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  1. Im new to the game so im not sure if this is right but i have seen some posts saying about the new build. I noticed this my first day i made my first character and selected the wrong thing while playing around at the trainer and noticed i was back to Level 1. So it could have been someone messing about that way?
  2. Freezdom

    Noob Help

    I was walked through them last night but a chap i meet, Really helped me alot with things. So i kind of get them now.

    Also one last question whats an AE? Is it a place u can make custom areas for mob killing and things? I have been in one with a Team but never understood what i was doing in it lol was my first night.
  3. Freezdom

    Noob Help

    Thank you for all the help so quickly, I will take a look at the areas suggested for the Cure Lost.

    And thanks for the information on the cape will be trying to get that then.

    Im guessing it would be making items just like i did for the cure lost quest. Which will be easy enough to pick up on.

    This game has a huge learning curve which im slowly getting into just finding it hard as im so use to the other types of mmo's.

    Thank you again.

    Oh and at current im lvl 13 one bar of 14 tho
  4. Freezdom

    Noob Help

    Firstly i would like to say hello as im new to the game. And i just want to add that im a huge mmo fan and play alot of them and the community on this game is THE best i have ever seen. I play AoC and im an ex WoW player but i have stopped playing them due to the kids. I have meet some great people in the first 3 days of my CoH life and im hoping to meet plenty more. So thank you to all the help that i have been given all ready.

    Ok down to buisness... I have a few questions.

    I was wondering if anyone could tell me at what lvl u get a cape lol I got to have a cape being a flying frost priest :-).

    I was wondering if u pick up crafting skills like in the other mmo's "Weapons,Armor, Gems, Mining" things like that. And if so where would i go about that.

    And my last question is im on the mission "Cure Lost" and i have been and tried to find them in 2 cities but had no luck. I team up with a great guy i meet online and we both was lost trying to figure it out. If anyone could give me a clue as to the location of the people we need to cure that would be really great.

    Thank you in advance (even tho i always say thanks after)