What on Earth's Going On?




Also, did anyone notice GR's post? That it was Palladium being a better choice for L2? Ergo, we may well get a new guy/gal in for the EU english boards.

[/ QUOTE ]
More than just that - GR went on to say:

It's a fantastic opportunity for him

[/ QUOTE ]
Was NC really to deny Palladium the chance to apply for a fantastic opportunity for him? Are the posters really saying Palladium should pass on chances to advance his career?

Hope not.

Don't know if he's still reading, but if so: Good luck in the new role Palladium.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Also, did anyone notice GR's post? That it was Palladium being a better choice for L2? Ergo, we may well get a new guy/gal in for the EU english boards.

[/ QUOTE ]
More than just that - GR went on to say:

It's a fantastic opportunity for him

[/ QUOTE ]
Was NC really to deny Palladium the chance to apply for a fantastic opportunity for him? Are the posters really saying Palladium should pass on chances to advance his career?

Hope not.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm certainly not, good luck to the guy! I was just asking what was actually going on, seeing as, at least on the English forum, nothing had been mentioned about him going and GR now being on his own...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.




By the way, you might want to check this on MMOG Chart. Numbers don't lie, but I'll let you decide if that's low numbers.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, that's gotta be gospel then and Second Life is the lowest I've ever seen it quoted. I think you need to check the veracity of your sources before you quote them. In this case I think the numbers actually might not be telling you everything - but they may well be telling you what you want to hear

[/ QUOTE ]

Tbh, they look a trusted site to me, and although I can't confirm they're right, I think so.

By the way, I'm not sure there CoX doomongers.

Also, maybe SL's peak time is all day round? So you think it's a big population but it may be just be that a bunch of players come on at all times. After all, it's a worldwide game, so the time zones are different, and a batch of people from x country will come on at different times.



One thing about MMOGChart though, is that the person who organises themselves has stated that the figures could be wildly inaccurate.



One thing about MMOGChart though, is that the person who organises themselves has stated that the figures could be wildly inaccurate.

[/ QUOTE ]
If you check the analysis section of mmogchart, they go into detail about the specific accuracy of each MMORPG.

NCSoft and Linden both publish figures for CoH/V and Second Life respectively, so those figures are relatively accurate.



NCSoft and Linden both publish figures for CoH/V and Second Life respectively, so those figures are relatively accurate.

[/ QUOTE ]

And the WoW numbers are so big you can be out by about a million and it's still pretty accurate.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



Tbh, they look a trusted site to me, and although I can't confirm they're right, I think so.

By the way, I'm not sure there CoX doomongers.

Also, maybe SL's peak time is all day round? So you think it's a big population but it may be just be that a bunch of players come on at all times. After all, it's a worldwide game, so the time zones are different, and a batch of people from x country will come on at different times.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well if they "look" trusted, then it must be fine then, and you think so because it suits your hypothesis.

I made a cursory search for some stats and the most recent I could come up with was April 2008, which even you must agree is not relevant to now.

The chart you produce clearly doesn't go to the end of 2008, and tho the scale is tight, it appears not to include any figures for I13.

But for the sake of argument, let's say you're right. I've just checked on SL and at time of writing (8.30am GMT) there are 44904 people online in Second Life. Now... look at your graph. Compare Second Life to City of Heroes. Please tell me which line is highest

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Tbh, they look a trusted site to me, and although I can't confirm they're right, I think so.

[/ QUOTE ]

You read it on the internet, so it MUST be true, right?

By that logic, the nuts at the Fossil Museum site are clearly right too...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Tbh, they look a trusted site to me, and although I can't confirm they're right, I think so.

[/ QUOTE ]

You read it on the internet, so it MUST be true, right?

By that logic, the nuts at the Fossil Museum site are clearly right too...

[/ QUOTE ]

good grief, what a terrifying site!

@Doctor Destiny
...from the Ryman League of posters




Has hell frozen over? Will all the people that said they would leave if this happened leave? There is room on the coat rack guys please shut the door on the way out

[/ QUOTE ]

I've been here for nesrly 4 years and I really do love this game but if I lost my main toon names due to a merger I'd be gone faster than Lewis Hamilton crashes in the rain.



