Deadpool, Is That You?
That's GREAT! Never noticed that one before... I agree... Our writers are hilarious!
"The One"

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)
I was in that mission yesterday and noticed that line. Made me laugh partly from the actual humour, but mainly from the fact I'd never seen anything quite like it from an NPC. ^_^
I'm so glad Cryptic like to do things like that. These little comedy moments are what made me love Asheron's Call so much all those years ago. City of X seems to be the only MMO that comes close to that lighthearted feeling.
When you fight Synapse villain-side, he asks if you are using inspirations. I found this to be quite amusing. Didn't stop me from burning him to death, but still
I'd never use a nuke in a superhero universe. You nuke a city, you kill 1.5 million people minus one. The last guy not only gets superpowers from the explosion, but ones that let him survive a nuke...and wow, is he torqued off
PPD Mastermind
STF, the part where you do the V-side respec"
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
I was in that mission yesterday and noticed that line. Made me laugh partly from the actual humour, but mainly from the fact I'd never seen anything quite like it from an NPC. ^_^
I'm so glad Cryptic like to do things like that. These little comedy moments are what made me love Asheron's Call so much all those years ago. City of X seems to be the only MMO that comes close to that lighthearted feeling. |

(and if you want to try it, it's completely free to play)
Fusionette and Faultline are all over the fourth wall. "Just you wait til my Build Up recharges!"
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
The Kickers base.
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
-Groucho Marx
I dunno who and where exactly it's said, I *think* it's Positron at the second mission of Kuhr'Rekt's second arc, but when he beats you, he sighs and laments how you'll probably just use a medical teleporter and be back in five minutes.
He was completely right, by the way.
Fake Edit: I checked, it's not in Kuhr'Rekt's arc. I am fairly certain, though, that I saw that line in high-level villain content. Might be wrong, though.
Real edit: D'oh! It's actually the level 10-15 VEAT arc, and it's a generic Huntsman that says "Pathetic, although I bet you just hit a medical teleporter and try your luck against me again. Stupid lemming."
I have heard the name on a few occasions. If it costs nothing but time, I think it's worth a look. ^_^
I dunno who and where exactly it's said, I *think* it's Positron at the second mission of Kuhr'Rekt's second arc, but when he beats you, he sighs and laments how you'll probably just use a medical teleporter and be back in five minutes.
He was completely right, by the way. Fake Edit: I checked, it's not in Kuhr'Rekt's arc. I am fairly certain, though, that I saw that line in high-level villain content. Might be wrong, though. Real edit: D'oh! It's actually the level 10-15 VEAT arc, and it's a generic Huntsman that says "Pathetic, although I bet you just hit a medical teleporter and try your luck against me again. Stupid lemming." |
Man I couldn't stand Dungeon Runners. Tried it for a couple of hours, got dead sick of getting swarmed by a dozen enemies after shooting one that was all by itself, and then potion-popping for the barest chance of survival. Rinse and repeat. Infuriating.
Samuel_Tow, if you ever pick up Sacred 2, I'd advise turning off the voices. Fine game, but the characters will occasionally complain about game mechanics or address the player directly. Most people think it's funny as hell, but you don't sound to be one of them. My favorite is "Ugh, can we remove animals from the spawn tables please?" but there's also "Come back, you're worth experience!" if something runs, and if you leave the Seraphim standing idle, she's apt to say "Hey, I've waited centuries, what's another hour?"
Ranged character of some kind. Had a decent weapon, but it was single-target and I just got chewed to bits by swarms of enemies, only AoE I had was that poison-poot power. I'd see a single enemy, shoot it, and then have 10+ on me, no matter what. Beats me what I was doing wrong, if anything. Uninstalled, wasn't all that fun to begin with, kinda generic except for the jokey stuff.
Well, I know one of the reasons I stopped playing Dragonica (aside from it being a crappy game) was that it was most decidedly comedic. At first this was clever things, like wolves reacting to hits by swinging their jaw and bulging their eyes, and occasionally you'd hit someone so hard they'd fly towards the camera and shatter your screen. But then I started getting into weirdness, like a hammer as big as the character with "10T" written on the side, wizards wearing cat head helmets, Baaad Sheep with a Mr. T mohawk and lots jewellery, raccoons with toupees...
And then the final straw was a friend of mine who got his second profession. It unlocked a buff that turned him into a giant, bow-wielding chicken, fired off a book that stunned people by slamming them over the head with the hard cover repeatedly, and was eventually looking at a single shot that fired a huge, oversized missile not too unlike the Patriot Arrow from Robin Hood: The Men In Tights.
At this point, he was fighting giant pirate sharks with Victorian era white wigs and captain's jackets, fighting sea stars that came in three variants: Starry Lala, Starry Lulu and Starry Lolo and trotting around a beach that could have been lifted straight off the old Sega MegaDrive Sonic the Hedgehog games.
And all of this in a game that is entirely comprised of chibi characters. You know, tiny body, clumped-up proportions, giant head and tinly little arms and legs. Obviously that was the game's preferred style, but for me, all that did was grate and grate until I just gave up. I started the game fighting tree stumps and sheep, for cryin' out loud!
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
A non-named NPC in Pocket D : "Level 38 Dominator looking for Controller with identity issues."
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
Sam sounds like he's clinically depressed. Laughter's good for the soul, Sam. Laughter's good for the soul.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow
At this point, he was fighting giant pirate sharks with Victorian era white wigs and captain's jackets

Seriously, Sam- I know you're an old codger, but how can you not like this? Thats like seven kinds of awesome!
Personally, I'm a lot more forgiving of games that start out as parodies, comedies or just wacky and zany. At least with them, you know what you're getting into. But getting into a game that looks and feels serious and discusses a lot of quite profound themes, it is blatantly out of place to have joke characters, much less recurring joke characters. For instance, Becky the Tarantula Queen I accept. In fact, I laughed my *** off at her the first time I saw her. Even Fiusionette was funny the first time around. But it just keeps on going and going and going, like I accidentally walked into the set of Tripping the Rift.
Look, I'm generally not a hateful person. I don't dream dreams of seeing annoying characters die. But I gotta' tell you, sometimes I wish someone would out-and-out get KILLED if for no reason other than so the couple of comic relief idiots would take the GOD DAMN FATE OF THE WORLD a little more seriously. In that regard, the fate of Lt. Tendaji is a VERY powerful moment, as is WMD's reaction to it. I guess amid all the jokes and cliches, there can still be a bit of good storytelling.
Who knows, maybe I am clinically depressed. I'll have to have that checked out at some point. But, basically, I laugh at things that feel real and natural, even if I KNOW they aren't. For instance, I laughed a LOT more at Vernon losing a page of his grand master plan because it slipped out of his notebook, ridiculous as that may sound, than I did at all the lame attempts to make him over-the-top. It's just so much more clever than typing out JAHAHAHAHA!
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Look, I'm generally not a hateful person. I don't dream dreams of seeing annoying characters die. |
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Apparently some of our NPCs like to break the fourth wall:

This made me laugh. Anyone else seen any similar types of dialogue from NPCs?
Our writers are hilarious.