You guys still here?




Originally Posted by StarkFist View Post
I see no reason to leave. (At least until Activision comes out with a MMO version of "Pitfall". Then all bets are off.)

I have no intentions of leaving either, though, everyone already knows that. What would happen in my absence!?

Looking at CO, I might try it with a free trial.. It'd have to be longer than 14 days or no dice.



Ive been dabbling here and there in CO.. I cant play very long tho.. the sceenery/graphics/animations make me nauseous. COH did too at 1st but NOTHING like CO does.

HAVING to go thru training each time. Fail
The pace of the game till you get a travel power : Major FAIL
The over the top cartoony/comic-booky nature : Fail
The powersets: WIN
The travel powers (when you finally get 1) WIN
the dance02 emote.. WIN WIN
being able to try out everything in the power center .. WIN WIN
Cut scenes : win ( on a couple ive had to close my eyes, the zoomin around of the camera..ack) I do like the voice over parts.
The NPC's : WIN
When you do a "find such and such or rescue such and such" its kinda win.. some of them actually talk to you.. thats cool.

It'll be fun to play here and there.. I play with some people from COH.. I dont think id have gone over and played on my own tho.. it seems super confusing and not as straight forward to me as COH.



Yep, still here. I have just been physically moving and am still unpacking so my play time is close to nill.

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



I am rooted I'm so here.

I did give CO a shake...and it really isn't for me.

I16 has me very excited about the future of the game...that and the possibilities of Going Rouge.

@Portland Underground



Still here? hell, i am just now coming back from Basic, where would i go but back home to champion.

Looking forward to redescovering the game with all the familiar faces i spent the past 4 years with. See you guys in game



Originally Posted by _Cherry_ View Post

HAVING to go thru training each time. Fail

Ugh, how many times do you have to help out that damn holographic monkey.



Originally Posted by Dinah Might View Post
Sept 1st has come and gone.

Was there a mass exodus as predicted?
Im not here




Just reactivated my main account in prep for i16

It's nice to have my post count back too lol



Originally Posted by _Hurt_ View Post
Still here? hell, i am just now coming back from Basic, where would i go but back home to champion.

Looking forward to redescovering the game with all the familiar faces i spent the past 4 years with. See you guys in game

Welcome back Hurt



Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
I halfway agree with you, though I think it will last at least three years, barring unforeseen meltdowns.

To counter that games launch, these guys did offer closed beta spots for Going Rogue to everyone who just keeps a paid account through Oct.
That's what competition does.
The best thing that can happen to this game is having Champions Online and the possible DC MMO live. Competition only makes this one better.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by Dinah Might View Post
I'm level 14ish in CO. It's hard to get teams going in that game.... No... Hard isn't the word.... friggin impossible is the best description!

Not only is the community in CO non-existent (thank God for old CoH friends playing the game), the game mechanics to allow for teaming was designed by a retard.

When you try to "share" a mission in that game that are so many excuses why you can't.

- Sorry, That person already has this mission.

- Sorry, That person is too far.

- Sorry, that person is wearing purple.

I thank God this game has a navigation screen were I can pick a mission from any of my team member and set it in the Nav for all to see. CO's teaming mechanics is beyond frustrating.
Yeah, thank god for the COH folks that play over there. It is very difficult to find a team, and the ones that I've joined outside of our SG, MEGAFORCE, nobody talks. I say 'hi', and usually I get nothin'.

I totally agree on the Teaming interface. It's dumb.

Another thing that's been frustrating me is some targeting issues. Sometimes I click on a target, then go to click my attack only to have my target become unhighlighted. I also never know when my Toggle energy-building attack will decide to be 'off' or 'on' when I click it.

CO does have some cool things, and can be pretty fun. Alot of the powers are pretty kick ***, but I just don't get the "good Teamwork" feeling like I do in CoH. Not having character classes just makes everyone a mixed bag of powers. It's kinda nice for character customization, and soloing, but it really doesn't seem to promote teaming, or teamwork.

This is actually good for me because it makes the games very different, and should keep both games fresh.

I did go ahead and buy a CO lifetime subscription because I told myself I don't want to be paying for 2 online games at the same time. The $200 is like the cost of 20 movies, and 20 movies is 40 hours of entertainment, so if I play CO only 40 hours than I've got my money's worth. This is how I rationalized it anyways....

thus I'm only paying CoH subscription fees

Now if only COH had lifetime subs...



It's all about the sexy.... yea, still around.



The friend who got me into CoH abandoned it for EQ2, then WoW, and every other major MMO that's come (and gone) in the past 4 years. Long ago when CO was announced, he called me up and told me about what new features were advertised. I told him then that I'd stick with CoH as long as I could, but that it would be the first and last and only MMO I'd ever play.

He still calls me up giddy about New Shiny and trying to get me to come over, but I always tell him the same thing: CoH, first, last, always.



Originally Posted by BlackAmaranth View Post

Yeah, I think it's probably like that.
Lol @ Darth Gokuverine. I swear I've seen something like several of these abominations running about on Freedom.