Second Life is the lowest I've ever seen it quoted

[/ QUOTE ]

That wouldn't surprise me. Linden lab recently announced a huge price increase and people have been voting with their feet.



Tbh, they look a trusted site to me, and although I can't confirm they're right, I think so.

[/ QUOTE ]

You read it on the internet, so it MUST be true, right?

By that logic, the nuts at the Fossil Museum site are clearly right too...

[/ QUOTE ]

good grief, what a terrifying site!

[/ QUOTE ]

I hope you are aware that site has religionus origins. So some people can be offended by what you said (not me mind you).

IMO mocking with other people's religional or national values a bit out of way. Those values can be right or wrong but we should respect their sacred feelings.

Highest Regards,



I hope you are aware that site has religionus origins. So some people can be offended by what you said (not me mind you).

IMO mocking with other people's religional or national values a bit out of way. Those values can be right or wrong but we should respect their sacred feelings.

Highest Regards,

[/ QUOTE ]

Of course I'm aware of that. Respecting religion is one thing (although IMO, respect has to be earned, not just granted because you think you're special). Respecting dingbats that try (and fail) to refute proven and verified scientific facts is another entirely. Hence my comparison with Phantom's source for his figures. You can find a site on the web that can "prove" just about anything these days.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



IMO mocking with other people's religional or national values a bit out of way. Those values can be right or wrong but we should respect their sacred feelings.

[/ QUOTE ]
Straying OT, but while I wouldn't mock other people's religious beliefs here (it's against the EULA, after all...in other circumstances, though...) they aren't getting a free "respect" pass from me just because the label "religious" is attached.

Going back to the link, if someone wants to decide to ignore or twist all observational evidence to the contrary and insist the universe is 6,000 years old because their religion says so, fair enough. I've got better things to do with my time than try to argue with people whose faith places their beliefs beyond logical argument. I'm not going to respect beliefs that - IMHO - are so obviously wrong, though.

Edit: I see you're still in my head FFM - any luck spotting that Sky+ password?



Second Life is the lowest I've ever seen it quoted

[/ QUOTE ]

That wouldn't surprise me. Linden lab recently announced a huge price increase and people have been voting with their feet.

[/ QUOTE ]

But you've failed to take into account that:

A) That chart doesn't actually show the results of that increase because it only came into effect this month - ie Jan 09

B) Only those on Open-Space Sims are affected - so only part of the community is affected.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



IMO mocking with other people's religional or national values a bit out of way. Those values can be right or wrong but we should respect their sacred feelings.

[/ QUOTE ]
Straying OT, but while I wouldn't mock other people's religious beliefs here (it's against the EULA, after all...in other circumstances, though...) they aren't getting a free "respect" pass from me just because the label "religious" is attached.

[/ QUOTE ]

As i said everyone have their own right to belive what they think it is worth to believe but giving a link about a religionous site with insulting words wasn't necessary. As FFM said there are many stupid thinks running around on the net.

I never think "religion" is an off topic for discussions but it is, when it comes to insults or humiliation. At least not in this place...



Edit: I see you're still in my head FFM - any luck spotting that Sky+ password?

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, sorry... I got distracted by all the... *ahem* "adult material".


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Edit: I see you're still in my head FFM - any luck spotting that Sky+ password?

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, sorry... I got distracted by all the... *ahem* "adult material".

[/ QUOTE ]
[u]Artistic[u] material, FFM, [u]Artistic[u].



IMO mocking with other people's religional or national values a bit out of way. Those values can be right or wrong but we should respect their sacred feelings.

[/ QUOTE ]
Straying OT, but while I wouldn't mock other people's religious beliefs here (it's against the EULA, after all...in other circumstances, though...) they aren't getting a free "respect" pass from me just because the label "religious" is attached.

[/ QUOTE ]

As i said everyone have their own right to belive what they think it is worth to believe but giving a link about a religionous site with insulting words wasn't necessary. As FFM said there are many stupid thinks running around on the net.

I never think "religion" is an off topic for discussions but it is, when it comes to insults or humiliation. At least not in this place...

