The redheaded stepchildren of enemy groups...




So I've been thinking lately (bad idea, I know), what the heck gives with some of our enemy groups? SOme of them have some really weak content. My suggestion is to improve these groups by adding more content in the future, rather than focusing on enemy groups who already have a strong presence, to better flesh them out and add more overall variety through the course of the game. In my opinion, these are the groups (from a Villian perspective) which need improvement.

They just abruptly drop out of the game after about level 20. As great as the "evil organizations" are, I really miss being able to beat up the common street punk. I'd love to see some higher-level Hellion content.

See above.

The Coralax seriously got the short end of the stick for content. After reading the backstory behind them, I'm wondering why these guys don't have a T/SF! The plot is awesome, but all we ever see of them are a couple washed up fishmen being prodded by Arachnos in Cap. Come to think of it, I can't remember a single mission where the Coralax were the main enemy group. (Insert arguement for Coralax-themed underwater zone here)

They serve no purpose, are annoying, and just plain epicly fail at everything. If these guys acctually became a threat, it would be hilarious. As it stands they could be removed from the game and I probably wouldn't notice they were gone.

Banished Pantheon
These guys seem pretty awesome, and I have no idea what their presence is like blueside, but I've only seen them once. I could definitely go for more of them, possible to help deal with the "CoT is Everywhere" issue by increasing their presence while reducing CoT presence in some areas, probably somewhere within the 30-40 range.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Hellions and Skulls do, in a sense, evolve - you follow their story through the Family, Trolls, Tsoo and Outcast, honestly. The groups themselves make sense to drop out of sight - they're really the low level cannon fodder.

Coralax were slated to become an EAT. No telling if that'll ever happen, but I hope it does.

Luddites - I agree. Same with BP. Blueside, they're part of the whole *reason* for why Dark Astoria is as it is.



I am aware of the Coralax EAT, but somehow I doubt that will happen at this rate, as it was quite a long time ago. However, should that ever come to pass, it would no doubt bring with it a huge amount of Coralax-related content.

Frankly, my biggest hope is to see an underwater zone focused upon the Coralax. The idea of a shimmering city of coral built over a freakin' god just sounds like it would be awesome to see. Not to mention the NPCs would be something we've never seen, such as the Virtea (It that right?) and "pure" Coralax as opposed to the mutated human Hybrids we're familiar with.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Totally agree. The game gets a bit annoying when every other mission, they throw Longbow, Arachnos, CoT and Freakshow at you. I'd also wish they'd flesh out the Wailers too. Yeah, I know they're a demon infestation in just St Martial but you could add more to their origin, right?

The Legacy Chain isn't so bad either. I think they could be added into more content, is all. I feel I don't cross much Devouring Earth compared to stuff like Freaks and DE have more variety.

And Luddites, who are they?



Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
The Coralax seriously got the short end of the stick for content. After reading the backstory behind them, I'm wondering why these guys don't have a T/SF! The plot is awesome, but all we ever see of them are a couple washed up fishmen being prodded by Arachnos in Cap. Come to think of it, I can't remember a single mission where the Coralax were the main enemy group. (Insert arguement for Coralax-themed underwater zone here).
Try out the Operative Renault SF.

Someone elsewhere made a good point that both Wyvern and Legacy Chain need a greater prescense.



Luddites are there for comedy relief, I think

And blueside, who is it, Hellions or Skulls that get used by the Malta group? Very nicely ties in mid-40 content with those early days.

Myself I do NOT like Banished Pantheon in general but that's probably because my first and sadly most lengthy exposure to them was with my first 50 who was an Emp/ DARK defender... meaning her already weak attacks did even LESS to them. >_> Fire / fire tank and scrapper on the other hand, mop those guys up lol.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I'd like for them go through and expand every enemy type to atleast two for every rank of foe. Some enemy types just feel lazy with 1 minion, 1 LT 1 boss format. Just looks like the villain or hero group was an after thought. I understand some change out as you rise up the ranks which is fine, but theres some that are static the whole way.

- Justice
Lastjustice- lvl 50 defender
Leader of Eternal Vigilance.
- Freedom
Lastjudgment - lvl 50 corruptor
Member of V.A.M.P.




