Possible Peacebringer modifications?




Originally Posted by Star_Seer View Post
In that case I would rather use Storm as a base than Empathy. Allow the human from shields to affect a team (like steamy mist) and extend the range on Glowing Touch - job done.
I've been trying to avoid suggestions like this because then many people would simply scream for Peacebringers to become Human-only and shield the team, no matter what else a Peacebringer can do!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I may have idea for a change to glowing touch which by the way sounds creepy. ("He touched me and made me feel good... ) Turn glowing touch into a pbaoe toggle aura that heals everyone in its radius just like a slightly lesser version of the pain domination power for corruptors.

This does three things:

  1. Increases your own and your teams survivability.
  2. Gives PBs an aura type power that is like the warshade pbaoe power except it heals instead of damages, further reinforcing their common origin.
  3. Further reinforces the idea that PBs are aligned power-wise with defenders rather than controllers.

The idea would be that you radiate healing kheldian energies that constantly refresh and renew yourself and your allies. Not sure what the name would be changed to though. Keep in mind this is coming from someone who hasn't gotten a PB over 20 so be nice when you tear my idea apart. Also I dont know if this breaks the cottage rule since the what the power does wouldnt be changed but how it does it would.

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



I suppose Keldian players are their own worst enemy at the end of the day.

The shape shifters don't want to see buffs for the human form enthuiasts because they feel that if human was more viable then they might be obliged to use it more.

So the human form fans are left with somthing that is almost but not quite satifying - like chasing the end of a rainbow.

The triformers are left with a human form that is pretty much a poorly slotted pitstop, clunky shifting mechanics and a lack of costume customization on forms in a game that has costume indiviuality a major selling point.

I do like tri-form Warshades though - at least their human form is fairly usefull to them.



I can see how you'd view it that way, but it seems needlessly negative. There's really no need for tri-form players and human-only players to be adversarial - in fact, many Kheldian enthusiasts play both variants (although, granted, most have a strong preference). Despite Kheldian players having differing, sometimes diametrically oppposing positions, we've generally been able to keep things civil in this forum and usually don't devolve into an us vs them polarization of either PBs vs WSs or Forms vs Human. It's just not productive and honestly most players in either camp aren't trying to keep the other down in any real sense.

Speaking as a primarily Tri-Form player, I've never opposed buffs to the human form. I've offered criticism if I felt an idea was unworkable or had flaws, but I've never opposed changes to Kheldians simply on the grounds that they might make human-only variants more popular. That's a pro, not a con. I'd also disagree with both the assessment that tri-formers have a poorly slotted pitstop human form (not necessarily so, though this is one approach) and the assessment that human form is "not quite satisfiyng" as is. Both seem to be dictating what is fun for all based on one person's subjective experienece, which isn't a particulary wise approach.

Also, and this is a bit of a pet peeve on my part, you've been posting in the Kheldian forums for a while now, Star Seer. Is it asking too much to spell "Kheldian" correctly?

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Originally Posted by Crim_the_Cold View Post
I may have idea for a change to glowing touch which by the way sounds creepy. ("He touched me and made me feel good... ) Turn glowing touch into a pbaoe toggle aura that heals everyone in its radius just like a slightly lesser version of the pain domination power for corruptors.
If you re-read my original post, you'll find that I've tried to cover this option, but with another power, and not Glowing Touch. Allow me to quote myself here:
Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
Remodel Reform Essence so that it has a healing aura component that works like the Empathy/Radiation AoE Heal, thus leaving Restore Essence to heal the PB by a large amount of HP and the team around it by a modest amount of HP.
The idea behind this would be to allow all PB variants to heal team-mates around them, especially in the heat of battle, but also let the Devs replace Glowing Touch with a power that's more appealing, or leave Glowing Touch as is and thus improve even more the ability of PBs to heal their team-mate.

Originally Posted by Star_Seer View Post
...The shape shifters don't want to see buffs for the human form enthusiasts because they feel that if human was more viable then they might be obliged to use it more.
It's not that I do not want to see Human-only Kheldians successful. I simply do not wish to see other players treat Kheldian players like VEAT players are treated if the team finds out the VEAT in question doesn't have his team-buff powers. I believe Kheldians were always meant to be an exercise in uniqueness and variety, and team-mates must not be allowed to dictate to a Kheldian player how their character should be built.

To be honest, at this stage, I'd be incredibly impressed with the Devs if they chose to implement just my -Res idea and leave everything else as it is.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Sorry about the miss spelling of Kheldian - its as bad as Cthulhu (probably got that wrong too).

I was only posting on here because its a fairly active bit of the forums and people seem to have some strongly held opinions - I guess I have said most of what I wanted to say now.

If it seemed negative its just because I quite like Peacebringers in principle (I stuck with it to 50 afterall), I just feel that they still have a fair ways to go.



You're not alone in that and I feel safe in saying that all of the regular posters in this section have that goal, to make the Kheldian AT better and more fun for all. We have disagreements about how that's best done, but it all comes from the same concern for the game and for this AT. I'm sorry if I sounded like I was coming down on you.

I think PBs in particular could use some kind of attention and I tend to more favor LordXenite's general approach more than, say, Bill's, though both are well-thought out perspectives on the situation. And while it's absoluetly true that there's some strongly held opinions around here, we generally don't let those opinions excuse bad behavior or trashing the wasy someone else likes to play. One of the many reasons I very much like this little niche of our community.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Personally, I think one of the better and more simple modifications that they could do is make Solar Flare work more like Super Strength's stomp power. By that I mean for the power to do a lot less Knock-Back and trade it off for Knock-Up instead.

