What is Roleplaying?




Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
BTW, why is everyone so angry with how I type on here? What is wrong with my grammer?
You missed the thread from a few weeks ago about how Virtue is full of Grammar majors. ^_^

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.






Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
Actually, I don't have the 'screw you attitude'. I only have the screw you attitude when people, like yourself, are so critical and don't even stay on the topic I have asked about! Yes, I have recently joined and considered a noob. Don't really care. So excuse me for being defensive when peeps won't even stay on topic!
We don't stay on topic because there are certain issues that needs to be addressed before having an actual debate. If I can't read what you're typing, or if I find your 'style' of typing to irritating, why would I bother arguing with you? And don't get me wrong. I'm not mad at you. Or even angry. I'm just pointing out what I'm observing.

Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
The spelling, I was talking about the game. In the game, peeps get so critical about how you spell when your right in the middle of battle. Well, excuse me for shorting the words so I can type faster and attack at the same time.
And that is why I do not role play in most teams when I'm focusing on pushing buttons and hopping around. Again. Different people, different tastes. But yes. In teams, I understands how it would be easier to use 'txt' speak. Personally, I would tolerate it. But I wouldn't use 'txt' speak even if I really really really had to go in-character during combat.

Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
BTW, why is everyone so angry with how I type on here? What is wrong with my grammer?
There is nothing wrong with your grammar. And no one is angry with you. If people were angry with you, they'd just not reply to your posts. The very fact that we -are- replying to your posts means that we -are- interested to hear what you're saying...but we just don't want our eyes bleeding.

Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
PS I will stay with the white text if peeps lay off my back
And there is nothing wrong with a sense of style and design. I use it myself. If you notice, I do not use the default font, and I use Google Talk's emotions in my posts. But do I make my posts harder for you to read?

I also understand design and style is extremely subjective (and I actually study in this field, more or less). However, design and style is something that should be used to enhance and compliment functionality. Especially when we're talking about something like choice of font color. If you reduce functionality with your 'style', then it's no longer 'style'. It's art (and it's not my place to say if it's ugly or pretty). And you know what art is void of? Functionality. When you're using a forum, you're using it for a function:

To deliver your message to a certain group of people.

If you reduce that functionality, then you cannot expect people to take you seriously. I really can't explain in more depth.



And just as a side note. Here's a little exercise for you. Turn your head away from the computer monitor for a few seconds, let your eyes focus on something else. Then, look back, and glance at the following picture. Within the first glance, what 'pops out' to your attention?

When I do it, all I see is this:

T e i f l

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one with this result.



I never asked for it to be explained in depth. And yes, I can read your responses just fine. I am not an idiot. But because I am newer to this forum, I wish peeps would be a little more understanding. Though, I am not talking about you, or even this thread of mine. It was a simple question of what is roleplaying? I guess, what the topic should have been was, 'What is everyone's definition of roleplaying?' And I really didn't mean to sound so angry with the the very first post. It's just I had just gotten off the game, and I had an issue with it and was still very angry with it. When I was in the D, with Epouvantable of course, I actually had no problems there. So, I figured my RPing was just fine.



Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post
And just as a side note. Here's a little exercise for you. Turn your head away from the computer monitor for a few seconds, let your eyes focus on something else. Then, look back, and glance at the following picture. Within the first glance, what 'pops out' to your attention?

When I do it, all I see is this:

T e i f l

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one with this result.

I have tried to change my signature, but it won't change and I have no idea why...



Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
PS I will stay with the white text if peeps lay off my back
Thank you.



No problem!!!



Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
I have tried to change my signature, but it won't change and I have no idea why...
Not saying there is anything wrong with you signature.

And again, as I said earlier, there is no one definition of role play. If you asked people 'What is your definition of role play?', it is likely that every single person will tell you something different.

You shouldn't be too worried about if you are role playing the 'right' way, or the 'wrong' way. No matter how you role play, you will have certain people who will eventually find some way of criticizing you.

