Mezz Protection for All!




My examples were to point out things that have been done by ATs without mez protection that ATs WITH mez protection either can't do, or have extreme difficulty doing. I have yet to see a scrapper that can handle the things an Ill/Rad controller can handle, assuming unlimited funds and equal player skill. A tricked out Ill/Rad is more powerful than a tricked out scrapper, of any kind.

My example with the controller and the tank is to illustrate WHY melee ATs have mez protection and ranged ATs don't. A tank with no mez protection is a sitting duck, due to the very nature of it's powersets. Tanks cannot sit back and pick off targets from range, they MUST enter melee and agro things. They will be hit with multiple mezzes in doing so. If they had no mez protection they would be screwed.

The controller, even without perma PA, can choose when and how a fight is started. And if played well, will never give the enemy a chance to mez them. They can avoid mezzes all day long, while not impeding their progress much.

The only way a tank with no mez protection can avoid being mezzed is to do NOTHING.

Any controller and most defenders can stop the mez from ever happening in the first place. Tanks and scrappers cannot do that, so they get protection from it.

Okay, this is a question for those of you that really want mez protection for squishies:

What are you willing to give up to get it? You don't seriously expect to be given something like that without giving anything up do you?

ATs that can prevent mezzes from ever happening AND be protected from them? Not gonna happen.

Are you willing to give up your ability to mez THEM at range?

That's what the melee ATs sacrificed to get their protection. A few do have mezzing ability. No melee AT in the game gets the ability to mez from range until level 41 at the earliest.

So, how about it? Are the squishies willing to give up their mezzing ability in return for mez protection?

Didn't think so.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



What are you willing to give up to get it? You don't seriously expect to be given something like that without giving anything up do you?
Can I give up the lowest damage? 2nd lowest (and arguably the lowest) hit points?

Range is no protection these days (everything has some sort of ranged attack or many have ranged mezz.)

Most defender have non-stacking mezz, which means any boss (and even some lieutenants) are mezz proof to them.

And as pointed out, you tried to show the most skewed factors on that Willpower Tank.

A tank, for the most part, doesn't even need their secondary toggles to solo heroic. They have such high hitpoints and enough passives that they are generally fine.

You scrapper with Katana? Has parry, a nice little ability that buffs his defense. They aren't quite as lacking in tools as you paint them (and solo against minions and lieutenants, probably enough.)

In other words, they would have to deal with anemic leveling and cherry-picking their fights specifically to 'function'.

Sounds exactly like a lot of defenders to me.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by Lakanna View Post
Funnily enough, you're the one advocating changing playstyle instead of changing the game. In that situation, I'd do what I do on my defenders: find a team.
OK, this thread has gone into full silliness mode. The ability of certain posters to selectively ignore how AT's actually perform and function in-game is truly impressive. Question for you, Lakanna: What happens to the team that is depending on that tanker to hold agro when he gets mezzed, all his defensive toggles get suppressed, and his taunt aura gets completely detoggled? Can you say 'teamwipe'?

In other words, I'd have to change the way I play to avoid the mez.
If you call using tactics, problem-solving ability, and proactive use of your AT's powers 'changing the way you play', then I guess you do have to change the way you play if you want to successfully deal with mezzing opponents. Give it a try.. You might be pleasantly surprised.

Why is it different when it's a tanker?
Could it perhaps have something to do with the fact that tanks are designed to defend their fellow team members by taking & absorbing enemy attacks (including mez attacks) so that the team does not have to? Nah. That'd make WAY too much sense for this thread.

Because Fire/Kin farmers pick their maps, and farm them relentlessly. You dont' see fire/kins farming carnies, malta, Rikti... noticing a pattern here? They farm behemoths, Family, sometimes Council and sometimes Freaks: all mez-light groups
I had a very nice all Rikti LT farm mission (not the infamous Comm Officers) I used to run on my fire/rad controller. I had very little problem dealing with large groups where every single enemy had a mezzing attack. Dealing with any enemy group that does not contain bosses is mostly trivial for a controller. Single bosses are also generally not much trouble.

ones where the mezzers CAN be picked out and locked down first.
Which describes the exact situation nearly every AT combo out there will encounter when solo. Why do you insist it is so difficult for that squishy without mez protection to neutralize a mezzing enemy?

mezzing enemies are too much of a hassle.
No hassle for me.

"If a scrapper can't do it, it SHOULD be too tough for any non-melee AT?"......snip.....There SHOULD be things that some AT's can do that scrappers can't. that's the entire POINT of an AT system.
There are many things other AT's can do that scrappers can't, or situations where scrappers are less than optimal. Scrapper envy seems to be a common theme in any AT balance discussion that comes up on this forum. Folks seem to miss the point that for all the advantages scrappers have solo, as an AT, they bring the least overall benefit to a team. Trying to use the solo ability of a scrapper vs. a defender to justify buffing squishy AT's is especially silly. A defender brings far more to a team than a scrapper does.

Most? so would you advocate mez protection for those who can't? i have an energy/energy blaster that has only unreliable knockback for personal mitigation.
You and Futurias sure seem to be cut from the same cloth. You both either have a less than stellar understanding of AT powers or you deliberately misconstrue how those powers function in a blatant attempt to justify your position. Energy Blast has a 100% knockback power: Power Push. Energy Manipulation has two powers with a 100% mag 3 stun: Total Focus and Stun (what a shock!). On top of all that, EM has access to Power Boost! Now, what was that about not having any personal mitigation?