PB's can be very melee oriented and its knock-back on some of the powers can get somewhat annoying. Although, overall just about every power BUT Solar Flare can be worked around. If you're on a team using the power how its "supposed to be used" will just get you team aggro.

Tanks and anybody with AoE will hate you since you've just blown the herded mob to the 4 corners of Paragon.

Now my point of view is really only from the human side, so if it works that way for the dwarf form then by all means it probably is working just fine and in which case just modify the human form's stomp.

But if the power was just altered this way then the power would be a lot less situational and get a lot more usability.

Having leveled my PB from 1-50 all-human, I know from personal experience that it would completely solidify my attack chain to be able to use it frequently w/o the extra repercussions of knock-back.



/signed on the -res on Kheldian attacks

/signed on the AoE heal idea

/facepalm on the pet over glowing touch.

Not sure what to do though with glowing touch...part of me just wants to see it turn into a +def or +res or +regen or +recovery buff or some combination of various bonuses, while the other part of me wants to see it turn into a better heal or AoE heal...in which case Reform Essence could probably turn into an AoE buff. Idk...but I'm right there with you about giving Peacebringers more tools to help the team.



So many things I'd like to see tweaked...

Animations and VFX:

Hopefully, this is something that will get some attention as power customization is given to the APP's and Epic power sets. For PB's specifically I'd like to see:

-Ability to change power colors
-Alternate animations (Solar Flare to get the 2 "Footstomp" animations, IS gets the KO Blow alternate animation)
-Kheldian Aura selection...give us the ability to choose where this appears
-Selection of forms or atleast the ability to tint the forms


-Solar Flare KD to KB
-Build Up duration needs to be increased to account for form switching. That or change it to be more like Fiery Embrace
-Photon Seekers...sigh...sure, they are "improved" now, but I'd still like to see a persistent pet like Dark Extraction, or I'd like to see the A.I. improved and the recharge time reduced.
-Human form blasts could use a bit of a buff
-Secondary effect of attacks is nice in PvP (-def) but isn't nearly as useful in PvE. I'll second the push to add some -res or something else.



Originally Posted by SoilentGreen View Post

-Solar Flare KD to KB
You mean KB to KD, right?



Heh, I would guess that as well. It is a bit more dramatic to send them flying everywhere, but it does make things a little annoying. My PB was teamed with another PB last night, and I was tanking for the team in Dwarf. I found myself wishing he wouldn't scatter mobs with Solar Flare, hehe.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



I just think being able to use Solar Flare like that would also greatly help all-human PBs with mez mitigation. Constantly sending them up in the air every now and then is just more time with them not being able to stack mez on you.

In the least its SOME mez mitigation w/o pandering for mez protection points.



Originally Posted by Astrolynx View Post
...In the least its SOME mez mitigation w/o pandering for mez protection points.
Active mez mitigation is always more appealing to me than passive one.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::Blink! Blink!::

Do my eyes deceive me, or have I sighted the elusive Xenite? Welcome back, man! Long time no squid.

I'm more here on the forums than in-game though, but things may change and I may stick around for I19.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
After a recent discussion about Peacebringers and their "role" on a team, I've decided to revive one of my old ideas for focusing and improving the toolbox a Peacebringer has when teaming.
  • Remodel Reform Essence so that it has a healing aura component that works like the Empathy/Radiation AoE Heal, thus leaving Restore Essence to heal the PB by a large amount of HP and the team around it by a modest amount of HP.

  • Add a self-stacking -5% Res effect to each PB attack power, across all forms, but with a ceiling of -15% Res. If the PB uses Chance for -Res in their slotting, that effect will stack on top of the normal -Res so essentially PB's could reach -35% Res in some cases.

  • Replace Glowing Touch with a location-based pet that buffs endurance recovery and overall defense for everyone around it but the PB itself. The buffs are minor and cannot be enhanced but the pet itself cannot be attacked and is on a long cool-down that can be brought down with -Recharge slotting.
Considering that Warshades have the edge on PB's in the DPS department, but it is still quite difficult for a PB to compete as a Tanker/Healer AT, I'll gladly take any one — or all, pretty please? — of the proposed changes in a heartbeat!

How'bout you guys? What do you think?

I LOVE the AoE heal idea.

I like the -Res but it's too much. Instead, just add a simple 1% -Res debuff to all PB attacks that already have the -Def debuff. Except Photon Seekers, give that a -10% Res debuff.

But DON'T you TOUCH my Glowing Touch! How about this, give Glowing Touch a set of accompanying buffs similar to O2 Boost. How about Hold Protection, Recovery Debuff Resistance, Tohit Debuff Resistance, and +Perception?

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
I LOVE the AoE heal idea.

Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
...just add a simple 1% -Res debuff to all PB attacks that already have the -Def debuff. Except Photon Seekers, give that a -10% Res debuff.
Yup, that'd work fine as well, as long as things stack up.

Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
But DON'T you TOUCH my Glowing Touch! How about this, give Glowing Touch a set of accompanying buffs similar to O2 Boost. How about Hold Protection, Recovery Debuff Resistance, Tohit Debuff Resistance, and +Perception?
Sold!! Where do I sign?

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati