i13 Changes?




So any ideas on this pvp rebalancing?
It has been stated that pve powers will no longer be directly linked to pvp powers.
Hopefully this opens the doors to more pleasing nerfs/buffs to powers.

Maybe if they get it right we will see different sets coming out to play for a change. I am a little bored of the wave of ss/wp melees and fire/nrg blasters.

But ultimately I am quite excited as I like a bit of pvp and as it stands it is so broken I cant see the changes being anything but positive.

Anyone else got any ideas or rumors :P

Khelds gonna rule pvp like forts did?



The battle between the elements?

Ice has more slows?

Fire gets an extra tick?

Elec gets more end drain?

Plant? More Imaple?

"Farah O." Stalker: Street/Energy
"Aoi" Scrapper : Kat/SR
"Supa Troll" Tanker: WP/SS
"Milkman Bill" Brute: Staff/Fire



Emp/Dark Offenders will own all in duels.

[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url="http://www.the-cow.net/"][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url="http://www.collegeofwar.com/"][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]



Emp/Dark Offenders will own all in duels.

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Makes me glad I have one. Oh yeah.

I imagine that Blaze and BIB will have a bit less damage in PvP in I13 and while I'm not really happy with that, it's kind of needed for 1v1 and small teams.

I'd also like for huge amounts of +res to be a non-issue, maybe have the pvp res caps of AT's/resistance buffs of powers lower than pve. Fighting a team at the res cap is just dull most of the time.



Yeh res cap team is hard work.
Pain domination incoming too. I would guess that will be a pvp set.



Emp/Dark Offenders will own all in duels.

[/ QUOTE ]
Makes me glad I have one. Oh yeah.

I imagine that Blaze and BIB will have a bit less damage in PvP in I13 and while I'm not really happy with that, it's kind of needed for 1v1 and small teams.

I'd also like for huge amounts of +res to be a non-issue, maybe have the pvp res caps of AT's/resistance buffs of powers lower than pve. Fighting a team at the res cap is just dull most of the time.

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Arms race innit, res cap to combat multiple BIBs + Blazes.


"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."



hmm points of the changes to powers for PvP.

1) Hard Mez will affect everyone (yay for controllers/doms/defenders) but will only affect people with no Mez resistance for 4 seconds-ish (boo! there goes my DM/Regen fear advantage ).

2) Spike damage is being reduced apparently, Stalkers AS, Blaze, BIB etc appear to all be reduced in effectiveness...(yay for squishies, boo for anyone who has those powers).

3) Melee apart from Stalkers (Scrappers/Tanks/Brutes) are getting a mahoosive damage boost for PvP and taunt is coming with a -75% range modifier (if you're an anything/EM blaster...this affect is null and void, seriously can't AR/EM shoot at a distance where you can't even see the target any more yet still have them targeted?).

Over all it seems a mixed bag, as a very casual PvPer I'm looking forward to the changes, just curious what you guys are making of it?

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Note (before we get carried away discussing the changes) - Castle and team are still working on the PvP specific changes and what you are currently seeing from the Training Room should not be treated as final.



there are major changes to buffs to. Don't know any details, but I wouldn't count you Boost Ranges before they are hatched.

I really should do something about this signature.



Hooray for any boost for melee chars.



But not many things have fear rez anyway, or didn't on my last run through sirens

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Read this an i thought i'd share it on here.


Well, the mezzes themselves do some rather boosted damage; for example (all before containment):

Fossilize: 169.85
Stone Prison: 158.36 (DoT)

Ring of Fire: 96 (DoT)
Char: 87.80 (DoT)

Crush: 109.13 (DoT)
Lift: 84.51
Gravity Distortion: 150.15 (DoT)
Propel: 287.18

Chillblain: 96 (DoT)
Block of Ice: 153.44

Spectral Wounds: 107.37 (19.57 healed back)
Blind: 137.03

Mesmerize: 137.03
Levitate: 153.44
Dominate: 90.26

Entangle: 98.46 (DoT)
Strangler: 169.85 (DoT)

This isn't going into APP attacks, since I can't see them - but let's look at Blaster single target numbers for a few sets and compare them to Gravity Control:

Snap Shot: 102.56
Aimed Shot: 171.28
Blazing Arrow: 226.79 (187.69+DoT)

Burst: 101.54
Slug: 171.28

Charged Bolts: 103.81
Lightning Bolt: 171.28

Power Bolt: 102.56
Power Blast: 171.28
Power Burst: 205.13

Flares: 121.33 (split in 2 hits 0.5 sec apart)
Fire Blast: 193.44 (171.28+DoT)
Blaze: 140.42 (102.56+DoT)

Ice Bolt: 102.56
Ice Blast: 171.28
Bitter Ice Blast: 109.74

Psionic Dart: 102.56
Mental Blast: 171.28
Telekinetic Blast: 102.56
Will Domination: 112.82
Scramble Thoughts: 78.20 (DoT)

Shriek: 102.56
Scream: 171.28 (1s DoT)
Shout: 273.85

For comparison on Defenders, Shout does 96.51 and is the strongest non-snipe attack in their secondaries. Corruptors are much closer to Blasters than Defenders (219.08 on Shout, also their strongest ST attack).

