42 -
You know when we got more time it may be an idaa to host the posters across on cog. can link them to the mission itself then.
i dont pvp and hate it with a vengence. me and KS are together on this one. it brings out the moron in otherwise intelligent people. i think it is best summed up by something overheard on eve "learn how to fight newbie" and how exactly can they when all that happens when they enter a free fire area is someone with much more experience kicks seven bells out of them.
Check out www.cityofguides.com for good mission arcs. not seen any farm ones on there.
just to keep people informed. i am snowed under at work atm so there wont be any updates for a while. hopefully it will calm down soon. KS is under stress to.
right got to be careful here so i dont get deleted again. first off this is not an official post it is my post. i dont represent any of the official people and am just a player. that ok Av?
Thats all I can really say right now as I dont want to spoil any of the exciting badges that will go into future issues at this time.
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surely nuking the badges now means people wont want to try for them in furutre?
as for identifying farmed missions. what an easy thing to spot. i can provide a checklist that will kill them easy.
<ul type="square">[*] is the mission repeatedly played by the same people. who are not a. mission owner.[*] does the mission contain any of the enemies that are favoured by farms.[*] does the mission return higher than an average mission repeatedly.[*] is the mission repeatedly reset (don't understand why you would want to for MA but it goes in).[*] does the arc have a hugh amount of plays and no ratings?[/list]
if the arc conforms to the above. mark it as possible farm for gm review. a gm should be able to tell at a glance if it is a farm and blow it away. -
black adder wins. spock just isnt nasty enough to be the true evil bearded one.
hahaha KS owes me £10 i bet him less than a month before one of the names that dropped off the boards came back.
i found my motherboard was limited to 3g memory. so you could be restricted by that even if xp is playing nice.
ok i have added you.
one thing on the update. The editor that i have added for reviews is exclusively for reviewers at present and allows a lot of style stuff. also allows linked images and embedded links. so hopefully it will lead to some really nice reviews. -
Another update.
Review boxes has been increased to allow for easier inputting.
Addition of a WYSIWYG editor to the review main text. This allows reviews more options while doing a review.
Alteration of the mission view page to spilt reviews from comments.
Clean up of the stylesheet. Lots of rubbish that wasn't being used. Further work needed.
Addition of a more from this user link on each mission entry.
by the way there is no update schedule for CoG at the moment. i pretty much do updates as and when.
there are loads of stuff to come including one that KS is playing with. it could be really good or an epic fail. -
ok so lets have FR, DU, EN, AM. so we can tell the difference. its not like americans speak the same language as us most of the time.
why not just UK and US. since there is only one english.
one never knows with the two of them ... a love hate relationship ... hmmmm
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Yes - I've often thought that myself
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Well there were extremely good friends for quite a while. you know what they say though. power corrupts and absolute power tastes like chocolate. or somthing. -
and as if by magic the reviewer flag appeared.
what I am going to do is appoint reviewers on a first come first served until we have a number. not decided what yet. then see how it ticks over. -
ok your a reviewer
you can use the additional pages to submit reviews.
Something that KS pointed out to me. There is not the facility at the moment to search for reviews, just comments and reviews don't yet show in the main mission list. we are working on it though and some other toys for the reviews as well. -
try swallowing some yellows usually does the trick.
the site has now been updated to allow for reviewers to review. being a reviewer is not just a case of log on as these reviews carry a bit more weight then the current comments. i have assigned some reviewers so they should be able to see a new entry on the view mission page add review. any reviews added will show on the view mission page. reviewers can also edit the reviews after submission by viewing the review and using the edit image at the bottom of the page. users will also be notified via the home page if they have had a review when they log in.
i have played a couple of the hall of fame and dev choice arcs and wondered who the author slept with to get the arc up there. as they are a load of tripe most of the time.
could be an idea that you get to say why you are quiting an arc if you do quit out before the end. that way you can give feedback but not stuff the overall rating.
I reckon you ought to have to finish the arc before you can rate it - that would save a lot of grief, and might allow something to get into the Hall of Fame once in a while.
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i have rated a couple of arcs as 4 or 5 stars but not been able to finish them. i met a baddie that i couldnt beat the arc was good i just couldnt beat the boss. since i was using a level 5 scrapper i put it down to not enough oommph to take him out. still a good arc though. -
it could be the space to &nbsp; thing that keeps happening. you need to open the file in a text editor to see though
who is interested in being a reviewer on the site then?
I nominate
Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! (3662)
By Judgement Dave
i played most of it but my machine crashed out, waiting for the antique to finish faffing so I can finish it. and KS says it should be nominated to. -
or maybe if they put out sneek peaks of the new stuff people will start ranting again.