What is Roleplaying?




Roleplaying, in my definition(and not out of a dictionary) is playing a personality, or role, in to which gives your toon personality, and your not trully yourself. Rping does not necessarily mean you have to be intelligent or vulgar, or what-ever. You can play it out how ever you want.

And for those who don't like how someone else RP's, GET OVER IT! I'm tired of fighting and having this arguement, everytime I say I am RPing and I'm not to their expectations. Don't like it, don't play with whoever. PLAIN AND SIMPLE!!!

Oh yea, LAY OFF HOW PEEPS SPELL!!! That drives me nuttso!



Did you know bubbly red text on the default background is impossible to read and makes you look foolish for even trying?


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Did you know bubbly red text on the default background is impossible to read and makes you look foolish for even trying?
Quote from another thread:

Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
BTW, all those who hate my text style, can kiss my butt!!! XD
I hope that answers your question.

In reply to the original post:




Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Did you know bubbly red text on the default background is impossible to read and makes you look foolish for even trying?
Red on blue his hard to read?

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



Originally Posted by Grae Knight View Post
Red on blue his hard to read?
Yes, it is.



Hurts on the eyes a bit...



What ever doesn't need a -

As I was going up the stair
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today.
I wish, I wish, he'd stay away.

-- Hughes Mearns (1875-1965) The Psychoed
Saint Fourth the Patron Saint of Dark Poetry



,...candle jack? i don't ge



Join Date: Sept 2009
# of posts: 5

and you're already whining.
The future does not look bright for you.



Originally Posted by BigDaddyDream View Post
Join Date: Sept 2009
# of posts: 5

and you're already whining.
The future does not look bright for you.
It must be that time of the month...

@Animorph 2

Also known as;
Maverick, Living Phantom, Role-Player, Live-Wyre, Eagle Eye, Toy-Man, Cartoon, Jetfire, Reflex, Mer-Man, Spartacus, Step, Reaver...



Any Firefox ninjas out there that can recommend a good addon to force my own CSS formatting on stuff?

So far Add Block Plus + No Script have been enough to disable most of the intrusive adds and ugly CSS loadouts you see on the net, but I can't get the oversized font, bold, and italics off this poster's stuff.

I've already disabled everything I can through the User CP as far as images, avatars, signatures, etc. Maybe I should post to the technical support forum?



While not trying to be insulting or reactionary, good spelling is generally seen to be an indication of intelligence in an all-text medium such as the internet. How true this is, of course, can't be proven.

However, it's also partially an ease of communication thing. Personally, I would rather roleplay with someone who has good spelling and grammar, because it is easier for me to understand their posts. As with many things, taking that little bit of extra time to "self-promote" generally pays dividends.

And as an aside, I don't get people attacking my spelling, even though I'm English, and therefore place lots of extraneous "u"s in words that, according to America, don't require them. I take this to mean that the problem isn't that the people who are being complained about aren't spelling with acceptable social difference, they're simply spelling BADLY.

And if you want me to RP more with people with bad spelling, well...


That first paragraph, though? Yep, thats all fine. Thumbs up.

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



Well, like I said before, when your in a battle, and don't have time to spell each and every one correclty, you find an easier way of doing. Like using 'text' words. They are fast and easy. But when you are not in battle or doing something that requires quick nature, yes, peeps should spell and use grammer correctly! But all in all, spelling really shouldn't be as big of an issue as it is!



Typos in RP happen all the time, especially, as you say when battle is flying and time is short.

Also there are cultural issues with spelling too, as a previous poster indicated with words such as neighbourhood and colour.

I don't think anyone can truly judge RP. It's like judging someone's favorite color or favorite band or author. You may have an opinion about it, but really RP style and methods can rarely be judged objectively. I think the only RP element that can be judged is whether the fellow-roleplayer involved has mutual-respect for you and others. Roleplayers that seek status over others, assume superiority over the others, or seem to continually mock, deride and scoff at other people's contributions or ideas, are indicative of behavior that I feel, can be criticized because they go beyond taste and style.

If you meet me, as a roleplayer half-way though, in terms of respect, your style, ideas and themes are probably not an issue at all. In fact, the more bizarre they are, the more intrigued I will be.



I was considering being...ya know, reasonable? Then, I saw the "kiss mah butt" line and said "Nah."

Then, I saw other people actually attempting to be reasonable...and I think I sighed. I guess some people are more welcoming and reasonable than others, but then again, I deal with idiots on a daily basis, so I guess my tolerance for stupidity is rather...shot by the time I get home...

Somethin' about that red and black text just sends me into a fit of rage...

Or maybe I'm just always angry...all the time...Hell, I dunno. But, I guess I can attempt to be reasonable. So, here goes...

OP, could you please not use the red and black text? It's actually very hard to read. It doesn't make you look unique, it just makes you look silly and no one here is going to-


-covers his mouth-

...I tried, ya'll! I DID!

