Devs Choice: For Your Consideration




Players can post arcs they think should be considered for Dev’s Choice in this thread.

Please note, you cannot promote your own arc and you can’t disagree with anyone else’s suggestion.

Additionally, you may suggest several arcs in your post as long as you provide all necessary details to allow us to find them easily.

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Finally! I nominate...

"The Twisted Tongue" (1444)
By @Days

I loved the writing in this arc - it was highly convincing and humourous, and had a great twist.

"The Hamidon is a what what of what?" - Brian the mission guy.



I nominate

Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! (3662)
By Judgement Dave

i played most of it but my machine crashed out, waiting for the antique to finish faffing so I can finish it. and KS says it should be nominated to.



Finally! I nominate...

"The Twisted Tongue" (1444)
By @Days

I loved the writing in this arc - it was highly convincing and humourous, and had a great twist.

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I'll second that - if the devs try it I'm sure they'd enjoy the humour.

It manages to do an excellent and engaging storyline that's full of character (and pretty full of characters) without having to resort to cheap gimmicks and custom mobs. Probably the only arc I've seen so far that I wish I'd written...

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



I second both of the ones above as well. Excellent material.

I also like to recommend:
Vernon von Grun's Extraordinary Extradimensional Excursions (115174)
By @Igor Blimey

All I need to say is: Dum Dum Dadum DDUUUUUUUUMMMM!!!!!

And I want one of those, no no I demand one of those!



I nominate
"Hot Pants" (8698)
@Kiss of Death

Because as the author said it's pants.


"Hobo Rising" (10880)
@Thorny Devil

because it made me feel really despicable (and I was playing as a Hero!)


"Stuff 'n' Fluff!" (81348)

For its huggable factor!

I can't find @Xemulas arc any more... but if it were up I'd nominate that one too. It was very well written.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit




I can't find @Xemulas arc any more... but if it were up I'd nominate that one too. It was very well written.

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Oh, I removed it. Was sick and tired of something I do for recreation in my spare time making me so angry (Getting 'feedback' from people saying things like "I don't understand the story lulz, but it's pretty good lol 3 stars, after it getting to around 40 plays and 4 star average, being praised for the story all the while. Just an example).
Pointless for a badger when people of that caliber can lower your average. Anyway!

I nominate: (note, all will be story based, as that's what the MA was for imvho)

A Mythos of Mystical Mysteries (84285)
By @LordMayhem

- Marvellously written. Well balanced, a nice solo experience

MAGI and The Blue Knight (12619)
By @Arctic Princess

-The adherence to ingame canon was well executed, along with the inclusion of the author's own creations and ideas. Worthy of attention

The Sleeping Star (53951)
By @Leese

- An 'ego' arc by any other name can actually smell pretty sweet. The author's own toon's backstory is written so well, that the player could hardly notice. A really enjoyable and technically finished arc.

Tidebringer (12590)
By Col. Blitzkrieger

-My favourite arc to date. Exemplary use of canon, and a suitably epic journey. I was speechless at the end, fantastically enjoyable

Apples of Contention (3184)
By Blue Rabbit

-To quote myself from City of Guides (i've done comments for all of the above there, btw):

"This is a fantastically written arc, with a clear knowledge and ability to manipulate mythology and folklore. The final AV (mission, in fact) is insanely hard, but the feeling of being victorious over it all is just too good to pass down. Great stuff "

A thousand pardons if this is too many, but I simply can't see myself using the MA again, so consider this my contribution to the Custom Content Gene pool. My only plans for it are to create 2 injoke arcs. One to a task force between close friends, and the other to a friend's newborn baby going on a Rampage in Paragon.

Xem out



I would nominate:

Might Makes Right (5213)
by @Frija

It is one of the many stories I have tried when MA first came out. It was advertised on the Mission Architect channel and so I gave it a try. It turned out to be a very enjoyable arc indeed; and played it twice with 2 more my 50s.

It is not painfully hard and impossible to do. It is easily soloable; and of course better with a full team. It is obvious that the author has thought about the 'doability' of the story. The story flows smoothly from mission 1 to mission 5. Good choice of maps and other MA functions (kidnap, growies, etc), which make the story more engaging. Unlike many others, which are just like a killing-spree from the starting line all the way til the end, this one has a lot of clues and dialogues that help to do the story-telling throughout the missions; so you will not get bored or lose track of the story. There are also some eyecatching custom mobs too.

It is the first story arc that I would nominate. I hope you all like it too.



The second nomination I would like to make is:

Mercytown: The One with All the Fish (6017)
by @Frija

There are not many low level MA arcs that are not farming arcs or have some sorts of farming/PLing elements in them. For the majority of the rest, they are either too boring or too demanding for a newly made character to do - even with a well-balanced team. Mercifully, Mercytown (lv1-10) is not one of them.

It is a lighthearted and funny story suitable for all ATs below lv10 - and this alone worth more praise than I could offer. It has a good choice of maps, which makes it easy to follow and in-line with the progress of the arc. And again, similar to my above nomination, this arc has a lot of dialogues and clues that keep reminding you the flow of the story.

