Did this game get slower?




Someone needs to read my guide on making PuG TFs.... dammit I really need to adjust it for regular teams.... all the basic principles are there.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Someone needs to read my guide on making PuG TFs.... dammit I really need to adjust it for regular teams.... all the basic principles are there.
I'll have a look at it. Usually if I'm starting a team I'll do a combo of broadcast + search the zone I'm in and individually send tells to people to see if they want to team, but already in your guide I'm getting the impression it's better to look for people in all zones for your level range...



Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
I'll have a look at it. Usually if I'm starting a team I'll do a combo of broadcast + search the zone I'm in and individually send tells to people to see if they want to team, but already in your guide I'm getting the impression it's better to look for people in all zones for your level range...
Absolutely! Don't leave out other zones. I've almost filled entire teams with players recruited from other zones, especially at low levels.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
There's going to be an xp boost for the early levels in I16, and they recently gave an xp boost for the later levels too - so the game should actually be a little faster now
Yeah, cause level 1-15 don't already fly by as it is.



Originally Posted by Columnist_Freak View Post
Every other team I've been on takes upwards of fifteen minutes to assemble. Then a single mission is completed. Following that, two players will immediately notify the team that they are leaving. From that point, there is a 75% chance the rest of the team will immediately dissolve after those two players have left. In the small 25% chance, the team continues with less than half of its original starting number, and will fall apart in the middle of the second mission.
PuGs really have been horrible lately. Pretty much the only decent teams I have been on in the last month or so are SG teams. When those people are not on... ugh.

The new people in the game seem to become frustrated if a PuG does not generate the xp we saw on the average mito farm; so they've just suddenly got to go as soon as they figure that out. Well, hasta la vista I guess. Back in the day it was considered etiquette to at least stay long enough to complete the mission: not anymore.

I'm a little annoyed with how things are going in the game recently [this last due in large part to recipies that I have the cash to buy, but guess what...! There are 0 for sale! For days, weeks on end! Have any EVER been for sale?....? And I am not about to start MA farming to get tickets for recipe rolls, so I don't get those recipes, looks like. Meh], but am hanging on to see what happens next.



Let's not be too rash about blaming the team's ability to disintegrate after one mission on any recent events. This phenomena exists in every MMORPG I've ever played to some extent, and definitely happened regularly many years ago like it does today. When I used to almost 100% PUG it usually only took a longer mission to kill a team.

My difficulty has been, lately, that it's more difficult to quickly rebuild the team or replace the guys who dropped. However, I think that might be getting caused by several issues combining in a unique blend that hasn't happened before. Competing game release and beta preview, school years are starting up again, and a major feature in open beta for this game.

My Going Rogue Trailer

Virtue (blue) - Wes The Mess
Virtue (red) - Jess The Best



Originally Posted by Razoras View Post
However, I think that might be getting caused by several issues combining in a unique blend that hasn't happened before. Competing game release and beta preview, school years are starting up again, and a major feature in open beta for this game.
I think that you're right on this account. Its likely the fact that a number of players are moving on to (That other Game) along with younger players not having the ability to play as often due to school, and finally... the real game always gets pretty empty as soon as an open beta comes around.

Hopefully give it a couple weeks and we should be back to some sense of normality.



Yeah that's a good point, didn't think about that...



I hadn't really even considered the causes for the recent low numbers until I whined on PinnacleBadges about it and Bubba mentioned CO and Issue 16.

My Going Rogue Trailer

Virtue (blue) - Wes The Mess
Virtue (red) - Jess The Best



Have you considered what enemy types you are facing on your lowbie elec/elec brute?

Starting out, you are looking at very poor mitigation from electric melee, coupled with an armor currently that offers no means to recover health and no layered mitigation until you get powersink (and then it's only partial at certain difficulty levels).

In the teens, you encounter the circle of thorns, which if you start running into ghosts, you will be torn to shreds, due to electric armor's poor negative resistance. I would avoid that group in particular for a while.



OP, no offense, but you do know what the sidekicking feature is for, right?



Originally Posted by Columnist_Freak View Post
Soloing an Ice/Kinetics controller is a painful process.
My favorite 50 is my ice/kin who I soloed until she was in her mid-40s. Then I started teaming. I don't know - I have her slotted for slows and holds, and that made all the difference. She is filled with awesome. She can Hold the Flyer in the STF.

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Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
I'll have a look at it. Usually if I'm starting a team I'll do a combo of broadcast + search the zone I'm in and individually send tells to people to see if they want to team, but already in your guide I'm getting the impression it's better to look for people in all zones for your level range...
Forget Broadcast altogether. That is by far the WORST way to find teams (short of doing nothing at all). Set your LFT flag and use Search to pull people from your entire level range regardless of where they are. Ask even people in missions. Occasionally, think about asking people lower level than you that you can SK. Give it another week and the Super SK feature will be in the game, where everyone will be auto-SKd/EXd to the mission level and you'll be able to pick from everything up to your level eange +5.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I suspect that forming teams is gonna be =very= easy once I16 is released and we all have supersidekicking available to us.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



I certainly hope so. At the very least, it's gonna make having themed teams among groups of friends that play at different rates a lot easier.