The Skulls and Hellions make sense where they are - street gangs which fall out of focus when you're powerful enough to handle bigger things. You still have the Trolls and eventually the Freakshow to serve as super-powered street gangs, though.

However, there are MANY enemy groups villain-side which are either entirely forgotten or only mentioned in passing.

The Cap Au Diable Demons
The Legacy Chain
The Scrapyarders
The Dockworkers???
Yes, the Wailers

And then there are a lot of enemy groups which get good exposure in City of Heroes, but are only ever sort of... There in City of Villains. Skulls, Hellions, the Lost, to a large extent the Rikti, the Nemesis Army, the Soldiers of Rularuu, there are many. The biggest failing in CoV, as far as I'm concerned, is that it's almost all Longbow, Arachnos and Circle of Thorns, with other, more interesting groups outright forgotten about.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
The Skulls and Hellions make sense where they are - street gangs which fall out of focus when you're powerful enough to handle bigger things. You still have the Trolls and eventually the Freakshow to serve as super-powered street gangs, though.

However, there are MANY enemy groups villain-side which are either entirely forgotten or only mentioned in passing.

The Cap Au Diable Demons
The Legacy Chain
The Scrapyarders
The Dockworkers???
Yes, the Wailers

And then there are a lot of enemy groups which get good exposure in City of Heroes, but are only ever sort of... There in City of Villains. Skulls, Hellions, the Lost, to a large extent the Rikti, the Nemesis Army, the Soldiers of Rularuu, there are many. The biggest failing in CoV, as far as I'm concerned, is that it's almost all Longbow, Arachnos and Circle of Thorns, with other, more interesting groups outright forgotten about.
Agreed. The focus of City of Villains on Arachnos and Longbow is horribly frustrating. Arachnos are okay, at least they've an interesting variety of different types, but they are overused.

Longbow are just fail. Dull, frustrating and monotonous all at the same time. And every second mission seems to feature them.

Going Rogue better not make the same mistake in terms of content variety.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
The Skulls and Hellions make sense where they are - street gangs which fall out of focus when you're powerful enough to handle bigger things. You still have the Trolls and eventually the Freakshow to serve as super-powered street gangs, though.

However, there are MANY enemy groups villain-side which are either entirely forgotten or only mentioned in passing.

The Cap Au Diable Demons
The Legacy Chain
The Scrapyarders
The Dockworkers???
Yes, the Wailers
Most of those are often forgot about because so many people just couldnt level fast enough and the devs put in 2 different xp curves. Now you out level the content in port oakes and cap au diable so fast you barely get to do anything for a contact. I can't even remember the last time I was able to do a mission for the radio. I've always out leveled him before I get to speak to him.

Really wish they would raise the level cap on the content in cap and port oakes as well as the cap on the spawns in those zones.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
The Skulls and Hellions make sense where they are - street gangs which fall out of focus when you're powerful enough to handle bigger things. You still have the Trolls and eventually the Freakshow to serve as super-powered street gangs, though.

However, there are MANY enemy groups villain-side which are either entirely forgotten or only mentioned in passing.

The Cap Au Diable Demons
The Legacy Chain
The Scrapyarders
The Dockworkers???
Yes, the Wailers

And then there are a lot of enemy groups which get good exposure in City of Heroes, but are only ever sort of... There in City of Villains. Skulls, Hellions, the Lost, to a large extent the Rikti, the Nemesis Army, the Soldiers of Rularuu, there are many. The biggest failing in CoV, as far as I'm concerned, is that it's almost all Longbow, Arachnos and Circle of Thorns, with other, more interesting groups outright forgotten about.
Until you hit around 40+. At that point, Malta and Carnies take over the roles of Longbow and CoT, respectively, for the most part. Of course, there just is not getting rid of LB...I wish they'd pass off the task of taking my villianous hide down to Wyvern, at least that would be a change.

The Dockworkers just seemed like Scrapyarders 2.0, with less storyline and no purpose. I didn't even bother. Scrapyarders I'd say are pretty comfortable where they are, they have their own GM and an excellent arc concerning Sea Witch, as well as more content after taking down 200 of them. With some effort and the right direction, you can easily spend most of your tenure in Sharkhead dealing with them. Legacy Chain, while involved in that arc, didn't have a strong enough presence to merit mention...And like every other magic-themed group, loses out to CoT.