[/ QUOTE ]

I probably better let this slide, but I just can't. So I'm going to make this one post and leave it at that.

Just for the fun of it, read a bit through this site: FSDT. It collects quotes from religeous forums and blogs from all over the internet, people who I should respect according to you. Religeous extremists like young earth adherents and the likes, are NOT worthy of my respect. period.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



...uh oh.....religious debate!!

Run for the hills!! :S

This is the one subject I stay away from, I tend to get somewhat......heated about beliefs

Anyway, I see the point FFM is trying to make, it's easy to "prove" any supposition when you're not using actual facts.

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Anyway, I see the point FFM is trying to make, it's easy to "prove" any supposition when you're not using actual facts.

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly! Please guys, religious debate belong elsewhere (yeah yeah, I know... Partly my fault, but that's not the reason I posted that link!). If we started debating religion, not only will GR close this thread REALLY fast, but we'll also end up hating each other's guts...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Stuff happens, LA2 got into positive numbers again and a logical step from NC and pala..thingiename.

The thing that amaze me though, the 'badly against' server merge people. Put it simple, if NC decide to do so, it will be done. Better to keep it in mind, accepting the posibility it can happen. Sure, a few will have a name issue, sadly nothing to do about it.

Eventualy its all about keeping a game alive, be it on staff, on server(costs), or any form of merging. And if there are priorities, i'm pretty sure we (EU) wont be high on the list. New MMO's, relaunch succeses, NC can easily shift people over (like GR could even go Aion europe for that mather), along with the unstable economy it are merely logical steps.

Sets are added, finaly people's wish is granted, 1 month later they hit 50 and want another new set. As they said, you cant please em all.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



IMO mocking with other people's religional or national values a bit out of way. Those values can be right or wrong but we should respect their sacred feelings.

[/ QUOTE ]
Straying OT, but while I wouldn't mock other people's religious beliefs here (it's against the EULA, after all...in other circumstances, though...) they aren't getting a free "respect" pass from me just because the label "religious" is attached.

[/ QUOTE ]

As i said everyone have their own right to belive what they think it is worth to believe but giving a link about a religionous site with insulting words wasn't necessary. As FFM said there are many stupid thinks running around on the net.

I never think "religion" is an off topic for discussions but it is, when it comes to insults or humiliation. At least not in this place...

[/ QUOTE ]

I probably better let this slide, but I just can't. So I'm going to make this one post and leave it at that.

Just for the fun of it, read a bit through this site: FSDT. It collects quotes from religeous forums and blogs from all over the internet, people who I should respect according to you. Religeous extremists like young earth adherents and the likes, are NOT worthy of my respect. period.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have to admit reading some of that site upset me a little. Some of the things people believe, I mean one lad took his own life because his own mother told him homosexuality was immoral and he should resist his urges. Basically he was forced into suicide. It's a crazy world, one i am ashamed to live in sometimes

The above is only my opinion, please don't hate me for it
SG: Suicidal Maniacs @Aurealis
GhostRaptor: Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.



I never think "religion" is an off topic for discussions but it is, when it comes to insults or humiliation. At least not in this place...

[/ QUOTE ]

To be frank, anything that isn't discussing CoH/CoV is a bit off topic. Think we should get back to the issue in hand before the thread gets zapped



I never think "religion" is an off topic for discussions but it is, when it comes to insults or humiliation. At least not in this place...

[/ QUOTE ]

To be frank, anything that isn't discussing CoH/CoV is a bit off topic. Think we should get back to the issue in hand before the thread gets zapped

[/ QUOTE ]

Meeek... i mean it about life in general not for CoX Forums.

Anyway, if we return to the matter at hand, there are less succesful (not in content but in playerbase population) MMOs around and they are still going on.

At first an unclear declaration from GR got me a bit worried as FFM but after everything cleared there is nothing to discuss left.

If there will be server merge or closing of EU part of CoX i don't think we have so much to say about it. Auto Assault and Tabula Rasa closed down wheter players like it or not. If they'll close down EU part, if you love the game you will follow it through the other shore. It is that easy in my opinion.