Or the fire/fire blasters that you mentioned earlier: they're in the same boat as your katana/regen scrapper, why can't they get protection?
Because whether on a blaster, scrapper or controller, the various fire powersets have always sacrificed protection/utility for damage. Blasters already essentially have inherent mez protection. It's called Defiance. I have burned down countless foes while mezzed on my Fire/EM blaster, especially while running solo Posi TF's.

And we end with an indirect insult to the intelligence of anyone who wants mez protection for squishies.
You can consider it an insult, but Claws is 100% spot on with his comment, in my opinion. Those in this thread advocating hardest for this change have made a habit of using wild exaggerations as well as, intentionally or not, ignoring or omitting information about how powers actually function. It has, frankly, turned into an almost comical example of grasping at straws.

My personal opinion is that those asking for this change don't really have nearly as much trouble dealing with status effects as they imply in this thread. However, for those that do, I will be more than happy to create an AE mission with any enemy groups desired and assist any player who wishes in developing viable tactics for dealing with those enemies. I'd even be willing to create new toons on servers other than my home server, Protector, for this purpose.

Oh, and I did end up throwing together a simple AE mission that consists of defeating a series of the infamous Malta Gunslinger bosses. Again using my AR/EM blaster, I had a 100% success rate against them when they were bosses downgraded to LT's, with zero breakfrees needed. Once they were bumped up to normal bosses, I dropped down to an 80% success rate against them without needing breakfrees.



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
OK, this thread has gone into full silliness mode. The ability of certain posters to selectively ignore how AT's actually perform and function in-game is truly impressive. Question for you, Lakanna: What happens to the team that is depending on that tanker to hold agro when he gets mezzed, all his defensive toggles get suppressed, and his taunt aura gets completely detoggled? Can you say 'teamwipe'?
Well, since we were discussing SOLO ability in the examples, the team gets along just fine.

Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
If you call using tactics, problem-solving ability, and proactive use of your AT's powers 'changing the way you play', then I guess you do have to change the way you play if you want to successfully deal with mezzing opponents. Give it a try.. You might be pleasantly surprised.
Ah, and you need to do this on a melee character? I love my scrappers and brute. They're FUN in a way that my squishies are not, and mez is a huge part of the reason why.

Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Could it perhaps have something to do with the fact that tanks are designed to defend their fellow team members by taking & absorbing enemy attacks (including mez attacks) so that the team does not have to? Nah. That'd make WAY too much sense for this thread.
And defenders and blasters are designed to require that protection. Being dependant on a team to have basic functionality, and having to hold back even when on a team because you draw so much aggro is pretty sad. The worst thing in the game is to be chain-mezzed and unable to react while an enemy slowly chips your life away. And sometimes, quite frankly, even tankers bite off more than they can chew. It is at those times, specifically when I need to be contributing my best to a team, that I am most likely to be drawing aggro. The tanker can't "protect the team" all the time, every instant, and when things go bad, they tend to go bad for squishies first.

Old joke on the blaster boards: when the blaster makes a mistake, he dies. When the tanker makes a mistake, the blaster dies. Unless you team with only perfect tanks who never make a mistake, you will get into situations where you WANT your blasters doing damage, not standing around as statues.

Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
I had a very nice all Rikti LT farm mission (not the infamous Comm Officers) I used to run on my fire/rad controller. I had very little problem dealing with large groups where every single enemy had a mezzing attack. Dealing with any enemy group that does not contain bosses is mostly trivial for a controller. Single bosses are also generally not much trouble.
Fire/Rad is about the safest controller you can make. And controllers in general are a very safe AT: they fulfill the same function on a team as a tank, preventing damage, and their role is VERY proactive. They're the safest, if not the fastest, solo squishies, and probably beat out tanks for levelling speed solo.

Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Which describes the exact situation nearly every AT combo out there will encounter when solo. Why do you insist it is so difficult for that squishy without mez protection to neutralize a mezzing enemy?

No hassle for me.
Not -A- mezzing enemy. Entire groups of them when all you have is a single-target mez that happens to aggro the entire group. And no way to protect or defend against the crippling mez that comes back. I don't mind dying because they simply did more damage than me. I dislike dying because there was nothing I could do to prevent it, short of leaving a mission to buy more break frees.

Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
There are many things other AT's can do that scrappers can't, or situations where scrappers are less than optimal. Scrapper envy seems to be a common theme in any AT balance discussion that comes up on this forum. Folks seem to miss the point that for all the advantages scrappers have solo, as an AT, they bring the least overall benefit to a team. Trying to use the solo ability of a scrapper vs. a defender to justify buffing squishy AT's is especially silly. A defender brings far more to a team than a scrapper does.
Of course there are things other AT's do that scrappers can't. Claws was saying that certain AT's were doing things that scrappers would find challenging, and I was pointing out that that is the way it should be. Scrappers do not need to be godlike, capable of meeting every challenge in the game, and neither does anyone else. However, there are some things that certain ATs should be able to do that scrappers cannot. If scrappers CAN match every feat every other AT can pull off, then why play anything else?

Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
You and Futurias sure seem to be cut from the same cloth. You both either have a less than stellar understanding of AT powers or you deliberately misconstrue how those powers function in a blatant attempt to justify your position. Energy Blast has a 100% knockback power: Power Push. Energy Manipulation has two powers with a 100% mag 3 stun: Total Focus and Stun (what a shock!). On top of all that, EM has access to Power Boost! Now, what was that about not having any personal mitigation?
Power Push: I never took it. Total Focus, with its 3 second animation, and stun, are both melee range, hardly the "proactive mez from range" that ALL squishies seem to have in your eyes. And Power Boost boosts duration, not mag, meaning you still need to stack stuns to neutralize a boss. Are YOU deliberately misconstruing how these powers function? Because for me, they have always been a last resort power for when something gets too close, NOT an opener to take out a threat, and certainly not from range.

Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Because whether on a blaster, scrapper or controller, the various fire powersets have always sacrificed protection/utility for damage. Blasters already essentially have inherent mez protection. It's called Defiance. I have burned down countless foes while mezzed on my Fire/EM blaster, especially while running solo Posi TF's.
He pointed out a scrapper set that NEEDS mez protection because it has no way to mez enemies actively. I pointed out that not all squishies have this either. But if a katana/regen scrapper NEEDS mez protection because they can't mez first, what of most defenders? Fire blasters? Why is it a need on one person and a silly idea on another, because the "no way to mez in advance" idea either doesn't hold up, or holds fine and makes my point.

Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
You can consider it an insult, but Claws is 100% spot on with his comment, in my opinion. Those in this thread advocating hardest for this change have made a habit of using wild exaggerations as well as, intentionally or not, ignoring or omitting information about how powers actually function. It has, frankly, turned into an almost comical example of grasping at straws.
I reread it, and he carefully quilified the word "dumb" and couched the italicized intelligently in a softer sentence. Calling someone dumb because they don't agree with you isn't a great way to make your point, though. Good call on pointing out my omission of Power Thrust. Now how about the page full of omissions I covered on my last post? it's going on in both sides, you see.

Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
My personal opinion is that those asking for this change don't really have nearly as much trouble dealing with status effects as they imply in this thread. However, for those that do, I will be more than happy to create an AE mission with any enemy groups desired and assist any player who wishes in developing viable tactics for dealing with those enemies. I'd even be willing to create new toons on servers other than my home server, Protector, for this purpose.
I quit playing my blasters. Seriously just quit. I play controllers, scrappers, and brutes now. My defenders and corruptors are often created specifically to team, soloing them is just not fun. So yeah, I adapted. I started playing the AT's without that single, crippling, and near-omnipresent weakness.

Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Oh, and I did end up throwing together a simple AE mission that consists of defeating a series of the infamous Malta Gunslinger bosses. Again using my AR/EM blaster, I had a 100% success rate against them when they were bosses downgraded to LT's, with zero breakfrees needed. Once they were bumped up to normal bosses, I dropped down to an 80% success rate against them without needing breakfrees.
The thing about Malta is synergy. Sappers mez, titans mez, gunslingers mez, tac ops mez... I'm trying to avoid talking about them, as it just gets dismissed as "well, since malta are a problem, then change malta." Good on you for being able to take out gunslingers one after the other though. Must have taken quite a bit of patience and planning for every single boss group. Assuming that each boss spawned with other malta and not alone, then that's not an easy task.

119088 - Outcasts Overcharged. Heroic.



I only have a couple of things to say here:

First, I think it's stupid to compare a team support AT against a DPS/tank hybrid AT when it comes to soloing. Of course the AT with medium Defense and high Offense is going to beat a support AT at soloing. When it comes to teams, though, a Defender works as a force multiplier which means he is often much more useful than a Scrapper.

Second, by giving all ATs mez protection you would have some ridiculously overpowered heroes and villains running around. Say, give my Fire/EM Blaster mez protection and now I'm already better than most of my Scrappers. 35% S/L Def, 32% Ranged Def, insane damage and mez protection.

Third, the change advocates here are missing something. In CoH mezzes work in a 1/0 way. Either you are mezzed (1) or you are not (0) and there is no middle ground. If you gave everyone mag 2 mez protection you're making most of the mezzes NPCs have useless. If you really want to make a game as easy as this even easier I don't know what's wrong with you. We have inspirations pouring out of our ears (compare to potions in some games) and we don't even have to collect ingredients for them, neither do we have ultra-difficult fight mechanisms or anything. If you really want an easier game I suggest you go have a look at Minesweep.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
My examples were to point out things that have been done by ATs without mez protection that ATs WITH mez protection either can't do, or have extreme difficulty doing. I have yet to see a scrapper that can handle the things an Ill/Rad controller can handle, assuming unlimited funds and equal player skill. A tricked out Ill/Rad is more powerful than a tricked out scrapper, of any kind.
So we're balancing around IO's now? And saying that a scapper should be able to do everything a squishy can, and more, or something is broken?

Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
My example with the controller and the tank is to illustrate WHY melee ATs have mez protection and ranged ATs don't. A tank with no mez protection is a sitting duck, due to the very nature of it's powersets. Tanks cannot sit back and pick off targets from range, they MUST enter melee and agro things. They will be hit with multiple mezzes in doing so. If they had no mez protection they would be screwed.
And defenders in general? Some powersets get mez protection. Some get proactive mezzing. some get both. Some get neither. The sets that get neither are STILL in the same boat as your tanker: no mez protection gets them killed.

Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
The controller, even without perma PA, can choose when and how a fight is started. And if played well, will never give the enemy a chance to mez them. They can avoid mezzes all day long, while not impeding their progress much.

The only way a tank with no mez protection can avoid being mezzed is to do NOTHING.
I'm noticing you're specifically singling out controllers, the one non-melee AT that actually has serious mitigation through active mezzing itself. You won't talk about blasters or defenders?

Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Any controller and most defenders can stop the mez from ever happening in the first place. Tanks and scrappers cannot do that, so they get protection from it.
Stone melee can stack stuns, AoE knockdown, and gets a mag 3 hold. Super strength can stack stuns and has an AoE knockdown. Dark Armor gets AoE fear and stun powers, and Dark melee can take another single-target fear to stack. And scrappers and tanks have the mez protection to actually use the melee-range powers without fear of being mezzed.

Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Okay, this is a question for those of you that really want mez protection for squishies:

What are you willing to give up to get it? You don't seriously expect to be given something like that without giving anything up do you?

ATs that can prevent mezzes from ever happening AND be protected from them? Not gonna happen.
Dominators. Fortunatas. Tanker epics. You were saying?

Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Are you willing to give up your ability to mez THEM at range?

That's what the melee ATs sacrificed to get their protection. A few do have mezzing ability. No melee AT in the game gets the ability to mez from range until level 41 at the earliest.
Since Power Push counts as personal mitigation, does Focus and shockwave? Or hurl/hurl boulder with their ranged stuns?

Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
So, how about it? Are the squishies willing to give up their mezzing ability in return for mez protection?

Didn't think so.
Squishies have to sacrifice MORE to get even a minimum of protection? lower HP, no damage resistance/defense, far lower survivability, and damage that is, at best, above a scrapper by a small margin? But yeah, I gave it all up, see above. Too bad that squishies weren't a good fit for me, but being mezzed is completely boring, frustrating, and it's disappointing that people actually want to see other people forced to deal with such a terrible mechanic if they happen to enjoy blasters/defenders/corruptors.

119088 - Outcasts Overcharged. Heroic.



Originally Posted by Lakanna View Post
Well, since we were discussing SOLO ability in the examples, the team gets along just fine.
You cannot discuss AT and powerset balance based purely on solo ability, without taking their team roles into consideration.

And defenders and blasters are designed to require that protection. Being dependant on a team to have basic functionality, and having to hold back even when on a team because you draw so much aggro is pretty sad. The worst thing in the game is to be chain-mezzed and unable to react while an enemy slowly chips your life away. And sometimes, quite frankly, even tankers bite off more than they can chew. It is at those times, specifically when I need to be contributing my best to a team, that I am most likely to be drawing aggro. The tanker can't "protect the team" all the time, every instant, and when things go bad, they tend to go bad for squishies first.
Not much I can say in response here. It has become increasingly obvious to me that we seem to play two different games, at least in perception. I have never held back on a team while playing a squishy, nor have I ever felt the need to. In fact, I find the exact opposite to be true. When I'm on a team playing a blaster, the team tends to reduce the level of attention I need to pay to my own survivability, allowing me to go into absolute, 100% pure, no holds barred, offense mode. Same applies to status effects. When teamed, I rarely have had any issues with being mezzed. Certainly far less than when solo.

you will get into situations where you WANT your blasters doing damage, not standing around as statues.
My blasters are always doing damage, whether mezzed or not. And again, I'll say that in my experience, status effects are rarely, if ever, an issue when teamed.

And controllers in general are a very safe AT: they fulfill the same function on a team as a tank, preventing damage, and their role is VERY proactive. They're the safest, if not the fastest, solo squishies, and probably beat out tanks for levelling speed solo.
OK, so if controllers can solo safely, and blasters already have inherent mez protection (Defiance), then the only AT's remaining that any argument for some type of status protection/resistance could possibly be made for would be corruptors and defenders.

Not -A- mezzing enemy. Entire groups of them when all you have is a single-target mez that happens to aggro the entire group. And no way to protect or defend against the crippling mez that comes back. I don't mind dying because they simply did more damage than me. I dislike dying because there was nothing I could do to prevent it, short of leaving a mission to buy more break frees.
"Entire groups"? Come on, now... A solo player will be up against groups of 3 minions, or a minion and a lieutenant. The times a player would run into a mezzing LT and minion together are going to be very rare. Off the top of my head, the only ones I can think of are Malta. It is not uncommon for Sappers and Gunslingers to spawn together. When I was doing my testing against all those Gunslinger bosses, I had to be cautious of groups with a boss level Gunslinger and a Sapper, and be sure to separate the two.

Of course there are things other AT's do that scrappers can't. Claws was saying that certain AT's were doing things that scrappers would find challenging, and I was pointing out that that is the way it should be. Scrappers do not need to be godlike, capable of meeting every challenge in the game, and neither does anyone else. However, there are some things that certain ATs should be able to do that scrappers cannot. If scrappers CAN match every feat every other AT can pull off, then why play anything else?
I agree with you here mostly. I think a lot of it comes down to balance between solo and team abilities of the various AT's. Scrappers have amazing solo performance, but they lag behind other AT's in what they bring to the table on a team.

Power Push: I never took it. Total Focus, with its 3 second animation, and stun, are both melee range, hardly the "proactive mez from range" that ALL squishies seem to have in your eyes. And Power Boost boosts duration, not mag, meaning you still need to stack stuns to neutralize a boss. Are YOU deliberately misconstruing how these powers function?
First off, I never stated that every possible powerset combo had a ranged mez power, but your comment is a fair one anyway. Remember my AR/EM blaster I used to take out all those boss level CoT mages, Dark Ring Mistresses, Master Illusionists and Gunslingers? I used Power Thrust (melee knockback), Total Focus (melee again) and Bean Bag (ranged). I fought every group as a blapper, using Energy melee attacks.

Because for me, they have always been a last resort power for when something gets too close, NOT an opener to take out a threat, and certainly not from range.
My advice would be to examine how you look at and approach your powers, and maybe think 'outside the box' a bit more.

He pointed out a scrapper set that NEEDS mez protection because it has no way to mez enemies actively. I pointed out that not all squishies have this either. But if a katana/regen scrapper NEEDS mez protection because they can't mez first, what of most defenders? Fire blasters? Why is it a need on one person and a silly idea on another, because the "no way to mez in advance" idea either doesn't hold up, or holds fine and makes my point.
Did you miss my points earlier when I addressed this? Those defenders, blasters and controllers can utilize almost all of their control powers from outside the perception and agro radius of their foes. What good does Touch of Fear do for that DM scrapper when she gets mezzed before she can ever reach her foe to use it?

I reread it, and he carefully quilified the word "dumb" and couched the italicized intelligently in a softer sentence. Calling someone dumb because they don't agree with you isn't a great way to make your point, though. Good call on pointing out my omission of Power Thrust. Now how about the page full of omissions I covered on my last post? it's going on in both sides, you see.
I addressed several of your responses to Claws in my last post. Beyond that, I don't feel the need to defend what another poster says. I also do not believe any of my posts have contained any exaggerations, omissions of pertinent information, etc.

I quit playing my blasters. Seriously just quit. I play controllers, scrappers, and brutes now. My defenders and corruptors are often created specifically to team, soloing them is just not fun. So yeah, I adapted. I started playing the AT's without that single, crippling, and near-omnipresent weakness.
To each their own. I think your statement here, in a way, illustrates why this whole thing is a non-issue.

Some players, and I include myself here, look at these type of things as a problem solving exercise. "This thing is a challenge for me. How can I best use my characters abilities to overcome it?"

Other players would rather throw up their arms in frustration, give up and ask that the game be changed to accommodate them. Not much different than the 'casual' player posting a rant about not being able to purple out their warshade.



Arguement: Circular
Suggestion: Give up until Red-name comments
Better yet: PM a Dev
Will wager: On the answer being: Emphatic No

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Lakanna View Post
So we're balancing around IO's now? And saying that a scapper should be able to do everything a squishy can, and more, or something is broken?
Nope, never said that. I specifically said there are many things squishy ATs can do that scrappers can't. That is how it should be, no one AT should be the best at everything.

And defenders in general? Some powersets get mez protection. Some get proactive mezzing. some get both. Some get neither. The sets that get neither are STILL in the same boat as your tanker: no mez protection gets them killed.
So, because some powersets don't get either of those things they should all get protection?

I'm noticing you're specifically singling out controllers, the one non-melee AT that actually has serious mitigation through active mezzing itself. You won't talk about blasters or defenders?
Okay, we've settled that one at least. Controllers don't need mez protection, you just said so yourself by admitting that they have serious mitigation through active mezzing.

Blasters can still attack while mezzed. And defenders are not designed to be powerful solo characters.

You mentioned epic powers...all blasters and all defenders have access to a mez power in their epics. Even the ones that don't get one in their primary or secondary. Controllers have access to...wait for it...mez protection in one of their epic pools.

Stone melee can stack stuns, AoE knockdown, and gets a mag 3 hold. Super strength can stack stuns and has an AoE knockdown. Dark Armor gets AoE fear and stun powers, and Dark melee can take another single-target fear to stack. And scrappers and tanks have the mez protection to actually use the melee-range powers without fear of being mezzed.
Yes, those are all melee range powers. Never once did I say they got no active mitigation, I said they get little or no active ranged mitigation. None of them can mez from 80 feet away until epic pools. Without the mez protection they have, how close are they going to get to an enemy that can mez from 80 feet away or more?

Dominators. Fortunatas. Tanker epics. You were saying?
Dominators get mez protection some of the time, much like a Controller who chooses Indomitable Will.

I wasn't taking Fortunatas into account, because not everyone has access to them, same reason I didn't mention Kheldians.

Tanker epics...start at level 41. Tanks have mez protection because they have to wait 41 levels to be able to actively prevent a mez from range. If they did not have that mez protection they would be mezzed from farther away than they can do anything about it

Since Power Push counts as personal mitigation, does Focus and shockwave? Or hurl/hurl boulder with their ranged stuns?
Yes, Focus and Shockwave count as a 40 foot range. Agro range is 50 feet IIRC, you would be mezzed before you are in range to use either of them.

Hurl and Hurl Boulder are both in powersets that are generally held to be above average in the AT. Largely because they have mitigation in them, while doing above average damage.

So that's what, TWO 80 foot range mezzes available to melee ATs?

Squishies have to sacrifice MORE to get even a minimum of protection? lower HP, no damage resistance/defense, far lower survivability, and damage that is, at best, above a scrapper by a small margin? But yeah, I gave it all up, see above. Too bad that squishies weren't a good fit for me, but being mezzed is completely boring, frustrating, and it's disappointing that people actually want to see other people forced to deal with such a terrible mechanic if they happen to enjoy blasters/defenders/corruptors.
Lets see here.

Controllers can lock down an entire spawn before it is even a threat to them, including any bosses found in that spawn (AoE hold followed up by ST hold on the boss). Giving them the ability to kill the spawn with little or no damage being taken. Resistance, defense, HP, and damage are irrelevant if you are not being attacked

Blasters outdamage scrappers by quite a bit, especially AoE. A blaster built for it, even without set bonuses, can get a respectable amount of survivability.

Defenders, well, defenders either A) HAVE mez protection (Sonic and FF) B) can debuff the enemy into helplessness (Rad and Dark, with Cold coming in at higher levels)

The defenders that can't do those things add more to a team than a scrapper will ever add. Soloing an Empathy/Energy is an exercise in frustration, but why are you soloing an Empathy Defender in the first place? 2/3rds of their primary powers are useless with no teammates.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.




The defenders that can't do those things add more to a team than a scrapper will ever add. Soloing an Empathy/Energy is an exercise in frustration, but why are you soloing an Empathy Defender in the first place? 2/3rds of their primary powers are useless with no teammates.
Pretty much in agreement here. Soloing an Empathy defender sort of defeats the purpose of rolling one doesn't it? If you want to mez protection for yourself, Sonic, Traps, & Force Field all provide mez protection to the caster...(Traps gives you a floating defense bubble, with mez protection at level 8). There problem have three primaries that will give you reliable mezz protection.

My level 50 Dominators:
Madame Mindbender 50 Mind/Energy
Fly Agaric 50 Plant/Thorn
Nate Nitro 50 Fire/Psi



Originally Posted by Lakanna View Post
And defenders in general? Some powersets get mez protection. Some get proactive mezzing. some get both. Some get neither. The sets that get neither are STILL in the same boat as your tanker: no mez protection gets them killed.
Not having mezz protection does not get your character killed, inability to adapt to a situation, and not being prepared gets your character killed.

Originally Posted by Lakanna View Post
Squishies have to sacrifice MORE to get even a minimum of protection? lower HP, no damage resistance/defense, far lower survivability, and damage that is, at best, above a scrapper by a small margin? But yeah, I gave it all up, see above. Too bad that squishies weren't a good fit for me, but being mezzed is completely boring, frustrating, and it's disappointing that people actually want to see other people forced to deal with such a terrible mechanic if they happen to enjoy blasters/defenders/corruptors.
Going to borrow a Marine Corp mantra here...

Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

Do not assume that as you put it because "squishies weren't a good fit for me, but being mezzed is completely boring, frustrating, and it's disappointing" that you are The Voice for all us squishies.



No, but you shouldn't yell at him to shut up for those of us voicing disatisfaction with squishie mezzing.

Because there are a lot of people that find it patently unfair and unfun.

Say, they just added all those neat options for difficulty, how about one more setting: Solo, +3 Mag Protection; Solo, normal mezz protection; Solo, no Mezz protection.

That way the player can decide on the level of 'challenge' in that manner also.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Not having mezz protection does not get your character killed, inability to adapt to a situation, and not being prepared gets your character killed.

Going to borrow a Marine Corp mantra here...
Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

Do not assume that as you put it because "squishies weren't a good fit for me, but being mezzed is completely boring, frustrating, and it's disappointing" that you are The Voice for all us squishies.
Well said! I could not agree more.



Originally Posted by Lakanna View Post
And defenders in general? Some powersets get mez protection. Some get proactive mezzing. some get both. Some get neither. The sets that get neither are STILL in the same boat as your tanker: no mez protection gets them killed.
Few squishy powerset combinations have zero access to a ranged control ability, Defenders included. The only Defender secondaries that don't are Energy Blast and Dark Blast. Actually, Dark Blast does, but it is only a mag 2 power, so I am not counting that. You seem to be implying that the Defender AT overall has no access to control abilities.

Or hurl/hurl boulder with their ranged stuns?
Sorry, but once again I need to correct false information being thrown out by those advocating for this change. Neither Hurl from SS or Hurl Boulder from Stone Melee have any stun component to them. They have the following effects:

72.96 Smashing damage PvE only
+7.789 Knockback (50% chance) PvE only
-1.6 Fly for 15s
+13.5s Taunt (mag 4) Raid mob (like Hami), Must hit at -20%
+13.5s Taunt (mag 4) PvE only, not Raid mob (like Hami)



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
No, but you shouldn't yell at him to shut up for those of us voicing disatisfaction with squishie mezzing.

Because there are a lot of people that find it patently unfair and unfun.
"A lot of people"? Where are all these hordes of people supporting your proposed change in this thread? I only see two of you. I see a much larger number of players in this thread that have stated they have no issues dealing with status effects at all.

Say, they just added all those neat options for difficulty, how about one more setting: Solo, +3 Mag Protection; Solo, normal mezz protection; Solo, no Mezz protection.

That way the player can decide on the level of 'challenge' in that manner also.
Why don't you ask the devs for an "I WIN!" button too, while you're at it?



Personally, I never told anyone to shut up, nor would I. Everyone here has a right to express their opinion, just as anyone here can choose to ignore others comments about the tools within the game that allow a player to combat or mitigate quite a bit of the "unfairness", "faulty mechanics" in the game, and what the game doesn't have tactics will overcome.

I may not agree with someone's ideas, but I do not oppose their right to express them. I do oppose anyone advocating an



How about a "Not annoying to play" button?

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
"A lot of people"? Where are all these hordes of people supporting your proposed change in this thread? I only see two of you. I see a much larger number of players in this thread that have stated they have no issues dealing with status effects at all.

Why don't you ask the devs for an "I WIN!" button too, while you're at it?
Why is it an "I WIN!" button for squishies, but business as usual for melee types? Here's a question, how many enemies have melee-only mezzes? How many have ranged mezzes? How many can now, since the nice new "feature" of I15, get a single attack off no matter whether you catch them by surprise or not?

This is the onyl reason I got involved in this thread: people are saying that mez protection would be overpowered on squishies, but when you look at the squishies that have it, or have it partially, it doesn't make them more powerful. It makes them more fun.

Look at the new defiance. On paper, it gives less of a bonus and less of a maximum bonus than the old defiance, and yet blasters are overwhelmingly in favor of it. I can't say that being able to keep fighting while mezzed is the only reason, but it certainly affects the way a blaster plays. It makes them able to play their characters, where before, it was "pop a breakfree or stand still for a while."

