A Breaking-Away Penalty;Hero/Villain Search

Ad Astra



I have written about this once before,but seeing as how players are still doing it..it looks as though I will write about this until i die.Players quit teams too easily.Some players may have legitimate excuses at times,i dont deny that..but others often just quit for no reason at all,or make up some fantasy excuses,or quit just to make you mad,and I am so tired of it.

There needs to be something major connected to teaming,such as....

-More game time
-Teaming badges
-New Weapon Accolades
-More Influence/Infamy
-More costume slots
-Access to another area in the city,such as underwater,or space,or something

and if they just quit,their progress should be knocked back in a progress bar as well.

Just some ideas here is all.I realize that the penalty would affect me too,I know,I dont care..I jsut want this quitting-too-easy problem to be dealt with is all.Some heroes and villains are trying to destroy AE farms.Maybe I can be responsible for something that they do love to do,and that's to quit just because they can.

Hero/Villain Searches often have things like AT,Natural,Zone,Level,Name,what they are looking for,but what about power sets you are looking for?

Some players are kind enough to write their powers in the search comments,but others do not.I feel that adding what powers you are looking for to this search capability would work out so much better.You dont have to play the guessing game anymore.

The End : )



Not very likely.

I could ramble off a list of reasons but suffice it to say, you'd end up upsetting too many subscribers, if for no other reason than the ones you stated.

Why should my progress towards something be messed up because;
My power abruptly went out.
My wife gave me the death look.
My cat's bladders about to go boom.
I simple don't like the chemistry of the team.

Fact is, this has been happening since the game launched. Very little reason to change it now.
I learned years ago that when I get on a PUG that we'll end up doing 1 mission and then magically half the team have to leave.
It's just the way it is.

While adding the powers in the description wouldn't bother me, it really isn't required. This game isn't like other MMO's where you have to have certain powers to do anything. You can accomplish every task in this game with any combo of AT's/Powersets.
Why reinforce the misconception?

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



So I should be forced to endure some little tin-plated dictator running about swaggering his e-peen on a team or suffer the consequences just because you've chased away your potential playmates? Or be punished because of a personal emergency? Thanks, but no thanks. I play this game to have fun, not to fill your little quotas.

Oh, and your little plan to make people join teams? Yeah, that'll just be a bunch of unhappy soloers sitting about to get their rewards when they could be playing the game they pay for.

Tell you what, you pay my $15, you can tell me how to play. Until then, keep your sticky little fingers out of my pie.

My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money

Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?



Originally Posted by Samson_Sledge View Post
I have written about this once before,but seeing as how players are still doing it..it looks as though I will write about this until i die.Players quit teams too easily.Some players may have legitimate excuses at times,i dont deny that..but others often just quit for no reason at all,or make up some fantasy excuses,or quit just to make you mad,and I am so tired of it.
Some people are tools. I had someone quit on me mid PPD ambush, just as the Hero "Stop, Villain!" text showed up in a Mayhem Mission. I barely survived (I was playing a Stalker, pre buff, he was a Mastermind) and succeeded with two minutes left on the clock.

He may have had a legitimate reason for dropping out, he may not. I was miffed, but I "got over it" before I was done leveling up at the Arbiter.

People don't have to account to you, or me, in any way if they quit. It could be real life, it could be Supergroup demands, it could just be that you or I was a jerk and they wanted out. They could just be jerks who want to watch you twist (This is what player notes are for, by the way. They can fool you once, but if you use the notes, they will never fool you again.) I know that I quit teams when we are faceplanting all over the place and the leader refuses to lower the difficulty. Nothing should force or inspire anyone to stay on a bad team except the desire to watch the trainwreck.

There needs to be something major connected to teaming,such as....

-More game time
-Teaming badges
-New Weapon Accolades
-More Influence/Infamy
-More costume slots
-Access to another area in the city,such as underwater,or space,or something

and if they just quit,their progress should be knocked back in a progress bar as well.
No! A million times, no! This is getting into forced teaming. The rewards for teaming already exist. Better XP and the fun of playing with a like minded group.

Just some ideas here is all.I realize that the penalty would affect me too,I know,I dont care..I jsut want this quitting-too-easy problem to be dealt with is all. Some heroes and villains are trying to destroy AE farms. Maybe I can be responsible for something that they do love to do,and that's to quit just because they can.
Good on them! We aren't supposed to making AE farms in the first place.

Hero/Villain Searches often have things like AT,Natural,Zone,Level,Name,what they are looking for,but what about power sets you are looking for?

Some players are kind enough to write their powers in the search comments,but others do not.I feel that adding what powers you are looking for to this search capability would work out so much better.You dont have to play the guessing game anymore.

The End : )
A truly good team shouldn't require any particular powersets or ATs. This game isn't that hard. If your group of 2-8 random people can't handle the current mission, it's time to lower the difficulty. You don't need to run on Invincible all the time. With good strategy, good teammates, and a good leader, even random PUG of 8 non-optimal builds should be sufficient for just about any challenge in the game on Invincible. What you request, to cover the shortcomings of yourself or your teams, is not necessary.

New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)



No on both counts.

Here's the thing: I don't want to be forced into teaming. Not ever. And I certainly don't want to be forced, or obligated, or "encouraged" to stay on a team I don't want to be on. Whether the other members like it or not, whether you like it or not, every single reason for quitting a team, from a life-or-death medical emergency to a supergroup commitment to being tired and logging off for the night to just not wanting to team with these particular people anymore, is a perfectly legitimate reason for quitting a team. The only thing that isn't is griefing, and any sort of teaming enforcement system punishes everyone.

Besides, what griefer cares if his progress toward the teaming badge is set back, or whatever little arbitrary penalty is applied? They're doing what they're doing to irritate people -- or in the case of these crusaders who have been infiltrating AE teams, trying to make some ill-conceived pseudo-political statement. They're already risking administrative action from the GMs to do what they're doing, and you think "you'll earn less influence for a bit" will stop them?

Look, I hate it when a team breaks up too. But that doesn't mean the people quitting should be punished for wanting -- or needing -- to do something else, no matter what that "something else" may be. My game experience is not more important than theirs.

Regarding powersets in the team search, I've got to vote "nay" as well; my Trick Arrows defender has a hard enough time finding a pick-up group without some ignorant jerk filtering out all the defenders that aren't Empathy, or Kinetics, or whatever it is they think their team can't function without.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



First of all,I do think that the AE farm is an excellent idea.I have never been on more teams in my life because it is easy!I remember before AE that I struggled,and I mean struggled to find teams because people always said no,or just ignored me,or made up some outrageous excuse to leave,and if you all say that this dosent get to you,you all are liars!

I was recently making a team and I had six,but you have someone complaining about not having a certain archeype's power,and when I got the power needed,he jsut quit anyway.I tried to tell him I had a kin,like he wanted,but he just quit anyway,and I do think that the penalty should be harshly implemented,and like I said,i know i would have to suffer through the penalty too,I dont care.I would imagine that with everyone who makes teams and jsut watch people quit instantly for no reason,just like that,and if you dont just stand there wishing that you could do something about that kind of conduct,once again,you are all liars!

I also suggested motivation to want to team all the time in that list that begins with "Vehicles",and also,in all seriousness,aside from this suggestion of mine,why come online to CoX if you arent going,or not wanting to play the game right now?

How would you guys fix this quitting-too-much problem?Ive given you my ideas here.You know you want to fix it,and dont pretend like you are all ok with it.

The end : )



Sooo...I'll be honest, I just kinda skimmed this thread after reading the OP, but anyways...

What I gather is that you want a game mechanic to fix ********.

I hate to break it to you, but we've been trying to do that since the dawn of mankind. Thus far...no success.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



You have a point Aku,but we have our moments in dealing with jerks once in a while,when

-a kid beats up his bully
-a prisoner reforms before his release

If that can happen,I think we could have our moments once again in CoX,and change people's conduct a bit.Grabted,we wont hit everyone,but we can influence some.



Not likely, the most obvious result would be the jerks find yet another way to upset you.

Also, vehicles will not be in this game.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



I have written about this once before,but seeing as how players are still doing it..it looks as though I will write about this until i die.Players quit teams too easily.Some players may have legitimate excuses at times,i dont deny that..but others often just quit for no reason at all,or make up some fantasy excuses,or quit just to make you mad,and I am so tired of it.

But on the other hand, if they leave the team for non-priority reason, it might simply be they didn't enjoy themselves. Thus, it becomes an argument over whose enjoyment takes priority - yours or your teammates'.

There needs to be something major connected to teaming,such as....


Not happening. Anyone have a copypasta on hand for vehicles?

-More game time

Unlikely. Subscription income is the game's main source of income, and the devs have bills to pay.

-Teaming badges

Sure, why not?

-New Weapon Accolades

Explain a bit more?

-More Influence/Infamy

Your wish has been retroactively granted.

-More costume slots

Can you be more specific?

-Access to another area in the city,such as underwater,or space,or something

Implying that said area would be closed off to players who prefer not to team.

and if they just quit,their progress should be knocked back in a progress bar as well.

Aw HELL no. Being punished for not having fun? Might as well link the "Quit" button to a message box saying "The beatings will continue until morale improves."

