57 Month Veteran Reward: Abiding




And if they didn't then it's already been discussed at length in Suggestions (though it was a while ago, possibly 18+ months back).

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Heck, it was suggested before the rewards scheme was even introduced.

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I know it was.. thing is I can't remember exactly when vets came in and I couldn't really be bothered to check... The exact time wasn't crucial to the observation that they idea has been proposed before, and so devs should be aware of it even if they hadn't considered it independently.

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If the vets rewards are to truly be an incentive then the pool system (with an extended pool of rewards to pick from) makes far more sense.

Let Sexy J run wild and create 20 new costume pieces/sets - not everyone need like each one, but the fashion pixies (who get incentivised by new clothing) can pick a new costume every 3 months...

What about the prestige sprints? Could a similar pack be done for other powers? Could they do packs of prestige flight/jump or even just prestige brawls? Nothing differently-powered, but a little gfx pizzazz for those that get incentivised by that...

Heck - do 6 different non-combat pets as 6 possible rewards (guessing that 6 out at once for a single character wouldn't strain clients more than a MMs henchmen).

Plenty of ideas you could do with little in-game effect, that I'd hope wouldn't take too much resource to do, but could act as incentives to different people depending upon their individual tastes.

That's the key - individual tastes mean that some people will look at their upcoming rewards and find nothing that appeals to them. That's why the scheme doesn't really work as an incentive scheme IMO, but also why I don't think it's really meant to.

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Actually that would be an awesome idea in my opinion, not everybody wants everything (alright some do but then it's tough unless they've been subscribed long enough to get everything) and it allows the individual to really pick and choose something they really want which makes them happier and thus will probably stick with the game longer since it's giving them things they want.

Hell get Jay off of the paid for costume packs (when he's finished the latest one) and get him to do something like this for a change, reckon it would add a lot of zing to the Veteran Rewards where currently, apart from the first 18 months, it's mostly hit and miss with quite a few misses...

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A real showstopper!



When I get to 57 months, I will have SO many free costume changes available. By that many months, you have decided on your favourite costumes. Hell, costume slots would benefit people more by that point

[B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]@Winter Flare[/COLOR] - [url="http://sites.google.com/site/thenewguardians"] The New Guardians[/url] - [url="http://www.badge-hunter.com/index.php?/page/view_player.php?id=339"] 1211 Badges [/url][/B]



Well.... on my level 50 hero, i would have to burn through 54 freebie costume changes, the veteran costume changes and THEN get the discount.... granted i am only at 33 months right now (IIRC) but even so, that does kinda make you wonder how many there have been... i really should NOT change my outfit on my hero then just to see how many we *do* get in the end



Getting a small bonus to the return infamy when selling junk at Quartermasters and the like, now THAT would have been something.

This venerable reward is nice and all. But hardly looking forward to it. Spending very little time at the tailor. But free stuff is nice as mentioned. Thanks in advance. ;-)




your basic premise is borked. Vet rewards are all about keeping players in the game and the Devs have sadly run right out of ideas...

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Sorry Scarlet, but you're the one who's basic premise is borked. The ONLY stated purpose for Vet rewards has ALWAYS been a "Thank you for supporting us" thing. Incredibly slightly increased incentive to keep subbing is a minor side effect, but it's ALWAYS been about saying thanks.

You can think differently however much you want, everyone is entitled to their opinion afterall; but that won't alter the fact that you're completely and totally wrong.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.




Aye, i remember when veteran rewards were not in the game, and i was still playing not even thinking about having a carrot dangled infront of my nose to keep on playing the game...

Quick edit... looked up on ParagonWiki.. vet rewards were only introduced in Issue 8, so just over 2 years ago



"For 57 Months spent in the City of Villains you will receive a 50% discount on all tailor costs"

Really? That's what I get? Well I'll get right to that discount after I use my 10 Veteran Costume tokens and other costume tokens you get thrown along the way!

Feels a little weak, really Still, guess it could have been worse!

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Absolutely pants - no puns intended - i've still got 43 free tailor tokens on my main. so that really isn't cutting it for me, yet again.

People have been saying 'stop complaining about free bonus stuff' - but for us 57 month'ers, it's not even useful. we'll most likely never make use of it, apart from changing the badge name above our heads (if we're not RP'ers) - as i always go around with the latest vet month badge on my toons, as i'm proud to have played for this amount of time.

5 years is a milestone - c'mon devs, please make 60 moths a 'great' reward, for 5 years worth of money taken every month.

Having vented my spleen, i won't be losing sleep or stopping playing over it, though.



Whilst i agree with FFM's post above. 57 months, in my humble opinion should be a huuuuuge thank you - after all its only 3 months shy of 5 years!

