Noob Help
You can get a cape at 20. Once you hit 20 go back to City Hall in Atlas and talk to the lady just inside the door. She'll give you a mission to do and once done you can add a cape at the tailors in Steel Canyon.
There's no real crafting skills, but you can craft Invention Enhancements using Recipies and Salvage. There's a tutorial about it from the Steel Canyon University which should help, but the basic idea is you get the recipe & salvage, either from random drops or by buying them from the Auction Houses and craft them at an invention table in the university in Steel or Croatoa (or in your Superbase if you have one).
You can find level 18ish Lost in Skyway, in the Land of the Lost area, towards the bottom of the map, by the entrance to Faultline. Probably the easiest place to find lots and lots of them.
You can get a cape at Lv20; talk to the City Representative in Atlas Park if you're playing a hero {also called blueside} or your initial contact, Kalinda or Burke, if you're playing a villain {AKA redside}.
There are no "crafting" skills - the game is remarkably non-loot-based. There is salvage and the invention system, but you can comfortably play with just the store-bought enhancements.
As for the Lost, you can find them in the Sewer Network, The Hollows, Kings Row {though in only a few places} and Skyway City.
Edit: And, of course, welcome to Paragon City.
You can also find Lost in Perez Park. I find that to be the easiest place, myself...though it depends on your level, as they can come in large groups.
And welcome to the game!
Thank you for all the help so quickly, I will take a look at the areas suggested for the Cure Lost.
And thanks for the information on the cape will be trying to get that then.
Im guessing it would be making items just like i did for the cure lost quest. Which will be easy enough to pick up on.
This game has a huge learning curve which im slowly getting into just finding it hard as im so use to the other types of mmo's.
Thank you again.
Oh and at current im lvl 13 one bar of 14 tho
At that level the best place to look would be in Kings Row or the Hollows. Skyway might be a little dangerous until you gain another level or two.
The learning curve is long, but it's not very steep. It's confusing at first, but you'll find that the more you learn, the more sense everything else makes, making it easier to learn.
Crafting and slotting IOs is the easy part. Figuring out where to slot them is the hard part. I'd say don't worry about them for a while, focus on learning the game, and after you have that down then delve into IOs.
Edit to clarify what I meant about IOs:
In most MMOs a particular item or weapon can only be placed in one or two places, making it pretty obvious where it goes. In CoH, if you're playing , say, a blaster, a Ranged Damage IO could go into any one of up to 6 powers or so. Figuring out where it would benefit you the most is not the simplest thing ever, and you will find that if you ask 5 people, you will likely get 5 different answers. And none of the answers is wrong, just different. What works for someone else may not work for you, and vice versa.
Similarly, a scrapper has on average 5 powers that will accept a Melee Damage IO set. In some of the higher end things, what power you put a set in gets kind of important depending on what goal you're trying to achieve. I'm not going to give a bunch of examples, because, being new to the game it would make very little sense to you, but it's worth looking into later on.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
I was walked through them last night but a chap i meet, Really helped me alot with things. So i kind of get them now.
Also one last question whats an AE? Is it a place u can make custom areas for mob killing and things? I have been in one with a Team but never understood what i was doing in it lol was my first night.
I was walked through them last night but a chap i meet, Really helped me alot with things. So i kind of get them now.
Also one last question whats an AE? Is it a place u can make custom areas for mob killing and things? I have been in one with a Team but never understood what i was doing in it lol was my first night. |
First off... Welcome to City Of...
A good place to look for anything Co'X' related is
AE.. or Architect Entertainment is a recent add to the game... Ae and MA (Mission Architect) are both very popular... some for good reasons, some for not so good.
AE is the area where you can play player created content. Again, I will not discuss some of its merits, or lack thereof.
MA is the area where you can create your own missions... to be played by yourself and others.
You'll get mixed answers regarding AE/MA... If you use this you'll miss all tutorials and contacts/content of the game. Co'X' offers little 'end game' and is level max'd at lvl 50. The Dev Team set in place long ago that the passage to lvl 50 is casual and is a journey, not a destination. However, AE/MA does allow your lvl progression to go faster in some respects, but again what you gain in levels, you miss in content.
Hope this helps!

AE means Architect Entertainment. Its basically a tool for the players to create their own mission arcs. The problem is that it's fallen under heavy scrutiny due to the sheer amount of farming and PL'ing that goes on there causing a bit of a stigma towards it.
