignoramus. Ely has always been very polite, certainly humble, and extremely intelligent in my opinion.
She was calling me an ignoramus, actually.

Originally Posted by Mariel_Martog View Post
Sorry I just fixed your post, if you are on the perfect grammar side then please use proper grammar or your augment is invalid.
You fixed it wrong, for your information. Your very first "fix" is a comma splice, an inappropriate use of a comma. Comma splices are very common among those who are able to communicate verbally with eloquence but rarely have to communicate effectively in writing, because it is a common mistake to place a comma where you would pause while speaking. This, however, is not what the comma is for.