City of Heroes Does PAX! ~Discussion~




Well, glad to see that so many showed up and that a good time was had. Looks like it was fun. The spousal unit came down all sick and combined with the sell-out of Pax (which turned out to be less than a sell-out after all, grrrr!) I wasn't able to make it.

Oh, well. Maybe I'll win the lottery and make it to Hero Con.



Sounds like a great panel and a really cool booth. Meanwhile, on the other side of the country, at Dragoncon in Atlanta, we had a standing room only crowd discussing and debating the same issues. Unfortunately, we didn't have any Devs, any booths, any demos, or any official support. In fact, NCSoft didn't even bother to send us a single CoX-branded keychain!

Maybe next year, NCSoft can share the love with those of us on the "wrong" side of the mighty Mississippi. There are a FEW of us here, you know!

Please try my arcs:

Arc# 63910 "Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys?" (length=Long, levels 40+)
Arc# 401500 "How to Be a Successful Professional Criminal" (length=Very Long, levels 1-10)



Can has con pics now?

My sister with you know who.

And for contrast, me, with you know who.

Ffffff...I knew I should not have smiled, or worn my giant forehead that day >_>

I have other PAX pictures here, though most of them are of my sister with various other costumed freaks, and some random hall shots. Since the con sold out, I donated my three day pass to the sister, since I knew she would have more fun there. On day three, today, I decided to grab one of the extra passes they released, and did my conning thing. Which is just wandering around, grabbing swag, and taking pictures of stuff.

Fun times ^_^

I can see forever 0.0



Originally Posted by Kohei View Post
Any dev I spoke with was happy to talk Going Rogue if you just asked questions. I recieved info I'm very happy to have gotten. However, since it hasn't been made public-and I don't want anyone to get in trouble at work, I'm not discussing it, posting it, nor coloring it on the subway walls until there is an announcement w/ more details about G.R.
I didn't attend saturday as the topic didn't really intrest me.
i16 and Going Rogue are big game changers IMO-and for the better.
If you want to play an unfinished game aimed at console players then C.O. is for you and have fun. Otherwise I'll see ya in game.
Well that's interesting.

For me, i16 does not bring any real changes that I am looking for. Sure, it makes changes to mission teams, color cust., mission spawns, another AE adjustment, power prolif so all ATs can become less unique etc etc. What they don't add is new game play, tile sets or systems where the player can log in and play something new.

Oh, and please, spare me the tons of content line. If it all looks the same is it really different if all they do is change the text?



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
Oh, and please, spare me the tons of content line. If it all looks the same is it really different if all they do is change the text?
Are episodes of TV series any different if all they do is change the dialogue but keep the same sets and actors?

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
Are episodes of TV series any different if all they do is change the dialogue but keep the same sets and actors?
Is there a difference between night and day?

You watch TV episodes for 30 mins or 1 hour a week usually. I don't know any that really stagnate a ton but after a few seasons a show will often try to make a drastic change to keep interest alive. A season is maybe 24 shows? Let's use that number. So, if you watch a show 24 times in a season then it might not become stale so quick.

Let's shift focus to CoX, shall we? So, in a week how often do you play CoX? I play it, probably/approximately, 20 hours. After 19+ months, it gets a little tired and old. I joined just after i11 so I have seen:

November to May for an update.

I12: fairly light but the best TF in the game and VEATS. Great adds but not much else (QoL and costumes). They admitted it was going to be light.

May to approx Nov (?)

I13: Day Jobs - really?? Shields were nice and QoL. Day Jobs and the accompanying wardrobe were a gigantic fail as a feature to an issue. It isn't a bad feature but they can't highlight an issue. Also, they gave us nothing to do. I think this was also when a few very weak Cim missions were added. Yikes!

Nov(?) to April(?)

I14: MA - awesome tool but poorly implemented into the game. Very poorly.

I15: Did the TF once and the SF a few times. That was enough. The writing was weak and too much use of the same old tile sets/theme. I know some were new and there was sort of an epic feel but it seems they just missed it by a bit.

What I was hoping for were some new game dynamics (open world missions, more customization etc).

Then when you look at the content already in game, you see they just constantly use the same few tile sets over and over with the same characters. Gets less appealing when all the mobs look the same and in the same environment. I know a lot of this had to do with lesser staff etc - I am still here. However, I think many players are hoping they stop adding regurgitated missions and add something innovative to the game. I am not a fan of farming but find myself joining in because that is what most of the people are doing



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
Well that's interesting.

