Teaming just got awesome




While I understand some of the concerns this raises, I suspect this could become the single greatest quality of life improvement City of Heroes has ever seen. After playing several MMORPGs, I have yet to encounter one that makes teaming as easy as CoH does. They've now taken one of my favorite feature of this game, a feature the excelled it, and kicked up 3-4 notches.

SI Radio has many DJs and listeners whom hold City of Heroes close to their hearts. We will be supporting many efforts to keep CoH ALIVE!!



Originally Posted by MadamePistacio View Post
I like this and then I don't like this. I like the idea that there is no more padding needed and that I won't get anymore bridge tells. What I do not like is that this is automatic. Basically because it is turning every single team into an AE mish. This is making it so there is no reason for level 3s not to team with 50s (which is something that may not happen often because of the hassle of organizing sks). I dunno, maybe I am just cynical, but I kind of like that people of near the same level teamed together and then sked friend's if they needed to. Now I just forsee a bunch of lower levels trying to get on high level teams. This is an option I would definitely use sometimes (read as ITF, lgtf, respec trials, ozone tfs or anything with a large level spread), but would like it to be optional to turn on and off, not automatic.

Benefits and drawbacks I suppose. The difficulty changer is awesome though!
I really don't see this "automatic" thing being that big of a problem. After all, even though (as an example) an extreme lowbie is auto-SK'd up to 49, it's not like that lowbie has any extra powers, slots or enhancements -- they are still gimped (relatively speaking). And right NOW people use the bridge to max out the SKs' XP; this is simply removing the ability to exploit the SK system that extremely.

I think I've personally liked each and every tidbit they've thrown out so far. I will add the proviso that we need to see this stuff in action on live, with everyone (**cough**Masque**cough**) trying their best to break it, until we really know whether it's all good or not. But so far I'm pretty excited for these QoL changes!

Leader of Legion of Valor/Fallen Legion (Victory server) /

StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
Avatar detail taken from full-size piece by Douglas Shuler here



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
I think the point is most people hate the journey from 1 to 20. I think the player-base would be happy if they just got an "I'm 20!" button and they could start their careers from there.
We used to have a method of powerleveling that took about half an hour (and the help of a high level friend) to make a whole crowd of level 20s and it was GREAT. No idea if it still works, as I haven't tried it in years. I always found the early levels extremely tedious, and wouldn't hesitate to use the "I'm 20!" button on every character from now on.

Augur - lvl 50 Illusion/storm controller
Arctalus - lvl 50 Ice/Energy blaster
Crey Avenger - lvl 48 Fire/Rad controller
Augur Prime - lvl 41 Peacebringer
Spiky Whatsit - lvl 39 claws/regen scrapper



Originally Posted by The_Augur View Post
We used to have a method of powerleveling that took about half an hour (and the help of a high level friend) to make a whole crowd of level 20s and it was GREAT. No idea if it still works, as I haven't tried it in years. I always found the early levels extremely tedious, and wouldn't hesitate to use the "I'm 20!" button on every character from now on.
AE is actually a very nice boon for the vets in the 1-20 game. No running around zones to talk to a contact. Tickets can be used for specific things instead of the random drops. And the missions are (to me at least) more interesting than the dev fare. Those things kind of make up for the fact that Stamina is not available yet.

Edit: But I would use the button for sure if it were there.



Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
Sir, That NEVER happens. Especially not on any team we've been on recently. Nosirree. Never. Nope.

Never, for example, does a certain scrapper go left when everyone else goes right and un-SK me and I get plastered by a Cyclops EB that's 17 levels higher than me. Never happened. Nope. And I'm insulted that you would even suggest such a travesty.
I got a giggle out of this



Everyone keeps talking about TF's and still need to be at least minimum level to be on the TF...I do not remember reading anything to the contrary. It'll make respecs alot easier. and ITF's for sure. not sure if any other TF's have a big level range..

Oh Sara Moore...(no phone number givin....)

On the bright note I think it will get the bleary eyed AE babies out into to sunshine and work out those muscles.

