City of Heroes Does PAX! ~Discussion~




I'm going to try and show up for the Meet and Greet. Like many, I figured on buying a Pax ticket on Saturday and got a rude awakening. Doh!

One question for the Community Reps - How is this going to work? From what I hear, the Billiards Room is a pretty small venue, and you've apparently got it booked for the whole night. If the M&G runs from 6-1, what do you have planned for seven hours? What happens if 200 people all show up at 6pm?



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
I'm going to try and show up for the Meet and Greet. Like many, I figured on buying a Pax ticket on Saturday and got a rude awakening. Doh!
FYI, the convention center has given PAX the okay to sell 1K more day passes...keep an eye out on their twitter feed for details.



You people in attendance must tell us all the ROGUE news! Must!



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
You people in attendance must tell us all the ROGUE news! Must!
So, when our group ran over to the CoH booth later in the evening, we had a chance to say hi (and in my case thank) Posi, who was looking very tired but still very personable.

Then Hero-1 Joe Morrissey chatted with us. Future reference for everyone, if you ever get a chance to talk with Joe at future cons, do so. Joe was wired, asked us about our characters and sg, then nearly burst telling us some of the background of Praetoria that's coming out in i16.

I don't want to steal too much of their thunder, so I'll just say this. Joe said they started writing the history of Praetoria from 1896, which is when Marcus Cole was born. And then from there, decided, "If Tyrant existed, would A have happened in history? Yes, or no? Okay, so that changes this, now what would have happened.

All the way up to modern day. And a lot of that is where some of the new factions (he wouldn't say, and only gave hints) arose, as well as how some of the redeeming/corrupting missions will play out. Some things will be vary, "Do you want me to kill this despot running this area? Because he's a total jerk, but he's also the only thing keeping the civilians alive. Do you want freedom, or do you want to live?" type of decisions.

I'll have my laptop with me today, and I'll try to get as much info as I can from the panel, though I think it's gonna be more about what their experiences with AE has been, rather than i16 tidbits.

Arc #345863 - When The Bough Breaks
"Curse you Perry the Plata...wait, is that Love Handel?" - Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Phineas and Ferb



Originally Posted by PsychoPez View Post
So, when our group ran over to the CoH booth later in the evening, we had a chance to say hi (and in my case thank) Posi, who was looking very tired but still very personable.

Then Hero-1 Joe Morrissey chatted with us. Future reference for everyone, if you ever get a chance to talk with Joe at future cons, do so. Joe was wired, asked us about our characters and sg, then nearly burst telling us some of the background of Praetoria that's coming out in i16.

I don't want to steal too much of their thunder, so I'll just say this. Joe said they started writing the history of Praetoria from 1896, which is when Marcus Cole was born. And then from there, decided, "If Tyrant existed, would A have happened in history? Yes, or no? Okay, so that changes this, now what would have happened.

All the way up to modern day. And a lot of that is where some of the new factions (he wouldn't say, and only gave hints) arose, as well as how some of the redeeming/corrupting missions will play out. Some things will be vary, "Do you want me to kill this despot running this area? Because he's a total jerk, but he's also the only thing keeping the civilians alive. Do you want freedom, or do you want to live?" type of decisions.

I'll have my laptop with me today, and I'll try to get as much info as I can from the panel, though I think it's gonna be more about what their experiences with AE has been, rather than i16 tidbits.
Pretoria sounds like its going to be pretty cool! Hero one must have had a blast rewriting history from 1896. Can't wait to hear more!

@Radmind - Justice Server
ClintarCOH - Twitter




Originally Posted by PsychoPez View Post
So, when our group ran over to the CoH booth later in the evening, we had a chance to say hi (and in my case thank) Posi, who was looking very tired but still very personable.

Then Hero-1 Joe Morrissey chatted with us. Future reference for everyone, if you ever get a chance to talk with Joe at future cons, do so. Joe was wired, asked us about our characters and sg, then nearly burst telling us some of the background of Praetoria that's coming out in i16.

I don't want to steal too much of their thunder, so I'll just say this. Joe said they started writing the history of Praetoria from 1896, which is when Marcus Cole was born. And then from there, decided, "If Tyrant existed, would A have happened in history? Yes, or no? Okay, so that changes this, now what would have happened.

All the way up to modern day. And a lot of that is where some of the new factions (he wouldn't say, and only gave hints) arose, as well as how some of the redeeming/corrupting missions will play out. Some things will be vary, "Do you want me to kill this despot running this area? Because he's a total jerk, but he's also the only thing keeping the civilians alive. Do you want freedom, or do you want to live?" type of decisions.

I'll have my laptop with me today, and I'll try to get as much info as I can from the panel, though I think it's gonna be more about what their experiences with AE has been, rather than i16 tidbits.
Ok, now that's the kind of info we need to hear
Especially the part about the despot - using the word "area" rather than "world" makes it sound like they're talking about someone apart from Tyrant - like maybe the Praetorian AVs have divided up the world into their own domains, with Tyrant as their supreme leader, but they're still pretty independent, and maybe fighting each other from time to time too.
Not too sure about the "killling" instead of "defeating" part though

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I've been obsessively (and I don't like it, I really don't like it. Darned OCD ) refreshing the boards since 2:30 PM Pacific time to find out what was being said at the panel. What was said? *Scratches face and head and has a couple ticks.*

The New Posts button on many forums have ruined several courses for me the past several years. <_< Must refresh....



Was nice to see the NC Soft folks at PAX, I got a code for a CoH costume, unfortunately I keep getting an invalid code notice when I try to use it. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks bunches!



The best news (in my opinion) came not from the panel but just from discussion with Matt and Joe. I'm not sure when it's going to happen (likely I16) but soon at any rate. We are going to get a missing glowie/hunt indicator. When the remaining amount of glowies or needed enemies is 10% then they will show up on the map.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



I didn't really think to take notes or anything, but one thing I remember from the panel today was about adding maps to mission architect. There are a lot of maps that they couldn't add or had to remove from MA because they were not completely generic maps -- they included elements that made weird things happen when used in AE. Those maps are supposed to be edited so that they can be added back to AE, but lately everyone's been working on Rogue. But they did say at the panel that there was one new person who was still being trained whose job it was to work on AE maps, so they haven't forgotten about that.

Most of the panel was about their new special author MA missions. They said that those would be sorted above Dev's Choice arcs so you'll see them first when you open up the mission window. The first two are both humor arcs, since one is about Kurtz's Lolbat and his literate rogue's gallery, and the other is about Captain Amazing and his nemesis The Great Face (if I'm remembering the names right).

No Rogue information in that panel, unfortunately. Other than that I played around with I16 a bit, collected my Ring Mistress card, wandered around, bought dice, and then left long before the meet & greet since I was tired and my friends are running a D&D game tonight. (Which I'm ignoring at the moment...)

They only had time for a few questions from the crowd, but of course people asked them about MA boss farms. The two things I remember is that they really didn't expect farming nearly as much as we've seen -- they were prepared to deal with more in the way of language and explicit content as far as misuse of the MA -- and they talked about trying to strike a balance between allowing people full freedom to create custom enemies and be creative with MA and having it give equivalent experience to the rest of the game so that players aren't being cheated by playing MA -- and trying to curb the misuse of AE.

One thing they said was that what people told them at PaX last year had a profound impact on how they did things. PaX 2008 was when they had their big reveal about the upcoming MA system, and everyone told them that you needed to be able to create custom enemies with it. That lead to them completely rethinking it and not releasing it until Spring... and of course, it's a much better system for it (you'd never get the guest author thing they're doing now if they hadn't added custom enemies). So that was just to say how meeting other players and listening to what the players have to say is very important to what they do.

That's what i remember from my few hours at the con. ^_^ I had a Saturday pass, I only wandered around for about 5 hours total.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



No ROGUE news? That is really disappointing.

Honestly, I could care less about i16. Power prolif just causes the ATs to become a bit more alike. Colors are nice but not a priority. Ah well.



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
The best news (in my opinion) came not from the panel but just from discussion with Matt and Joe. I'm not sure when it's going to happen (likely I16) but soon at any rate. We are going to get a missing glowie/hunt indicator. When the remaining amount of glowies or needed enemies is 10% then they will show up on the map.
Lisa rereads this, sits real still digesting the words she just read, then sits back in her chair, and lets out such a whoop that the cat napping at her keyboard leaps up and dashes away in panic.

This means I will have no fear of Council Water Rooms. I try to avoid all missions that I know contains that room from hell...which is sad, as avoiding them means I also avoid the missions including Vampirys and Warwolves necessary for the Atlas.

And I can't tell you how many hours I have spent tracking down one minion, or one glowie in the Circle Of Thorns maps...and talking of COT maps...that cave map with all the layers...gulp..I will shall laugh at it, and bring it to it's knees

If this one item goes through to live I will be a very, very, very, happy camper....very happy. Words fail me at how happy I will be.

Thanks for this highly welcome news.

Lisa leaves thread dancing a jig

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Just got back from the Meet and Greet. It was a lot of fun, and I wanted to thank the Paragon Studios folks for putting it together. No big game news or anything, just a lot of good conversation and beer.

Also, Scott Kurtz going off on a tanget was the most... er memorable... part of the panel.



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
No ROGUE news? That is really disappointing.

Honestly, I could care less about i16. Power prolif just causes the ATs to become a bit more alike. Colors are nice but not a priority. Ah well.
Not sure why you were expecting GR news at an MA panel...

...will be available in full force to discuss with you and answer questions about the Mission Architect System and the upcoming Issue 16: Power Spectrum content update...

What went well? What problems arose? How has this affected the way customers play City of Heroes? We'll look at the good, the bad, the ugly, and the future of City of Heroes Mission Architect.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. --- Thomas Jefferson
Formerly known as YFNDBA



Oh and one more thing. Posi definitely does want to be able to increase the allowable size of MA arcs but hasn't yet figured out a way to do so. The limiting factor is that even now there are people who complain about the amount of time it takes to load up the missions. I can understand why it takes a bit of time for some. After all, the custom enemy and ally data isn't on your system already like the standard enemy data is so low end systems are of course going to lag out.

Now that I've the basic information and being understanding part out of the way. Would those of you who experience inordinately long times in loading missions, or the market, or zones or whatever do me a favor? Quit complaining and get yourself a real computer so those of us who are capable of handling larger chunks of data can get the goodies? Or if you can't afford yourself a new computer then at least quit complaining about the difficulties you have due to your system. It isn't the highway department's fault that your second hand Yugo has a top speed of 40mph (64kph) and the speed limit shouldn't be lowered just so you can keep up with the other cars.

Sorry for the rant but I just hate it when I hear that the limiting factor in some area of the game is that some systems can't handle it. If the console world went with that marketing strategy then the ps3 would still be using cds and 32 bit graphics just so the original playstation owners could still play the games. I've upgraded my system twice since CoH was released just to keep the shiny bits at maximum shininess.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
Oh and one more thing. Posi definitely does want to be able to increase the allowable size of MA arcs but hasn't yet figured out a way to do so. The limiting factor is that even now there are people who complain about the amount of time it takes to load up the missions. I can understand why it takes a bit of time for some. After all, the custom enemy and ally data isn't on your system already like the standard enemy data is so low end systems are of course going to lag out.

Now that I've the basic information and being understanding part out of the way. Would those of you who experience inordinately long times in loading missions, or the market, or zones or whatever do me a favor? Quit complaining and get yourself a real computer so those of us who are capable of handling larger chunks of data can get the goodies? Or if you can't afford yourself a new computer then at least quit complaining about the difficulties you have due to your system. It isn't the highway department's fault that your second hand Yugo has a top speed of 40mph (64kph) and the speed limit shouldn't be lowered just so you can keep up with the other cars.

Sorry for the rant but I just hate it when I hear that the limiting factor in some area of the game is that some systems can't handle it. If the console world went with that marketing strategy then the ps3 would still be using cds and 32 bit graphics just so the original playstation owners could still play the games. I've upgraded my system twice since CoH was released just to keep the shiny bits at maximum shininess.
Well, maybe the target customers for city of heroes are not just those that can afford to upgrade that often.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Originally Posted by Righter View Post
Not sure why you were expecting GR news at an MA panel...
Hey way to add to the discussion. You're a rock star.

Yes, I know it was an MA panel but I thought SOMEWHERE over the weekend they could have discussed their boxed expansion. A timeframe for release, some more feature news...anything. GR is going to make or break this game for me so if it's just going to be more of the same old then I am happy to go out today and get CO. I would prefer to stay here but, lately, most of the issue updates have been just fluff.



Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
The best news (in my opinion) came not from the panel but just from discussion with Matt and Joe. I'm not sure when it's going to happen (likely I16) but soon at any rate. We are going to get a missing glowie/hunt indicator. When the remaining amount of glowies or needed enemies is 10% then they will show up on the map.
Originally Posted by McCharraigin View Post
If this one item goes through to live I will be a very, very, very, happy camper....very happy. Words fail me at how happy I will be.
Same here. If this really makes it into the game, it'll be a heck of a great QoL improvement.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
Hey way to add to the discussion. You're a rock star.

Yes, I know it was an MA panel but I thought SOMEWHERE over the weekend they could have discussed their boxed expansion. A timeframe for release, some more feature news...anything. GR is going to make or break this game for me so if it's just going to be more of the same old then I am happy to go out today and get CO. I would prefer to stay here but, lately, most of the issue updates have been just fluff.
From what I gathered at San Diego, the big GR news will probably be at hero con, October 24th and 25th.

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Not to mention the CoH booth at PAX features very large artwork for Going Rogue. Seems at least a little odd that they would have *nothing* new to say on the expansion.

PAX booth Art #3



I'm concerned that none of the big MMOs will be able to keep their customers though. The Hello Kitty MMO was being handed out for free. And who wouldn't leave for a chance at playing Hello Kitty?

I hear that it's even being ported to the X-Box by Bungie. They are going to call it Halo Kitty.

Don't count your weasels before they pop dink!



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
No ROGUE news? That is really disappointing.

Honestly, I could care less about i16. Power prolif just causes the ATs to become a bit more alike. Colors are nice but not a priority. Ah well.
On the other side of the CoH booth there was a HUGE postered wall with tyrant, desdemona, and the dual pistols guy, that literally said GOING ROGUE on it. Ironically they would not say anything new about GR to me.



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
Hey way to add to the discussion. You're a rock star.

Yes, I know it was an MA panel but I thought SOMEWHERE over the weekend they could have discussed their boxed expansion. A timeframe for release, some more feature news...anything. GR is going to make or break this game for me so if it's just going to be more of the same old then I am happy to go out today and get CO. I would prefer to stay here but, lately, most of the issue updates have been just fluff.
Any dev I spoke with was happy to talk Going Rogue if you just asked questions. I recieved info I'm very happy to have gotten. However, since it hasn't been made public-and I don't want anyone to get in trouble at work, I'm not discussing it, posting it, nor coloring it on the subway walls until there is an announcement w/ more details about G.R.
I didn't attend saturday as the topic didn't really intrest me.
i16 and Going Rogue are big game changers IMO-and for the better.
If you want to play an unfinished game aimed at console players then C.O. is for you and have fun. Otherwise I'll see ya in game.

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"Cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant never taste of death but once." - Caesar by Shakespeare

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#365403: Arch-Nemesis Inc.
#130465: The Dark Side of Time
#328975: Power Broker
#159392: Animal Uprising
#70770: Attack of the Bee People
#331282: Universal Evil



Originally Posted by Kohei View Post
Any dev I spoke with was happy to talk Going Rogue if you just asked questions.
What?! Omg never talking to posi again, I shoulda talked with hero 1 or another. Either way, it porbably wouldnt be anything that would make or break my day. I can wait til I can playtest it firsthand.