For me, i16 does not bring any real changes that I am looking for. Sure, it makes changes to mission teams, color cust., mission spawns, another AE adjustment, power prolif so all ATs can become less unique etc etc. What they don't add is new game play, tile sets or systems where the player can log in and play something new.

Oh, and please, spare me the tons of content line. If it all looks the same is it really different if all they do is change the text?
I think there'll be some new stuff - but remember that Praetoria is just a version of Earth, not an alien planet, so it's quite possible that Praetoria has offices, warehouses and caves that are quite similar to our ones
I'll also make a guess that we'll have to fight bad guys, rescue people, and interact with objects - which is what heroes do, not just here, but in other MMOs too, as there's a certain basic pattern to them.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Frankly this is a tired old argument, and irrelevant. It's a game... It's repetitive, get over it. Move on. Get some new friends, they are all over the world.

New content is a waste of my time and money. I'd rather the Devs spend the next two issues fixing all the outstanding QoL issues, or even just cutting my zone/door load times in half. It's what most of us waste most of our time on. And could someone please spend a weekend running the text strings through a freaking spell-checker? I'll give you more time for grammar. The Client could be re-written from the ground up too...

If they are serious obout MA, there should be a stand alone Mission Editor, and a stand alone Costume Editor. And more than 3 published Arcs. At the least 3 for each of my characters (do you want me to write a story or ignore MA?).

Whether there is or is not farming is also irrelevant. They pays their money they plays the game. End of story.

To bring this back to topic...

I actually did go to PAX on Saturday and had fun there and at the M&G. The billiards room at the Elephant & Castle was hot and sweaty and cramped, just like it was two years ago, and I am sure people who came late gave up for lack of room (we had 108 at Gordon Biersch last year).

I did mention some of my issues to Posi and Hero 1 and they were receptive, but who knows.



This just shows how the devs have to balance things - some want all new content, some don't care about any new content at all, and want QoL fixes
But I think GR will have enough of both to keep most players very happy

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by BlindFaith_NA View Post
Frankly this is a tired old argument, and irrelevant. It's a game... It's repetitive, get over it. Move on. Get some new friends, they are all over the world.

New content is a waste of my time and money. I'd rather the Devs spend the next two issues fixing all the outstanding QoL issues, or even just cutting my zone/door load times in half. It's what most of us waste most of our time on. And could someone please spend a weekend running the text strings through a freaking spell-checker? I'll give you more time for grammar. The Client could be re-written from the ground up too...

If they are serious obout MA, there should be a stand alone Mission Editor, and a stand alone Costume Editor. And more than 3 published Arcs. At the least 3 for each of my characters (do you want me to write a story or ignore MA?).

Whether there is or is not farming is also irrelevant. They pays their money they plays the game. End of story.

To bring this back to topic...

I actually did go to PAX on Saturday and had fun there and at the M&G. The billiards room at the Elephant & Castle was hot and sweaty and cramped, just like it was two years ago, and I am sure people who came late gave up for lack of room (we had 108 at Gordon Biersch last year).

I did mention some of my issues to Posi and Hero 1 and they were receptive, but who knows.
That's you opinion. Our opinion differ so you get over it. I will post what I like.



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
That's you opinion. Our opinion differ so you get over it. I will post what I like.
Yes your opinion and feel free to post it. But you keep singing the same song and looks like many have the opposite opinion; I personally can not wait for I16....the last 3 issues were meh. So do not be surprise that your posts keep getting picked on and if your not happy you can always leave.

Valaraine: Master Archer & Electricity Whiz.
(Archer - lvl 50, swordswoman - lvl 50, Elec zapper - lvl 35, Ice/DB tank - lvl 50, Arch/En - lvl 26, Lvl 33 Blade wielder, trick archer - lvl 34, flame tank - lvl 30, rad specialist - lvl 44.)
My DA page



Originally Posted by Juteboxhero View Post
Yes your opinion and feel free to post it. But you keep singing the same song and looks like many have the opposite opinion; I personally can not wait for I16....the last 3 issues were meh. So do not be surprise that your posts keep getting picked on and if your not happy you can always leave.
Oh I love a good debate and it doesn't make me unhappy at all. Honestly. I like many aspects of this game and hope to see it evolve. I am sure i16 will be cool but I think it should've been a lower priority...that is all.

Anyway, I is amusing to see people try and challenge and attempt to change my opinion. I have a good idea of the game and I know what I would prefer. I really don't mind if others try to change my mind or challenge my posts. It's fun




On the official PAX Twitter, it was announced that there has been a test-confirmed Swine Flu infection reported from one of the developers that attended the Con. So if you were at PAX and start to develop any symptoms, get to your doctor!

