Devs Choice: For Your Consideration




I like to nominate Arc ID :329432 by @PhoenixJR

The arc is called Praetorian Rebellion TASK FORCE.

It is a great, challenging arc for a full team which intertwines regular COH characters with those of an alternate dimension. Fantastic story and excellent gameplay.

Brushing twice a day keeps the Strep.mutans at bay!
If you play on Defiant Server send a tell @Electro Kitty to join The Wonder League SG



I want my mission to become a Dev's Choice so bad My mission #is... 346295. It's about 2012 Worlds End. I tested it out and it was a lot of fun.



Originally Posted by crazy local View Post
I want my mission to become a Dev's Choice so bad My mission #is... 346295. It's about 2012 Worlds End. I tested it out and it was a lot of fun.
The first rule of fight club: don't talk about fight club.

From Avatea's first post:

Please note, you cannot promote your own arc and you can’t disagree with anyone else’s suggestion.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Does not seem like much in the way of activity here so I'm not sure if this thread is still used. Anyways, my nominee for Dev's Choice is:

The Golden Age Secret of the Paragon Society by @wrong number ID#344596

Why? Because it really captures the feel of a classic golden age story, it is engaging with some great characters and is a very polished well written arc.