Vet Award?
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.
I'd quite like a "Start at 20" option for alts as a Vet Reward, but that's about it. No further really.
I am pretty sure they bumped leveling speed in the pre-20s with I16. Again.
Does it take more than 4 hours to get to 20 now?
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
They did indeed bump up the low level rewards again in I16.
If you want to know why a auto bump to 20 vet award is a bad idea, do a search on how the Devs of DAOC view that in hindisght for their game.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Hey Cox universe! It's the Protector born, Freedom migrant who everyone love/hates to read from! |
I agree - this should be slated as the 120 month vet reward. Otherwise, I agree with the poster who said, "no."
For one thing, if you're a vet, you shouldn't be running across zones from the hospital very often. Other than that you've got the base teleport power at 24 months, the purchaseable mission teleport power, the purchaseable jet pack, and now the option to buy the Shadow Shard or Grandville jetpacks at level 1. Movement in this game should never be a justification for power-leveling.
I doubt that's the reason for the suggestion though. Instead it's probably that 1) toons "feel too weak" before level 20, and/or 2) this game needs new low level content.
Nothing should be done about #1 IMO - you should start out relatively weak so that you feel more powerful as you get higher in levels. Hopefully GR will provide some new beginning game content, and after that CoH and CoV will also get some new 1-10 or 1-20 missions and contacts.
(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon
Ahhh Necrohorse beat it!
I think this is a terrible idea IMO. Just because people have played the game since launch doesn't mean that they can basically insta-level a character, even if it is just to 20. Do you see how unfair that is?
If you find leveling your characters boring then you might want to play a different game?
Also, you mentioned the AE, if you don't want to fight Frostfire and the other usuals, look up some AE arcs to side-step the Dev content.
I find the lower levels on tanks very displeasing. You are either a weak scrapper or you have almost no attacks.
There are Vet Reward attacks to solve the power deficiency. Along with Brawl having zero-end cost and Origin Powers. So you start off with at least three attacks.
indeed. nice input. Shadow shard pack? have to check that out. and really im a pvper so i wanna get to 50 as fast as possible so i can have all my slots so i can do the "real work" of setting my toon out to be efficient in pvp zones. getting a character to 50 is the easy part, so I don't like it taking too much of my time.
indeed. nice input. Shadow shard pack? have to check that out. and really im a pvper so i wanna get to 50 as fast as possible so i can have all my slots so i can do the "real work" of setting my toon out to be efficient in pvp zones. getting a character to 50 is the easy part, so I don't like it taking too much of my time.

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DAoC had something like this at one point (not sure if they still have it since they have done some server cosnoldiations, etc.). Basically, if you had a max level character, you could create a new character on a lower-population server starting at level 20 or 30. On paper, it looked like a good way to help prop up populations on lower-pop servers. In practice, brand new players had very few people with which to team from levels 1 to 19.
Any way you present the idea of instantly starting a character at Level X, it will affect the New Player Experience. In terms of attracting new customers, it's detrimental. This sort of thing is especially important in community, team-based MMOs. You need a good amount of characters at any level in order to sustain new players and vets alike.
So the likelihood of anything like this happening, whether it be a vet reward, micro transaction, low-population server incentive, etc. is going to be low.
Anyways, next patch or issue or whatever, lets make it easier to power level please. Vet award, whatever.
Not everyone wants to be PL'd up.
Some of us enjoy the content at the normal pace, you know, that it was intended for.
And they recently made it easier to go from level 1-20 with an xp boost.
Linky for that here:
And quoted:
"To go along with our new changes to sidekicking and exemplaring, we've made some adjustments to the experience awarded from minions, lieutenants and bosses in the level 5 to 24 range. In short these enemies are on average receiving a 20% experience and influence increase. This will slightly speed up the pace at which heroes and villains advance through the 5 to 24 range"
Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.
He doesn't know who Westley is? Wow. PL'ing is only a small percentage of the general population, and appeasing them is like appeasing the PvP'ers. The minority do NOT rule the majority.
Being a 33 month vet I learned many tricks to get my character up to level 20 fast. Now with Supersidekick it's even easier. Just the other day I went to level 14 running with sewer teams. So much so I'm plotting to make an Alt that lives in the sewer and runs sewer teams just for the thrill of doing so.
The main thing is that someone who knows the tricks can level fast running with friends for example works.
Considering last night a pal and I created new characters and in the space of a mere two hours or so got them up to level 8, fully enhanced and with raptor packs... nope, I can't see it.
Now, said pal also suggested a Vet Reward that started out new characters with some inf - he suggested 50,000, I countered with a more reasonable ten or even five thousand - that's a windfall for a level 1. Something like that would seem to have more utility than simply creating a flat-broke level 20.
MA arcs: #1669, "A New Breed Rising"
This might make me (more) unpopular, but I would probably, no, I *would* be pushing the *zap! You're level 20* button were one available to me. I've done the pre-20 slough on so many characters. It seems to me that most characters don't really start to develope thier powerset personalities till around then. No, this doesn't mean that I don't love the game and I should go find something else to do. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. But yeah, I'd push the 20 button in a heartbeat.
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Hey Cox universe! It's the Protector born, Freedom migrant who everyone love/hates to read from!
Two threads in a row I'm told I should know the poster, and yet I've never heard of them.

Hey Cox universe! It's the Protector born, Freedom migrant who everyone love/hates to read from!
I must say that the new issue is full of interesting and very fun elements of game play. Spanning from color customization, to animation customization, to instant arena action, I'm liking the new changes overall. The quality of life is indeed better. Things like the little lvl in the corner, (only if your running solo) to the ability to set how many numbers my hero is "equal" to. I definitly love that! On top of all these beautiful things, accolades are allot less tedious to acquire.
But what about pling? I have my 36 month award and i have about 6 months in the past 4 years that I haven't played the game, so I would have more awards then that. I, among many others, DON'T WANT TO LEVEL A NEW TOON NORMALLY! I don't want to fight Frostfire, and spend time running slowly accross zones from hospital visits back to the missions when ss is hours away. AE, for the past 9 months, was a perfect tool to pl new characters. Now, ....sigh, nothing. The boosting your difficulty settings to equal to a higher number of people is only good solo. Unless you keep quitting team and mapping the zone.
What about a vet award or something? At a certain point in our playing history we should b able to "fast forward" through the lvling and get on with accolades and other things like character build. We have Mids. We don't have to wait to see our builds that we are intending on making. I might be beating a dead horse but I certainly don't believe that the efforts to curb pling are just. The argument that "noobs don't know how to use their toons" is beneath me. Or the "it messes up the economy", please, the devs do that. LoL I firmly believe that the devs keep drop rates low to make influ prices stay hi, then spam emails to sell us billions for our real money. I mean, its that or its some hackers, that out of all the games in the world, chose this game to hack for influ and sell it to the players whom the devs never catch cause they switch accounts?.............. yeah right ....but thats another thread.
Anyways, next patch or issue or whatever, lets make it easier to power level please. Vet award, whatever.