Also, which server are you on?
Also one last question whats an AE? Is it a place u can make custom areas for mob killing and things? I have been in one with a Team but never understood what i was doing in it lol was my first night.
Sounds like you're well on your way to overcoming the learning curve by meeting great folks in game and using these forums. Use the ParagonWiki mentioned by SaintJohnNB below for future questions, and feel free to follow up here. You may want to check your server forum or the SG Recruitment forum for a SG that will help you learn and provide consistent teaming options.
Justice Superteamer
Current Project - Water Blast Superteam starting Friday, 7/20/2012.
Come out and join us Fri/Sun 8pm ET on the "Justice Superteamers" channel.
All players welcome!
Much like the "ttp" rule (Not Safe For Work) ... the amount of time between introducing a new feature and that feature getting misused for powerlevelling is pretty darn small.
My general advice is to play through the world as it stands once or twice (depending on if you like to read the stories- otherwise one warehouse full of badguys is much like another) before going into the Architect building.
90% of the stuff in the AE building is not designed to tell a story, and 80% of the remainder tells a story badly. But that remaining 2% is,like, a couple thousand pretty good stories.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Here we prefer the term "newb" when referring to people new to the game. noob/n00b is derogatory, and refers to people unable to learn and so might even be 60 month vets but just don't get basic things.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
I was wondering if anyone could tell me at what lvl u get a cape lol I got to have a cape being a flying frost priest :-). |
Your standard cape can be obtained by seeing the City Rep inside Atlas Park City Hall or Kalinda/Burke (your starting villain contact) at level 20 and doing some missions for them.
Other capes are available through the Vet Reward program (don't worry too much about this) or some of the add-on packs (Valkyrie cape from the Valk pack also gives you a mission transporter power, if I recall)
You'll want to go back to these contacts at level 30 to get your shiny Auras.
I was wondering if u pick up crafting skills like in the other mmo's "Weapons,Armor, Gems, Mining" things like that. And if so where would i go about that. |
And my last question is im on the mission "Cure Lost" and i have been and tried to find them in 2 cities but had no luck. I team up with a great guy i meet online and we both was lost trying to figure it out. If anyone could give me a clue as to the location of the people we need to cure that would be really great. Thank you in advance (even tho i always say thanks after) |
You can get some in Skyway City, Faultline and probably other places.
I recommend you hit up and get the map overlay, it tells you the mob types in each city zone and their levels.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
I was walked through them last night but a chap i meet, Really helped me alot with things. So i kind of get them now.
Also one last question whats an AE? Is it a place u can make custom areas for mob killing and things? I have been in one with a Team but never understood what i was doing in it lol was my first night. |
Try to travel around and do contact missions before getting involved with this; while AE has some nice content (the Dev's Choice arcs are neat), there's a lot of munchkin-ism going on there too.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
I didn't notice if anyone posted this yet, but here are some web pages from the wiki that go over enhancements and inventions:
The wiki has a TON of helpful information to go through if you want to learn more about how everything works in the game, so it is a good source of information for research if you ever need it.
As far as crafting enhancements at universities, unless you want to get into the [kinda] complex mechanics of IO Sets (which stands for Invention Origin Enhancment Sets), there isn't too much benefit for crafting enhancements until you get above level 30. Until then the store-bought enhancements (meaning single origin (SO), dual origin (DO), and training origin (TO)) are much cheaper, and just as good (or better) in some cases, especially for the cost. Before then, the biggest benefit to them are that while the store-bought enhancements 'expire' as you level-up but are the same percentage boost, the IO enhancements do not expire and will stay at the same effective percentage level forever, but higher level IO enhancements are more powerful.
This comes into play sometimes with store bought stuff that many times you'll have several enhancements at the same level, usually at multiples of 5 since thats what the stores sell, when you pass the point where the expire (they are effective within 3 levels, so level when leveling up from 18->19, 23->24, 28->29, etc) you MIGHT find yourself in a situation where suddenly all you lose a lot of effectiveness in your powers mid-mission. IOs, that won't happen. There is a lot more detailed info on this mechanic on the wiki though.
Welcome to the game and the forums, Freezdom
But remember, there are no such things as noobs - just inexperienced veterans
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
But remember, there are no such things as noobs - just inexperienced veterans
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The OP isn't a noob, though; just a newb.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
The OP is asking reasonable questions on the these boards, without any whining, complaining, or sense of entitlement.
N00b Status = Negative.
