Things you're not missing (neutral thread)




We always talk about what we want in this game or what we wouldn't like, but let's take this time to talk about stuff that we don't really care whether it ever comes or not.
In other words, this thread is about neutrality.

For starters, new travel powers. Okay, sure, we're missing supermobiles, and those would be cool, but otherwise, what else is there, that can be added, the bases are covered if you ask me.

Maelstrom's Pistols for weapon customization. A rare case of me /not/ giving a damn if we get an NPC costume piece or not, because, no offense to the designers, but they look kind of dumb.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



The only type of travel power I can think of we don't have would be swinging of some sort. But that would probably be too similar to Spiderman.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Base editing upgrades. Actually, anything that has to do with SGs, particularly if it has to do with bases, I am 'meh' toward.

End-game content. Unless I can get new powers out of it, not interested.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



yeah, swinging, vehicles (bikes, cars, horseys) and maybe boards (skate or flying) could be interesting new travel powers, but they are hardly essential.

as to the topic at hand stuff I'm not bothered about getting in the game would be:

More co-op at high levels. some at lower levels might be fun, although that's probably one of the things that Going Rogue will include, in one way or another.

More IO sets, because I rarely worry too terribly about those that are there. they're nice and all, but I usually just take what I get, or what I can buy with merits. Not a huge one for planning builds me.

Respecs as Vet Rewards. Fits in with the above, plus, with dual builds and resepec trials, I don't see they're desperately needed.

there's probably more, but nothing I can think of right now.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.




"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash



Let's see . . .



Full respecs


Global Vault/Bank

Emailing loot to your own characters

Weather effects

Merging servers

Raising the level cap

Letting people buy vet rewards instead of earning them

Revamping zones (I'll take new zones over Hollows/Faultline revamps)

That's enough for now.



This zone:

Miles and miles of meh.



Originally Posted by Blue_Wave View Post
Miles and miles of meh.
are you kidding?!



Cool video Fleeting, but I'd still rather have the artic zone in the beginning of the video with slippery physics than the barren moon. The moon makes the Rogue Isles look colorful.



Too many new ATs. The 10 Base ATs have just about every possibility covered. A few special ATs, tied to the game world, are alright, which is exactly what SoA and Khelds are, but I *never* want to see 'special' ATs come close to the number being played by the base ATs.

Read articles in the past about other ATs that almost made it: Blood of the Black Stream, Coralax, Incarnates... No, no, no...

I've seen a small swell in Kheld populations recently. While a small swell is okay, too many makes them not 'special'

If we have to add new ATs, I'm essentially okay with the creation of a Longbow AT to compliment the SoAs (they're already entrenched and ready-made), and I'm okay with Kheldians being available to villainside as is (Nictus exists, and there are rogue PBs).

Incarnates as a new Epic??? Meh, make em a new Origin, and give Origin perhaps a bit more impact in the game, but Incarnates should use the base AT templates.

Some sort of shapeshifter - nah, create a powerset, not an AT.

So, really, the only new AT I'm sorta okay with is Longbow, and that's only because SoAs exist already. Probably would have worked better if you got special costumes parts and temp-like powers by joining these groups, similiar to how Vanguard works. But they're already here...

Anything else can just stay put, even the hinted at Spy AT (intrudes on Stalker territory if you ask me)



the vault. im sure it will be great for some people, and id probably eventually use it, but it is neither a feature i want nor one i object to.

the cathedral of pain. dont belong to a group that would be big enough to really run this, and my sg doesnt base raid, but for people who do, it would probably be nice, and hitting the full rularru (he was the end boss, right) would probably be nice. either way i dont hate it, and dont love it.



Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
If we have to add new ATs, I'm essentially okay with the creation of a Longbow AT to compliment the SoAs
The problem with Longbow is that they're basically just Scrappers, Defenders, Controllers, and Blasters using existing powersets.



Oh, goodie, a place that I can post that I don't care one bit about PvP and not get chewed out. I think that every second that the devs devote to PvP in this game is a second better devoted to counting ceiling tiles or going out for a nice cup of coffee. I don't miss the CoP at all, don't care that the i13 or whatever PvP revamp gutted the PvP community, and certainly am not fussed that GR might not allow zone PvP in every new zone.