My Going Rogue Trailer

Virtue (blue) - Wes The Mess
Virtue (red) - Jess The Best



Then again, with the mission difficulty setting, who needs teams?



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
OP, no offense, but you do know what the sidekicking feature is for, right?
I suspect he knows but from the attitude he displayed towards Zekiran and others, I'm guessing his "friends" won't Sk him because they prefer not teaming with him.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I suspect he knows but from the attitude he displayed towards Zekiran and others, I'm guessing his "friends" won't Sk him because they prefer not teaming with him.
Well that wasn't a very nice thing to say

It's more of a personal thing really. I don't like being SK'd too high because I don't really feel like I'm pulling my weight if I'm, say, a lvl 12 on a lvl 35 team because I don't have access to the same powers/enhancements everyone else on the team has.

Yeah, the mobs will con about the same but I still don't feel very useful and therefore don't really have much fun...



Then play harder? When I'm SKed up way above my level, then I make SURE that I'm contributing just as much by playing harder. No one has complained yet.



Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
Well that wasn't a very nice thing to say

It's more of a personal thing really. I don't like being SK'd too high because I don't really feel like I'm pulling my weight if I'm, say, a lvl 12 on a lvl 35 team because I don't have access to the same powers/enhancements everyone else on the team has.

Yeah, the mobs will con about the same but I still don't feel very useful and therefore don't really have much fun...
I think you ARE missing the point behind sidekicking. The point isn't that you are equal to your mentor, it's that they are helping you be better. That's both meta and in-game terms.

Someone not pulling their weight is, say, an emp who just spams heal and does no attacking - or worse, just stands around not doing *anything*.

You click a power, and you are doing something more than that. You're not slacking if you're using what you've already got.

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Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Then play harder? When I'm SKed up way above my level, then I make SURE that I'm contributing just as much by playing harder. No one has complained yet.
I don't think it's possible for me to play harder since I play as hard as I possibly can no matter what team I'm on.

I don't know I just feel like a younger brother who always wants to tag along with his older brother and his friends but everyone just wants him to go away when I'm Sk'd on a high level team even if that's not the case...lol. It doesn't really matter to me what the "point" of Sk'ing is, because that's just how I feel about it.



Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
I don't think it's possible for me to play harder since I play as hard as I possibly can no matter what team I'm on.

I don't know I just feel like a younger brother who always wants to tag along with his older brother and his friends but everyone just wants him to go away when I'm Sk'd on a high level team even if that's not the case...lol. It doesn't really matter to me what the "point" of Sk'ing is, because that's just how I feel about it.
>_> well...Sorry man, the system works well the way it does and when i16 hits you WILL be sk'd wether you like it or not ((unless you're the team leader/mission owner)). Also AE farms are going to be cut down drasticly come i16

D: Toss me a hai @DarkNat My Fify glory: Renzer Dark/Dark Corr., Renzro Dark/Dark Def., Amartasu Dark/Dark Scrap.Less important ones: Fire/Fire Blaster,Ice/Ice Blaster,Ele/Ele Brute, Mind/Storm Troll,Fire/Kin Corr.,Bots/FF MM., DB/Regen Scrap.



Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
I don't think it's possible for me to play harder since I play as hard as I possibly can no matter what team I'm on.

I don't know I just feel like a younger brother who always wants to tag along with his older brother and his friends but everyone just wants him to go away when I'm Sk'd on a high level team even if that's not the case...lol. It doesn't really matter to me what the "point" of Sk'ing is, because that's just how I feel about it.
Perhaps you and your friends should start a level pact group of characters all at the same time. If they're your friends, and they want you to play with em... maybe you should try it. It's been in the game not very long, and is probably subject to changes, but still. read up on it.

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Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
Perhaps you and your friends should start a level pact group of characters all at the same time. If they're your friends, and they want you to play with em... maybe you should try it. It's been in the game not very long, and is probably subject to changes, but still. read up on it.
Yeah. Truthfully I talked with my bro earlier today and he said everyone else is really just waiting for Issue 16 to come out, so we'll probably all just chill out and start from scratch then.

When I first started playing CoX we had that level pact and it was really fun, closest I've gotten to 50 (45), so hopefully with I16 we'll be able to do that again.



Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
Yeah. Truthfully I talked with my bro earlier today and he said everyone else is really just waiting for Issue 16 to come out, so we'll probably all just chill out and start from scratch then.

When I first started playing CoX we had that level pact and it was really fun, closest I've gotten to 50 (45), so hopefully with I16 we'll be able to do that again.
Was it an informal one, or one from the game's system? Big difference

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