Newblood Status = Postive!
We like to help. I'd also suggest you read the mission text as you go along. It can be well-written, entertaining, useful, or provide background information. Often when you are given a "Hunt" or "Cure" mission, they sometimes tell you which zones to check out.
I'd suggest when you hit 15 to go visit Jason Temblor in Faultline. He'll lead you onto a very interesting storyline, Part 1 for Levels 15-20, and Part 2 for Levels 20-25.
And Doc Delilah! Vavoom! is a great source of information for this game.
New or returning to the game? Want advice from experienced players who want to help YOU?
The Mentor Project: Part of the New Player Council.
Then it's time for them to get off the cross, use the wood to build a bridge, and get over it.
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Welcome to the game Freezdom!
I wanted to reply to let you know that you are not alone. I too joined the game just less than three weeks ago and I have so many questions, im not sure which to ask first. All in due time.
I'd suggest when you hit 15 to go visit Jim Temblor in Faultline. He'll lead you onto a very interesting storyline, Part 1 for Levels 15-20, and Part 2 for Levels 20-25.
There's only one tricky bit in Faultline. The zone is split by the dam in the north. There is a door you can enter which will lead you through the dam to the other side. There is also a tunnel complex towards the east edge of the dam that was built by Arachnos agents. If you do the mission arcs in Faultline, at one point you'll get a mission door that is in that tunnel complex. The first time I got that it was confusing because I followed the mission waypoint marker and it seemed to just be pointing to a bare dirt area. What it was really pointing at was *underneath* where I was standing, and the trick was to go West a bit to find the dug out tunnel entrance.
Once you're in the tunnels the first time, I recommend having a Luck or two on you (the purple shield inspirations that add defense). The tunnels have lots of Arachnos soldiers that don't take too kindly to the intrusion so popping a Luck can avoid a lot of the pot shots they'll take at you as you go running by and figure out the tunnel layouts.
It's a really fun zone with some good stories. You'll get to know Penelope Yin (whose grateful dad will open a pretty nice store to you), and the heroes Faultline and Fusionette, who all show up again much later in the game in the Rikti War Zone.
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
On "crafting skills". You have the ability to memorize common IO recipes. This allows you to craft them without needing to purchase the recipe itself, just have the salvage on hand. It also earns you crafting badges and can go towards the field crafter accolade (allows you to summon a portable worktable anywhere).
This means that you don't have to rely on drops for recipes.
This means that you don't have to rely on paying the price of the worktable or WW market value for recipes.
This means any recipes you buy can be put on the market or vendored, creating an additional revenue stream for your money-hungry toons.
Also, it means you can craft common IOs more cheaply than someone without the recipe memorized. And you can sell them on the market.
Two ways to get capes before level 20 is purchase the Magic Booster Pack and the Mac Edition.
Two other capes are available in the COH Collector's Edition and COV Collector's Edition. But they are getting scarce.

On "crafting skills". You have the ability to memorize common IO recipes. This allows you to craft them without needing to purchase the recipe itself, just have the salvage on hand. It also earns you crafting badges and can go towards the field crafter accolade (allows you to summon a portable worktable anywhere).
This means that you don't have to rely on drops for recipes. This means that you don't have to rely on paying the price of the worktable or WW market value for recipes. This means any recipes you buy can be put on the market or vendored, creating an additional revenue stream for your money-hungry toons. Also, it means you can craft common IOs more cheaply than someone without the recipe memorized. And you can sell them on the market. |

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.
Firstly i would like to say hello as im new to the game. And i just want to add that im a huge mmo fan and play alot of them and the community on this game is THE best i have ever seen. I play AoC and im an ex WoW player but i have stopped playing them due to the kids. I have meet some great people in the first 3 days of my CoH life and im hoping to meet plenty more. So thank you to all the help that i have been given all ready.
Ok down to buisness... I have a few questions.
I was wondering if anyone could tell me at what lvl u get a cape lol I got to have a cape being a flying frost priest :-).
I was wondering if u pick up crafting skills like in the other mmo's "Weapons,Armor, Gems, Mining" things like that. And if so where would i go about that.
And my last question is im on the mission "Cure Lost" and i have been and tried to find them in 2 cities but had no luck. I team up with a great guy i meet online and we both was lost trying to figure it out. If anyone could give me a clue as to the location of the people we need to cure that would be really great.
Thank you in advance (even tho i always say thanks after)