Possible Peacebringer modifications?




It is pretty situational, but it's something I've found myself in time and time again, due to the fact that whenever I'm on my Khelds, I'm never solo... I always teaming, and in most situations where I've died, it was due to either being overwhelmed by an AV+mob, or by light form crashing before I realized it was going down... In both of those situations, there is still usually a pretty large mob. If I tried my self rez, I would usually (depending on the enemy) be taken right back down if I didn't have some sort of phase protection.

I've also found myself using that strategy on both the Lady Grey and iTF speed runs, as in those situations, it's an "every man fend for himself" situation, as everyone speeds around getting all the objectives done as fast as possible. I find this to be more true in the iTF mission where an ambush is attached to every crystal taken down.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Actually, this discussion about the phase powers, and specifically about dying, gave me another idea. What if when a PB died, there would be an automatic Vengeance-type effect on teammates surrounding the PB?

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
How can you say this:
Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
the devs are usually willing to tweak numbers, but rarely change what powers do.
and then this:
Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
I think the most likely thing you will get rather than adding heal aura's etc is that you might get a slight debuff or stun effect added to your powers. Reform Essence imho would be better with say a mag2 stun aura than a heal aura, then you could stack that with your other stuns.
and not see the logic contradiction?
The idea for the stun stems from the fact that stun is something that PB's already do with a few powers, AoE healing isn't. It also brings them into line with Warshades and I think both AT's should be more similar (Do the same things in different ways)

I know they are both changes, so I see where you are coming from about contradictions

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
It can also be used directly after you rez yourself in the middle of a huge mob, to work in much the same way as the WS'd rez works... So, you're untouchable while you re-toggle or whatever else you need to do to prep yourself to rejoin the battle.

"The One"
I never did understand why the PB rez didn't get those 10 seconds.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Well, to be honest, I doubt we'd get reliable +stun in any of our PB powers as much as I wish we would. As things stand right now, having two PB's use Pulsar (both having 6-slotted Pulsar for more accuracy and longer stun duration) is amazing to see. If a lone PB could reliably stack disorients on Bosses, Warshades would cry out, and justifiably so, because Warshades have to work on the disorient a lot more than a PB with two AoE stun powers that do not require any preparation other than exact timing.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
Actually, this discussion about the phase powers, and specifically about dying, gave me another idea. What if when a PB died, there would be an automatic Vengeance-type effect on teammates surrounding the PB?
LOL! I like it...

Tanker: This room looks tough, and Unstoppable hasn't recharged yet.

Defender: Send the veng. bait - I mean Peacebringer - in first.

Peacebringer: Sigh. AGAIN!?

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
I think the most likely thing you will get rather than adding heal aura's etc is that you might get a slight debuff or stun effect added to your powers. Reform Essence imho would be better with say a mag2 stun aura than a heal aura, then you could stack that with your other stuns.
I quite agree. I don't see the devs ever completely swapping glowing touch out for a stationary pet of any flavor. Nice to dream, but I should probably stick to pragmatism.

But as long as I'm dreaming, I'd like a sash...

EDIT: Indulge me in a threadjack for a moment:

I Wants a SASH! - a Kheldian's Lament.

If I had a sash,
How I'd dash!
And I'd sing
'Bout my really wide belt
And its dangly, long thing.

I wouldn't care if it clipped through my waste and my thighs!
I'd pretend all the gasps! were just envious sighs.

Oh if I had a sash,
How happy I'd be!
I'd never switch forms
So my teammates could see
My spiffy new bling
From the mission's front door
to the place where I died,
Lying splat! on the floor.

(anybody got a wakie?)

Oh if Kheldians got sashes all the girls would sashay
And the boys.....
....would all stand there watching the girls all sashay.

I do hope we'll get
Our 'loved sashes one day.
And before I forget:
Just how sexy is Jay!

Okay. Back to the topic now. Thank you.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
Well, to be honest, I doubt we'd get reliable +stun in any of our PB powers as much as I wish we would. As things stand right now, having two PB's use Pulsar (both having 6-slotted Pulsar for more accuracy and longer stun duration) is amazing to see. If a lone PB could reliably stack disorients on Bosses, Warshades would cry out, and justifiably so, because Warshades have to work on the disorient a lot more than a PB with two AoE stun powers that do not require any preparation other than exact timing.
I don't know about crying out, Warshades still have Gravatic Emination on a fairly short recharge + Inky Aspect + Unchain Essence, I think another stun power may even it out a bit and if I understand it the power I was on about changing is Reform Essence which is the self heal on a long timer? As long as the long timer remains it will be the PB equivalent of Unchain Essence (Lower mag to balance out no dead body).

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
I don't know about crying out, Warshades still have Gravatic Emination on a fairly short recharge + Inky Aspect + Unchain Essence, I think another stun power may even it out a bit and if I understand it the power I was on about changing is Reform Essence which is the self heal on a long timer? As long as the long timer remains it will be the PB equivalent of Unchain Essence (Lower mag to balance out no dead body).
According to Mid's Reform Essence should be available once a minute, out of the box and without any global recharges. On my TriFormPB build I get recharge-values of between 25.1 to 15 seconds for Reform Essence, while Pulsar recharges anywhere between 21.2 to 11.8 seconds and the stun from Pulsar lasts 23.7 seconds. It wouldn't be spammable as a Warshade will have it, and you're right, Warshades get Inky Aspect, but IA requires them to be in Human-form which is sometimes a bit of a sacrifice as opposed to having two click-powers after which the PB can Dwarf-up.

I don't think we'll get Glowing Touch or Reform Essence changed anyway, but if we're very lucky, maybe Castle will see this thread and decide that adding -Res to each PB attack is a good idea.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post

According to Mid's Reform Essence should be available once a minute, out of the box and without any global recharges. On my TriFormPB build I get recharge-values of between 25.1 to 15 seconds for Reform Essence, while Pulsar recharges anywhere between 21.2 to 11.8 seconds and the stun from Pulsar lasts 23.7 seconds. It wouldn't be spammable as a Warshade will have it, and you're right, Warshades get Inky Aspect, but IA requires them to be in Human-form which is sometimes a bit of a sacrifice as opposed to having two click-powers after which the PB can Dwarf-up.
I didn't know the recharges off the top of my head and thought they were higher, so you are right it may be a bit overpowered having two clicky stuns.

Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
I don't think we'll get Glowing Touch or Reform Essence changed anyway, but if we're very lucky, maybe Castle will see this thread and decide that adding -Res to each PB attack is a good idea.
Even with the arguing we have seen this idea has had pretty much universal support so it is probably the best hope we have

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
I didn't know the recharges off the top of my head and thought they were higher, so you are right it may be a bit overpowered having two clicky stuns.
Which is why I said I think Photon Seekers should perhaps pack another +stun effect since the power is on higher recharge levels.

Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Even with the arguing we have seen this idea has had pretty much universal support so it is probably the best hope we have
Yup, I was taught that when initiating any sort of negotiations, one must bring to the table two insignificant items that will be summarily dismissed and one offer that everyone will easily and readily agree with because they got the pleasure of first dismissing the other two!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post

I don't think we'll get Glowing Touch or Reform Essence changed anyway, but if we're very lucky, maybe Castle will see this thread and decide that adding -Res to each PB attack is a good idea.

Thank god, as the first time I heard anyone on my team playing either of my kheldians say the words "HEAL ME!" I would probably kick them then shelve the Khelds because I would know it had finaly reached the point I assumed it eventually would.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
Yup, I was taught that when initiating any sort of negotiations, one must bring to the table two insignificant items that will be summarily dismissed and one offer that everyone will easily and readily agree with because they got the pleasure of first dismissing the other two!
Haha I like that!

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post

Yup, I was taught that when initiating any sort of negotiations, one must bring to the table two insignificant items that will be summarily dismissed and one offer that everyone will easily and readily agree with because they got the pleasure of first dismissing the other two!
Well not now, since you've given away your negotiating tactic!

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post

Which is why I said I think Photon Seekers should perhaps pack another +stun effect since the power is on higher recharge levels.
I missed this point - but yeah I also agree with you here.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
Thank god, as the first time I heard anyone on my team playing either of my kheldians say the words "HEAL ME!" I would probably kick them then shelve the Khelds because I would know it had finaly reached the point I assumed it eventually would.
If that happened to me, I'd simply tell the guy that my job is to ensure he doesn't even require healing, but if he did require healing, that means he didn't stick with me and followed my leadership, or else he'd be in perfect health now!
Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Haha I like that!
Thank you!
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
Well not now, since you've given away your negotiating tactic!
Here's another negotiating tactic for you, reveal the bait, but hide the hammer...
Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
I missed this point - but yeah I also agree with you here.
Heck, I've been saying that about Photon Seekers since I first got the power!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Talking about sashes reminded me of something..... I've been showing this to everybody I talk to.. hopefully the right person will see it sometime and the devs will get wind of it..... check this site out.... U WON'T BELIEVE THE COSTUMES HERE...... http://home.comcast.net/~uberrod/cohcostumes.htm



Those costumes look like someone took many genres and combined them as layovers on CoH costumes. Good work indeed and it'd be lots of fun to see those in-game.

Maybe you should link that site in your signature, Surge?

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Just checked it out.... Some excellent stuff in there, and would make amazing additions to what we already have, and allow for even more customization... Love it! I especially liked the "energy body" stuff.... Reminds me of TRON.

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Some of the tech style armors look really good, I would like some kind of things like that because I am already jealous of Malestom getting that cool chest piece and boots that we can't get.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Yeah.. it blew my damn mind when I saw those concepts. As much as I would like to... I can't take credit for them though. I didn't design those... I just found em one night while bs'ing on the web. I will say though that I DID show them to Nivene and was told that they WOULD BE FORWARDED TO THE RIGHT PEOPLE.



Lord Xenite, I fully agree with you. (Here it comes)....EXCEPT for the part about the immobile pet. I would much rather see Glowing Touch stay a single target heal with maybe an added buff such as a +Res or +Regen. That, I think, would be much more useful in a team setting then an immobile pet. After all, as someone else said, the game moves too quickly for that and a real ST buff is what the AT needs to help it function more like the support character the Devs intended it to act like when they gave it Glowing Touch.



Why do people always want to take away glowing touch? Perhaps I just play oddly but it, along with the medicine pool ( which I understand some people dont like on khelds), gives me something I can do to actively help out team members. From helping out a tank that is slowly dropping to keeping a blaster alive just long enough to kill the enemy that is after them or even healing the healer. Note I don't have the power with extra slots and I don't normally play as a healer but it works very well for me. The change to restore essence could maybe fill this spot but unless it was a rather large AoE heal I would be more inclined to save it for when I need health. The idea about attacks giving -resist is interesting, it does seem rather odd to have attacks debuff -resist and -def though, if it is felt that PB damage is actually lacking why not up the damage instead of making attacks debuff multiple things. I would take the resist and even the added AoE healing if it was offered but I would like to keep my glowing touch.