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lol took a grand total of 1 post for this to become a bitchfest about lack of new content.
Really when was the last time the rikti invaded (5th anniversary does not count) its an event which old players can use new characters and new players can experience an event. Who cares if you have seen it before its fun ! -
Im never the person who finds this news out before everyone else
I have not played any new content, messed with the MA nor used any of the cosie pieces. But i have led out a hostage and they showed up on the map making them easy to find when they went walkabout, for that single thing it is a success.
Having worked where there was no shower it must be said that it is preferable to the quick wash in a bathroom sink, baby wipes and a change of clothes. Especially after cycling 5 miles in + 30 C during summer up and down the hills of Bristol
So when i actually get round to buying this as i would like some of the pieces. Will the hassle of getting refunds and extra packs that came with the magic pack occur.
Very true first time I've read it in about 2 months :P
Already announced in the patch notes for today on test server.
The badge for Banished Pantheon Masks and Carni Illusionist think in 4 years managed to get the Masks on 1 alt i think and the carni one on none. So if i knew the name it would be wow.
Wow badge would be a level 50 with only the tankbuster and finder defeat badges at which point i go "Wow how do i politely leave this team"
Or perhaps the lvl 37 i met who only had the Trill Seeker exploration badge, really how hard is it at lvl 37 to step into the City hall and onto its roof to triple your exploration badges at least it would make people think you had moved more than 100 ft through the city. -
My first thought was none of what you put forward more the fact that it has been a whole two days since the delay in releasing Champions Online but that would have nothing to do with it
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It doesn't. Seeing as I'm on the beta for CO, it really makes little difference to me WHEN they release it.
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You are on the beta for Champions really i had no idea you managed to keep that one quiet -
Oh dear so one of the first with the self serving leaving messages after I14 is now the first with the self serving returning messages.
My first thought was none of what you put forward more the fact that it has been a whole two days since the delay in releasing Champions Online but that would have nothing to do with it -
Rikti aren't Lost. They just aren't.
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Lost are the inbetween state between human and rikti
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Well, actually THE Lost are Rikti, we just call the shift-affected humanoids The Lost, even though aren't. But the enemy group called The Lost aren't the enemy group called Rikti, so you can't say that 30+ Lost are Rikti. Because they just aren't.
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See i tried to keep it vague with Omega level clearance and all. -
THE LOST. Lost are the awesomest. They kill my Dominator sooooooooooooo much. ALL of my characters have an origin that have at least something to do with the Lost. I'm mourning for their departure however, as my Dominator nears 30, I regret I didn't understand how awesome they were earlier, and fought them more.
Oh, also I think the Clockwork are really cool. They just don't kill me as much.
[/ QUOTE ] My Omega level clearance prevents me saying any more Rikti -
The last time there was a graphics revamp it cam in when you had to buy an expansion pack. Oh what do you know an expansion pack has just been announced.
To be honest the graphics in CoX does stand up with other MMOs.One of the worst graphics of any MMOs surprisingly is Warcraft with its ludicrously short draw distance, spend any time in WoW and the limitations of the graphics engine really annoy.
The bloom and particle effects in CoX are fine, retouching the tired 5 year old textures would be nice even if they didn't change the structures just giving it a lick of paint would do wonders to Kings Row and Skyway. -
If i buy the mac version of this updater do i sneakily get 1 month free subscription, a booster pack and the mac stuff ?
Q: When will City of Heroes Going Rogue launch?
A: When its ready. We are not announcing the date at this time.
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Willing to bet its ready to same time as CO or DCU after the failure that was i14 :P
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I14 was not a failure
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It was for some people.
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And dont the few just love to tell everyone about it -
Well as Doctor Sleepless has barely hit the double digits i would not be too worried about focus, its mostly about world building at the moment. The first 12 issues of Transmetropolitan under the Helix banner were pure world building, it was not until it moved under vertigo and the introduction of Vita Severen that thinks became into focus. But without the world created in the first 12 issues it would never have been as good.
I have read a lot of Ellis stuff from as far back as the original Lazarus Churchyard stuff to know that he plays a long game with things he cares about and enough faith that what is being put down now will have bearing on the future.
Freakangels is also playing the long game, volume 1 did not even introduce all the freakangels, it was only in volume 2 that they all were introduced. And even they what they could do and what there roles were in the community was not even started to be fill out.
ok that was quick somebody ninja edited out teh post this was responding too but the hey come to the comics part of the forum and discuss comics getting bored of the daily updates to CO being all there is to read -
Is that a double negative or triple?
