The redheaded stepchildren of enemy groups...




Flamethrowers are probably the worst offenders in terms of Longbow lore, with references to hiding them from the news cameras. Longbow shouldn't get to kvetch about Wyvern's shadiness when they spray napalm at fellow humans on a daily basis.

It's another sign of CoV's unfocused plot, or maybe just a weak attempt to pump Longbow up as an adversary by making them amoral hypocrites.

Of their existing units, I do love Eagles, Spec Ops, and Ballistas though.

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Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
I actually kinda like how some villain groups in CoV only appear in certain zones. It actually makes those zones feel more unique, unlike the zones in CoH where any given enemy group in one zone can be found in two other zones as well.

In CoV, those mini-villain groups always feel like they belong there. The technology-fearing Luddites are protesting in Doctor Aeon's city, what with him being the big science man of Arachnos, the Wailers show up in St. Martial because Sonata makes deals with devils, the Coralax and the golems in Sharkhead Island enmass there because of the presence of the Leviathan. It just gives these zones a unique flavour.
Very much agreed. I hate the outdoor enemy placement in several heroside zones, especially Founders Falls and Peregrine Island, because it makes absolutely no sense for those groups to be where they are and to be doing what they're doing. Crey agents in CoV are found near their HQ in Nerva, standing guard or doing PR work with the locals. Crey in CoH are just lined up in random alleyways looking for a fight.

Also, someone needs to tell Vanguard that they're doing a really rubbish job of keeping the Rikti contained, since they're strolling around the beach in PI, and hanging around Founders doing... well, I don't know... sight seeing?



I think back then it was mostly a matter of lacking anything better to put in those zones, or the non-existence of say, the Crash Site/War Zone, so the Rikti had to show up somewhere pre-I1.

On that note, it seems terribly strange that Nemesis doesn't show up in Founders'. It would fit his style, I think. Unfortunately I'm not sure what else you'd stick in FF. I could see changing Crey's level range and putting them in the Rikti spawn points and putting Nemesis where Crey once was, but then what to do about the Council? Their presence is equally pointless.

Never surrender! Never give up!
Help keep Paragon City alive with the unofficial City of Heroes Tabletop Role Playing Game!



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
On that note, it seems terribly strange that Nemesis doesn't show up in Founders'. It would fit his style, I think. Unfortunately I'm not sure what else you'd stick in FF. I could see changing Crey's level range and putting them in the Rikti spawn points and putting Nemesis where Crey once was, but then what to do about the Council? Their presence is equally pointless.
Replace them with Carnies. They're supposed to be performing for the upper crust, who live primarily in Founder's Falls. They should exist in that level range, since they spawn in St. Martial.

We'll always have Paragon.



Originally Posted by NeverDark View Post
Replace them with Carnies. They're supposed to be performing for the upper crust, who live primarily in Founder's Falls. They should exist in that level range, since they spawn in St. Martial.
That's a very good point. The Carnival of Shadows seem out of place in the industrial-looking, downtown-style Peregrine Island, but against the Rustic Charm of Founders' Falls, they'd actually fit in pretty well. Yeah, I know Founders' only goes up to 40 in terms of enemy levels, but the contacts in the zone go up to 45, and we already have a precedent for a zone like this - Nerva Archipelago is 25-40

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I'm a villain, I'm bored and I wanna do evil!
While Longbows are fascists that need to be taught a lesson - over and over again - it's pretty good D..n boring. Wyvern is a bit boring, but I'm sort of in love with the Legacy and Luddites (being a history teacher'n'all)... well, beating the livin' $##$%& of'em, that is!

Why we - as chosen ones - fight Arachnos all the time is beyond my understanding. Sure it's sort of sith-style evil, but ..for cryin' out loud! Let me be seriously evil, yet within the age rating.

Quite often I'm almost stunned by a feeling of amazement of how they've put in so much nice stuff, yet don't bother to use it: Factions, city zones, nifty little features...

Oh, well, it's their game! I guess it's up to them to mess it up in whatever way they want...

Cya in I20, possibly GR!



I'd like to see a few issues dedicated to fleshing out existing factions with new story lines. New arcs, new contacts and revamped CoH contacts, and give CoV a new zone. They can use existing CoH zones, there's more than enough of them already.

Carnies already spawn down to level 30, so let's add them to FF. Place some scattered spawns in the neighborhoods, and place some tents up in the wooded areas on the edges of the zone. Maybe have them fighting DE and Thorns for territory.

Wyvern and Legacy Chain really need to be extended up to level 50. It shouldn't be too hard to find higher level powers for the Legacy chain, and there's more than enough powers in trick arrow for Wyvern to have some interesting variety. Maybe even give Wyvern some katana and dual blades types.

Add more exotic powers to Longbow, or at least give them some more interesting things to do with guns. Longbow Gunslingers anyone?

