What is Roleplaying?




Originally Posted by MOUT__ View Post
Shouldn't that last line be "u r" (if not "ur" or even "u")?
Yah, but I was assuming the hypothetical person isn't THAT bad.



Slight change of subject:

What are your thoughts on text binds during team combat? Example: a stalker binding his assassination power with a local chat string that says, "Iron Slash!"

With two of my characters, I've taken the time to map several in-character phrases ranging from, "Where do you think *you're* going, $target?" for chasing down a mob; to, "Your fight's with *me*, $target!" to let the others know that I'm taunting or engaging a mob that's attacking a teammate.

I'm usually the only one on my group who seems to have bothered with it, but so far, I've received no outward complaints. Although when I group with a particular quiet set of people, I kind of feel I'm doing it too much when the chat space is filled with my character yelling out stuff in local speak... But about a quarter of the time, I find that one or two others start attempting the same in-character fighting, though I can tell that a lot of it isn't binded.

Just wanted to know how many of you guys would find that sort of thing annoying.

And on a side note, I started actually publicly interacting with my contacts. For example, after I complete a mission, I'd whip out the cellphone emote, "call" the contact, and respond to him or her in local. At first, I thought it'd be the equivalent of artistic masturbation -- as in just doing it without the intent of there being an audience... But more often than not, I'd notice one or two players drop by to see what all the commotion was about.

I'm not sure if they think I was being immersive... Or if I was just being stupid and/or crazy to talk to a non-interactive NPC. But I don't know, I feel as if I'm inserting myself into the story and game lore by adding my own little part to it. I do a lot of soloing now, just so I can pace myself and actually enjoy some truly engaging stories. I'm just wondering how awesome it would be to team up with a couple of other players who want to enjoy a group experience in the same way. Eg, one player "relaying" a contact's intel to the rest of the team, with everyone following and being engaged in the mission arc. Versus the usual monotonous XP grind...



Originally Posted by TheNakedNinja View Post
Slight change of subject:

What are your thoughts on text binds during team combat? Example: a stalker binding his assassination power with a local chat string that says, "Iron Slash!"

With two of my characters, I've taken the time to map several in-character phrases ranging from, "Where do you think *you're* going, $target?" for chasing down a mob; to, "Your fight's with *me*, $target!" to let the others know that I'm taunting or engaging a mob that's attacking a teammate.

I'm usually the only one on my group who seems to have bothered with it, but so far, I've received no outward complaints. Although when I group with a particular quiet set of people, I kind of feel I'm doing it too much when the chat space is filled with my character yelling out stuff in local speak... But about a quarter of the time, I find that one or two others start attempting the same in-character fighting, though I can tell that a lot of it isn't binded.

Just wanted to know how many of you guys would find that sort of thing annoying.
I actually had that on one of my characters. I played a giant robot who was based on Liberty Prime from Fallout 3. Except he was a commie!

He would keep spitting out these pro-communist one liners during combat. However, to make it not annoying, me and my friend sat down and came up with about 20 or so one-liners.

Then I made 20 bind files and linked them in such a way that every time I pressed a button on my keyboard, it would load a new one-liner. And I just pressed the button every 10-15 minutes on the team. It wasn't repetitive for the team, and some of them even enjoyed it!

But if it's someone saying the same thing in local over and over again every 20 seconds, then yes, I would find it annoying.



Jessica: "I'm pregnant."
Joseph: "Who's the father?"
Jessica: "You are. <dun dun DUN!>"

Actually I prefer one, in a live RP situation. I might embelish it a bit with emotes, but I like to run lean and fast. In a story/RP post? Quote three is the better, choice, but of course the subject is bit mundane. Yes I know it's my subject.

I also bind emotes to attack powers. Jack tends to scream "Gravity Check" when thowning the big punch. My blasters call targets, I have a red side witch who keeps charms in her belt. These charms are inspirations so I've bound keys that say things like "X breaks open sulfer tablet to increase our damage.

From the plane, on my phone so forgive any errors.

Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
My 360 hates me and writes about it
Jack's X-Box's Blog
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---



Originally Posted by DrJackWolfe View Post
Jessica: "I'm pregnant."
Joseph: "Who's the father?"
Jessica: "You are. <dun dun DUN!>"

Actually I prefer one, in a live RP situation. I might embelish it a bit with emotes, but I like to run lean and fast. In a story/RP post? Quote three is the better, choice, but of course the subject is bit mundane. Yes I know it's my subject.
To each their own, I guess.



Yah "Iron Slash" everytime you queue up power 1 would get annoying to teammates.

That dialogue reminds me of the winner of the story contest to write a short story using religion, royalty, sex, and mystery.

The Winner?

"My God!" said the queen, "I'm pregnant! I wonder who the father is?"

Any of those works, just depends on the character and their attitudes, A flippant one might use the <dun Dun DUUUUN> or a more serious one would not.

Funny enough, when roleplaying with others I stopped worrying if they were doing it right or wrong, cause the moment Ii began thinking the other person didn't know what they were doing, I would find out they were already three steps ahead of me, and I was too slow to figure out what was going on.

Now not in all cases, but what appears as leet speak might just be an individual from an alternate earth where humans and machines have merged and are almost interchangeable and speech has become onelongdatastring.punctuatedbyl33tjargon.IMHO.KTHX BYE which became a shorthand way of idea exchange for humans who were trying to communicate ideas very fast. :P

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



Originally Posted by Elysienne View Post
Yes, society has put an expectation on people to spell, but in truth it should be the same kind of expectation you put on someone to be able to pull their hand away from a fire.
Unless if you're trying to be a writer, spelling has next to nothing to do with other tasks requiring physical effort. There's a place for it but as a whole, it's just like table manners; people being picky just so they can feel better about themselves.

Einstein failed English, yet we know him as a brilliant mind. It just goes to show, you can be intellectual and yet still have faults that would label you as "improper" within a society.



Originally Posted by Rookery. View Post
Yah "Iron Slash" everytime you queue up power 1 would get annoying to teammates.

That dialogue reminds me of the winner of the story contest to write a short story using religion, royalty, sex, and mystery.

The Winner?

"My God!" said the queen, "I'm pregnant! I wonder who the father is?"

Any of those works, just depends on the character and their attitudes, A flippant one might use the <dun Dun DUUUUN> or a more serious one would not.

Funny enough, when roleplaying with others I stopped worrying if they were doing it right or wrong, cause the moment Ii began thinking the other person didn't know what they were doing, I would find out they were already three steps ahead of me, and I was too slow to figure out what was going on.

Now not in all cases, but what appears as leet speak might just be an individual from an alternate earth where humans and machines have merged and are almost interchangeable and speech has become onelongdatastring.punctuatedbyl33tjargon.IMHO.KTHX BYE which became a shorthand way of idea exchange for humans who were trying to communicate ideas very fast. :P
This is true. And I always believe that there is no right or wrong way of roleplaying. There is, however, a right or wrong in communicating in English. And when I'm roleplaying with someone (and part of roleplaying is communicating in English) and it gets to the point that it breaks my immersion of the scene, or it makes it hard for me to understand what the person is expressing, my roleplaying experience starts going down.

Originally Posted by Stryph View Post
Unless if you're trying to be a writer, spelling has next to nothing to do with other tasks requiring physical effort. There's a place for it but as a whole, it's just like table manners; people being picky just so they can feel better about themselves.

Einstein failed English, yet we know him as a brilliant mind. It just goes to show, you can be intellectual and yet still have faults that would label you as "improper" within a society.
Stryph, I don't think anyone here is criticizing people who literally cannot spell or write for various reason. We're saying that if a person is CAPABLE of writing properly, in the widely accepted format of English writing, and has the KNOWLEDGE to do so, and yet they STILL insist on using 'txt' speak, or they refuse to improve their spelling in a social environment to make it easier for everyone else to understand them, then they ARE being "improper", and they ARE having faults, as far as I am concerned. Because I have no other way of respecting the person than the view point I can see them through. And this view point just happens to be internet and roleplaying, and both rely HEAVILY on written text as a medium of communication.

If someone has failed their English courses, or has no desire in writing properly, there is very little chance they would be interested in free-form, online roleplay to begin with. You know, something that REQUIRES them to constantly write.

I've said it many times. I, myself, am a terrible writer. English is not my first language, and my vocabulary is severely limited. But I tried really really hard, and still am, to improve my writing. Hell, I hated my English courses. I'm a math person! Why? Because I love roleplay! And artistic writing, to me, is simply a component of roleplaying.



English isn't my first language either. I grew up speaking Southern. XD

While I applaud anyone who can spell perfectly AND still take on a group of purples, I find I'm lenient to a large degree because I know how hard it is to do so. Either in combat or even out of combat when your brain is working overtime trying to work out what YOUR character would do or what the others in your rp group are going to do, sometimes a mispelled word here or there is gonna happen AND backtracking to retype it correctly can break the flow of the RP. As long as the idea gets across with a minimum of signal noise "spelling and text" and and doesn't bother the flow of the RP I'm usually good with it.

On the other hand, if after Rping with a bad speller leaves me with a headache for trying to figure out what they were saying, I might not be soo excited to do so again. :P

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



Originally Posted by Rookery. View Post
English isn't my first language either. I grew up speaking Southern. XD

While I applaud anyone who can spell perfectly AND still take on a group of purples, I find I'm lenient to a large degree because I know how hard it is to do so. Either in combat or even out of combat when your brain is working overtime trying to work out what YOUR character would do or what the others in your rp group are going to do, sometimes a mispelled word here or there is gonna happen AND backtracking to retype it correctly can break the flow of the RP. As long as the idea gets across with a minimum of signal noise "spelling and text" and and doesn't bother the flow of the RP I'm usually good with it.

On the other hand, if after Rping with a bad speller leaves me with a headache for trying to figure out what they were saying, I might not be soo excited to do so again. :P
Well yah, a few typos and misspelled here and there (especially if you're someone who RPs in combat teams. I even don't mind 'txt' speak in combat teams) are nothing to cause a headache. I agree with you.



Originally Posted by TheNakedNinja View Post
Slight change of subject:

What are your thoughts on text binds during team combat? Example: a stalker binding his assassination power with a local chat string that says, "Iron Slash!"

With two of my characters, I've taken the time to map several in-character phrases ranging from, "Where do you think *you're* going, $target?" for chasing down a mob; to, "Your fight's with *me*, $target!" to let the others know that I'm taunting or engaging a mob that's attacking a teammate.

I'm usually the only one on my group who seems to have bothered with it, but so far, I've received no outward complaints. Although when I group with a particular quiet set of people, I kind of feel I'm doing it too much when the chat space is filled with my character yelling out stuff in local speak... But about a quarter of the time, I find that one or two others start attempting the same in-character fighting, though I can tell that a lot of it isn't binded.

Just wanted to know how many of you guys would find that sort of thing annoying.
Done in moderation, I have no problem with that. Many moons ago, I was on a CoH PuG with a guy that must of had at least 30 different one liner taunts. Through about 3 missions, the guy never said the same thing twice, and it was hilarious.

I've had a Ninja Blade Stalker that had "I am not the assassin you're looking for." cued to Placate, and a pro-wrestler style Scrapper that had a bunch of cheesy "I'm not through with you, villain!" style taunts.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



I'm with Agonus on this issue. I use macros here and there, my most common one is a "let's go" type tagline mixed with an emote. For example, "Let's crack some skulls", and then emoting a cracking of the knuckles. Or little one-liners with taunt emote, etc.

So, yeah, go for it, in moderation they can make missions more fun.



I was just complimented by a player on my team for a little sequence of events with my binds.

I was playing an MA/NJ stalker on a team of 6. The brute accidentally pulled two mobs on us, causing the team to retreat. We made our way further back and started to rest, but one of the bosses, still somewhat week from our botched alpha strike, still held its agro on me and found his way to our rally point.

When I saw him, I fired off my binds:

Me: Local: "So you want me, $target? Well there's a price..." $$ Taunt1 emote.

I closed the distance while firing up build-up, landed right next him, and defeated him with an assassin strike.

Me: Local: "...Your life." $$ Crack knuckles emote.

I hopped back to the resting team, and whipped out a book and started reading as if nothing major had happened.

One of the players PM'ed me and said that from his perspective, it look "incredibly badass" and wished more players would do what I do. I've just been validated! ^_^

But yeah, even though I haven't received any complaints about the assassin strike local spam, I'm going to back off. I have a lot of varied one-liners to make the character interesting, but only one announcement for his assassination strike. There are a few variations, like tapping an enemy on the shoulder and then shouting the move in his face before completing the move, but I'll save it for select enemy encounters. Oh, and for the record, it's not "Iron Slash". That was just a hypothetical example.



Best use I've ever seen of a "Gather for X" buff bind was a Defender light RP stripper type character. Her version was something like "You want some of this?" timed with the ***-smacking taunt emote.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Originally Posted by TheNakedNinja View Post
Slight change of subject:

What are your thoughts on text binds during team combat? Example: a stalker binding his assassination power with a local chat string that says, "Iron Slash!"
I like seeing those, unless they get to be too spammy.

Example of (much) too spammy... if I macroed a chat comment together with my AR blaster's Burst and/ or Slug attacks, and then used those macros to routinely fire off the attacks.

On the other hand, if I macroed "Backblast area clear!" together with my LRM attack, that would probably be fine with most teams, as that attack is used much less frequently.

Forum Game: Lower the Rep



It's just that if it's too often and repetitive, it'd break the immersion more than enhancing it.

When I do things like that, I bind it to a power that has a cool down period of AT LEAST 5 minutes, if it's only a single line with no alternatives.

The more variety I have (using bind files), the more often I let myself use it!