So, relax. Don't get mad if some random person criticizes the way you play the game. You play to have fun. And as long as you're not bothering others, you're entitled to play in any way you like.

If the way you role play is bothering someone, they have the option to simply step away. If I don't like that you use 'txt' speak, I'll just smile and step aside. In fact, I have tons of genuine friends with whom I do not RP with because their tastes do not match mine, and yet I'm still close friends with them outside of RP.

If someone politely takes a step from you due to how you play and you follow them, trying to enforce your way of playing on them, then you're the person who will be blamed for trolling.

If someone impolitely criticizes your playing style and points fingers at you, then they are the ones who will be blamed for trolling.

It's as simple as that.

Just have fun!



It's very hard to roleplay, escpecially with Shikratia. She's rather vulger and has a very quick temper. I have simply asked people to just go away or something of that nature, but I do understand critizing is everywhere and noone would be anywhere without it, but the lengths people go to really bothers me sometimes.



Originally Posted by Mariel_Martog View Post
Geez I bet Spelling (bleeps) would hate My Space Pirate Catgirl, she speaks in Cat-onese which goes like this:

/Bhump "Mew, Me'areow'Meun'CHee" (Hi, I'm Hungery)
Let's just say that if that was how you tried to "communicate" on my team, you would be kicked.



Really? I'd be laughing all the way to level 50 if I ever had the pleasure of teaming with such an eccentric individual.



There is an excellent stickied guide to RP in the Virtue Forum.

Here's also a little tip I use: RP (especially online) is like dancing with someone. It's only going to be good if both of you are aware of what the other one is doing and are in proper step with them.

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Originally Posted by shikraria View Post

Oh yea, LAY OFF HOW PEEPS SPELL!!! That drives me nuttso!
I do agree with this. Society has put a nasty little expectancy on how people should spell, and I find it redundant. If you can understand the person but they spell an incorrect work... it doesn't make them any less smarter.

RIH Grammar Nazis.



Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
Oh yea, LAY OFF HOW PEEPS SPELL!!! That drives me nuttso!
I'm roleplaying a Spelling Nazi.

Stop telling me how to roleplay!

Forum Game: Lower the Rep



LOL! A Spelling Nazi, that's new and interesting! What's the Nazi's name?



Originally Posted by Stryph View Post
I do agree with this. Society has put a nasty little expectancy on how people should spell, and I find it redundant. If you can understand the person but they spell an incorrect work... it doesn't make them any less smarter.

RIH Grammar Nazis.

No, no, no.

I'm sorry, I'm usually pretty easy-going, but this REALLY got my goat.

Yes, society has put an expectation on people to spell, but in truth it should be the same kind of expectation you put on someone to be able to pull their hand away from a fire.

If you expect to be able to be employed in pretty much ANY field aside from the interesting and challenging world of drug-dealing, you SHOULD be able to spell.
It is NOT hard. Nine-year-olds learn it. At least they do in THIS country...

You do realise that the last time spelling was optional, it was back in the days of William Shakespeare, the most famous playwrite in the world.. and yet, looking back at his works now, his language is CHAOS even WITH approved spelling forms.

Imagine optional spelling in the world of professional medical assistance. People would DIE. It is NOT feasable in this day and age. Optional spelling is only feasable when over 50% of the world's population is illiterate.

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



Originally Posted by Elysienne View Post

You do realise that the last time spelling was optional, it was back in the days of William Shakespeare, the most famous playwrite in the world.. and yet, looking back at his works now, his language is CHAOS even WITH approved spelling forms.
You spelled 'realize' wrong....



...OP, you're pretty much RP cancer. You remind me of so many people I used to hate, oh, a good 8 years ago in AOL chat rooms and still do, to this day.

Rezz - 50 Super Strength/Invulnerability Brute

My one and only character and all I'll ever need.



The use of s vs. z in certain words is one of the distinctions between American and British English (the best known one being words like "colour"). It is correct either way, depending on which side of the pond you're on.