Thanks for making me laugh :-)

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I was thrilled with the Science pack cuz I finally got payback on the creepy guy that kept trying to ERP with my tween heroine, by hitting the costume change and turning into a 10' tall monstrous escaped prisoner and telling him, "You gots a real purty mouf, now bendover and squeal like a pig fo yo daddy, cuz you my little puppy now!" Haven't seen him since.



Darth Gokuverine.

Man, if only I had a spare slot ..

"I do it better than anybody you've ever seen do it.
The screams from the haters, it's got a nice ring to it.
I guess every super hero needs his theme music .."



Originally Posted by The_Bronx View Post
Darth Gokuverine.

Man, if only I had a spare slot ..
It's still available! Yes.. I shall take it and make Bronx play fat lewts for it *Evil laugh**Sneezes* Dang it! That always happens..

But you can have it Bronx.. I'm not much of a Dragon Ball Z fan, but you give me a mixture of Darth Vader, Wolverine, and Transformers you got yourself a deal.



Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
The best thing that can happen to this game is having Champions Online and the possible DC MMO live. Competition only makes this one better.

Multiple PAX attendees reported that Matt Miller looked very tired, while that could've been for any number of reasons, the davs are clearly burning the midnight oil big time because of the added competition.



Originally Posted by GATTACA View Post
It's still available! Yes.. I shall take it and make Bronx play fat lewts for it *Evil laugh**Sneezes* Dang it! That always happens..

But you can have it Bronx.. I'm not much of a Dragon Ball Z fan, but you give me a mixture of Darth Vader, Wolverine, and Transformers you got yourself a deal.
Darth wolverscream?



Originally Posted by _Hurt_ View Post
Still here? hell, i am just now coming back from Basic, where would i go but back home to champion.

Looking forward to redescovering the game with all the familiar faces i spent the past 4 years with. See you guys in game
Welcome back, Hurt!!!

A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
*heh* i took advantage of the deal even though i suspect i ended up on a naughty list somewhere since i haven't received a single closed beta invite since the CoV beta. i can't recall offhand anything i might've done except for sometimes being a snarky inglourious basterd on the boards now and again. That and only occasionally logging on during open betas and reporting the random odd bug. (The one where typing % into chat instantly crashed the client to desktop was my personal favorite.)
Right there with ya' buddy.
Yet, my roommate who is NO WHERE as active as I am, and is over a year younger in Vet Time has gotten Closed Beta Invites TWICE!
I'm the Network Engineer here! And I have done Closed Beta Testing before (Matrix Online, and Earth & Beyond), and I'm passed over again, and again.
Who's Wheaties did I crap on to get on the blacklist?

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



Originally Posted by Infernal_Jester View Post
Darth wolverscream?
Hmmm, this pleases me, to the random costume button! AWAY!

Originally Posted by BlackAmaranth View Post
Right there with ya' buddy.
Yet, my roommate who is NO WHERE as active as I am, and is over a year younger in Vet Time has gotten Closed Beta Invites TWICE!
I'm the Network Engineer here! And I have done Closed Beta Testing before (Matrix Online, and Earth & Beyond), and I'm passed over again, and again.
Who's Wheaties did I crap on to get on the blacklist?
Same, I got a closed beta invite for i12 when I first started this account. But my other account, DK's account, has never received one in five years of being active.



I'm still here... well at least on the board since I still have no internet access at home and for only a short while since my account expires next Monday...

One thing is for sure... whenever i'll come back (prays to god it won't be too long) it will definately be on Champion



I still love it here.

(Champion community, be it ever so disfunctional, there's no place like home.)




Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
If you offer some product at a "lifetime" price, it doesn't mean you're putting a timeframe on how long you think the product will last. You're picking a pricepoint that you hope will get the most customers to pay it. If Cryptic/Atari went with a lower pricepoint, it wouldn't bring in enough revenue for what they plan to do with it. If the point were higher, there wouldn't be a lot of folks that would be willing to invest that much money for an unknown.

If Cryptic operates like Paragon Studios does, the devs have plans for updates at least two years down the road, or at least have enough ideas to make it at least that long. I doubt any publisher would give the green light to a developer if they didn't have a long term plan past the launch date.

Certainly, that is how most companies look at it. But there is a length-of-time calculation even if it is not stated. They have to look at the costs of collecting money up front over how much they could collect monthly. It's an over/under bet. Do you believe your up-front money will outlast the game. Depending on costs, that up-front money helps short-term but hurts long-term, especially when the lifetime subscription is so small. From my economist side, I just look at that number and think they believe the company will fail short-term and they better collect as much money up front as possible. I hope I'm wrong. I think CO could be a lead-in to City from the game-box crowd looking for something else to play on their PC.

I'm glad to hear other games have made the same offer and players have benefited. I have two friends who signed up for lifetime so I certainly hope they get their money's worth.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



I am just getting back to this game after some real life stuff came up. So I wont be trying out Champions Online, I was thinking about it but I decided not to. I love this game too much and i like the content better on here as well. I have been in Beta for Aion since CB1 and now doing Open beta it is awesome. I will be playing it live, already pre-ordered the CE of Aion when it was announced lol. But I will still be playing CoH/CoV, I wont be leaving this place anytime soon I am looking forward to I16 and Going Rouge!