CoV: Terrorist characters get genericed?




Maybe you should look at what I was responding to instead of taking away the context and then wondering why the post doesn't make sense.



Originally Posted by poptart_fairy View Post
Maybe you should look at what I was responding to instead of taking away the context and then wondering why the post doesn't make sense.
I'm saying the post seems to make sense. If I've misinterpreted, pray, do rephrase so I might understand what you meant.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
I'm saying the post seems to make sense. If I've misinterpreted, pray, do rephrase so I might understand what you meant.
I just found it interesting how the GMs are prone to abuse, baseless complaints and other such nonsense because they've made a few mistakes in the past, but dare point out that the ravenous playerbase is on even shakier footing and all hell breaks out. But, eh. Rule broken, repercussion suffered. The OP will hopefully rebuild his life after this tragic event; I've certainly done so after suffering this kind of trauma*.

* This is a small bit of satire highlighting how dramatic the reaction to a name change can be.

I repeat myself, though: eh.



Originally Posted by poptart_fairy View Post
But, eh. Rule broken, repercussion suffered.
That's the issue here. No rule was broken. A judgment call was made that the name 'could' be offensive.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I must confess, I really don't like this trend of banning things (in game OR in real life) because somebody, somewhere MIGHT find something offensive.

I've got a Golden Gate Bridge character- If somebody who is a friend of a friend who knows somebody who jumped, and gets upset, then I automatically lose the character name? Even though there is nothing obscene about the name, no spiteful references to jumpers in his bio, and nothing offensive about his costume, (such as making an outfit of zombie parts and saying "Here's my impression of somebody who jumped off of me") I would still lose a character that I worked on for a long time and was quite attached to? That just really sucks and blows right there.

Now, if I DID make a GGB whose intent was to be offensive and rude, then I could see the point. For example, writing a bio filled with horrid and tasteless jokes about jumpers and traffic accident victims, making the aforementioned "mangled victim" costume and clowning around, or making zombie MM pets and naming them after jumpers- That's the kind of behavior which should be dealth with, as it's pretty obvious that the intent IS to shock and offend.

Now I'm skittish about playing that character- what if somebody complains and I lose him? Renaming wouldn't cut it- without the name, the whole concept of the character goes down the tubes.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



Originally Posted by poptart_fairy View Post
I just found it interesting how the GMs are prone to abuse, baseless complaints and other such nonsense because they've made a few mistakes in the past, but dare point out that the ravenous playerbase is on even shakier footing and all hell breaks out. But, eh. Rule broken, repercussion suffered. The OP will hopefully rebuild his life after this tragic event; I've certainly done so after suffering this kind of trauma*.

* This is a small bit of satire highlighting how dramatic the reaction to a name change can be.

I repeat myself, though: eh.
Ah, I see. We generalize that the mods don't know what they're doing, but complain when they generalize about us.

Honestly, neither generalization is fair.

It seems to me, however, that the OP isn't suffering from generalization so much as overcompensation. That is, they changed his name because it might be offensive to someone. That's not an adequate measure, because ANYTHING might be offensive.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
Yeah, I agree the restrictions are becoming a little extreme. I made a mission arc on the AE set in WW2 (actually, I've made a few), but found myself tapdancing because I wasn't allowed to use the word Nazi or even the name Hitler. It's hard to do a WW2 story that doesn't refer to them in some way.

It makes me wonder what will happen when I break out my CoV Mastermind that's a former Nazi (in his bio) himself?

Note that I don't RP him that way, it's just for the concept of the character.
Wait, what?
Ok, that seriously puts any plans I had for an AE arc that revolves around the 5th Column and a WW2 veteran member of it (CoV, obviously)

Seriously, censoring blatant insults and generally offensive stuff is one thing, but this is going to get to the point where we censor EVERYTHING for fear of offending SOMEONE.
Come on, Devs, can we have some common sense, not blanket d00mhammering?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



There's more to define a character than mearly the name. I'd like to see a screenshot of the costume and biography of the OPs character. Without that we're only getting one third of the picture and can't form an informed opinion.

On that same subject I hope the GM in charge of the matter did the same thing, checking the costume and bio.

With the information I have recived so far I think the generizing was a bit harsh. But I on the other hand never report other players. Though sometimes I have been close. Even I thought the blaster named "I shot Kennedy" was in line for a ban.


The Kickers base.