As far as Goldbrickers go...I just want to know what a guy's gotta do to fight Midas. Is it even possible? Given how saturated Cap is with the guys, I'd say they have a plenty strong presence, just no good storyline to back it up, resulting in a legion of foes you don't particularly care about.

Cap Demons are really just a gameplay mechanic for summoning Deathsurge...Though I would like to delve deeper into the PTS storyline.

And I hate Wailers. Anything that can drop my resistance like that is not a pleasent encounter :P Even so, the Johnny Sonata story arc wasn't too bad, and pretty much said everything that needed to be said about them.

Side note: Now that I think about it, St. Martial is probably the weakest zone for overall content. I find myself running far too many paper missions there due to lack of contacts.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
Most of those are often forgot about because so many people just couldnt level fast enough and the devs put in 2 different xp curves. Now you out level the content in port oakes and cap au diable so fast you barely get to do anything for a contact. I can't even remember the last time I was able to do a mission for the radio. I've always out leveled him before I get to speak to him.
Even so, Luddites appear in a single mission, Goldbrickers make cameo appearances in a few, and the Legacy Chain and Wyvern are sort of there, but never actually have any sort of presence.

And I wouldn't actually be against upping Port Oaks up to 15 (it's 5-10 now. Seriously?) and Cap up to 25, so I don't have to grind FIKKIN SHARKHEAD every bloody time through the same missions.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
And then there are a lot of enemy groups which get good exposure in City of Heroes, but are only ever sort of... There in City of Villains. Skulls, Hellions, the Lost, to a large extent the Rikti, the Nemesis Army, the Soldiers of Rularuu, there are many. The biggest failing in CoV, as far as I'm concerned, is that it's almost all Longbow, Arachnos and Circle of Thorns, with other, more interesting groups outright forgotten about.
This is about the one big thing I've ever agreed with you on about the design of CoV. They have you, as a villain, fighting other villains a lot... but then they don't even mix it up, instead focusing on Arachnos and CoT. The other groups either get cameo appearances in a mission or two (Banished Pantheon, Tsoo, Hellions, Skulls, Warriors, The Lost, Trolls, Clockwork...) or only exist in tiny level ranges or single arcs (Wailers, Snakes...). You can probably count the number of groups with more than one arc dedicated to them on your fingers.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



I wish they would give us a little more things involving Sky Raiders. Bump the Skiff down to Lt. Rank, bring out a Mk. II Sky Skiff for a boss, add a human boss- well... At least one that's not in a micro jet, and maybe ditch the jump bots. They just feel so out of place.

Also, I pretty much agree one everything listed here so far, BP and Skulls in particular. I mean, what the @#$% are the skulls? Are they magical, mutants, natural through the power of emo?

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I actually kinda like how some villain groups in CoV only appear in certain zones. It actually makes those zones feel more unique, unlike the zones in CoH where any given enemy group in one zone can be found in two other zones as well.

In CoV, those mini-villain groups always feel like they belong there. The technology-fearing Luddites are protesting in Doctor Aeon's city, what with him being the big science man of Arachnos, the Wailers show up in St. Martial because Sonata makes deals with devils, the Coralax and the golems in Sharkhead Island enmass there because of the presence of the Leviathan. It just gives these zones a unique flavour.

I do agree that many of these groups are still rather underrepresented. Especially the Luddites and Midas' minions, who don't even seem to have arcs dedicated to them. They really should get the same treatment as the Scrapyarders. That group, at least, feels immensely significant in Sharkhead Island and show up in and out of arcs a lot of time.

On that note, giving the Legacy Chain and Wyvern a greater presence on all of the Rogue Isles is definitely a good idea, just to mix it up with the Longbow encounters. They're all good-guy groups, and there is absolutely no reason you shouldn't encounter them more often or in place of Longbow. Hell, a few more hero groups that try to clean up the Rogue Isles would be great, too.



There actually is a high-level Snakes arc, and it includes an Arch-villain.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
Try out the Operative Renault SF.
Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
the Coralax and the golems in Sharkhead Island enmass there because of the presence of the Leviathan. It just gives these zones a unique flavour.
And missions to collect coral shards on Sharkhead Isle, which are also connected to some of the business in Cage.

All these are a little subtle though, and connected to where the Coralax comes from, rather than fighting Coralax directly. Given how players play the game, I bet the only way is to create a strike force where people fight waves of Coralax, then people will think that they are well represented in the game.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Even so, Luddites appear in a single mission, Goldbrickers make cameo appearances in a few, and the Legacy Chain and Wyvern are sort of there, but never actually have any sort of presence.
Spetsnaz come to mind.
1 or 2 missions in a short, easily outleved arc, and zero outdoor presence.

And I wouldn't actually be against upping Port Oaks up to 15 (it's 5-10 now. Seriously?) and Cap up to 25, so I don't have to grind FIKKIN SHARKHEAD every bloody time through the same missions.
I've never really felt the hate for Sharkhead, other than it's seems to be less stable (mapserver-wise) than the rest of CoV, including GV.
Now if you were advocating getting rid of (or improving) Nerva, you'd have my interest.



One of the big problems with CoV is that it was clearly written in some cases as though you had already played CoH (oh hey, so yeah, Hellions), and in other cases like you haven't (ZOMG A VAMPYRI?!).

What would go a long way to sprucing up CoV without touching zone design or mission construction would be to extend the level ranges of Wyvern and Legacy Chain, and completely revamp Longbow.

Why I hate Longbow is because they're basically recolored Council, but with inexplicable and inexcusably high resistance to S/L damage. I'd much prefer to see more superpowered Longbow agents across all ranks, instead of just the poorly balanced bosses, and fewer guys with guns. I'd also tweak their terribly outdated descriptions/names - Nullifiers don't come even close to nullifying anything until at least level 30.

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Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
In CoV, those mini-villain groups always feel like they belong there. The technology-fearing Luddites are protesting in Doctor Aeon's city, what with him being the big science man of Arachnos, the Wailers show up in St. Martial because Sonata makes deals with devils, the Coralax and the golems in Sharkhead Island enmass there because of the presence of the Leviathan. It just gives these zones a unique flavour.
Maaaybe...if the level ranges of those zones were expanded so you're exposed to these unique surroundings more evenly then I'd agree. But currently, you might spend all of an hour (unless you're me and it's several hours) in Mercy, do a few paper missions to get your jump jet in Port Oaks which will lvl you right up to Cap, join a team and get maybe 2 arcs done before you're already thrust into Sharkhead which you either grind to move on to Nerva or do as many arcs in Sharkhead which will probably lvl you right to St Marshal.

Mercy needs to be expanded up to lvl 15ish, PO up to 25, Sharkhead is good where it is but maybe bump it to 30, Nerva and St Marshal would be 35+.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Why I hate Longbow is because they're basically recolored Council, but with inexplicable and inexcusably high resistance to S/L damage. I'd much prefer to see more superpowered Longbow agents across all ranks, instead of just the poorly balanced bosses, and fewer guys with guns. I'd also tweak their terribly outdated descriptions/names - Nullifiers don't come even close to nullifying anything until at least level 30.
Yeah, I always found it a little silly that they're SO boring. They're basically the EXACT SAME ENEMIES for 50 levels. Oh, you have a few newbies who only have handguns (so, Hellions in Freedom Corps uniforms), but beyond something like level 5 or level 10, they're the same enemies. And, yes, I appreciate the fact that they get new and ever nastier powers (and Spec Ops), the fact remains that they are just boring to look at and boring to fight.

And you're right, they're a ripoff of the Council, who are a ripoff of the Column. But in the 5th Column, and even more so in the Council, that lack of variety isn't as pronounced. If we look at the 5th Column, their human soldiers do have the same powers and weapons from level 1 to level 50, but at least their appearance varies by a lot, and they have three different corps. The Council soldiers vary even more, leaving the heavier weapons for later and initially using pistols, shotguns and SMGs, moving onto miniguns, rocket launchers and super soldiers later on.

And EVEN THEN, that's only a quarter of what the Council has. Even discounting the Lucha Libre wrestlers, they still have vampires, werewolves and robots. Longbow pretty much only ever have soldiers. Ever.

