Be aware of Valued Newbs.




I was playing a new Spines Scrapper yesterday, (Yay! I actually want to play one now!) and was running to a mission back in the corner of Atlas by the Perez Park Entrance. Seeing a large group of hellions just begging for a Pounding/Poking, I went to say hello and don't do that. I realized right away that my level 5 was not quite prepared for such a large group but stuck with it thinking that, worst case scenario, A free trip closer to to Atlas via the hosp.

Then it happened...

A character came from behind, and used hurricane to blow some of the riff-raff off of me, buying me the time I needed to recover. The extra aggro he earned caused them to drop, but I slipped em a wakie. They stated in local that they were sorry that they were not any help, to which I replied that he was more help than he knew, and if it were not for him I would have been taking the fast train to morphene town. Instinctively, I checked badges... One exploration badge, nothing else. He asked me if I could help him fight some "Robots", I said sure, and he ran off towards the corner. I asked him to team with me, and he complied. I saw that he, as I suspected, was hunting clockwork. I helped him to tackle his remaining hunt, and mentioned that he seemed new and if he required any assistance. He told me that he was on a trial account, and had just began to play. He did not know anything outside of the four levels he had earned.

He jumped into a group of purples, and died, so I followed him to the pavement. He asked "Now what?" I told him to go to the hospital. At the hospital, he couldn't figure out how to get out of the infirmary, so I directed him to the lobby, and back to the street. He asked me if I wanted any enhancements since he didn't have room, I told him to sell them. He indicated that he did not know you could do that, and where it was. I showed him the hero corps venders and told him that he could find one in almost every zone. I spent an hour showing him the basics, and inquired if he needed any other assistance. he replied no, and I quit the team.

This would have been the end of it, if not for the fact that he managed to contact me via another player (Forgot trials can't send tells or invite to team.) a short time later... "How do I go to other places than atlas?" I told him to check his map for the "T" which was the tram. His response?

"You can take a tram?! SWEET!" He couldn't find the map, so I told him to click his nav button above his health bar. I recieved a message so full of revelation and elation and saw him heading off to the tram. He thanked me for all the help (So many thx, and KKthx I thought i was playing WoW ), and quit the team.

I am currently teaching my fiance to play (Just got a second computer, and she never wanted to get hooked and have to fight over who got to play... And that's why she is my fiance.) And have noticed a lot of new players rushing the city. I understnd that AE has left many people with a foul taste in their mouth for Noobs, but as math will tell you, "Not all Newbs are Noobs, though Noobs can be Newbs." or something like that, I was never that good at the maths. This player on "Justice" went by the name of "Lazer Beam", and had said that no one else would talk to or help him, and thouroughly absorbed the play experience with all the wonder I did when I first started playing back in 04'. For all you vets like me, please remember that a lack of vet badges does not make someone the enemy, they could potentially be your newest teammate or supergroup member. and we should welcome them to the game like we used to. We all needed help at some point, and there is a lot of new blood eager to sample the best Super Hero MMO online.

Let's remember to show em why. We are a great community, not an exclusive club. Now get out there and help out a Newb!


It is never truly gone, as long as there is someone left to remember.



i usually help new players learn about the game whenever they ask. i haven't been playing many lowbies lately, so it hasn't been that often the last couple of weeks.
i do always keep in mind that new player is not the same as idiot.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Harry_Canyon View Post

Let's remember to show em why. We are a great community, not an exclusive club. Now get out there and help out a Newb!
Wait, didn't you get the memo?
No vet badges means they're filthy MA exploiters who should be insulted and shunned so you can build up your street cred with the "cool kids".


The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I help inexperienced veterans almost every day
and we help you out almost every day



Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
and we help you out almost every day
You can help me out with a few -1 Mistress badge runs tomorrow

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



When i can find them, the experience is singularly enjoyable. Luckily they actually broadcast for teams, so its easier to find and mentor them. Just be aware not to push them too hard, they want to have fun, not take a calc course, go over the fun stuff and drop hints here and there, but no standing for 30 mins while you explain io set bonuses. Luckily coh is fairly simple, and the basics convey quickly



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Wait, didn't you get the memo?
No vet badges means they're filthy MA exploiters who should be insulted and shunned so you can build up your street cred with the "cool kids".

Only if they're playing Kheldians.