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It's negative - and I'm positively positive he means Positron is a negative.
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Positron is actually an Electron?
Now I'm confused.
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Actually positron is an anti-electron but i still ave no clue what this thread is about. Is it for, against, sideways or laterally to farming. -
Lol, just proves how much NC wastes PR, no shiney new stuff to talk about, just the past and the present. I mean, they're on a major American gaming channel. Surely they're going to say something a bit new, at least?
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Shiny and new?
Oh hi there we just hit 5 years. Oh look we have a really funky mission creator and we are bringing back/creating a new super villain in our next free update.
You were expecting more really?
The latest issue went live and 5th anniversary were less than 2 weeks ago and the interview is to bring in new/ex players rather than those in game at the moment.
What you should be doing is omg [censored] wow City of Heroes got some air time on a major gaming channel to spin the game in a positive and evolving light with shitloads of content and if its not enough you can make your own story-arcs.
Paragon studios cant win they are pretty much dammed if they do something and dammed if they don't. -
Maybe they have yet to start the job and the profile is in place for them once they do?
I do think too many people are doing the oh this is to do with computers therefore equating an exploit to be mean a bug.
Where i do believe that Positron was having exploit to mean an exploit. Yes comms officers give high xp it was to prevent people from initially farming portals, you tend not to come across maps that only have comms officers so they present a high difficulty so high reward. There is no point removing the reward as some MA maps will have rikti spawning as the do outside the MA.
The, "The game lets me do it so it cant be wrong" is not an excuse. It is similar to the "I was only following orders" excuse. Cause basically its wrong, you know the game is not designed to be played that way it may be the way you want it to be played but not the way it was designed.
Its an MMO its a grind to level cap and repeat, fill up all your slots and leave to the next MMO if you enjoy it you stick around if you don't you leave. The dev's are there to make the grind as long as possible but also enjoyable. its not in their financial interest for you to be able to fill up all your slots in a month with lvl 50s. If something is available to do this its an exploit pure and simple. -
Yes, let's.
Just like every other time the NCsoft staff have attempted to introduce rules which reduce farming, i think this one will end up with people leaving COV, which is the last thing we need.
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Nope i think i could quite happily see some people leave.
Particularly those that think it is ok to invite me to a team within a second of me logging on before i even toggle on some powers. Going "come on mate got a good farm going".
If i was a new player or one who did not have friends who over the years i now pretty semi-exclusively team with then i would be driven off by all that nonsense, The question is will they lose more or less with the curb on exploits. -
With all the complaints over being able to hit the same type of mobs over and over to get to 50 currently rikti comms in the Architect before it was Freaks on the Dreck map.
I only really have one question, Is it fun?
Playing the one map with the one enemy type over and over till you hit 50. I know that in the game it is basically go to map, hit things,get to 50. But there is a variety of enemies and maps (not as much as people want but a dam sight more than are going to be in CO at launch) with a varied story attached if you want to read it.
It may not be much for some people but the same single enemy group and single map over and over and over would drive me insane if purely for lack of variety.
So is it fun?
And i dont really get the I want to see how good the powers are for a specific build, a lot of the powers in the game may be awesome but not affect you farmable item of choice so you think it is not up to much. Also a lot of the powers are situational and doing the same map with same mob will never put you in that situation.
I will leave all the nonsense of meeting tanks that were powerleveld that didn't know what taunt was or did. Or those that go but we stick lots of inf and stuff into the market but dont realise that all they are doing is driving prices up so that average people cant afford them and go oh i must farm too to match the prices. I have 50's still on pre ED builds with SO's that are still effective so aren't drawn into that nonsense, but new player will see the market and go I must eeek out every .0001% of extra ability thinking it makes a massive difference as it might in WOW.
I just have one question. Is it fun ? -
ok, I think we all missed my previos post. TRAIL versions for playing with them before you get them, mainly for testing or for a bit of fun
go back to page 3 and revise, then you'll get the info you need rather than rambling on and on and on and on and on and on....
...and on ¬_¬
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You may be slightly disappointed as the veteran award powers are mostly already in game items but rather than oh a Nemesis Staff or the tp team temp from bank mission's for for 2 days its permanent.
Oh and slightly confuse as all these messages are an 1 page for me not 3.