Look at Dominators. Even with non-perma mez protection, they aren't overpowered. They're (now) a relatively well-balanced class. Perma-dom no longer boosts the AT's offense to godly levels, which is what a lot of the complaints abotu perma-dom was about. Does the fact that certain Dominators have permanent mez protection even raise an eyebrow? No, not really. The difference between parma mez protection and not? Huge in terms of enjoyment and fun. not so much in terms of raw power.

And Controllers with their epics. I don't know if Indomitable Will can be perma'd, but I'll wager that the difference between a controller who has full-time mez protection and not isn't that much in terms of real power. but enjoyment of those characters is huge. I took it on my illusion/emp, and being able to shrug off mezzes, even for a short time, really makes me enjoy that character a lot more.

All the VEATS were build with mez protection. They solo well, add a lot to teams, and are, to me, a blast to play. Even the Fortunatas and the ranged crab builds. The entire AT was built right, to me: no glaring weaknesses, and especially no weakness to mez. Their mez protection isn't an "I WIN!" button, but it does help out when the AI attempts to play it's own "I WIN!" button. And the AI does have them: play around them, or they wipe the floor with you. Stacked, chained mez is an automatic win for the AI unless mez protection is brought into play, although to be honest, I very rarely see an enemy who will do this. Anathemas from the lost will chain-hold at times, and MIs/ Dark Ring Mistresses have been able to do it.

Mez protection isn't about power. It's about getting rid of the annoyance factor. And while melee types don't need to be annoyed by stuns and holds, what disappoints me isn't mez, but that some people insist that others must be annoyed by it, must deal with it, but others can't be bothered with it. If mez protection isn't overpowered on a claws/regen scrapper that can solo a Rikti Pylon or a SS/Stone tanker that can solo an entire map set for 8, how can you suggest it's OP for a defender, corruptor, or blaster, most of whom will never come CLOSE to that level?

And if you're willing to admit that power differential isn't a good reason to keep squishies from getting mez protection, then what else is there? "Vision?"

119088 - Outcasts Overcharged. Heroic.



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Few squishy powerset combinations have zero access to a ranged control ability, Defenders included. The only Defender secondaries that don't are Energy Blast and Dark Blast. Actually, Dark Blast does, but it is only a mag 2 power, so I am not counting that. You seem to be implying that the Defender AT overall has no access to control abilities.
According to Claws, perception range is 50'? Is that correct? Radiation blast (shared with blasters) get a 40' cone knockback and a 40' ranged stun. Archery gets an AoE knockback at 100' and a single-target stun at 60' range on a base 20s recharge/15s duration. Dark gets the aforementioned mag 2 stun, and an 80' cone knockback. Electric gets a single-target 50' hold. All of these are useful at times. none of them are a solid, even single-target, hard control except electric. Ice, of course, has a pair of holds that can stack quickly; sonic has a cone sleep that is simply amazing control for a defender; but that's 2 sets of all the defender secondaries that have reliable hard control. If you take out knockback, most defender secondaries have very little if any control available to them.

Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Sorry, but once again I need to correct false information being thrown out by those advocating for this change.
bah. I KNEW I should have looked that up. I was certain that hurl boulder stunned. Absolutely certain. And wrong. They do still carry knockback, but I dont consider that a serious control option: it's useful to be sure, but not something tha you can count on and not something you can build a strategy around.

119088 - Outcasts Overcharged. Heroic.



So, really what you want is for mez to be removed from all enemies.

Everything you have posted has that underlying theme to it.

You speak as if being mezzed ONCE kills an entire night of enjoyment. I don't know why you have this problem being mezzed all the time, but a large number of people do not have the same problem.

So, since what you really want is for mez to not exist, why don't you just come out and say so?

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
Not having mezz protection does not get your character killed, inability to adapt to a situation, and not being prepared gets your character killed.
Perhaps you are specifically talking about defenders with that statement, but some people in this thread have indeed said that the lack of mez protection will get you killed.

Some people have stated that there is no way you could survive without mez protection. They insist that mez protection is necessary. They insisted that the only way to play said character was to surround themselves with masses of enemies, even though it would probably mez them and get them killed.

That is precisely how I play my Fire/Fire/Flame blaster and I think they are incorrect. Mez protection is not vital and you do not need it to survive, even if you need to enter melee to use your powers. This is especially true now that many toggles only suppress instead of shut-off. It is a shame that I lose Hot Feet and Blazing Aura when mezzed, but at least when the mez wears off, Acro, Combat Jumping, Tough and Fire Shield pop right back into action.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
So, really what you want is for mez to be removed from all enemies.

Everything you have posted has that underlying theme to it.

You speak as if being mezzed ONCE kills an entire night of enjoyment. I don't know why you have this problem being mezzed all the time, but a large number of people do not have the same problem.

So, since what you really want is for mez to not exist, why don't you just come out and say so?
Once? nope. Once is a thrill. I get mezzed occasionally on my scrapper when i'm doing things I shouldn't. it's exciting to have something unexpected in the middle of a battle.

It's tedious when every battle has mezzing. Play for a while, stand around mezzed, play for a bit, stand around mezzed. It's annoying being stopped, dead, because some mook threw a stun grenade at you, over and over and over.

What I want, since you asked, is for mez to be less ridiculous. To allow it to be a challenge for melee at times, without being completely overused to the point where breakfrees are mandatory for anyone without it. I would LOVE to see mez simply reduce your effectiveness, without removing your ability to react completely. Blaster Defiance is good: you can still act, albeit not as well. The binary nature of mez in this game, cbined with the fact that some AT's have essentially nothing to fear from it at all, means that those without mez protection face a massive weakness, and it's one that is given to nearly every high-end enemy group, and at least one member of every villain group starting at around level 20. It's not a strength of melee that they get mez protection, it's a designed weakness of ranged that they do not. And having a large, exploitable weakness in a game that has large numbers of enemies that exploit that weakness isn't a whole lot of fun, at least for me personally.