Originally Posted by Harry_Canyon View Post
he managed to contact me via another player (Forgot trials can't send tells or invite to team)
I wouldn't be surprised if that part right there has caused more damage than RMT spammers ever could.



Originally Posted by Dersk View Post
I wouldn't be surprised if that part right there has caused more damage than RMT spammers ever could.

You know, I had the same thought when he asked me on the second encounter how to get hold of me should he require assistance again. I had no response other than.... "uh...I'm thinking." I understand the need to keep trial accounts from being used to RMT spam, but it kneecaps those who could be building friends to help enjoy the game so that they will up their trial to a sub.



It is never truly gone, as long as there is someone left to remember.



Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
Refresh my memory, can you friend a trial player? If so that would be your best option.
You can, but short of asking him every few minutes if he needs any help, there is no way for them to contact you.


It is never truly gone, as long as there is someone left to remember.



Damn it! I keep meaning to check out people's veteran badges, and I always forget. Why does it keep slipping my mind?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Now get out there and help out a Newb!
I try my best

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I'd read that post but I'm a font elitist and I don't really like Comic Sans MS.



I tend to thoroughly enjoy teams with new players, most of whom just don't quite know where is where and what does what. So long as people are willing to learn, and can manage a laugh when stuff goes wrong (Multiple faceplants on a Frosty/Atta mission, for example) then things run really, really well.

If you run into a self opinionated little child who thinks they can do what they want, and has no intention of taking advice, well...whooole different ballgame.

Judgement: New players welcome
Learners: Welcome
True n00bs: Enabling 'Shuuuun' feature

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
I tend to thoroughly enjoy teams with new players, most of whom just don't quite know where is where and what does what. So long as people are willing to learn, and can manage a laugh when stuff goes wrong (Multiple faceplants on a Frosty/Atta mission, for example) then things run really, really well.

If you run into a self opinionated little child who thinks they can do what they want, and has no intention of taking advice, well...whooole different ballgame.

Judgement: New players welcome
Learners: Welcome
True n00bs: Enabling 'Shuuuun' feature

I second this statement!

From time to time if I meet a new player I lend a hand and help out.



I have actually made something of a hobby out of new players.

Over on Protector server, I have a character that hangs out close to Ms. Liberty in Atlas Park, juggling.

Yup, juggling. I also send welcome messages to players without vet badges. More often than not, this results in nothing but, about 1 in 10 actually start talking back and start asking basic game questions. You know, "How do I get more missions, Where do I level up, Where's the train?" Those kind of things

A newbie asking questions? Brilliant!

I remember when I first got started. City was my first MMO and it was a bit intimidating. I blundered around for a bit until a few veteran players took pity on me and helped me iron out the wrinkles.

I figure it's my turn to return the favor.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at until I come up with a better solution.



Originally Posted by Harry_Canyon View Post
I was playing a new Spines Scrapper yesterday, (Yay! I actually want to play one now!) and was running to a mission back in the corner of Atlas by the Perez Park Entrance. Seeing a large group of hellions just begging for a Pounding/Poking, I went to say hello and don't do that. I realized right away that my level 5 was not quite prepared for such a large group but stuck with it thinking that, worst case scenario, A free trip closer to to Atlas via the hosp.

Then it happened...

A character came from behind, and used hurricane to blow some of the riff-raff off of me, buying me the time I needed to recover. The extra aggro he earned caused them to drop, but I slipped em a wakie. They stated in local that they were sorry that they were not any help, to which I replied that he was more help than he knew, and if it were not for him I would have been taking the fast train to morphene town. Instinctively, I checked badges... One exploration badge, nothing else. He asked me if I could help him fight some "Robots", I said sure, and he ran off towards the corner. I asked him to team with me, and he complied. I saw that he, as I suspected, was hunting clockwork. I helped him to tackle his remaining hunt, and mentioned that he seemed new and if he required any assistance. He told me that he was on a trial account, and had just began to play. He did not know anything outside of the four levels he had earned.

He jumped into a group of purples, and died, so I followed him to the pavement. He asked "Now what?" I told him to go to the hospital. At the hospital, he couldn't figure out how to get out of the infirmary, so I directed him to the lobby, and back to the street. He asked me if I wanted any enhancements since he didn't have room, I told him to sell them. He indicated that he did not know you could do that, and where it was. I showed him the hero corps venders and told him that he could find one in almost every zone. I spent an hour showing him the basics, and inquired if he needed any other assistance. he replied no, and I quit the team.

This would have been the end of it, if not for the fact that he managed to contact me via another player (Forgot trials can't send tells or invite to team.) a short time later... "How do I go to other places than atlas?" I told him to check his map for the "T" which was the tram. His response?

"You can take a tram?! SWEET!" He couldn't find the map, so I told him to click his nav button above his health bar. I recieved a message so full of revelation and elation and saw him heading off to the tram. He thanked me for all the help (So many thx, and KKthx I thought i was playing WoW ), and quit the team.

I am currently teaching my fiance to play (Just got a second computer, and she never wanted to get hooked and have to fight over who got to play... And that's why she is my fiance.) And have noticed a lot of new players rushing the city. I understnd that AE has left many people with a foul taste in their mouth for Noobs, but as math will tell you, "Not all Newbs are Noobs, though Noobs can be Newbs." or something like that, I was never that good at the maths. This player on "Justice" went by the name of "Lazer Beam", and had said that no one else would talk to or help him, and thouroughly absorbed the play experience with all the wonder I did when I first started playing back in 04'. For all you vets like me, please remember that a lack of vet badges does not make someone the enemy, they could potentially be your newest teammate or supergroup member. and we should welcome them to the game like we used to. We all needed help at some point, and there is a lot of new blood eager to sample the best Super Hero MMO online.

Let's remember to show em why. We are a great community, not an exclusive club. Now get out there and help out a Newb!
Yer awesome Harry. Great story.

I haven't made much of an effort lately....think I'll go log on and cruise Atlas for a while...



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Damn it! I keep meaning to check out people's veteran badges, and I always forget. Why does it keep slipping my mind?
I don't check vet badges until they display an outstanding level of ignorance about the game. Or unless I'm just bored.

edit: I probably should add that by ignorance, I mean a general belief that they know everything about the game and refuse to consider otherwise. Not those that genuinely want to learn.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Damn it! I keep meaning to check out people's veteran badges, and I always forget. Why does it keep slipping my mind?
Vet badges, like forum post count, are meaningless predictors.
plenty of vets are dumb, rude and annoying, plenty of newbs are smart, friendly and fun to team with.

Judging someone by vet badges is as stupid as judging them by skin color or gender.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



So, I was playing a level 10 toon in Ae Building in Cap and received a reverse team tell. I figured why not. The player was level 10 in Mercy. I asked him to come to Cap. When he finally got to Cap via Port Oakes (new player, he didn't know about the helicopter service), he said, "You got all the way there, wow!"

I got a mite suspiscious and asked, "You do have your Raptor Pack for flying, right?"

New Player, "No, what's that?"

Me, "Stop, head back to Port Oakes, I will meet you there."

I then took him through the 3 radio missions, giving bits of advice, and just as we got the bank mission (for Atlas Park, yay), he said he had to log off. I was sad to see him go because we were at the point I was trying to get him his Raptor Pack and I gave a couple of pieces of information.

Me, "Ok, when you do the bank mission, destroy everything that is not purple on the way and stop when you see a Longbow say, "Freeze."

I am hoping he was ok, but that was a bit of fun, teaching someone about the game.



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
Only if they're playing Kheldians.

As to the OP.....TRUTH!

I get great joy out of helping out newer players and giving them tours around Paragon City... Makes me think back to when I was a "CoH Youngster."


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Vet badges, like forum post count, are meaningless predictors.
plenty of vets are dumb, rude and annoying, plenty of newbs are smart, friendly and fun to team with.

Judging someone by vet badges is as stupid as judging them by skin color or gender.
Though they're not nearly as much an indicator as people think, a complete lack of vet badges is generally a good way to tell if someone's new to the game. They're nowhere near meaningless.



Yeah, for me it is like seeing the game again from the eyes I had 5 years ago. It is a joy to give to the rest of the world a taste of the pleasure I have found here. I came for the super leaping, I stay for the people.
Sometimes when cruising the forums I tend to notice a lot of people missing the point of what it is to be new. Sure, I could run circles around some joker in Atlas that has been in game for a week, but my fiance took two hours getting through the tutorial when she first fired up and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Ah... I remember when navigation was a chore for me too (stupid console games, making me reliant on a hand-held controller.


It is never truly gone, as long as there is someone left to remember.