In your opinion what is the most fun class to play?
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

For me I love to play Scrappers. I like to kill and kill fast and be able to survive most things. Blaster can kill but they can't survive as long as Scrapper. I like to solo to and Scrapper are the best for soloing.
Do you mean hero side or villain side, or both?
I like them all, but I have a much larger number of scrappers than any other AT.
It really depends on your playstyle.
I'm not a huge fan of Scrappers, but I loved my Spines/SR Scrapper. Blasters... okay, but my Ar/Dev was simply a BLAST to play. Dominators are pretty fun, but none of mine compared to the Plant/Psi Dom. Night Widows are pretty fun, and my Bane Spider is hella fun.
Can I answer 'all but tankers'?
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
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My City Was Gone
I'm a big fan of Scrappers myself.
Okay, new answer since, well, my last one was kinda full of 'IT'S SUBJECTIVE, [censored] IT' (I cut out half of it like 2 seconds after I posted when I read the thread title )
If I had to pick one AT for each faction, I'd go with Controllers and Dominators. Controllers because Control is freaking awesome, and the (de)buffs are very nice... and every team (that knows what's good for them!) loves them. Dominators because they also have Control, but they (especially with the buff!) have very good damage in their secondaries, as well as some fun powers (DRAIN PSYCHE!!!!!!!). Both ATs are subperb at soloing (some powersets more so than others), and both kick *** on teams (have you ever seen an 8 man, all-controller super team? There's nothing more absurd in the game than that!)
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
I can't speak for others, but the character I have the most fun playing is my Arachnos Soldier. Specifically, he is a dual build. His Bane build is geared toward stealth of course, and being an AV killer. His second build is a Crab "blastermind" as I like to call it, the focus being AoE attacks and having all 6 available pets soaking damage for me, 2 of the pets being nearly perma.
It's all run and gun and there isn't much I have to slow down for.
Whichever one I'm playing at the time.
However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator
I like Scrappers hero side, not played a lot villain side (although I do have a 50 Mastermind) but I love new brutes, running one side of mercy to the other killing everything between fort mercy and the Port Oaks ferry. Foaming at the mouth. Slaughtering all that get in my way. Cackling like a mad man!!!
Good times
That said, I do like my stalkers
I am a controller freak at heart. I'll follow that up with dominators for red side, but not a big fan of red side play.
Controllers for me, can stop mobs where they stand, or fall on their backsides.
I like to solo with them more than team, but even on teams, I can really shine with a controller build. I've made just about every combo out there that you can with a controller. I've finished one level 50 and working on my next. I've also completed a level 50 Mastermind and I have a level 42 Dominator, but I don't like to talk about them much. They're the outcasts of the family.
Anyway, Controllers can be an awsome class to play.
Demonfest - 50 - Demon / Thermal Mastermind
Covered Shadow - 50 - Dark Melee / Shield Scrapper
It all depends on your personal tastes. My suggestion? Experiment. No powerset is the same. Try as many things as you can. Make a lot of alts. There is no agreed-on "most fun class." The most fun class is the one YOU have the most fun with.
Got it in one, nice job.
Defenders, for me. I love the variety within the archetype. You've got some that heal and buff, some that buff and debuff, some that just buff, some that just debuff, some that do a little of everything....
My personal favorite character is a Cold/Sonic Defender. I love that playing that character, it's the most fun I've had in the game.
See my sig....
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
redside would be stalkers "the death machines" mms just are in the way, doms dont dominate, corrs dont corrupt, brutes are tank lite, widows also rock. blue side blasters are way cool the rest are adequate. this is my opinoin
Brutes are my personal favorite. This isn't a surprise, looking at my past MMO experience. I've always tended to favor the heavy melee-DPS "Off Tank" type, the character who can stand up to some aggro but isn't built exclusively to absorb it full time (often at the expense of actually dealing damage). Scrappers fit that pattern too, and are my second most played AT, but the Fury inherent is a lot more entertaining to me than Critical Hits, and after Going Rogue is live I'm likely to reroll as many of my Scrappers as possible as Brutes instead.
So a good indicator may be classes and types that you've favored in other games. On the other hand, Archetype "roles" are a lot more flexible in this game, and vary a lot within the same AT from one power set to the next. Every AT can fulfill some functions that aren't obvious parts of its description, and it's definitely worthwhile to spread your attention around.
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One thing to understand - the powersets can give a very different gameplay feel within an AT. So "Which AT do you enjoy" isn't going to give *quite* as precise an answer.
For instance, I enjoy playing Controllers - but if you saw me running Illusion, you'd never believe it, because I'm decidedly *not* a fan of the set.
That said, for me -
Blueside - Warshades
Redside - Dominators
I like scrappers, stalkers, tanks and brutes, because they're all self-sufficient and have damage and protection.
I like blasters because they have super high damage but have a glass jaw in return for high octane play.
I like defenders and corruptors for a mix of blastering laced with the ability to buff or debuff or support as required.
I like masterminds because I become a one-man army.
I like controllers and dominators for controlling mobs along with pets.
I like kheldians for shape-shifting forms, allowing me to be a blaster, a tank, a scrapper, and a controller depending on which one I choose.
I like soldiers and widows for unique team play. Plus they all have mez protection, and are a mix of different ATs.
... Yeah. :3
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Arc: 60092 - Supa Rumble in the Park
"Keep living the dream, and never let any jerk tell you what to do."
-- High-Roller

If I were to suggest a specific build, roll a broadsword/regen scrapper.
Play the scrapper for a few weeks, then experiment with other builds. As a player with multiple 50s across all ATs, I can confidently state they're all fun. But, playing a scrapper is probably the best way to ease yourself into the game, like an old man into a bathtub.

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Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.
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My most fun class to play is whatever alt I happen to be on at the time.
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Very hard to quantify...
Some of my favorites:
Dark/Ice Defender
Katana/SR scrapper
Spines/Dark scrapper
Mind/Kinetic controller
Stone/SS tank
FF/Rad defender
WP/Energy tank
Stone/WP Brute
Ill/Storm controller
Mind/Rad controller
Claws/Invuln scrapper
Dark/Dark scrapper
etc, etc.....There are may different combos out there that are fun and powerful.
PLease let me know. Thanks...