Although going through these again it appears that only Blasters got the "all single type" damage, and yes, they have lower recharge on their attacks and will do more damage over time even ignoring the secondary.

But for burst, Propel is nasty, especially if you take Containment into account - which the Grav/ can easily set up with nobody having mez protection.

If these numbers are correct which i'd bet they are, what is going off?

Blaze and BiB are now really poor attacks for blasters, are they no longer allowed spike damage any more?

Example: Ice Bolt: 102.56 (first attack) BiB: 109.74 (last ST attack with a lower range) only doing 7 more damage.

Blasters are useless with these numbers. Heck with these numbers i'd be willing to bet it's the lowest damage AT in PvP with no protection and low HP.

Yes that is all a guess but it's how it seems

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



Blasters are useless with these numbers. Heck with these numbers i'd be willing to bet it's the lowest damage AT in PvP with no protection and low HP.

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Looks like the tide might be turning at last



Looks like the tide might be turning at last

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So again, if those numbers and my guess is correct. Making an AT that was designed from the start to be a high damage dealing squishy, no longer do that said damage is a good thing?

Lets brake all the other AT's too then? Even more unbalanced PvP ftw!

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



i dont know what to say really...and LOL? controllers, forts and domi´s OP much?



So again, if those numbers and my guess is correct. Making an AT that was designed from the start to be a high damage dealing squishy, no longer do that said damage is a good thing?

Lets brake all the other AT's too then? Even more unbalanced PvP ftw!

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Oh right, cos its nice and balanced now of course.



While its nice to see some change id have to say looking at this trollers, doms doing more damage than a blaster is abit much.

While i do think blasters were OP for pvp whats being done here goes against what a blaster is about that being damage.
Hope this is not a final draft or things could be looking abit poor for the outlook of pvp for a few AT.



Oh right, cos its nice and balanced now of course.

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No. that's why i said even more unbalanced PvP.

I'm not against damage "nerfs" but the powers that be have been a little heavy handed with that bat imo.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



Oh right, cos its nice and balanced now of course.

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No. that's why i said even more unbalanced PvP.

I'm not against damage "nerfs" but the powers that be have been a little heavy handed with that bat imo.

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Yea i suppose they are going a bit hard on blasters, its a shame they have to resort to damage nerfs at all really.

I would rather just see one of the melee boostings suggestions that have been put forward implemented. Like close gap fast or add a little bit of range to melee attacks like knock out blow has now for example.



I dont mind blasters getting a nerf, but this numbers are just silly tbh. a controllers hold damage with containment will just be HUGE, and throwing that hold will be auto imob iff im not wrong here? since a bf wont help anymore.

Imagine a team off forts, domi´s and stalkers, would be pretty much unstoppable. Domi throw 1 hold, target freezes for 3-4 seconds= AS and fort spike, next and same again.

I fail to see the balance in this, so could anyone explain how this is more balanced then before?

Id rather just see melee tweaks to catch upp with kiting squishys and a reward system for pvp. And a lil nerf to blasters damage.

Like rent said, this "change/nerf" is really the heavy handed bat for pvp.



The thing is though guys from what i've read all melee attacks are getting a huge damage buff coupled with a -75% range component added to taunt....

It seems melee is getting buffed AND blasters getting nerfed.... Like Falcon said. How is this any better than what we have now?

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



What are the mezz changes ?



The thing is though guys from what i've read all melee attacks are getting a huge damage buff coupled with a -75% range component added to taunt....

It seems melee is getting buffed AND blasters getting nerfed.... Like Falcon said. How is this any better than what we have now?

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Its not any better all this will do is switch things around from side to the other, were is the balance in that devs?



If Blaze and BiB are getting the big dmg nerf that is stated here i would like to see a massive range increase on them both tbh because a controller that out damages a fire blaster is just ridiculous.

I just really hope this isn't final becuase these numbers are shocking .

On the other hand im really happy with the melee changes might actually make me roll a scrapper or tank.




Oh i13 is already out? Must have some problem with the updater