The 5th Column are back, but they seem to be missing something. The Council have everything they do, plus Galaxies and Ascendants. The 5th really need something unique to differentiate themselves, especially for newer players who never saw them before. (like me)

Some groups could stand to do more with the variety they already have. Tsoo have a million bosses, but only 2 lieutenants and, after you level past the ninja, you only ever see one type of inkmen at a time. Similarly, the Circle of Thorns have only one type of mage boss, lt., and elemental thorn caster minion for each level range. Some overlap would help make things more interesting.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
On that note, it seems terribly strange that Nemesis doesn't show up in Founders'. It would fit his style, I think. Unfortunately I'm not sure what else you'd stick in FF. I could see changing Crey's level range and putting them in the Rikti spawn points and putting Nemesis where Crey once was, but then what to do about the Council? Their presence is equally pointless.
Nemesis does show up in Founder's, though I think only in the form of rooftop snipers, mostly in the south-central area. I actually kind of like it, since it can make them a more credible threat than street spawns--my Defender once got killed by coming into the sights of three snipers at once while flying on the way to Icon. Their spawning seems a bit wonky, though, since they're a bit rare and seem to share territory with Crey snipers.

I generally agree that I like how CoV handles things, with certain factions being tied to zones, but there are some that could certainly use more of a presence in missions. It would be nice to at least see more Legacy Chain and Wyvern, and every 'global' enemy group (that is, not those like Scrapyarders and Cage Consortium that make sense to be confined to a single zone) but Longbow, Arachnos, Paragon Police Department, Circle of Thorns, and Freakshow could use some more missions.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Actually, the PPD are a perfect example of how a faction should evolve through the levels. They start out with beat cops in uniform up through the rank, proceed to undercover cops and detectives, then go up into SWAT troops. From there, they start branching out into the Hard Shells, eventually getting help from the out-and-out police robots. And when conventional arms aren't strong enough, step in the psy ops and actual Police Drones. And when even that isn't enough, Kheldians move in.

Now compare that to Longbow. They start out with men and women in tights armed with guns and progress through... Men and women in tights armed with guns. Finally, they get serious and bring out... Men and women in tights armed with guns. Seriously? Who designed these guys? It's like they just grabbed the Hero Coprs Trainers from the various zones and stores, gave them 5th Column powers and washed their hands of the whole thing.

Let's review. What do Longbow have?

Newbie: fists and handgun
Spec Ops
Rare, rare Wardens

And that is ALL! Oh, right, there are also Sergeants and Chasers, so add two more. But, hell, the council have more CORPS of soldiers than Longbow have individual soldiers.

Could we give Longbow some kind of makeover? They're one of the most prolific enemy groups out there AND one of the least diverse.
This post deserves it's own thread.


[ S I G N E D ]



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Actually, the PPD are a perfect example of how a faction should evolve through the levels. They start out with beat cops in uniform up through the rank, proceed to undercover cops and detectives, then go up into SWAT troops. From there, they start branching out into the Hard Shells, eventually getting help from the out-and-out police robots. And when conventional arms aren't strong enough, step in the psy ops and actual Police Drones. And when even that isn't enough, Kheldians move in.

Now compare that to Longbow. They start out with men and women in tights armed with guns and progress through... Men and women in tights armed with guns. Finally, they get serious and bring out... Men and women in tights armed with guns. Seriously? Who designed these guys? It's like they just grabbed the Hero Coprs Trainers from the various zones and stores, gave them 5th Column powers and washed their hands of the whole thing.

Let's review. What do Longbow have?

Newbie: fists and handgun
Spec Ops
Rare, rare Wardens

And that is ALL! Oh, right, there are also Sergeants and Chasers, so add two more.
The problem is that Longbow is too backloaded in their strength. Wardens and Ballista actually have a fair amount of strength and variety but they are bosses and only show up so much in missions and rarely outdoors. It's interesting that when asked during I15 about who would win in a fight between a spawn of 1000 Longbow vs 1000 Arachnos Castle point blank said Longbow since a spawn that size would have enough Warden Controllers and Defenders to have enough of an multiplier effect against Arachnos. Arachnos has much more interesting and varied minions and LTs but seems sorta meh with its bosses. Tweaking Nullifiers so that only the higher level ones with actual nullifying skills show up and switching out a few of the minions at higher levels would go a long way towards making Longbow more interesting.



Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
Also, I pretty much agree one everything listed here so far, BP and Skulls in particular. I mean, what the @#$% are the skulls? Are they magical, mutants, natural through the power of emo?
They're small-time necromancers, but I don't think that's ever really explained to the players.

The problem with the story-progression for skulls and hellions is that they disappear so suddenly. There's not any kind of conclusion or wrap-up, and the lead in to the outcasts / trolls / family part of the story is sadly lacking.

That's a common problem with much of the oldest content: no or almost no lead-in to new enemy groups and lackluster or missing conclusions or end-notes. You never get a feeling that you've put a dent into for example the Skulls -- you just move on to beating up Outcasts instead.

Newer content is usually better at telling a proper story with beginning, middle and end, but the darker corners of CoH really need a good spring cleaning to get rid of the cobwebs.



I think you've more or less hit the nail on the head, Leif.

The older content's age is starting to show. Back when it was new, there were fewer enemy groups and the world was generally a simpler place. But now the bigger, badder, more complex stuff is here and makes the old-timers look sad by comparison. The game advanced, but the "core" content got left behind, buried beneath the shiney newness.

This is why I want to see a massive uprising of groups like the Skulls and Hellions. It'd be great if the older, unloved underdogs suddenly got beefed and made their presence known again. Even if it was just temporary, like an event or something.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



I would agree that part of the problem is that some of the old content is showing its age, but I don't think that's all. We can level a lot faster now than we ever could have at game launch. Unless you put the brakes on specifically to experience all of the content, you're going to whip past arcs and probably never even know you missed them unless you pick them up later in Ouro. A lot of backstory is tied up in those arcs, and a new player doesn't get the opportunity to see as much of it.

Back to the OP, I would desperately love to see more of these "forgotten groups". I'll agree that having a few here and there that are integral to specific zones does a lot to establishing a distinct identity to the rogue isles, but there's also quite a few who come and go with no real rationale. Banished Pantheon, for example, are built up as these big bads, with the backing of the old gods, but they only show up for a short level range then disappear with no reason given. There's some portal missions at 50 that feature them, but that's about it.

Wyvern is another. I would love to see Wyvern get a lot more variety and grow into a Malta-class group of enemies. There's an awful lot of powers in the Trick Arrow set that could be used in horrible, horrible ways: huge -res, -def, slows, maybe a boss with EMP arrow. But they sort of cap out at the low end of Nerva, and there's not any reason given. At least when groups like Clockwork and Vahz disappear, there's a mission at the top of their range to explain it. It just makes me sad...

My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money

Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?



Originally Posted by Leif_Roar View Post
They're small-time necromancers, but I don't think that's ever really explained to the players.
Small-time necromancers? They are servants of Lugheby, the master of the pantheon of banished gods who would have enslaved humanity for an eternity of torment if Tielekku hadn't banished them. If they can free Lughebu from his prison, that would be very much the apocalypse, as one of the alternate dimension Earths demonstrates. The Pantheon's Lughebu would easily be on the level of the Devouring Earth's Hamidon.

If anything, the Tielekku/Lughebu storyline predates the Oranbegans and their entire history by quite some time, as both Ermeeth and Hequat, the good god/evil god duo that drive that story, are both students of Tielekku, who learned magic from her, and from how the story is told, Lughebu and his pantheon are not only her equals, but vastly more powerful because they consumed their fallen brethren. They Banished Pantheon cultists are, or should be, some of the most serious villains in the game.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
I would agree that part of the problem is that some of the old content is showing its age, but I don't think that's all. We can level a lot faster now than we ever could have at game launch. Unless you put the brakes on specifically to experience all of the content, you're going to whip past arcs and probably never even know you missed them unless you pick them up later in Ouro. A lot of backstory is tied up in those arcs, and a new player doesn't get the opportunity to see as much of it.
That's the bulk of the problem, really. Transitions between enemy groups exist, they're there in the missions and arcs. Specifically, there is I believe a whole arc, or at least a mission, which deals with how the Skulls are doing jobs for the Trolls. You don't really deliver too big a blow to them (even though the BoneFire arc comes very close), but it's more a case of moving on to bigger problems and leaving the Skulls and Hellions to newer heroes to deal with. The stories and arcs are there, but they're very easy to miss.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I have to agree that Longbow and Arachnos are a bit more common villain-side than they should be, while the Legacy Chain and Wyvern need a lot more coverage (Especially Wyvern. They're basically Manticore's personal army! Why don't they go up to the level he appears in?). Villains could use more high level heroic threats than PPD and Longbow.

It's funny how there's one villain group that's so often forgotten that they haven't even been mentioned in this thread yet. Did everyone forget about the Minions of Igneous? They appear for a grand total of one door mission, one hunt mission, and one trial, since they are the main enemies of the Cavern of Transcendance. After the Cavern, they disappear entirely and are never spoken of again. Granted, the Spetznaz have it even worse, not having any outdoor spawns or their own "Know Your Enemy" page but people still tend to forget about the Igneous after (usually) getting the tar beaten out of them in the one mission they appear in. Ever since Manticore actually showed us the part of the story bible that involved their leader, I've thought it was a shame that the story potential with this group is untapped. I'd like to fight Igneous the Magma Master himself!

EDIT: Sam, Leif was referring to the SKULLS as small time necromancers, not the Banished Pantheon. The BP are, as you mentioned, a much greater threat that I believe deserve a longer "lifespan."

My arcs:

Title: Blitzkrieg
Arc ID: 3416

Title: Soldiers of Fortune
Arc ID: 4431

Title: The Rikti Accession
Arc ID: 278757



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Small-time necromancers?
Not the Banished Pantheon, the Skulls.



Originally Posted by Leif_Roar View Post
Not the Banished Pantheon, the Skulls.
Right. I guess I just wouldn't describe them as "necromancers." Thinking on it, I'm aware there is a broader meaning to the word, especially if you go by DND lore, but I seriously wouldn't call someone a "necromancer" if he doesn't raise zombies from the dead

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.