Issue 17: High Customize!




Hello Devs bring you a theme for the I17 or any other Issue that you want, hehe!

Now speaking as if I were organizing this Issue. The focus of this will be only in total freedom in customizing and creating the chars and their interaction with the environment of Paragon City.

Step 1: New clothes, hair, textures and poses.

To make the game more realistic, which is the focus of this Issue will need to change some things, starting with the structure of Chars, we will improve the customization and structuring them, the player can now change the following items:

*Head Shape *

*Body shape, adding shapes animalistic and aliens. *

*Size of the arms, hands and legs, choosing the left and right separately.*

*Type of eye, choosing the left and right separately. *

*Type Nail. *

*Type of nose, nose ranging from animals to aliens.*

*Details of the head, arms and back like fins, gills, backpacks, wings, jets an etc...*

*Use watches and bracelets.*

*Also the implementation of voices and expressions in the chars, as blinking eyes or close them when it is defeated in battle.*

*Thin Waists, hard arms and legs, anymore!*

*Also the player can change the texture of the skin, choosing one type elemental as water, fire, earth, metal, lightning or wind, also opting for the choice of a animalistic body with pelage or part with them, scales, carapaces or spines. *


A change of clothes will also be a highlight of Issue 17, we will make changes to the textures of clothes by adding effects such as metal, plastic, iron, cotton and others. Another change is the variety of types of clothing starting with more choices of prints and embellishments on them. ((I did some drawings of clothes that could be made, then I post here)). Now besides the clothes you choose can also put other details, such as bought back a part of it, choose prints from other clothes, put a zipper, button, belt among other details. Some of the details are, neck scarves, communicators, quilts, ribbons and etc.

Clothing Elementals

The clothes are elemental nothing more, nothing less, than clothes with the effect of an element that you want, it will be totally surrounded by the element that you chose or just a part of it.


The details are: Earrings, necklaces, bracelets and piercings.

For hair, sleepers, clips, scarves, colorful locks and more.


The hair will have more life, existing ones will only change the difference in texture, you can select one of the following textures: straight hair, wavy or curly, with a more realistic tone. ((I did some drawings too, after I post)). The hair will now be similar to the movements of the capes, or even the Ghost Widow ((As some clothes too)).

The hair color can be selected in 3 types and in addition, you can choose the points where you want each hair color.


To innovate, this time you can choose different poses for your hero, as standard or in action !!! (( After I put the drawings)).

Step 2: New Pets no Archetype, and Vehicles!!!


The new pets can be acquired throughout the game, making specific assignments for the owners of the pet shop, the animals may have the power or not, will be always on your side, but will need to be managed as always receive food among other stuff or it will die!

Some of these pets are:

Dragon ((xtreme))


Many heroes have their natural origin and have always wanted a vehicle to go according to their history, or even because they like to drive a good car!

Vehicles in City of Heroes will be divided into categories: air, land or sea.

*Air: Jet Packs, Jet Boots ((Not just as usual, but that actually works!)), Costumes anti-gravity. *

*Land: Motorcycle, Car ((short)), skating, horse ((It's like a vehicle)). The Dragon can also serve as a means of transport. *

*Marine: Jet ski or Leviathan. *

If the player chooses one of the vehicles he can not use travel powers, that to avoid confusion in the game, and respect the traffic! XD

Step 3: Interacting with the environment

Some archetypes can finally "play" with their power by moving things on the map, carrying things, or making it disappear and appear in other places.

Controllers and Dominators

The Mind Troller for example, can levitate things on the map and throw them in mobs, and to control the mobs also using the mental manipulation, of course it will cost a high cost of endurance, but nothing that does not resolve Fitness.

Tankers and Brutes

According to the strength of certain sets, they may carry objects and cars from the map, and pitted against the mobs, and destroying things along the way, such as buildings, trees and so on.

All archetypes can destroy things in the cities.

Attention! according to the things in the map that you are destroying, you will be deducted from the account of Influence/Infamy, for so do not be so happy.

And to end this Super, Hyper, Mega Issue, we bring new events to the players!


Yes, this event, players will have to run to get all the people on the streets and take them to the force field that will appear in the city and protect all of this catastrophe!


Jesters began to move in and out everywhere playing tricks on people, will be a race in order to stop them all, have fun!

Change in reality

The Rikti will play neutralizing powers that will change randomly, find the Rikti, destroy the neutralizing and get the true power back!

Well folks, that's it, hope I have not traveled much, but even if those changes do not occur now I'm sure that some of it will occur, or even over time all of them.

Soon I will place the drawings.



TL;DR version:

I want a new game that has stuff this engine cannot possibly handle, nor come across well in a mmo environment given the differences in people's internet service and computer specs.


Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I don't know what i'd want from I17..

I16 has really hit the bar with me. I'm very happy with it and it's the only "I" that has really got me in the fetal position crying for it... i mean waiting for it seriously.. i'm not insane.

Defender re-evaluation would be super though.

Whining about everything since 2006.

Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:



Originally Posted by Vel_Overload View Post
I don't know what i'd want from I17..

I16 has really hit the bar with me. I'm very happy with it and it's the only "I" that has really got me in the fetal position crying for it... i mean waiting for it seriously.. i'm not insane.

Defender re-evaluation would be super though.
I am so glad I have an early day tomorrow......
Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
I am so glad I have an early day tomorrow......
what if it doesn't come tomorrow? Personally, I'd kill myself via bullet-to-head syndrome. But sadly, I wouldn't be able to due to the fact that Assault Rifle wouldn't be proliferated to Defenders yet... ohhhh the Irony..

Whining about everything since 2006.

Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea:



A lot of WoW and CO Inspired features, then.

Now, thats not a bad thing. Tbh, some of those things would be really, REALLY damn nice in CoX.

I just, sadly, don't see it happening just yet.
'Sides, Posi said they were currently planning if not working on I17, 18 and 19 (multitasking), so they have their gameplan already laid out.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Oh yeah, that is my dream, but can to happen in the Issue 20, maybe...



More customization for our character appearance? /signed.

More detail on the different sliders for our physical properties? /signed!

More options in the general character creator?! /SIGNED!

Devoting an issue to it? /meh.



Issue 17 - moar content please.

I know the content writers are busy on Going Rogue, but the last few issues have been content light. Be nice to have a whole slew of new arcs to work with

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
Issue 17 - moar content please.

I know the content writers are busy on Going Rogue, but the last few issues have been content light. Be nice to have a whole slew of new arcs to work with
I'd even settle for revamped arcs and contacts... I can't be the only one who's noticed that the newer contacts you talk to look so much fresher than the older ones.



Seriously? For I17

This is what should be added.
More characterization features, like someone mentioned.

watches,jewelry, pets to have by their side
Use cars,boats,bikes and more.

The most important thing.
i think the level cap should be increase

Saying this, yea ,it would mean adding more map zones, mobs to kill. Story lines.
You have Oruborus that have several rocks floating around.
Maybe through on a few new zones on those.

We have rikti that come? Why not make a Rikti world to go into as one of those zones.
They come into our world but we cant see theirs?
We got some zones with Ritki, Yea, but it looks like ours.

Lets expand this a bit more.

Definetly more powers .

Playing around on this game for 2 years now, everything seems so repetitive.

I love the fact we can create our own items, such as powers and enhancements.

We should be able to create more items ( as i posted above ) cars , bikes, and things like pets.

My wife likes the fact she likes to do alot of customization to her character.
I think she and other ladies would like the fact that they can use more options like jewelry ,rings,ear rings,barrets.
She likes to look through emotes and wishes there was alot more.
through some cheer leading things in there, more music as well.
Can we make an emote for parties? like a dance floor appears with lights flashing?
Yea ,thats alot of girly stuff, but when your at th level cap 50 and are waiting for a group or something and just hanging out, why not have a bit of fun for the young guys.

There should be emotes that only the level cap'd users can do versus a lev 1.

Just expanding the game a bit more.
i love the graphics story lines and i am hoping the game can keep going.
MMO games like this should not have a cap limit and always have new features added to keep the subscribers playing.

I am hoping the devs will see this post and get my way of looking at things.
DC universe online is coming out next year.
I will definetly try playing it, but if CoH can not keep up with the updates between these other games, then Coh will loose a good Subscriber and many of my friends ( who also think the same way as i do ) will be leaving Coh as well.

Please please do some more updates.
Keep up the good work.



Before suggesting vehicles please do a search on why they will never happen.

Before suggesting a level cap increase, please do a search on why it will never happen.

DC may or may not be coming out 'next year' and by the looks of it CO isn't having the effect they'd hoped it might on this game. Competition is good, but "good" competition isn't there yet.

Accessories and pets, yes. I want more stuff like that. But as for making a "neck slider"? Hello OP? what?

Right now, more options on the character's body are not likely to happen. I've already explained what the devs told me at the comic con several times: there are only 2 more 'nodes' which are possible locations to place items, and after that they would have to *completely rework the characters*. Completely. So while it'd be nice maybe to have more customization in terms of locations, like eye color and whatnot, I seriously doubt that will happen in this incarnation of the game anytime soon.

I'd far rather have the group working on full power customization for power pools, adding story arcs and cleaning up hero side contact trees so we don't have to run across hell and high water to get to one stupid Fedex mission location and then run back.

Also remember: this game runs on darn near anything. To keep it that way, the graphics must either have full settings to keep the low-end on and be flexible enough to reach high-end computer's expecations. Leaving anyone behind is just not good for any game. Already there are plenty of people who can't even enter Grandville because of the video requirements, so... keep it simple but make new tilesets.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Consider a moment.

Your modem pulls 1-5+ megabytes a second depending on the broadband you pay for and stuff.

Currently: Characters take between 10-20 kilobytes.

Average city-overworld map will have 10 characters in the "Load-zone" where you have to download their graphics (Assuming their not in your cache) that's 100-200k. Not bad, can get that near-instant at 1-5 MBPS

That is when you consider events. I've seen 50+ people in Atlas park under the statue for contests. I've also seen more in the D on peak hours. That makes you pull 500-1000k just for characters. Again not too bad at 1-5 MBPS.

now what you're saying would probably make individual character files take up 1 meg on average. This means that you are pulling between 1 and 1/5th of a second on EACH CHARACTER only characters.


For 17 I want to see bases be revamped and make it easier to invite people into them for base-building contests and such.

Oh and all this doesn't count loading positions, just raw graphics. Double all my estimates for that.



In a perfect world, this would be easily doable. However, we do not live in said perfect world so I would not expect this.

Frankly, I'd rather have I17 be preparations for Going Rogue much like I6 was preparations for CoV.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Issue 17:High Customize!

Here are some ideas..

1)Charachter Customization

All players with powers such as the Phantom Army,Mastermind Minions,and any other form of temporary assistant,could now be transformed to look like the players that own them!

2)New Costume Selections

As always,every issue should bring with it new costume selections to expand a players charachter more.Here are some ideas for this change..

-Ziggurate Issue Orange Suits
-Belt Insignias
-Executioner's Mask
-Iron Mask
-A Ventriloquist Dummy's Face
-Wrist and/or Forearm Communication Device.
-Chest Detail:Treble Clef lines,both Ascending,and Descending Notes
-Mask with Straps

3)More AE Content

AE Content has been given to us strong,but there is always room for more,such as Event enemies,like Halloween Event Zombies,or Christmas Winter Horde enemies,or maybe ideas that are outside the box,such as famous Supergroup Bases like the Freedom Phalanx base!

4)New Power Set:Personal Force Field

This power set would be for Tankers and Brutes.Some of the Powers are already there..

1)Personal Force Field
2)Insulation Shield
3)Repulsion Field

..and the others.

4)"Back-Up Power"-A Power equivelant to "Dull Pain" or "Earth's Embrace"
5)"Richochet"-A shield power that would cause an Enemies attack to be directed right back to them!
6)"Protrusions"-A power similar to "Icicles",once activated,the Shield would form hundreds of spikes on the Shield,rather than four or five spikes,stabbing the enemy away from the player
7)"Three-Shot"-Once activated,the Shield generates spheres which shoot outward from the main Shield in the form of a Three-Way Shot,knocking enemies down which are in front of you
8)"Force Ball"-Similar to "Shield Charge",once activated,the Shield would shoot you forward to the enemies,much like a Bowling Ball.
9)"Shield Galvanization-"The most powerful tool of the Shield,once activated,the Shield draws power from all your nearby foes,making your Shield immeasurably strong,protecting you from all forms of damage,including Psionics,and when the power wears down,its the Shield that looses power,not your hit points.

5)E-Mail Options;Badge

We all hate those certain merchants who advertise themselves through E-Mail,but now,with I17 Now here..We have new Options such as..

"Delete All"
"Adding Key Words to an E-Mail Program"(Simply to make sure that your E-Mail recognizes key words from the merchants,and therfore making those e-mails sent by Merchants impossible to get through)


We could send all E-Mails that we have when we log into the game to an Achievement Bar,and turn them all into a Badge!Maybe like 6 Badges!Some of the Badges titles could be..

"Exhausted" Badge
"Fed-Up" Badge
"Irritated" Badge

..and three more!