Put a virtual world inside a virtual world....What exactly did they think would happen.

"Let's give Gamers a game their characters can play and earn full rewards for their character inside a game...What could possibly go wrong?"

I hope that will lend itself to slowing down AE farming and repopulate the city zones.

There are Real (virtual) Bad guys to beat...Evil is winning.

The villian in me says...leave the n00bs in the virtual world more for me to steal.



WTF. They actually updated the email system?!


Maybe we'll one day get the "E-mail Supergroup Function" to email everyone within our SG.



Originally Posted by Grey_Pilgrim View Post
You needed to run missions on 2XP with DC to make enough money to get SOs? Never, ever let anyone make fun of your playing ability again, Toril.

And yeah, I wish they'd fix Dev Digest as well... feeling quite out of the loop. Supposedly you can search for the devs by name, but I like having it all in one spot.

I'm working on a set build, so I am trying to save every little infamy...

<sigh> Viv says its no longer "all me".



Originally Posted by Toril View Post
I'm working on a set build, so I am trying to save every little infamy...
Sure, Toril, sure. You just gave it all away to the "Voodoo is Awesome!" club, didn't you?


Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Pretty sure this is the rest of what to expect with I16, detail-wise anyway.

I've already forgotten about most of you



I am so looking forward to this. At this point none of my 50s has been able to complete a STF, because getting a group together was so hard!



Originally Posted by Mizzer View Post
I am so looking forward to this. At this point none of my 50s has been able to complete a STF, because getting a group together was so hard!
This won't really change TFs, unless you specifically mean not enough SKs for the 45s. The level limits for TFs are going to remain in effect AFAIK / can deduce from what the Devs are saying.

Never really had a problem with "enough" SKs for TFs before, so I can't say I know what ya mean.

I've already forgotten about most of you



I've got a feeling that while this will help high level TFs/SFs, this will outright kill lower level ones, even ones that are actually decent like Virgil. Likewise, I think the 20% XP boost is a cop out for not actually improving the content.



Why will this kill lower level TFs? You may be able to SK up easier now, but most TFs still have level requirements, and there are other reasons for running lower level TFs (like merits, change of pace, etc.).

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
I've got a feeling that while this will help high level TFs/SFs, this will outright kill lower level ones, even ones that are actually decent like Virgil. Likewise, I think the 20% XP boost is a cop out for not actually improving the content.
You know that low task forces will now give xp to everyone, even those exemplared, right?

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!



Yes as someone who often has to try and do the maths of getting a sg team together, and however you work it there's always someone left out, i approve of this feature. Also means now i can team on the toon i want to play instead of whatever bridges the team and makes things manageable.



Originally Posted by CaptainMoodswing View Post
You know that low task forces will now give xp to everyone, even those exemplared, right?
Was that smiley a sign of sarcasm, or is that a serious comment?



Originally Posted by Reverend View Post
Was that smiley a sign of sarcasm, or is that a serious comment?
Unless you're 50, you'll get xp all the time; yes, you'll even get xp while exemplared.




Besides Viv wouldn't lie...

or would she?



Xp is becoming way to easy to get, I am not sure why "the powers that be" are moving the game in this direction. I can only guess that the feedback they are getting from the masses is that leveling is too slow (is that even possible now with rest xp, lowered xp requirements for levels, xp bonuses for large teams).



Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
Xp is becoming way to easy to get, I am not sure why "the powers that be" are moving the game in this direction. I can only guess that the feedback they are getting from the masses is that leveling is too slow (is that even possible now with rest xp, lowered xp requirements for levels, xp bonuses for large teams).
I just thought of something...

What if Going Rogue has a lot of lvl50 content? Maybe it's a way to help people (heavy alters or people with constrained schedules?) move up and hit 50?

Just a stray, completely baseless, thought.



Letting people exemp down and still get XP is the best change I've seen in a LONG time.

So, can weget that change in this weekend?



Few weeks, probably, but I would agree that this can't come soon enough, now. I wish for it whenever I'm running a team and have to think if I have enough SKs and such.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory