What on Earth's Going On?




merci beaucoup



I've decried the doom mongerers in the past, and I flatly refuse to take up their banner now

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IF it happens, and IF I lose my character names, I'll stand by what I said I'd do.

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Well, mate, in starting this thread and making these posts, you have joined the doomsayers. I realise you probably think you haven't, but you have.

With no official statement of a server or forum merge, you have decided to start a thread suggesting there will be one. The prosecution rests.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



It seems fairly clear to me that CoH EU is no longer pulling in enough money to justify 2 full time forum mods, so they've re-tasked one of them to a more profitable game to justify his wages; which is good for Palladium, as it means his job doesn't vanish, but it's not exactly a good sign for us, is it?

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It's far more accurate to say that Palladium is the most knowledgable person over here when it comes to L2, and when the position came available he snapped it up. It's a fantastic opportunity for him and it really shouldn't be read as an abandonment of the FR community at all.

The new year is looking very good for CoH. We've seen an upswing in server populations, and the Mac launch has gone very smoothly.

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So does that mean that the French players are going to be getting a replacement mod? Will the Germans eventually get Kerensky replaced after that stupid 6 month regulation is up?

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That 6 month regulation is laughably easy to get round, if they wanted to have a mod for the Germans, they would have a mod for the Germans.



Hmm... they could just find someone who speaks French and German. It's not a terribly uncommon combination.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Hmm... they could just find someone who speaks French and German. It's not a terribly uncommon combination.

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Or let someone do it part time from home for minimal cost, i suggested that months ago.




Has hell frozen over? Will all the people that said they would leave if this happened leave? There is room on the coat rack guys please shut the door on the way out

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IF it happens, and IF I lose my character names, I'll stand by what I said I'd do.

Please don't turn this into a "Merge teh servers!" thread, folks, that's not what it's here for. I just want to work out what's going on!

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nice try - I tried that once too.



I think this needs to be said... WHAT THE [censored]

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Ou... <<ils sont fous ces Lineagistes *toc* *toc* *toc*>>

Bonne chance, Palladium - vous en aurez besoin!

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



hmm yes... anyway. Sounds to me like Palladium got the chance to do something he wanted to and took it. That's his decision and i wish him all the best . I think CoH has got a bit more in it yet before merges even become a viable option.

The above is only my opinion, please don't hate me for it
SG: Suicidal Maniacs @Aurealis
GhostRaptor: Server populations have been trending upwards since Issue 13 release. There are no current plans for any server mergers and we're looking forward to Issue 14 and the rest of the year.



I've decried the doom mongerers in the past, and I flatly refuse to take up their banner now

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IF it happens, and IF I lose my character names, I'll stand by what I said I'd do.

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Well, mate, in starting this thread and making these posts, you have joined the doomsayers. I realise you probably think you haven't, but you have.

With no official statement of a server or forum merge, you have decided to start a thread suggesting there will be one. The prosecution rests.

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No, the difference is quite striking,

FFM is saying that it may be on the cards but he's referring further judgement to GR.

The doomsayers say that a server merge needs to and must be on the cards regardless of what GR says.

It's subtle but it's there.



Exactly. Thank you Bluedarky. It's nice to see there are SOME people here who can see subtle!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



We've seen an upswing in server populations

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Yeah - I noticed that too - Defiant's been pretty busy recently, even late at night - which is weird, not just because of the late time, but because there's no "hook" right now - double xp is almost 2 weeks away, and the I14 buzz has hardly started.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Exactly. Thank you Bluedarky. It's nice to see there are SOME people here who can see subtle!

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But sadly mostly only when it's been chromed, polished and then they are beaten about the head repeatedly with it

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



We've seen an upswing in server populations

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Yeah - I noticed that too - Defiant's been pretty busy recently, even late at night - which is weird, not just because of the late time, but because there's no "hook" right now - double xp is almost 2 weeks away, and the I14 buzz has hardly started.

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Think it's because people have still got to level their Shields/PD characters before taking a rest before I14.

Oh yeah, and since they started work on MA long long ago, they're pretty much sorting out the bugs and polishing things, and putting in the other bits and bobs in I14. (nothing very big though, I14 is going to be MA-focused) Propably by the end of DXP everybody's had their day with I13 and the numbers will drop again until I14.

And on topic, this is a real shame for the French and German community. Surely they can hire someone part time, like Londoner suggested?

It's reasons like this that people are worrying about server merges. GR needs to get the message across that there are no plans for server mergers at the moment. Bolded for emphasis. It could always change.



Exactly. Thank you Bluedarky. It's nice to see there are SOME people here who can see subtle!

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But sadly mostly only when it's been chromed, polished and then they are beaten about the head repeatedly with it

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DOes the shiney thing have coffee or alcohol in it?



GR needs to get the message across that there are no plans for server mergers at the moment. Bolded for emphasis. It could always change.

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Bridger use to same exactly the same thing
Because you can't be totally sure how the future will shape up, you can never say never to something like this - I'm pretty sure Blizzard would say the same thing if they were asked about WoW server merges.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Exactly. Thank you Bluedarky. It's nice to see there are SOME people here who can see subtle!

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But sadly mostly only when it's been chromed, polished and then they are beaten about the head repeatedly with it

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DOes the shiney thing have coffee or alcohol in it?

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Shiny chromed alcohol = subtle? ummm perhaps not.

To respond to The_Phantoms I don't think it's that. I know for a fact that a number of new people have joined (hell I got the free game time for signign them up too ) and there's a significant amount of new content but because it's blended in very well with existing story arcs, it's not immediately noticeable as "New" content. But it is keeping people interested.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Exactly. Thank you Bluedarky. It's nice to see there are SOME people here who can see subtle!

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But sadly mostly only when it's been chromed, polished and then they are beaten about the head repeatedly with it

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DOes the shiney thing have coffee or alcohol in it?

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Shiny chromed alcohol = subtle? ummm perhaps not.

To respond to The_Phantoms I don't think it's that. I know for a fact that a number of new people have joined (hell I got the free game time for signign them up too ) and there's a significant amount of new content but because it's blended in very well with existing story arcs, it's not immediately noticeable as "New" content. But it is keeping people interested.

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Not really, only new real story arc in I13 is the Cimerora ones.

Oh, and when I say "content", I mean Story Arcs, Missions, TF/SFs, and Trials.

By the way, you might want to check this on MMOG Chart. Numbers don't lie, but I'll let you decide if that's low numbers.

That would kinda rule out the entire Invention System as new content then

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IO System was introduced almost 2 years ago.

'Nuff said.




Oh, and when I say "content", I mean Story Arcs, Missions, TF/SFs, and Trials.

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That would kinda rule out the entire Invention System as new content then

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork




By the way, you might want to check this on MMOG Chart. Numbers don't lie, but I'll let you decide if that's low numbers.

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Well, that's gotta be gospel then and Second Life is the lowest I've ever seen it quoted. I think you need to check the veracity of your sources before you quote them. In this case I think the numbers actually might not be telling you everything - but they may well be telling you what you want to hear

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Not really, only new real story arc in I13 is the Cimerora ones.

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Don't know about red side, but blue side also got the new midnighter arc.



Not really, only new real story arc in I13 is the Cimerora ones.

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Don't know about red side, but blue side also got the new midnighter arc.

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Three of them, in fact

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork






I still fail to see logic in 'Theres no new content for new players'...
They are NEW players, thus its ALL new content to them. They will have done NONE of the missions, NONE of the TFs, nothing, nadda, zilch.

Also, did anyone notice GR's post? That it was Palladium being a better choice for L2? Ergo, we may well get a new guy/gal in for the EU english boards.

And good luck to those across the stream kudos for setting up your own 'speakers and readers' during the interim period.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Exactly. Thank you Bluedarky. It's nice to see there are SOME people here who can see subtle!

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I try my best.

But seriously though, we really shouldn't have to point this stuff out.