Just some ideas here is all.I realize that the penalty would affect me too,I know,I dont care..I jsut want this quitting-too-easy problem to be dealt with is all.Some heroes and villains are trying to destroy AE farms.Maybe I can be responsible for something that they do love to do,and that's to quit just because they can.

Nobody has a responsibility to stay on any given team. The annoyances for the rest of the team vary between generic PUG "gimme a sec to find a replacement" to Doc Quarterfield-esque "I've spent hours for this?" jerkassery, but ultimately, nobody has an obligation to stay on any team if they don't want to.

Hero/Villain Searches often have things like AT,Natural,Zone,Level,Name,what they are looking for,but what about power sets you are looking for?

When in doubt, ask. When in shortage, improvise.

Some players are kind enough to write their powers in the search comments,but others do not.I feel that adding what powers you are looking for to this search capability would work out so much better.You dont have to play the guessing game anymore.

The short answer would be that the Search function needs to be reworked from the ground up, and an option to filter by powersets... eh, why not?



There are plenty of rewards for teaming. We don't need an extra one, especially one as serious, and we CERTAINLY don't need a PENALTY for quitting. This is so absurd as to be unbelievable. People quit for a variety of reasons. Mine has always been because I warn the team I'll only be joining for a mission or two.

Bad idea.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



first off, let me say 1000 times NO to this suggestion.

second, i have all sorts of snacks for anyone that want's them while they read this thread and watch it turn into a big old crap fest.



I'm having to agree whole-heartedly with the no votes here. This is an epic bad idea and the only reason I can fathom for even bringing it up is that you've made a ton of people so angry that they left your teams. Aside from the odd child or rude person, which will always exist in any society, I haven't seen a lot of teams suffer from what I would consider undue attrition. That even goes for pugs. One has to expect some people are in a pug for a single mission or so. If they're good players you friend them and look for them later to try to team with them again. If they're not you don't.

Frankly, and I try very hard to not say things like this, but what I'm getting out of this is that I would really like to not ever team with you. If you're seeing so much of this that you think the devs should hold a gun to players heads to keep them on your teams, it tells me you are not fun to team with.


--If we can have huge sig images, why can we have only five lines of text?
--...faceplanting like a Defender pulling an AV (Nalrok_AthZim)
Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
...I have the patience of a coffee-fueled flea...



Any penalty for quitting would just stop me from teaming in the first place.



Originally Posted by Samson_Sledge View Post
Some players are kind enough to write their powers in the search comments,but others do not.I feel that adding what powers you are looking for to this search capability would work out so much better.You dont have to play the guessing game anymore.
I do this sometimes, but it's really beside the point. For competent players doing regular missions the AT is all that matters, and even that doesn't make all that much difference.

The only times you need to know the power sets are when you're doing a TF that requires a lot of stealth and ghosting, or when you're going after AVs. And generally the only thing you care about for AVs is that you have enough -regen or -dmg res to take them down in a reasonable time, or maybe a tanker to tank the AV.

In those cases, I make sure I bring what we need myself -- either on my own character or with a friend who does.

On regular missions the appropriate use of inspirations and an understanding of how powers work will let you handle pretty much anything given your average collection of power sets.

Practically speaking, most servers don't have enough players to do what you want. There might only be 200-400 players on Triumph at any given time; the odds that you'll be able to find the one player on that server who has the power set you want and is not teamed will be vanishingly small. On big servers like Freedom it won't be any better -- there might be 10 WP/Mace tankers on, but they're most likely all going to be teamed already, or busy soloing their 8-man maps.

Finally, teaming with people who insist on having an exact team composition is boring. You waste all your time sitting around waiting for the team to form, when you could be out getting XP instead.

It doesn't matter if you get 20,000/xp minute on the 'perfect' team if it takes you half an hour to form it, and then it falls apart after two 15-minute missions. You could have been getting 15,000 xp/minute for that whole hour with whatever random team you put together, for a net increase of 5,000 xp/minute.



Originally Posted by SkullThuggery View Post
Any penalty for quitting would just stop me from teaming in the first place.
Sums it up nicely.

(And badges for teaming = badgers teaming and leaving their systems on over night 'til they get the badge, then going back to soloing.)



Originally Posted by Samson_Sledge View Post
First of all,I do think that the AE farm is an excellent idea.I have never been on more teams in my life because it is easy!I remember before AE that I struggled,and I mean struggled to find teams because people always said no,or just ignored me,or made up some outrageous excuse to leave,and if you all say that this dosent get to you,you all are liars!
The Devs and GMs actively crack down on and close farms in AE. Most reasonable people would understand from this that farming in the AE is not a supported use for the system. I think farms are boring as heck, and I don't do them. If I found myself on a farm team, I would leave (and have done so in the past). Why should I be forced to stay on a team with you if you are doing something I don't like to do?