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
-Groucho Marx



I'm not the only one. Someone went to the extreme of renaming Adolf Hitler into Dolph Schikelgruber, or some such.

It's overcompensation. Political correctness makes my teeth hurt.



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
I'm not the only one. Someone went to the extreme of renaming Adolf Hitler into Dolph Schikelgruber, or some such.

It's overcompensation. Political correctness makes my teeth hurt.

Really, really don't mention the P-C words again. Not in aural range of me. Please. It makes my cranial circuits fritz.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot_Alpha_EU View Post
Really, really don't mention the P-C words again. Not in aural range of me. Please. It makes my cranial circuits fritz.
Personal Computer?? =/

Sorry, couldnt help myself

Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran



Okay, so...Here's what I get from this...

"We're gonna let you create your own vile, hateful, disgusting, scum-of-the-earth evildoer! But please, don't offend anyone."

Seriously. Guys? What part of "evil" isn't clear? We're supposed to be offensive!

As long as you don't use "choice words" in your name, or name yourself after a real person (IE, Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, George W. Bush...) then it should be no-holds barred!

Admittably, it would be funny if "Demon" was generic'd. Virtue would lose 75% of it's population overnight...

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



I think I saw you waiting for an ITF last weekend and the first they that ran through my mind was "There's a name headed for the ban bin." Really, you should post a pic of the character so that people can see that it wasn't just a generic looking villian. It seemed to me you had a clearly defined image of the "Extermist Insurgent" based on some current events, no?



You are not supposed to be offensive.
This is a TEEN rated game, not Mature.



Originally Posted by MortisEques View Post
Personal Computer?? =/

Sorry, couldnt help myself
Don't make me get technical on you, fleshling =P

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
You are not supposed to be offensive.
This is a TEEN rated game, not Mature.

Since when's that ever stopped films and games?
Seriously, ratings are incredibly misleading.

Anyway, theres a difference between being personally and purposefully offensive, and something that MIGHT offend someone.
I mean, if everyone worried about MAYBE offending someone...well, I know I'd never say anything if I had to worry like that =P

Anyway, I do think this case is a tad OTT, on the Devs side.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Darn. I guess this means I can't call my next villain Durka Durka Mohammed Jihad.



Originally Posted by Major_Glory View Post
Darn. I guess this means I can't call my next villain Durka Durka Mohammed Jihad.
Hahahahaha. Now I need to go watch Team America again, thanks

Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran



Originally Posted by The Hound View Post
It's a bit weird isn't it? The devs have implemented Nazi fascist super soldiers into the game, who even have references to the bad guys of WW2, i.e the mention of Mussolini in Requiem's bio. Yet, if the player makes a character that has ties to modern day extremism, suddenly, we offend people!

Maybe, just to stir things up, we should change Crey's name to 'Microsoft' and have the Countess replaced by Bill Gates.

/cooldown. Phew, as a wise Austrailian once said "What happens if we say something and someone gets offended...? Well, they can be offended."
I think the distance of time is important - there are more people who have a direct connection to terrorism and extremism, like soldiers and their families, or people affected by 9/11 than there are people who still have a direct connection to WWII - although there's still a lot of WWII sensitivity around too.
You can use historical bad people as names, but not ones who have done things that are still affecting people today.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
I think the distance of time is important - there are more people who have a direct connection to terrorism and extremism, like soldiers and their families, or people affected by 9/11 than there are people who still have a direct connection to WWII - although there's still a lot of WWII sensitivity around too.
You can use historical bad people as names, but not ones who have done things that are still affecting people today.
Bad stuff happens every day. To everyone.
You do just have to live with it and move on. And, when that sort of thing infects a virtual world, where people come for enjoyment, its gets annoying. Yes, some could argue that using names like that could affect other peoples enjoyment in said virtual reality, but no one ever pretends that a game is reality, right?

I just get tired when PC-ness and the 'potential' of offending people starts to infest things we do for enjoyment.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



The CS team has the incredibly difficult job of taking a situation and making a judgement call based on rules which are interpreted incredibly differently by different people and are then heaped profound amounts of abuse on for making sure we are playing a game we can all play together.

Let's just say I sympathize with them.

Given none of us but the OP were there, none of us know what happened, and none of us will ever have the complete picture, I think it fairly demonstrates why this sort of conversation is not allowed.


If you are using Latin in your post you are probably trolling

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