I am getting fed up with the market in so many ways




Originally Posted by Smurphy View Post
You are whining. You don't understand that you can sell at these prices as well as buy.
Except he wants that salvage to craft things.

I mean, if i need Fortunes to craft something, I'm not going to go "Oh wow, look at those prices, maybe I should find some fortunes and sell them!"

Because guess what? Then that doesn't solve the problem of me having the fortunes i need to craft what i want.

By contrast, look at the price of Kinetic weapons and Demonic Threat Reports. They're pathetic in comparison! And I dunno about anyone else, but i have a metric crap ton of those and not much to do with them.. i mean, i -could- craft damage IOs, which barely sell for what they cost to craft, but... why bother?


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by cp2_4eva View Post
When you have 600 available items and 500 people bidding on it and the last 5 buys for spell ink is 100,000 inf....something is wrong.
Why is 100k wrong? What is the "right" price, and what objective criteria did you use to determine what that price is? We need to alert the playerbase, because they're obviously missing something when they choose to ignore common salvage rewards at the AE while selling and bidding 100k for that common salvage.

Perhaps I should start refunding players the billions I've made selling these things at the wrong prices.



The market and IOs are a timesink.
The more convenient things are the less time it takes.

They don't want it to be so hard nobody uses it, but everything else is fair game.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Perhaps I should start refunding players the billions I've made selling these things at the wrong prices.
Just hand me the billions and I'll take care of the refunds. You have more important things to do. Delegate Delagate Delagate.

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
Thomas Jefferson



Originally Posted by cp2_4eva View Post
My point is at this current moment in CoH time, prices are seriously high. When you have 600 available items and 500 people bidding on it and the last 5 buys for spell ink is 100,000 inf....something is wrong.
What's wrong with it? Prices are higher than they used to be because people have changed their play style. So what? There's still stuff to buy and common salvage is cheap compared to the money you can make so it's not a problem. If you're a bit short of inf, you can always go into AE for an hour, turn your tickets into salvage and sell it for a million or so.

Will there be something wrong when the see saw of supply and demand shifts again and prices drop? No.

The game is not a museum where everything is static. It's dynamic. Each issue changes the way we play and that changes the market. The only way the market would be broken is if supply dried up completely.

Curiously, you mentioned one way for the devs to do this. They could just let toons hold an infinite amount of salvage and recipes. A lot of toons would then have no incentive to sell anything. (Think of toons with finished builds and hoarders.) Supply would drop: possibly enough to run Wentworth's dry. Ouch.



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Except he wants that salvage to craft things.

I mean, if i need Fortunes to craft something, I'm not going to go "Oh wow, look at those prices, maybe I should find some fortunes and sell them!"

Because guess what? Then that doesn't solve the problem of me having the fortunes i need to craft what i want.

By contrast, look at the price of Kinetic weapons and Demonic Threat Reports. They're pathetic in comparison! And I dunno about anyone else, but i have a metric crap ton of those and not much to do with them.. i mean, i -could- craft damage IOs, which barely sell for what they cost to craft, but... why bother?
Or you can look at your full tray of salvage, dump it all for 1, and buy what you want.

Perhaps your argument that getting a full tray of common salvage is "too difficult" or "too rare" or "not common".



Originally Posted by cp2_4eva View Post
Hey guys. This might be a little vent-ish. I also might even get teh Flame. Do you guys feel like this?

Why do we actually have to GO TO a market to buy the recipe pieces and why do we then have to GO TO a University or a SG base to actually make the enhancements? Why wasn't there just a system where I can type /ww for the wentworth interface or /InvTab for an invention table or something? I get annoyed by going back and forth in steel canyon to get my toons revamped.

And then the market idea is starting to annoy me. Though it can be a lucrative business, the market is horrible right now. Cost way too much to buy goodies there. And it could be little simple common salvage.

I'm trying to figure out if I am missing something and making this thing harder than it really is. I have a few 50s and numerous alts. but today finally annoyed me. After all these years, I get annoyed today.

Also, to compliment my annoyed state of mind with the University and the Wentworth's being actual location instead of a handy pop up interface where ever I am in the CoX world I hate having restrictions on how many salvage pieces and recipes I can carry.

The loyal CoX-ers may enjoy all of this back and forth from place to place. They may even enjoy the market gouging. SIGH.....sorry guys. Don't flame me up.

Level via MA and sell your stuff = not so much money

Level via normal ways and sell your stuff = guaranteed riches

By the time you have reached level 20[ish], you should be sitting on quite a bit of money from just selling salvage!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I would love to see a WW interface in the base (same as a crafting station, vault). Mainly so I could bid in peace without the toggles people never turn off in the market but which I find really distracting.

The prices in WW/BM are much higher than they used to be and I have sympathy for newer player in a way. However, a couple of missions in AE gets enough tickets to buy SOs.

The advice to bid and wait is correct. It holds true when you're selling. Watch the prices over a few days or a week before selling. Patience is the key and more so recently.

If you're playing regular content, keep the salvage as you go along. Chat with your SG/team mates and the guys in your server channel. There's a good chance at least one of them will have the recipies memorized and may offer to craft IO's at cost if you provide salvage and memorized crafting costs. Obviously this is a risk unless you know them well but it can save you a lot of money.

If the market isn't 'your thing' don't play it. Don't spent an hour stood in Talos or Cap if you'd rather be hitting things.

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If you think of the market as a store, as just a place to buy stuff, then the high prices are a problem. If you think of it as a market, as a place to SELL stuff, the high prices are an opportunity.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Level via MA and sell your stuff = not so much money

Level via normal ways and sell your stuff = guaranteed riches
How do you figure MA is less lucrative than 'real' leveling?