Seriously, I think Longbow really need an update. Start them off on faux-hellions, move them into gun-totting soldiers, but start filtring the Wardens down in the later levels. Council spawns manage to include humans, robots, vampires and werewolves, so why can't Lingbow do that? Filter the Wardens down to lieutenant, and maybe some of the weaker ones down to minion in the 40s. Make better use of the chasers, give them some PPD-inspired power armour, give them more interesting, more futuristic weapons.

For heaven's sake! How did Arachnos end up so diverse and interesting and Longbow so BORING? OK, they're annoying because of their omnipresence, but Arachnos still has MASSIVE variety. Wolf Spiders, Crab Spiders, Bane Spiders, Arachnobots, Tarantula, Seers of the Fortunata and Mu Mystics? Oh, and Drones. Even if we condense all the Spiders into the same unit type, they still have six different types of enemies, some with a lot of variety in them. Why couldn't Longbow be made like this? Hell, even the god damn Legacy Chain is more interesting with their different elementalists.

Given how much presence they have, I REALLY think Longbow should have more variety.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



So very true. Quite frankly, nothing short of a Ballista will make me even bat an eye after 45 levels of this game. It's just like "I've done this song-and-dance a thousand times already *yawn*." No challenge, no fun, no interest. They have ONE LIEUTENANT! One. Ever. Unless theres a low level Lt. which I forgot after facing an endless supply of Nullifiers. Which, as someone already pointed out, don't nullify a damn thing. I considder Spec-Ops to be more dangerous than Nullies, albiet they're still about as dangerous as a whiffle ball bat.

More superpowered Longbow? Oh hell yeah I am on board that idea. Give me some Lt. Wardens, please. I hate Officers, too...throwing more guns at me isn't going to provide any more challenge, Officers are freakin' pushovers.

And totally agreed on power-armored Longbow. Hell, the PPD are godly compared to the "special forces" formed specifically to take out superpowered criminals. Why is that? Why are the average cops better armed than special forces? They have normal cops, SWAT, psychics, and mecha. Longbow has rifles. Fail.

So yes, I am totally in agreement with the gripes about Longbow. Either cut down the massive prsence, or at least make them less boring. Also, while the S/L resist has never effected me as an Elec user, I do agree that it's entirely out of place. Bulletproof spandex?

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
And totally agreed on power-armored Longbow. Hell, the PPD are godly compared to the "special forces" formed specifically to take out superpowered criminals. Why is that? Why are the average cops better armed than special forces? They have normal cops, SWAT, psychics, and mecha. Longbow has rifles. Fail.
I'd love Longbow to get an infusion of recostumed PPD forces. The power armor looks totally cool. When they fly they get rocket flames coming out of the bottom of their boots. Style points! But if PPD models/powers ever get ported, please for the love of humanity, cut the duration of those awful glue guns. Those feel like they last forever in mayhem missions.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Sardan View Post
I'd love Longbow to get an infusion of recostumed PPD forces. The power armor looks totally cool. When they fly they get rocket flames coming out of the bottom of their boots. Style points!
Actually, the PPD are a perfect example of how a faction should evolve through the levels. They start out with beat cops in uniform up through the rank, proceed to undercover cops and detectives, then go up into SWAT troops. From there, they start branching out into the Hard Shells, eventually getting help from the out-and-out police robots. And when conventional arms aren't strong enough, step in the psy ops and actual Police Drones. And when even that isn't enough, Kheldians move in.

Now compare that to Longbow. They start out with men and women in tights armed with guns and progress through... Men and women in tights armed with guns. Finally, they get serious and bring out... Men and women in tights armed with guns. Seriously? Who designed these guys? It's like they just grabbed the Hero Coprs Trainers from the various zones and stores, gave them 5th Column powers and washed their hands of the whole thing.

Let's review. What do Longbow have?

Newbie: fists and handgun
Spec Ops
Rare, rare Wardens

And that is ALL! Oh, right, there are also Sergeants and Chasers, so add two more. But, hell, the council have more CORPS of soldiers than Longbow have individual soldiers.

Could we give Longbow some kind of makeover? They're one of the most prolific enemy groups out there AND one of the least diverse.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.