Arcs suddenly too large??
it could be the space to   thing that keeps happening. you need to open the file in a text editor to see though
Just had a quick look at both arcs files, there's a mountain of info that shouldn't be there, spaces, punctuation etc that shouldn't have been changed and has, that's going to take up a LOT of space!
Seems I have a lot of editing to do then
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

Yeah it's really annoying - both of my arcs have bloated past 100% too. One of them was published at 99.87% and has bloated up to 137%, the other at 89% and is just past 100% now. The only thing I want to tweak is to add SFMA to the descriptions of both, but I can't face having to re-edit the whole arc to be able to do that so atm I'm leaving them unchanged.
Honestly this bloating bug is one of the things putting me off writing a third arc. I hope the devs get it sorted soon.
Ok, Just went back into MA to edit the intro's to my 2 arcs, was going to add the cool new tags they are using in the US, see if it helps get my arcs played a little more.
Go to edit each of them to discover they are now flagging up as too large, both growing by about 10% each!!
What the hell happened here? I've checked in this forum, can't see anything about, has something changed I don't know about? I can't cut the arcs down that much! 10% is a massive chunk to lose!
We built this city on Rock and Roll!