Other things that are blah and can come or go as the devs please:

  • Powerset respecs
  • RP anything, including adding crap like walking or whatever that has no positive ingame effect
  • Any changes to drop rates so "casual players" can purple out their warshades



I need to make myself a stack of those iron-on badges. Ones that say "I felt 'meh' about the Architect"

My current "meh" topics are:

- Anything to do with SG's (Except Cathedral of Pain)
- Proliferation that doesn't incorporate any actual changes (Stuff like Mental Manipulation and Earth Assault = good; Assault Rifle for defenders is "whatever")
- Level 40+ TF's
- Demon Summoning and Dual Pistols

And the more wild conjectures that I don't care about:
- Powerset Respecs (who needs them?)
- More Travel Powers

Man, this stuff is harder than it looks. I'm at least mildly interested in most things I hear about. But I don't care about MM's, and I don't care about yet another generic weapon set unless they make it like super-cool and stuff.



Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
Cel shading
No ATs
Open World
Spawn Camping/Objective Camping
All the blaster powers being the same...
Less Cities



Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
Less? We only have one!

I get that we have Paragon... and that covers all the zones or w/e.
But for me, Kings Row (the garbage disposal zone of the whole game) is it's own City, and Talos is it's own City.

The game doesn't feel like 1 big giant City, it feels like a State. With a bunch of Cities within.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I get that we have Paragon... and that covers all the zones or w/e.
But for me, Kings Row (the garbage disposal zone of the whole game) is it's own City, and Talos is it's own City.

The game doesn't feel like 1 big giant City, it feels like a State. With a bunch of Cities within.

That's weird - it feels a lot like one city to me - the building styles are the same, shops are the same, war walls everywhere and so on - and palces like Peregrin Island Croatoa feel different because thy really are apart from the main city.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



If I walk through Manhatten...
If I start in Harlem and walk down to Soho...

I have never seen it (at say 3pm) dark like night in Soho, light like day in midtown, and then dark again when I get to the Village.

If I go from Atlas > base > Peragrine takes all of 1 minute. But sometimes the sky just doesnt look the same >.<



Note that none of this is me arguing against (or for) anything:

I'm indifferent to bases, and anything to do with SGs.

New T/SFs mean nothing to me, regardless of level. I've barely bothered with the ones we have.

I do not participate in AE at all, so I'd like to say anything that happens there stays there...but of course it's changed lots of things in the game and will continue to do so. Theoretically though I'm indifferent to it. Make sense?

I don't care what sets happen or not for Tankers. I don't play that AT.

I'm neutral on a moon zone, underwater, and outer space.

Big "meh" about new Purples or PvP badges.

You know that spawn-size selector a lot of people are swooning over? I'm not one of them.

Most PvP topics don't have anything to offer me.

Dual builds? I have zero need for them.

...Believe it or not, there are plenty of things I'm interested in. I know I sound like a real wet blanket.



I'm not terribly keen on more Fifth Column stuff. When the 5th returned in Ouroboros, long time vets squealed. When they showed up in the ITF, they squealed harder. When AE included the 5th as a custom group, many an arc brought us back to the glory days of Nazi-punching. When the 5th were the focus of I15, I wondered why - they were already pretty much back. I think they can be given a rest for a while.

I'm unlikely to get excited about anything involving PvP; it's just not my bag.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
The only type of travel power I can think of we don't have would be swinging of some sort. But that would probably be too similar to Spiderman.
It'd have limited utility anyhow. Just what are you going to swing off of to get across places like Nerva or Eden?



Originally Posted by Fleeting_Whisper View Post
The problem with Longbow is that they're basically just Scrappers, Defenders, Controllers, and Blasters using existing powersets.
If we were to get another Hero Epic AT I'd rather see PPD instead. The branching system that SoA's get could be used for things like SWAT and Hard Suits.



End game content

Weather effects in game

More weapon powersets

More content in Cimmerora or Oroboros

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.