"People who take offense to IC actions OOCly need to learn to differentiate between the two... Or change their damn meds."



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Yes, it is.
No, it's not.



Progress...hmmm, now that, that is being reasonable. I appreciate it. Since i use default background, I didn't realize that black and red text hurts peeps eyes and I am sorry to all who had to read in that color. I went back and edited to make everything black!



It is, Insurgency mod already ruins my eyes by calling for hyper sensitivity, last thing i need is bright red text on dull blue.



Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
Roleplaying, in my definition(and not out of a dictionary) is playing a personality, or role, in to which gives your toon personality, and your not trully yourself. Rping does not necessarily mean you have to be intelligent or vulgar, or what-ever. You can play it out how ever you want.

And for those who don't like how someone else RP's, GET OVER IT! I'm tired of fighting and having this arguement, everytime I say I am RPing and I'm not to their expectations. Don't like, don't play with whoever. PLAIN AND SIMPLE!!!

Oh yea, LAY OFF HOW PEEPS SPELL!!! That drives me nuttso!
Geez I bet Spelling (bleeps) would hate My Space Pirate Catgirl, she speaks in Cat-onese which goes like this:

/Bhump "Mew, Me'areow'Meun'CHee" (Hi, I'm Hungery)



Well given that i just went back and edited everything, and is still getting crap for it, well all i have to say is, you don't have to read what I have to say and like I have told several peeps before, please, PLEASE read everything I have to say if your going to read it, and not just bits and pieces!!!



Originally Posted by Mariel_Martog View Post
Geez I bet Spelling (bleeps) would hate My Space Pirate Catgirl, she speaks in Cat-onese which goes like this:

/Bhump "Mew, Me'areow'Meun'CHee" (Hi, I'm Hungery)
BTW, that's hilarious and I would love teaming with you!!!



Originally Posted by shikraria View Post
Progress...hmmm, now that, that is being reasonable. I appreciate it. Since i use default background, I didn't realize that black and red text hurts peeps eyes and I am sorry to all who had to read in that color. I went back and edited to make everything black!
Just for your information, black is harder to read on a dark background than red. And red is generally considered a text color that is not suitable for prolonged reading. You know, that's why they use red text to ALARM people on emergency signs, posters, and most other things.

And it's not about being reasonable and not reading your full posts. First of all, there was a reason we didn't read all of your posts. If you're not familiar with the concept of typography, please take a look at this link.

When you have certain segments in your posts marked red, the human mind tends to remember and register those, instead of the black bits. It's just part of our nature. Again, notice how red text is used for ALERTING purposes usually? I realize you edited your posts. I'm just explaining why everyone is acting the way they are.

Secondly, you have joined very recently. You've made a total of 2 (or 3? Don't remember) threads, and from what I recall, you seem to have a very "I think this and that. Do you agree with me? No? Then screw you! XD" attitude, which is not really welcomed in an online forum, and is usually considered implicit trolling.

Furthermore, the definition of RP, as my friend just pointed out, is quite simply. It's right there in the word: Role Play.

You...play a role! Astonishing definition, eh?

However, every one has a different set of standards and tastes. Just like how I enjoy BBQ more than sea food, or how I like to organize my stuff in my room in a certain way, or how I like to keep the kitchen sink clean every night, I also enjoy role playing with people who use proper spelling, grammar, and generally know how to portray an enjoyable scene. And I would give them all the time in the world to make their posts if it's really worth the wait.

This doesn't mean I'm elitist. This doesn't mean I'm a snob. I'm a terrible role player. I only started role playing two years ago, and I'm still learning things. It just means that I have a set of personal standards and tastes.

If you want to use 'txt' speak during your role play, go right ahead. If you enjoy it, and so do others, then thumbs up to you. But it's just not my cup of tea.

This thread isn't about the definition of role playing. This thread is about you trying to "share" your definition of role playing (and pretend it is the definition of role playing) and also ranting on the side about some people who probably called you names or ignored you in the D.

Welcome to Virtue.



Actually, I don't have the 'screw you attitude'. I only have the screw you attitude when people, like yourself, are so critical and don't even stay on the topic I have asked about! Yes, I have recently joined and considered a noob. Don't really care. So excuse me for being defensive when peeps won't even stay on topic!
The spelling, I was talking about the game. In the game, peeps get so critical about how you spell when your right in the middle of battle. Well, excuse me for shorting the words so I can type faster and attack at the same time.
BTW, why is everyone so angry with how I type on here? What is wrong with my grammer?

PS I will stay with the white text if peeps lay off my back



Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post

Just for your information, ...
If you want to use 'txt' speak during your role play, go right ahead. If you enjoy it, and so do others, then thumbs up to you. But it's just not my cup of tea.

Welcome to Virtue.
Nor mine. I'm pretty tolerant of different speaking styles in RP, (unless you use noir-ish blocks of text =-p) but I draw the line at "How r u?" for the way a character speaks.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.