Maybe we can turn all the E-Mails they send us into an Accolade as well!Perhaps one that grants us new Armor,rather than Hit Points.

6)Vault Reserve

It isnt just for Invention Salvage anymore.With Issue 17,the Vault Reserve could now hold,not just Invention Salvage,but it is now for Infamy/Influence,and IO Recipes,SO,and DO Enhancements,or whatever else you could put in there.

7)The Log-In Screen

Since the Website CoH was redone some time ago,why stop there?The Log-In Screen begs for a change.I can feel it!

8)Two-Person Emotes and One Person

I know this had been talked about forever,but I see this as actually happening,and it could help develop quality-of-life as well.We could have Two-Person Emotes such as the following..

-A hug
-A kiss
-A Handshake
-A violent push
-A punch acroos the face
-a kick in the ankle

..and im sure there are plenty others.. for the One Person New Emotes,they are

-/e flagwave (Your country of orgin)
(In-Game Orginazations:Hero or Villain)
(Supergroup Emblem)
-/e aim-Aim your weapon at a person until you break the emote
-/e tapdance
-/e meatcleaver-for the psychopathic villains(In a stabbing downward motion)
-/e butchersknife-for the psychopathich villains(in a chopping down motion)
-/e vacuumcleaner
-/e cigarette
-/e cigar
-/e bubblegumbubble
-/e spit
-/e pullingpantsup
-/e spyglasses
-/e swordhighabovehead-(Much like He-man)

Just some ideas for Issue 17:High Customize!



Oh Hell to the NO!
Enough with the glitz and glamour issues already! I want new Dev created story content!

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Welp, if we're posting wishlists:

- Power customisation for epics (ATs and pools) and pool powers. Preferrably with jetpack options for flight. Could be made the 'main' feature of the issue, thus more effort devoted to it. If not, focus on either epic pools, normal pools or epic ATs and make new content as the main feature.
- Some new costume pieces. The aforementioned jetpacks, so you can have them while not flying too. Or maybe they'd be better as just a costume piece period, that animates when flying ala wings or the existing rocket boots. Plus a few non-related pieces cause not everyone wants one specific thing.
- Some 'real' content. New TFs, new story arcs, new maps, enemies or features for Architect. Don't really care what, just something new to do.
- Bugfixes and QoL stuff, as per normal.
- Maybe some new IO sets. Recharge heavy sets for ranged AoE, like what Eradication and Obliteration were for PBAoE.

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?



Id like a graphical update myself mainly for characters and clothing. But you'd have to make it optional because some still play this game on 10 year old computers that would basically blue screen and flip them off the minute they tried to play the game.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
Id like a graphical update myself mainly for characters and clothing. But you'd have to make it optional because some still play this game on 10 year old computers that would basically blue screen and flip them off the minute they tried to play the game.
Or on laptops which are only about three years old.
Some people just can't afford decent rigs. At least now I can build one with the help of Uni friends that will be decent spec for decent price.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



The one thing I want is a lieing down emote... That's all. My characters in SGs that have their own rooms wanna be able to use those beds.



Originally Posted by zeltech View Post
i think the level cap should be increase
This is not a useful thing to do. It adds maybe a week or two to the grind before people are back at the cap, and requires exponentially more content to increase. It is far more worthwile to come up with reasons to play level 50 characters, whether through fun things to do, or more ways to tweak your build.

Originally Posted by zeltech View Post
We have rikti that come? Why not make a Rikti world to go into as one of those zones.
They come into our world but we cant see theirs?
The major difference between our world and the Rikti Homeworld is that their world is populated by bumpy-headed aliens. Play through the story arcs about the Rikti background (such as in the Rikti War Zone), and you might understand.

Originally Posted by zeltech View Post
There should be emotes that only the level cap'd users can do versus a lev 1.
Why? What reason is there for a level 50-only emote other than to brag about being a level 50 (which you can already do by... being level 50, or using purple IOs)



i would like SF/TF that would let a lvl 50 toon earn a enhancement slot to be placed on any power that is not 6 slotted yet ( think about a lvl 50 toon wit every power 6 slotted) every one would do that no matter how long the TF was even if it was as long as the Dr.Q make it as difficult as u like the reward would be the greatest ever on this game



So you basically want all the features in champions online implemented into this game.



Howsabout the missing additional ancillary/patron pools that were announced for issue 16 but were neglected and quietly left alone?

Scrappers were cited as 'an example' of 'just one' of the round outs, NOT as the only one.