Aaaaand another one.




I wish you luck in all your future endeavors.

Now @Eskimo-Spy

I'm not evil.



Glad to see you didn't do one of your now patented double posts!

For what it's worth, to ALL the people that seem to be leaving, and perhaps you in particular:

...Sad to see you go, you're part of the community, part of the game, part of what makes it what it is, e.g. something we love and at times something we love to hate.

Now, who will I have serious arguments with in the future? You quitting, might force me to moan only in-game from now on.

Good luck with... whatever comes your way... and keep your stuff, you'll return, at least for reactivation days, and I don't want it anyway. And of course noone else deserves it!

Good bye and thanks for the Fish!




Another of the Old Guard I never thought I'd outlast in Paragon.

Thankyou so much for being such a real stalwart in the I've lost count just how many people you've helped out on the technical forums and I've always enjoyed your company on topics right across the board.
A real loss for the, and one I doubt whos shoes will be filled in quite the same helpful capacity for quite some time.

I would say farewell, but lets face it,.. its not is it.
See you soon Lorne.




So you are leaving Meh.

Glad you feel so self important about yourself that you must start an entire thread to tell everyone about it. I can just see you refreshing the forums to see how many people are viewing and responding.

Oh damm just noticed on another thread where you claim you will return.

So you will be back, just not SOOON



Zortel, Scarlet Shocker, DrDestiny, Coin... and now FFM! Where is everyone off to?

[/ QUOTE ]

The Rage Room - they'll smash furniture and scream their hatred of the devs, then come back when they feel better

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Zortel, Scarlet Shocker, DrDestiny, Coin... and now FFM! Where is everyone off to?

[/ QUOTE ]

The Rage Room - they'll smash furniture and scream their hatred of the devs, then come back when they feel better

[/ QUOTE ]

Sounds fun. Do we have to cancle our subs to get in?

Anyways, goodbye FFM, hope you enjoy whatever you'll do now.



Zortel, Scarlet Shocker, DrDestiny, Coin... and now FFM! Where is everyone off to?

[/ QUOTE ]

The Rage Room - they'll smash furniture and scream their hatred of the devs, then come back when they feel better

[/ QUOTE ]

A shoe in for i19 if you ask me.

Now @Eskimo-Spy

I'm not evil.



Zortel, Scarlet Shocker, DrDestiny, Coin... and now FFM! Where is everyone off to?

[/ QUOTE ]

The Rage Room - they'll smash furniture and scream their hatred of the devs, then come back when they feel better

[/ QUOTE ]

A shoe in for i19 if you ask me.

[/ QUOTE ]

But it may be pushed back to I20 to allow the devs to add custom furniture for us to smash.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Take care FFM, when i logged in earlier today you said hi but i was lagging WAY too much to type hey back. Think was the first time ive ever seen u on "my turf"

Anyway hope after a break you come back all refreshed/with new hope

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Take care FFM, when i logged in earlier today you said hi but i was lagging WAY too much to type hey back. Think was the first time ive ever seen u on "my turf"

Anyway hope after a break you come back all refreshed/with new hope

[/ QUOTE ]

Issue 16: A New Hope?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Actually...Zortel didn't really rage at anything in particular in her leaving post, so I don't know why you're lumping her in with that particular group GG...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



What would be needed is a "we're leaving together..." cheesy thread. Bye FFM, I'm right behind you.



What would be needed is a "we're leaving together..." cheesy thread. Bye FFM, I'm right behind you.

[/ QUOTE ]

Agreed. I'll even provide the music.

Synaesthetix:if your mum wasn't already dead I would go kill her for bringing
you into the world



There have been "I'm leaving threads" on here for as long as I can remember, not sure why all the bad feeling all of a sudden.

All the best FFM, hope you find something suitable that will fill the spandex-clad void

@SteelRat; @SteelRat2
"Angelina my love, I'm a genius!"
"Of course you are darling, that's why I married you. Physically, you're rather unattractive"



All the best FFM, hope you find something suitable that will fill the spandex-clad void

[/ QUOTE ]

I already have. Freedom Force is a helluva lotta fun!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



So you are leaving Meh.

Glad you feel so self important about yourself that you must start an entire thread to tell everyone about it. I can just see you refreshing the forums to see how many people are viewing and responding.

Oh damm just noticed on another thread where you claim you will return.

So you will be back, just not SOOON

[/ QUOTE ]

Yet another ironic post from someone who thinks they're important enough to make comments like that., thereby showing their own ego needing a massage. Congratulations!



Take care FFM, when i logged in earlier today you said hi but i was lagging WAY too much to type hey back. Think was the first time ive ever seen u on "my turf"

Anyway hope after a break you come back all refreshed/with new hope

[/ QUOTE ]

Issue 16: A New Hope?

[/ QUOTE ]

And then Issue 17: Return of the Moaners






And then Issue 17: Return of the Moaners

[/ QUOTE ]

Surely that should be "Return of the ED-ies"?



Yet another ironic post from someone who thinks they're important enough to make comments like that.

[/ QUOTE ]
How important do you need to be? Is there a forumite rating system I'm not aware of?



Yet another ironic post from someone who thinks they're important enough to make comments like that.

[/ QUOTE ]
How important do you need to be? Is there a forumite rating system I'm not aware of?

[/ QUOTE ]

There used to be but it turned out to be just a damned popularity contest with you kids,

*runs off crying*

(Random Simpsons quotes ftw)