I majored in English in college (because I liked it, not because it would get me a good job, and that was my mistake). I am biased toward people with good spelling, grammar, and use of punctuation, like myself. I don't go around correcting people in Broadcast or LFT tells who don't.

However, in a text-based medium, the kind of spelling, vocabulary, etc etc we use is how we present ourselves and our ideas to others - the ONLY way. You've already experienced this personally. How you communicate in text is how others form their first impression of you, like they would from your clothes and physical appearance in RL. It behooves you to make it a good one.

I'm constantly frustrated by people who assert that they don't "have to" worry about using accepted/formal/correct spelling, etc in their online presence, because "it's just the internet." Ironically, it seems to me that most of those who argue thus have never known a time when there was NOT an internet, and they were not immersed in it. The internet cannot be both unimportant and an increasingly large portion of our social and business lives at the same time. And if the internet does matter, then so does presenting yourself well on it.

I can barely imagine what it's like to only "dress up" (as if for a job interview) one's typing for certain things - school papers, perhaps. What you see here is my normal mode of "speech" online; I have to make an active effort to "dress down" when I wish to imitate and/or mock chatspeak.

One more thing: You mentioned that your character is vulgar and quick-tempered. A lot of people are going to have negative reactions to that, in-character AND out of character. So if that's the kind of character you choose to play, be aware that she (and you) may end up lonely and with very few true friends. If you're cool with that, game on.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
However, in a text-based medium, the kind of spelling, vocabulary, etc etc we use is how we present ourselves and our ideas to others - the ONLY way. You've already experienced this personally. How you communicate in text is how others form their first impression of you, like they would from your clothes and physical appearance in RL. It behooves you to make it a good one.

I'm constantly frustrated by people who assert that they don't "have to" worry about using accepted/formal/correct spelling, etc in their online presence, because "it's just the internet." Ironically, it seems to me that most of those who argue thus have never known a time when there was NOT an internet, and they were not immersed in it. The internet cannot be both unimportant and an increasingly large portion of our social and business lives at the same time. And if the internet does matter, then so does presenting yourself well on it.
My thoughts exactly. I always say that communication is a two-way interaction, so if you don't put the effort in, then I'm just going to presume that you're thinking out loudly.

I find it really quite funny how people who take shortcuts on the internet in terms of grammar/spelling, go "Oh but it's quicker", when in reality they're most likely just using the internet to waste time. Not to mention that things like typing "I'm @ so and so" takes the same amount of button pushes as "I'm at so and so".



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
The use of s vs. z in certain words is one of the distinctions between American and British English (the best known one being words like "colour"). It is correct either way, depending on which side of the pond you're on.
And I didn't even move my lips.

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



I can't believe we're actually arguing on whether or not proper writing is optional.

English is not my primary language. But even I believe that correct use of grammar, spelling, and format plays a primary role in communication. I don't even think there should be a discussion on this.

If you wanna communicate like a 12-year-old girl texting on her pink cell phone, go right ahead. But don't expect people to have any desire in reading what you have to say, interacting with you, or consider you intelligent.



Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post
I can't believe we're actually arguing on whether or not proper writing is optional.

English is not my primary language. But even I believe that correct use of grammar, spelling, and format plays a primary role in communication. I don't even think there should be a discussion on this.

If you wanna communicate like a 12-year-old girl texting on her pink cell phone, go right ahead. But don't expect people to have any desire in reading what you have to say, interacting with you, or consider you intelligent.
So very right!



Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
Roleplaying, in my definition(and not out of a dictionary) is playing a personality, or role, in to which gives your toon personality, and your not trully yourself. Rping does not necessarily mean you have to be intelligent or vulgar, or what-ever. You can play it out how ever you want.
In *my* definition, roleplaying is a fish.

And if you don't agree, well, I guess you're just not open-minded enough, or possibly don't have enough imagination. Don't force everyone into your narrow views of "language".

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a fillet of roleplaying on the grill.

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