119088 - Outcasts Overcharged. Heroic.



Yeah, being mezzed with the current toggle suppression I would call a bad design.

Not only can you not take any action other than to click on a break-free, your resistances or defense are reduced just when you need them to stay up.

Like I think I mentioned earlier in this thread, defensive toggles should not suppress at all. Offensive toggle should only suppress while mezzed.

Then a reduction (not a removal) of how often squishies can get mezzed and I think the game will actually be more fun.

Still here, even after all this time!



I'm snipping a lot out, just because this thread is starting to get a bit lengthy with all the back & forth quoting.

Originally Posted by Lakanna View Post
it doesn't make them more powerful. It makes them more fun.
Whether they are 'fun' or 'not fun' is a pretty subjective determination. Obviously you find having to deal with status protection effects 'not fun'. I don't feel that way at all. I don't know if I would go so far as to say I find them 'fun', but I do enjoy the challenge they can provide.

Look at the new defiance. On paper, it gives less of a bonus and less of a maximum bonus than the old defiance, and yet blasters are overwhelmingly in favor of it.

Look at Dominators. Even with non-perma mez protection, they aren't overpowered. They're (now) a relatively well-balanced class.....snip..... Does the fact that certain Dominators have permanent mez protection even raise an eyebrow? No, not really.

And Controllers with their epics. I don't know if Indomitable Will can be perma'd, but I'll wager that the difference between a controller who has full-time mez protection and not isn't that much in terms of real power. but enjoyment of those characters is huge. I took it on my illusion/emp, and being able to shrug off mezzes, even for a short time, really makes me enjoy that character a lot more.
Again, whether something is 'fun' or not is very subjective.

I don't think bringing up perma-dom builds really has any place in this discussion. What an AT can achieve while heavily IO'd out is pretty irrelevant here.

It seems, when we really drill down to it, the only potential issue here is with Defenders and possibly Corruptors. Perhaps the answer is to give them access to Indomitable Will. They would get an option to get status protection, it would not be perma, outside of heavily IO's recharge builds, and would require them to make some sacrifice by not taking one of the other pools at that level.

Why is it an "I WIN!" button for squishies, but business as usual for melee types? Here's a question, how many enemies have melee-only mezzes? How many have ranged mezzes? How many can now, since the nice new "feature" of I15, get a single attack off no matter whether you catch them by surprise or not?

And while melee types don't need to be annoyed by stuns and holds, what disappoints me isn't mez, but that some people insist that others must be annoyed by it, must deal with it, but others can't be bothered with it. If mez protection isn't overpowered on a claws/regen scrapper that can solo a Rikti Pylon or a SS/Stone tanker that can solo an entire map set for 8, how can you suggest it's OP for a defender, corruptor, or blaster, most of whom will never come CLOSE to that level?
We've been down this road before. Let me ask you a question: Have you actually tried running any missions on a scrapper with status protection turned off? If not, go ahead and try a few against mezzing opponents, then come back and tell me how that compares to running them on a squishy.

I ran my kat/regen on my little Malta Gunslinger mission and what I found was just about what I expected. I first ran the mission against Gunslinger bosses downgraded to LT's, and used superspeed so I had the initiative on every attack. I had a 100% success rate of being able to defeat them without using breakfrees. I then tried the same downgraded bosses without using SS and just normally approaching them. 100% success rate again without using breakfrees. However, even only going up against these as downgraded bosses, I came extremely close to being defeated several times and ended each encounter with seriously reduced health. On top of that, and this may be more of a perception issue than anything, it seemed to me that when engaged in melee, the Gunslingers were more likely to use normal attacks before their Liquid Nitrogen Rounds and Narcotic Darts, than they were when engaged from range.

Finally I went up against normal boss Gunslingers, using superspeed again to get the initiative. Here is where the difference became readily apparent. Every boss encounter required breakfree usage to avoid defeat. The only exceptions were if I was able to pop Instant Healing prior to being mezzed, I could sometimes make it through the encounter successfully with a bare sliver of health remaining without resorting to a breakfree. There were also several times where even Instant Healing could not save me from defeat.

Now, let's compare that to my doing the same thing on a blaster.

Blaster vs. downgraded bosses: 100% easy mode. All enemies defeated with little to no damage taken.

Blaster vs. normal bosses: 80% success rate without breakfrees. Challenging, but not impossible.

Scrapper vs. downgraded bosses: 100% success rate without using breakfrees. Significant damage taken on every encounter.

Scrapper vs. normal bosses: 0% success rate without using breakfrees, unless I was able to activate my most powerful healing ability prior to entering combat. Even then, success rate was 50/50, with barely any health remaining.

Just for amusement, I went ahead and ran my Fire/Energy blaster through the same mission with downgraded bosses. I didn't use any tactics at all and never used a single shred of mitigation. I simply ran up to every spawn and begin spamming primary attacks. Guess what? 100% success rate. No breakfrees needed. Burned down every mezzing opponent in seconds, including spawns with multiple mezzers.

BTW, if anyone wants to play around with it, the arc is up in the AE currently titled "Gunslinger Challenge". It's an extremely simple mission, on an indoor map, only requiring you to defeat all the boss groups.



Sounds like you were as 'challenged' as quite a few defender builds would be against Gunslinger bosses.

But don't you want that sort of challenge? I mean, *EVERYONE* wants challenge like that, right?

Still here, even after all this time!