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They probably WILL grant a considerably more special reward for the 5 year one. 3 months shy of 5 years isn't exactly a milestone point, is it? The anniversary, on the other hand...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



yes, agreed - sorry FFM, was editing my post as you replied to state about the 5 year reward



yes, agreed - sorry FFM, was editing my post as you replied to state about the 5 year reward

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Tell you what.. If the 5 year vet rewards sucks, *I'll* complain along with you!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I'd think Psygon would see this as all her birthdays come at once.

Maybe it wont benefit those of us who dont spend all spare inf at Icon but there's a fair few that do

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



I think this is a damn nice reward. Compare it to stuff like "A Respec" or "Pictures of Positron for your base walls"

[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url="http://www.the-cow.net/"][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url="http://www.collegeofwar.com/"][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]



I'd think Psygon would see this as all her birthdays come at once.

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heh... I was reading this thread last night and thinking that I didn't think a 50% discount at Icon was *that* bad... so had to check which way the conversation had gone this morning...

Fortunatly I play COH because I like the game not because I think the Veteran rewards are fantastic, well, that and Icon. The one thing that has stopped me playing other games so far is character customisation/Icon so a discount in my favourite shop... well has to be a good thing. Sure my main 50 has got 3 costume tokens left... but by the time I get to 57 months I reckon she might be sitting with none...

My main concern is will this 50% discount stack with that 25% discount from the fashion designer day job. Here's hoping.



Personally, I still think they should have had a pool of rewards - or a set of pools if you like - with a selection from the appropriate pool as a reward. They could keep adding things to the pool so the oldest vets still have something to choose, but new players have a realistic expectation of getting particular rewards in something resembling a realistic time frame.

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I really like that idea actually.

I do think that the 57 month reward is more than lackluster when you consider the amount of time that has been spent by the player. It's not much of a reward really. Even without the costume tokens I've not had to really 'pay' for a change since reaching 50 (i.e. the cost is so low compared to what you earn it doesn't trouble me).

I can also see that there would be problems with having something that is at all desirable but maybe the devs could give out salvage and recipes perhaps... not something you wouldn't be able to get during game play but something that is actually useful in game, even if you just sell it.



If Veteran Rewards are the only thing that keeps you playing this game...then I wonder why you are still playing the game...

While a discount at tailors does sound...meh...so do greek alphabet letters as chest icons to me or boxing gloves...or some other rewards. I'm at 27 months now and basically I only use Sands of Mu and sometimes a trenchcoat for a character and while I'm looking forward to the nemesis staff or the pet it will not be the reason for me to keep playing.

Anyway, my point is that no matter what the veteran rewards might be it will never be big enough to keep people playing if they are bored with the game anyway.

(Not saying that the OP or other people in this thread are)

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I agree, I've always thought of the Vet rewards as a little thank you. It would be nice if, in my case at least, it was a thank you I could actually use.

I suppose that's why I am liking the pool idea so much.



I think this is a damn nice reward. Compare it to stuff like "A Respec" or "Pictures of Positron for your base walls"

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So what you are saying is, in a field of pap rewards, it is above the rest? Personally I am not exactly rushing to get any of the vet rewards. I have not yet used a costume token or a respec from the vet rewards on any of my characters. I don't need them as they keep giving me more and more. One character has about 40 of the damn things(costume tokens).



More like, in a field of rewards no-one uses this at least benefits some of us who keep running out of costume tokens.

[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url="http://www.the-cow.net/"][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url="http://www.collegeofwar.com/"][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]



That stacking is a good question as I bet the vets at that point that need new costumes are the same ones that have the 25% discount.

Hadn't really thought about that.

I'm unlikely to use it unless the Magic Booster Pack is full of amazing costumes

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



On the other hand, they don't have to give us anything...



On the other hand, they don't have to give us anything...

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No, but if they're going to, it would be nice not to feel that it was half hearted.



On the other hand, they don't have to give us anything...

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No, they don't. But given that it was a feature which added to the game which took a fair bit of development time and effort they really should.

A nice AOE cone attack of some sort would be nice, especially for getting the Vets through yet another 1-14 (or 1-20 even) slog. I suppose the problem with it is that it can be exploited (Freezing Rain + Vet Rewards is a lovely combo for example).



On the other hand, they don't have to give us anything...

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With direct reference to the Veteran Award Scheme that is very true, however that would dictate NCsoft should show no surprise whatsover If Veterans are lost to the competition this (and next) year.
There must be new awards... Indeed new content altogether for those players and their toons who have done everything so far, an Incentive to keep on subscribing.

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ooooo... Shiiiiiny!


*big kitty eyes*