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Originally Posted by cp2_4eva View Post
When you have 600 available items and 500 people bidding on it and the last 5 buys for spell ink is 100,000 inf....something is wrong.
Working As Intended.

Also, I always low-ball bid when items for sale exceed existing bids. More often than not, you'll acquire your item in short order at a substantially lower price than the last five bids.

Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.

1387 badges, and counting



Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
People should stop treating the WW/BM as a store and instead start treating it as a consignment house where you bid on stuff and might have to wait. Skipping the waiting part will cost you. If you're impatient don't come here and whine, ok?
Bah! Even EBay has 'BUY IT NAO'.

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Originally Posted by Spatch View Post
Working As Intended.

Also, I always low-ball bid when items for sale exceed existing bids. More often than not, you'll acquire your item in short order at a substantially lower price than the last five bids.
hey now, careful with the real and helpful advice there. keep that up and people may figure out they don't have to bid the same as what the last one went for!

Card Carrying DeFulmenstrator--Member Crazy 88s
We burn more Influence before 8am than you make all day.



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
I mean, if i need Fortunes to craft something, I'm not going to go "Oh wow, look at those prices, maybe I should find some fortunes and sell them!"

Because guess what? Then that doesn't solve the problem of me having the fortunes i need to craft what i want.
Get one Fortune.
Put it up for sale for 200,000.
Put up three bids for 50,000.
Come back in a couple of days.

(Prices obviously subject to change, of course. This is just an example.) No, it's not intuitive, but it should work.



Originally Posted by cp2_4eva View Post
Why do we actually have to GO TO a market to buy the recipe pieces and why do we then have to GO TO a University or a SG base to actually make the enhancements? Why wasn't there just a system where I can type /ww for the wentworth interface or /InvTab for an invention table or something? I get annoyed by going back and forth in steel canyon to get my toons revamped.
As for the portable Invention Table, they actually DO exist. They are EARNED through badges.

As for not having to run to the market, there is the option of the Market Teleporter temp powers. There is one you can buy for a FIXED price from the market and there is one that is associated with a day job.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Originally Posted by cp2_4eva View Post
The WW interface at the SG base would be a nice addition. And I knew about the portable table, but isnt that thing time consuming to get? You don't see many of those around.
tedious, expensive, long recharge, short duration. Thats why you don't see many of them around at all.

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"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Bah! Even EBay has 'BUY IT NAO'.
Yes, but you could get the item you're looking for at a lesser price if you're willing to wait. :P

That's the core of the problem as I see it. People who are reluctant to wait pay exorbitant prices instead of waiting, say, 48 hours. I don't even think waiting that 48 hours is bad because you can do other things during those hours, it'd be another case if I had to watch at the WW screen until I get what I want...

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

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for high volume stuff the 'wait' can be so ridiculously short it barely qualifies for the name.

I was buying an uncommon the other day for a recipe, they were going for 200k+. I bid 50k and went shopping for the commons I needed. By the time I'd picked those up at BUY IT NAO prices I had my uncommon.

Many many times I've put in bids and gone to craft something, or gotten in a discussion with a pal, and when I come back they've filled.

For recipes the timeline is longer, but for salvage even a TINY bit of patience can go a long, long way.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
for high volume stuff the 'wait' can be so ridiculously short it barely qualifies for the name.

I was buying an uncommon the other day for a recipe, they were going for 200k+. I bid 50k and went shopping for the commons I needed. By the time I'd picked those up at BUY IT NAO prices I had my uncommon.

Many many times I've put in bids and gone to craft something, or gotten in a discussion with a pal, and when I come back they've filled.

For recipes the timeline is longer, but for salvage even a TINY bit of patience can go a long, long way.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
...accessing the market from anywhere makes no sense!
Sure it does... to an extent. I mean, in this day and age, people use their cell phones to do all kinds of thing besides just talking to someone. Watching TV or movies, listening to music, surfing the internet getting news updates and stock market reports.

So why can't we have something similar to that here in Co*?

Want to place a bid on something, but you're in the middle of a mission? Use your cell phone, call up Wentworths and place a bid.

Out buying some SO's and need more money? Call up Wentworths and see if any of your items you had up for sale have sold, and if so, have the 'money' transferred to your account.

I think it makes at least a little sense to be able to place bids or collect inf from sold items from anywhere in the game. I mean, I see it all the time in some of the global channels I'm in... "Could someone close to the market see how much a Positron's Blast Acc/Dam lvl 38 is going for? Just had one drop in this missions and I'm curious."

If you wanted to put up anything at Wentworths to sell or pick up an item you bid on and won, then you'd actually have to visit one "physically". I think EVERYONE would like to be able to check on the prices or availability of certain items and to check their bids/sales from anywhere. At least, I know I would.

Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.



Originally Posted by Ynaught View Post
So why can't we have something similar to that here in Co*?
For the same reason we never get the phone number of our broker/detective, the same reason we have to run X number of missions before contacts give us their numbers, the same reason we have to run all the way to city hall/that building in PO to pay our base rent, etc etc.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
For the same reason we never get the phone number of our broker/detective, the same reason we have to run X number of missions before contacts give us their numbers, the same reason we have to run all the way to city hall/that building in PO to pay our base rent, etc etc.
The devs hate us!

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
The devs hate us!

Not all of us. It's actually just a conspiracy against one person. Everyone else is just a casualty of war.



Originally Posted by Dersk View Post
Not all of us. It's actually just a conspiracy against one person. Everyone else is just a casualty of war.



The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Yeah! And we should need to travel to missions either!! And I shouldn't even have to press buttons to make my powers fire!!! They should fire automatically!!!!

Screw you guys, I'm going to play ProgressQuest... THEIR devs know what players want!!!!!