In fact, it is obvious that the author has a great creative input in writing the clues. Those clues do make the story a great deal more entertaining - and cute. (something interesting to read while waiting for your teammates to level up)

We certainly need more of this kind of low level arc that is doable, fun and enjoyable. And what's more: this story itself can easily be incorperated into the existing CoX Universe. I would be most delighted to see it make into one of the Dev's Chioce.



Id like to nominate Sing Stars mission.


What happens in the giza, stays in the giza.



I'd like to nominate:

Apocalypse Cow (27552)
by @Bovine-Avenger

Was a very funny arc, and was great to play through.(though not easy to solo)



The Sleeping Star (53951)
By @Leese



I don't know if we're allowed to post more nominations once we've done so already but...

Tidebringer (12590)
By Col. Blitzkrieger

I really enjoyed it. Played very well (even though I was on a Hero) and it's masterfully written (IMO). Much better than the regular drivel currently on the Dev Choice list (again, IMO).

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



I see Xemulas has already put it forward but the best MA arc I've played to date is @LordMayhem's "A Mythos of Mystical Mysteries" (84285)



I nominate

Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! (3662)
By Judgement Dave

i played most of it but my machine crashed out, waiting for the antique to finish faffing so I can finish it. and KS says it should be nominated to.

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I second this. From the Arcs I played (I have been away from the game for a month to cool down from the architect hype and try Aion on chinese server) Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! was my clear favorite. It's very fun and gameplay is balanced as well. The story idea is great, characters are well done with nice descriptions.



I'll nominate:

The Return of the Women's Institute: The Sacred Beetle Bugs

Made by @Bruce Lightning

Arc ID = 205908

Great fun, well written and good storyline. Who couldn't enjoy the phrases from those french Sacred Beetle Bugs xD! Loved it I think it's got 5 stars at the moment with something like 17 votes so it's doing well!



Players can post arcs they think should be considered for Dev’s Choice in this thread.

Please note, you cannot promote your own arc and you can’t disagree with anyone else’s suggestion.

Additionally, you may suggest several arcs in your post as long as you provide all necessary details to allow us to find them easily.

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Has any (ANY!) of the above mentioned arc being considered? Has any one of them made it to the Dev's Choice?



I nominate
Revenge Never Gets Old by @Gaspard and Meet The Author.



I'd like to nominate:

Apocalypse Cow (27552)
by @Bovine-Avenger

Was a very funny arc, and was great to play through.(though not easy to solo)

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Yeah that arc is hilarious! It turns cow puns into an art form.

Col. Blitzkreiger's arc "Tidebringer" (arc ID 12590) is also very good and deserves a Dev Choice tag, as Xemulas and BlueRabbit have said.



Not all the arcs listed here have been reviewed so far, the devs like to play them themselves before awarding Dev's Choice and they also have the North American ones to test.

You are right though, the reviewing process has been going more slowly lately, but still, this thread definitely has its importance as it allows us to see which stories you think deserve the Dev's Choice distinction. Stories are bound to go unnoticed by us at the moment.

As you can tell, everybody has been very good at making sure they only nominate the stories they really believe deserve that distinction, and I want to thank everybody for taking this seriously.

And to increase visibility of the suggestions contained in this thread, I will be including the Mission Arc ID and comments in my weekly report from now on.

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MAGI and The Blue Knight (12619)
By @Arctic Princess

-The adherence to ingame canon was well executed, along with the inclusion of the author's own creations and ideas. Worthy of attention

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Just a quick note to say: I currently don't have any arcs up on the MA. Real Life (in a very good way, I hasten to add) has kept me out of the game for a while and I took down my arcs because I feel I can do better. Damned perfectionism.

Thanks for the thumbs up though, Xem.

And I would also like to nominate the following:

'Tidebringer' by Col. Blitzkrieger
'...Sleeping Star...' by Leese. - The custom mobs are inspiring (as in, 'I wish I'd thought of that!' )



Another nomination; Crown of Iron, Heart of Steel Part 1 (236933) by Techbot Alpha

Very well written, really good costume design for his custom Nemesis. The story was very good. Just waiting on part two now



Anyone know why I couldn't find any 'Hall of Fame' arcs when I last searched ?

Just several 'hundered' Devs Choice arcs...

Nuff Said...
Coolio Wolfus leader of Coolio�s Crusaders on Union.
Tekna Logik leader of Tekna�s Tormentors on Defiant.
AE arc 402506, 'The Rise and Demise or Otherwise of Tekna Logik...'.



Probably because as soon as any arc gets HoF it inevitably gets smacked back down to 4 by a horde of jealous/vindictive morons. Ain't people awesome?

Character references! Artz! Whatnot!



Since the patch, I've edited Apocalypse Cow as, thanks to file size compression behind the scenes I think, and being able to remove battles I no longer need to spawn certain levels of mobs, I saved about 5% of arc size.

As a consequence, I have almost DOUBLED the cow puns involved, so it's even more embarrassingly cheesy than previously thought imaginable... and I've rebalanced the spawn as well, so it's rather different than originally recommended. Might need a replay if it's been reviewed already.

As for my own recommendations; Xem really needs his to remain up, as I enjoyed them immensely.