I was recently making a team and I had six,but you have someone complaining about not having a certain archeype's power,and when I got the power needed,he jsut quit anyway.I tried to tell him I had a kin,like he wanted,but he just quit anyway,and I do think that the penalty should be harshly implemented,and like I said,i know i would have to suffer through the penalty too,I dont care.
You should have told him that you didn't need a Kin, that you were going to start the mission, and that he was welcome to stay and see how the team gelled or leave, his choice. My guess is that there was more to the situation than the fact that you didn't have a Kin. How did you comport yourself during the search?

I would imagine that with everyone who makes teams and jsut watch people quit instantly for no reason,just like that,and if you dont just stand there wishing that you could do something about that kind of conduct,once again,you are all liars!
Feel free to consider me a liar, then. You would be wrong, but it wouldn't be the first time that happened. People leave. Big deal. I can't control other players, and I sure as heck don't want them controlling me. You are willing to accept the penalties you propose (because you think you will never trigger them), but I am not.

I also suggested motivation to want to team all the time in that list that begins with "Vehicles",and also,in all seriousness,aside from this suggestion of mine,why come online to CoX if you arent going,or not wanting to play the game right now?
Sometimes I log on to check the market. Sometimes I log on to change a costume. Sometimes I log on with a goal in mind. As long as the team is working towards that goal, I'm in. If the team wants to do something else, and I'm still not quite there, I'll leave. Sometimes, that goal requires I be solo (I'm hunting Common Magic Salvage, for example). Just because I don't want to play on your team doesn't mean I don't want to play the game.

(Example: During the "Spring Fling," I was farming Redcaps for the Cap Buster badge so that my villain could get those nifty daggers. I was on a team, and we did the Snaptooth mission a few times. When everybody else got the Toothbreaker badge, they wanted to go out in the world and keep running missions together. Since the Spring Fling is the only chance for me to get the Cap Buster badge, aside from the Baby New Year mission with a lot fewer Redcaps, I decided to leave the team to keep farming the mission. And yes, it was boring. If not for the daggers, I wouldn't have done it.)

How would you guys fix this quitting-too-much problem?Ive given you my ideas here.You know you want to fix it,and dont pretend like you are all ok with it.

The end : )
I don't want to fix it. There is no problem except the one you are making for yourself. The problem is in your head (or, maybe I'm deranged, equal probability of either). Nothing should obligate me to stay on a bad team, and nothing should give any other player control over how I play. I'm willing to accept the occasional jerkwad for these two liberties.

New story arcs coming soon (ARC IDs will be aded when I finish the arc):
So, you want to join the Hellions? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)
Sparks & Steel (level 5-20 Heroic arc)
So you want to join the Skulls? (level 1-14 Villainous arc)



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Sums it up nicely.

(And badges for teaming = badgers teaming and leaving their systems on over night 'til they get the badge, then going back to soloing.)
There's already one chain of badges that you have to team to get, why do we need another?



Originally Posted by Samson_Sledge View Post

I was recently making a team and I had six,but you have someone complaining about not having a certain archeype's power,and when I got the power needed,he jsut quit anyway.I tried to tell him I had a kin,like he wanted,but he just quit anyway,
Nobody cares
How would you guys fix this quitting-too-much problem?Ive given you my ideas here.You know you want to fix it,and dont pretend like you are all ok with it.

The end : )
There is no problem to fix. Of course if people are constantly quitting on you, then you might be the problem.



Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
There's already one chain of badges that you have to team to get, why do we need another?
And with "super sidekicking" in I16, those badges are essentially going to be for running a team, period (or having the team run your missions)




ooo, here's another idea, how about we all just give you our login details, and you can play for us.

No really.

We don't mind.

I mean, really, who needs individual tastes and playstyle when you can just dictate them for us.

We've been fools for all these years! Thankyou for opening our eyes.

I'll be sure to join your team and never quit.


For any


At all.


(ok, maybe I went a bit overboard with the overwhelming sarcasm)



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
So, Samson, are you planning on rehashing every single one of your old suggestion threads?
LOL - Especially the ones like this one with a "solution" looking for a "problem".

We discussed this in excrutiating detail last time, Samson. You acknowledged that in your opening line. Give it a rest, please.

Teams form & teams break up. It happens.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."




Originally Posted by Imoba_Strife View Post
ooo, here's another idea, how about we all just give you our login details, and you can play for us.

No really.

We don't mind.

I mean, really, who needs individual tastes and playstyle when you can just dictate them for us.

We've been fools for all these years! Thankyou for opening our eyes.

I'll be sure to join your team and never quit.


For any


At all.


(ok, maybe I went a bit overboard with the overwhelming sarcasm)