Source: Kotaku

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post

On the official PAX Twitter, it was announced that there has been a test-confirmed Swine Flu infection reported from one of the developers that attended the Con. So if you were at PAX and start to develop any symptoms, get to your doctor!

Source: Kotaku
Oh crap.

...I forgot what experience means.



I wanted to derail the derailment of the argument in this thread - but it seems red alert swine flu does my job nicely - at any rate, I had a blast meeting everyone at Elephant & Castle and talking to the folks who have my dream jobs. Avatea, Mod 8 and Hero 1 were all incredibly awesome to talk to (and I'm sure the others were but I didn't get a chance to jump to their tables during all the chitchat) - and the panel was hilarious; I can't wait to see what comes of it!



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post

On the official PAX Twitter, it was announced that there has been a test-confirmed Swine Flu infection reported from one of the developers that attended the Con. So if you were at PAX and start to develop any symptoms, get to your doctor!

Source: Kotaku
*Refuses to get sick*

Fook you, con-crud! Fook you in the mouth!

I can see forever 0.0



Holy crud! My co-worker's been out for the last couple of days because of the flu. He doesn't know if it's swine flu yet but damn. He hung out a lot in the Aion booth. O.o



Originally Posted by anachrodragon View Post
Just got back from the Meet and Greet. It was a lot of fun, and I wanted to thank the Paragon Studios folks for putting it together. No big game news or anything, just a lot of good conversation and beer.

Also, Scott Kurtz going off on a tanget was the most... er memorable... part of the panel. was SHIFT-AWESOME.

Seriously though, the panel was good, the booths are always fun, and the M&G was stellar. Good people, good game, good times. Big thanks to everyone involved.

And yes, I'm sick as is a friend who went with me. Meh. Sick is sick, flu is flu.



I was at PAX and I did get sick. I've been coughing up a lung for two days now. Started a bit on Sunday (just thought it was allergies), but got really bad yesterday. I went to a doctor today and he thinks its just a viral resp. infection that's been going around. Lots of fluids, chicken noodle soup, and CoX for me!

They were talking about the PAX "swine flu" incident on the news here in Seattle.

On a more positive note, PAX rocked! The CoH booth was awesome. The CoH people were tons of fun. The meet and greet was beyond awesome. I do think that the CoH booth was by far my favorite of the weekend. There was tons of cool stuff to see and do, and I'm still processing all of it. My nerd senses are still tingling.



Here are a couple of shots I took of the PAX MA crowd:

My seat was directly behind the projector so I could have totally sabotaged it & ruined everybody's day.

Ok, maybe not. There wasn't really anything shown on the screen that most of us haven't already seen. Captain Dynamic is still pretty damn funny though!

And here is one of the panel (sorry for the slight blurriness. A professional photog, I am NOT):

From left to right: Joel Heyman (Rooster Teeth), Scott Kurtz (PvP Online), and our beloved devs: C.W. Bennett (Senior Engineer aka "pohsyb"), Joe Morrissey (Senior Game Designer aka "Hero-1") and Ross Borden (Global Marketing Director).

@Spawn of Santa
SoS thuggin' bio
The Gang's All Here



Hey, I can see me! I'm in the second row, behind the blue-face lady, facing away from the camera in both pictures

C.W. looks so thrilled in the picture of the panel... *snickers* (Hey, Apples to Apples was awesome, pohsyb, no matter how fast or slow we were completing it...thanks!!)

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Wow, I hope whichever Dev came down with the H1N1 at PAX is OK, and same with the other players who attended.

Swine flu should be reserved for people like the scumbag who took three of the costume cards and is selling them on eBay with a starting price of $100 each.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Originally Posted by BlackberryThorn View Post
*Refuses to get sick*

Fook you, con-crud! Fook you in the mouth!

Yay! On vacation, and sick now! Non stop cold chills, muscle ache, headache, cough, runny nose, woohoo! All I am missing is some vomiting, diahreah, and a fever! At least, I cannot tell if I have a fever, because I am so freaking cold >_>

I guess I'll just quarantine myself in the hotel room for the next three days. Freaking stupid bug >_<

I can see forever 0.0



Your right that game was too fun.
And i hope i am the only one at the table who did get sick.
I originally thought C.W. was just some weird guy with a card game fetish after me and my wife sat down.
was not till the next day that i realized he was a game developer.

oh and i know who is selling the cards on ebay...he was sitting beside me in the panel and told me how valuable they are. Now i have to go buy apples to apples