Windows Vista...
Switch back to XP?
Well, you asked. But in all seriousness, about the only thing I can think of, not having much experience with Vista myself, is to go through and turn off as many of the extra shiny graphical options that Vista comes with - IMHO, it's enough of a resource hog without them. Personally, I'm sticking with XP until after Windows 7 Service Pack 1, at the earliest. (Of course, when that happens and I pick up Windows 7, there's a chance I'll end up making the jump to a 64-bit processor, but that's neither here nor there.)
I turned off the User Controls and the auto notify on my Vista op and it works fine with CoX. Only problem I notice is once in a blue moon game will lock up and dump me to desktop but I canrestart right after without problems.
Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall
Zero issues here... helpful post is helpful.
I did have to use some stupid command line ******** to get the mouse pointers to show up though...
To tell you the truth, Spartan, check out the tech forum for the Vista sticky. And if that doesn't help, ask some of the tech wizards who are always there.
Vista not suck...not gonna happen. Vista is made of pure suck and fail. I'm still not convinced it's an actual OS but rather an elaborate ruse concocted by the powers that be in Redmond to "appease" the masses until they could finish a real OS(Windows 7).
Is there a way to make it...oh, I dunno...NOT SUCK with CoH?
Any suggestions? I'd appreciate the assistance. |
Only thing I can say as a Computer Engineering student, dump Vista use XP or 7, 4 months after its release.
ask any proper tech junkie and they will say the same..
((why 4 months? because that's how long it'll take for the big bugs in 7 to be gone, and for COx to be fix'd so it works well with it))
I went from XP SP2 to Vista over a year ago and it was full of win and awesome. No issues. Now running on Win7 RTM and it's also flawless.
What are your spec's?
The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8
I have a combo of Vista AND nvidia and I crash every once in a while. My Diplay driver stops responding... what ever the heck that means and then I need to reboot the game. I've heard others with this combo have the same issue and have worked around it by 1) getting a new graphics card that is NOT nvidia and/or 2) ditching Vista. I was told there is a service package that will help this issue as well but I'm on 64 not 32 so it didn't work when I went to download, unless I was looking in the wrong place. ..... sigh....
I play in windowed mode. Seems to have fewer issues.
Then again, I haven't tried playing again full screen in a long time.
We don' need no stinkin' signatures!
Thank you all for the responses. I'm going to upgrade to Windows 7 (found out I could get said upgrade for free) so I hope that works out better. But for now, I just REAAALLY wanna go back to Windows XP. This is ridiculous. Another question though. If I install another OS on this computer, it wouldn't wipe the stuff on my system, would it?
Depends on if you install it properly and in a dual boot mode.
As someone who has Vista on his lappy (64bit home premium version) Once I turned off UAC, I had very little problem, and if I remember to run CoH as Admin I don't get the occasional crash or driver issues.
*puts on flame resistent underware*
Windows 7 is built on top of Vista. While it does have a bunch of fixes, it is still the same basic underpinnings. Vista with SP2 on it is rather stable, boots up faster than my 2 xp machines, and once UAC was turned off, has not been a problem child to me. Yes I am a techie for a living. The problem is still compatibility with some software in Windows 7. Windows 7 uses the same drivers as Vista also. Just fair warning on it all.
Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad
I've been running Vista since its release and haven't had any problems with CoX that weren't my own fault (such as trying to run with a PhysX card when my video card already had native PhysX support). I do run CoX in admin mode, so that might certainly be part of it.
Also have had zero issues with Win7 RC1.
You're not super until you put on The Cape!
I'm using Windows 7 as well, and I have to say I have never been happier with a Microsoft Product. I have zero issues with CoH.
I say give it a shot...

I'm going to voice what a few others have. I've been running CoX in vista 64 home premium since October of last year with almost no issues. Make sure you're running in admin mode. The only lingering weirdness I have is that I can't do a UI screenshot in the game now with ctrl+shift+prtscrn. But really thats minor and Gadwin Print screen fixed that problem for me.
For anyone getting crashes with NVidia in Cox there is a fix for it. Check out this thread, it has details on the hotfix for this issue.
Well or upgrade your drivers.
Personally speaking I'll take Vista over XP any day, I go to work each day and grumble at XP.
I have a combo of Vista AND nvidia and I crash every once in a while. My Diplay driver stops responding... what ever the heck that means and then I need to reboot the game. I've heard others with this combo have the same issue and have worked around it by 1) getting a new graphics card that is NOT nvidia and/or 2) ditching Vista. I was told there is a service package that will help this issue as well but I'm on 64 not 32 so it didn't work when I went to download, unless I was looking in the wrong place. ..... sigh....
The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8
Or you could have somethign configured in your bios wrong, like me.
I had my 2ghz Core2duo configured as 10(multiplier)x200(frequency), giving me a front side bus speed of 800mhz for the longest time, suffering poor game performance for a year. Then I lowered the multiplier on accident today and ended up boosting the fsb to 1333. It's like a completely different computer, now. I hurried back and raised the bus frequency to compensate for the lower multiplier.
thanks everyone. issue resolved.
You must've been looking in the wrong place Mad's. I was/am on 64 as well and the patch worked for any of the DoP that were having the issue. There's a version for 32 as well.

I use 64-bit XP, and had some of the issues people have to contend with on Vista.
I also recently switched from nVidia to ATI, and it blows chunks in comparison. I've tried to optimize the thing a million different ways, both with ATI's utilities and settings in-game but it is no use, an ATI card simply will not display this game as effectively as a comparible card from nVidia.
I will say, the ATI card looks spectacular in just about everything else, and that my display is still decent, just not as sharp (particularly the quality of anti-aliasing), as nVidia.
My advice is read the tech support forums, they do help. I got a much better ATI configuration utility by reading them, and I learned how to solve other graphical problems I first encountered when I switched to 64-bit XP.
I also still have major mapserve issues. It seems to stem from the amount of traffic on my home network. I have read some posts claiming any Comcast Cable connection will eventually mapserve, but sadly, I love the speed of the connection for everything else to consider letting go, and the new fibre-optic DSL still not available on my street (but literally available two streets down from me). Still I mapserve, just about every hour or so, as those who have played with me can attest to.
What I am trying to say is: sometimes, you just have to live with what you got. There's basic things you can do to get games like this functional, but ultimately these games are rather fragile, operating systems are fragile (and I'd include OS X, Linux flavors, Solaris and Windows in that assessment), and the more you deviate from the norm, the more problems you will probably have.
Still, do check out the tech support forums, they were helpful for me.

I can't even remember how long I ran Vista, then Vista ultimate 64...over 2 years, no issues. Currrently running 7 and it is spectacular...ok maybe just really good.
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I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---
I have a combo of Vista AND nvidia and I crash every once in a while. My Diplay driver stops responding... what ever the heck that means and then I need to reboot the game. I've heard others with this combo have the same issue and have worked around it by 1) getting a new graphics card that is NOT nvidia and/or 2) ditching Vista. I was told there is a service package that will help this issue as well but I'm on 64 not 32 so it didn't work when I went to download, unless I was looking in the wrong place. ..... sigh....
Now I upgraded to Vista last year about this time and for the most part, seems pretty stable with CoX if you take the necessary precautions when building the machine to ensure proper support of the OS entirely. Over all if it weren't for the crashes I have, it wouldn't be so bad. There's some tips and tricks they can teach you in the tech section... though with the new layout finding this section is a bit of a change. They're rather helpful.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
Is there a way to make it...oh, I dunno...NOT SUCK with CoH?
Any suggestions? I'd appreciate the assistance.