Did this game get slower?




Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
Well that wasn't a very nice thing to say
Your right it wasn't. It also wasn't very nice to accuse Zek of being condescending when she was trying to be helpful. I have a lot of respect for that lady. If you look at her post and mine you'll see that mine was condescending and hers wasn't.

It's more of a personal thing really. I don't like being SK'd too high because I don't really feel like I'm pulling my weight if I'm, say, a lvl 12 on a lvl 35 team because I don't have access to the same powers/enhancements everyone else on the team has.

Yeah, the mobs will con about the same but I still don't feel very useful and therefore don't really have much fun...

I can understand that feeling, but as long as you don't make a habit of it with every character that isn't the case. The SK system was made so friends can catch up to each other.

Your friends can even turn off their xp gain and sk you until you catch up and then you all can proceed on the path to 50 together as a group. I've done exactly that several times for people in the global channels I'm in.

When I'm sk'd I'm always in the thick of the fiercest fighting regardless of the consequences and no one has ever suggested I wasn't carrying my weight.



Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
Was it an informal one, or one from the game's system? Big difference
Oh, we just always made sure to level together. I thought that's what you meant

@Forbin: The only reason I accused her of being condescending was because she used the phrase "it's not that hard" which I guess I took a bit personally and thought she was trying to make me feel incompetent.

If such was not the case then I apologize.



Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
I don't think it's possible for me to play harder since I play as hard as I possibly can no matter what team I'm on.

I don't know I just feel like a younger brother who always wants to tag along with his older brother and his friends but everyone just wants him to go away when I'm Sk'd on a high level team even if that's not the case...lol. It doesn't really matter to me what the "point" of Sk'ing is, because that's just how I feel about it.
You know... That's part of the experience. I have one of the bigger egos around here, and even I can occasionally appreciate a little humility in how the game makes me play. In fact, I will miss the old SK leash mechanic, to a point. When I'm a sidekick, I like to get into the mentality of it. I like to view my mentor as the big, powerful, impressive hero that I am there to assist and whom I can rely on to take care of me. It's not exactly highly dignified, no, but not everything heroes do is always dignified. That's part of what it means to be a hero - do the things others wouldn't or couldn't do.

Typically, I play Scrappers and Brutes, and I typically play with sidekicks of my own. I've developed a mentality of the tough guy that other people can rely on (for the most part) and I always feel like I should take care of my sidekick, keep him from getting in over his head and such forth. I also like to expect my sidekick to be a little responsible for himself and not run off on his own or pick impossible fights, and I'm not above letting a sidekick stew in his own mock occasionally.

The point, though, is that most of the time I feel like people are relying on me and I'm struggling to perform because my position demands I perform. To me, it's occasionally relaxing to be follower for a change and rely on someone else to look after you.

Macho is good, but humility is good, as well, at least from time to time.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
@Forbin: The only reason I accused her of being condescending was because she used the phrase "it's not that hard" which I guess I took a bit personally and thought she was trying to make me feel incompetent.

If such was not the case then I apologize.
One of the biggest drawbacks when communicating over the internet is the inability to perceive things like "tone of voice" and "body language". All too frequently it leads to misunderstandings.

We've also seen threads fall apart when some people get defensive and misinterpret disagreement as personal attacks. This happens all too frequently in the suggestion forums.

My hats off to you for not taking that path and instead opening up a dialogue so this could be defused rather than get ugly.



I feel the same way as OP when it comes to sidekicking up, sometimes. If my character is 25 and they're getting SKd up to 49, it's fine, but if they're level 6 and stuck with two attacks and a nigh-useless armor, the only thing I feel like I'm doing is leeching. A high-level team is quite likely to be fighting at least oranges, which means I'm seeing red and purple and mostly whiffing. I've only run into that sort of situation a few times, and I can tell you I quit them all soon.



Originally Posted by Primal View Post
I feel the same way as OP when it comes to sidekicking up, sometimes. If my character is 25 and they're getting SKd up to 49, it's fine, but if they're level 6 and stuck with two attacks and a nigh-useless armor, the only thing I feel like I'm doing is leeching. A high-level team is quite likely to be fighting at least oranges, which means I'm seeing red and purple and mostly whiffing. I've only run into that sort of situation a few times, and I can tell you I quit them all soon.

That's why I always overslot for accuracy before I do anything else.



At 6? Over 22 I have two SO-strength (or better) yellows in everything that takes them, and enough attacks to make a difference, so yeah SKing up is fine then. Before that it gets dicey.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
That's why I always overslot for accuracy before I do anything else.
Yeah, me too. I'd rather hit for less damage than miss for a lot of damage (or hold or whatever).


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
I know, sorry. It's just I usually play only with my brother and some other RL friends but they're all higher level than me so I'm having to play catch up and it's really frustrating.
Have no fear... Super-Side-kicking is near!

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
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Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
Well that wasn't a very nice thing to say

It's more of a personal thing really. I don't like being SK'd too high because I don't really feel like I'm pulling my weight if I'm, say, a lvl 12 on a lvl 35 team because I don't have access to the same powers/enhancements everyone else on the team has.

Yeah, the mobs will con about the same but I still don't feel very useful and therefore don't really have much fun...
Last night I was a lv 19 scrapper on a lv 45-50 team farming Banished Pantheon masks for the badge, and I made sure I contributed as much as I could, in my case doing what Scrappers do best- damage. I killed a lot of enemies, and every one felt like an accomplishment.

Yes, you don't have your more advanced powers or slots, but notice that high-level characters of the same powerset as you will probably be using the same attacks you have, and high-level buffs should make up the difference in power.

Don't feel your level is an impediment, make an effort and be proud of what you DO contribute to a team, even if it's just mob size.



Originally Posted by _____ View Post
teams may indeed be harder to find but the leveling speed has only been increased
That is until i16 launches. Then it will be slowed down.



Originally Posted by Neg_rogue View Post
Ok, I'm not some noob who's just started playing the game and doesn't know how to use all the tools. I didn't make this thread to ask how to find teams, I just wanted to vent about my hatred of AE farms and how they impede on my leveling.
Issue 16 will have some changes to the AE that should curb some of the PLing going on in there. The difficulty slider will mean high level characters won't be looking for lowbies to bridge, which means less PLing for noobs. The reward changes in AE should put a damper on boss farms and exploit farms for many people. I think you'll see more people returning to more "traditional" teams once the impact of the changes sinks in.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Then play harder? When I'm SKed up way above my level, then I make SURE that I'm contributing just as much by playing harder. No one has complained yet.
I find even very low level characters can contribute to the team. I'll take anyone who seems competent and knows how to use the powers they DO have.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.