Which sets will work with Shields?
Stone Melee have 2 handed attacks that might cause clipping.
Shadow Maul and Soul Drain are definitely two handed animations. Stone Melee has 2 handed attacks and Electrical Melee is mostly 2 handed attacks. I cant see any issues with the others offhand though
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
But tbh they are classed as Unarmed, they are not really carrying a weapon around are they?
No but if the left arm has the shield on it Shadow Maul will look daft for a start, waving it around like an idiot. I wouldn't like to see it with DM
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
No but if the left arm has the shield on it Shadow Maul will look daft for a start, waving it around like an idiot. I wouldn't like to see it with DM
[/ QUOTE ]
I would, though I'd need someone to pick me up afterwards.
No but if the left arm has the shield on it Shadow Maul will look daft for a start, waving it around like an idiot. I wouldn't like to see it with DM
[/ QUOTE ]I'd assume they do something alternative for that, seeing that the animation is shared by Flurry and Sands of Mu.
No but if the left arm has the shield on it Shadow Maul will look daft for a start, waving it around like an idiot. I wouldn't like to see it with DM
[/ QUOTE ]
They gonna rework some animations to work with shields.
So the fact that shadow maul is two handed now means pretty much nothing.
The only sets which will be exempt are those blantantly twohanded, like Katana, Claws and Dual Blades.

can't we dual wield shields?
Stne Melee will work - the Stone Melee animation time adjustements happened (partially?) because BAB was fiddling with the animations to create one-handed versions to be used with Shields.
Stne Melee will work - the Stone Melee animation time adjustements happened (partially?) because BAB was fiddling with the animations to create one-handed versions to be used with Shields.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ice melee animation might need some work too, if they are going to work. There are some two-handed attacks there, like "Frozen Fists".
Eagles claw/dragon tail is going to look stupid with a shield on your arm
shields = /unsigned imo, couldv put better use of time to create a powerset that could be more widely used like dual pistols/staff/water control/energy control/steel armour etc etc. Too many Captain America's are going to be wandering around now for my liking, at least with another powerset it would make people have more creative characters.
(the above post realises that SOME people will make actual awesome creative characters with shield )
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
As you can't throw your shield(as far as I know) I don't see the Captain America Army appearing anytime soon.
The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games
I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
Well yeah i realise there almost certainly (not 100%, who says it wont have a form of damage mitigation within it?) wont be an offensive form of it, it wont stop all of the fans creating tribute toons as such will it?
/rantoff sorry i just dont like seeing non-unique toons! I like seeing players who put thought and effort into thinking up a concept and everything, not something that was thought up by another person 175 years ago (a plumber told me that as an estimate).
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Well yeah i realise there almost certainly (not 100%, who says it wont have a form of damage mitigation within it?) wont be an offensive form of it, it wont stop all of the fans creating tribute toons as such will it?
/rantoff sorry i just dont like seeing non-unique toons! I like seeing players who put thought and effort into thinking up a concept and everything, not something that was thought up by another person 175 years ago (a plumber told me that as an estimate).
[/ QUOTE ]
While I agree with you on that point I don't think that having a power set that is similar to an already established character in the real world equals lots of clones or tributes.
I can't remember ever seeing a Wolverine toon, while his "powersets" are so obviously in the game.
I did run into some clones in my time here but of course there will always be people who don't have that creativity or are just too lazy to think up their own toons.
And sometimes I think the costumes are quite well done too.
And I also already have a shield character in mind, but it depends on the options what kind of shields we can choose.
The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games
I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
Well yeah i realise there almost certainly (not 100%, who says it wont have a form of damage mitigation within it?) wont be an offensive form of it, it wont stop all of the fans creating tribute toons as such will it?
/rantoff sorry i just dont like seeing non-unique toons! I like seeing players who put thought and effort into thinking up a concept and everything, not something that was thought up by another person 175 years ago (a plumber told me that as an estimate).
[/ QUOTE ]
While I agree with you on that point I don't think that having a power set that is similar to an already established character in the real world equals lots of clones or tributes.
I can't remember ever seeing a Wolverine toon, while his "powersets" are so obviously in the game.
I did run into some clones in my time here but of course there will always be people who don't have that creativity or are just too lazy to think up their own toons.
And sometimes I think the costumes are quite well done too.
And I also already have a shield character in mind, but it depends on the options what kind of shields we can choose.
[/ QUOTE ]
ok you win just make sure we keep this small victory of yours between you and me ok? dont want word getting out i lost a debate ok
(still think shields wont look right with non weapon attacks )
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Well yeah i realise there almost certainly (not 100%, who says it wont have a form of damage mitigation within it?) wont be an offensive form of it, it wont stop all of the fans creating tribute toons as such will it?
/rantoff sorry i just dont like seeing non-unique toons! I like seeing players who put thought and effort into thinking up a concept and everything, not something that was thought up by another person 175 years ago (a plumber told me that as an estimate).
[/ QUOTE ]
While I agree with you on that point I don't think that having a power set that is similar to an already established character in the real world equals lots of clones or tributes.
I can't remember ever seeing a Wolverine toon, while his "powersets" are so obviously in the game.
I did run into some clones in my time here but of course there will always be people who don't have that creativity or are just too lazy to think up their own toons.
And sometimes I think the costumes are quite well done too.
And I also already have a shield character in mind, but it depends on the options what kind of shields we can choose.
[/ QUOTE ]
Seen a lot of Wolverine and Hulk clones and reported a fair few myself, seen an awful lot of other less well known comic book heroes, some I don't doubt I wouldn't know due to their nicheness.
I can't remember ever seeing a Wolverine toon, while his "powersets" are so obviously in the game.
[/ QUOTE ]
Just because you haven't, doesn't mean there aren't any running around... seen plenty of Wolwerines, Supermen, Hulks, Jean Greys, Phoenixs and even a Nightcrawler attempt!
Don't underestimate people's ability to use the Costume Creator...
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
Eagles claw/dragon tail is going to look stupid with a shield on your arm
shields = /unsigned imo, couldv put better use of time to create a powerset that could be more widely used like dual pistols/staff/water control/energy control/steel armour etc etc.
[/ QUOTE ]
My thoughts exactly. While Devs bring that old excuse everytime people ask somethings they put resources and time onto something that limited. So except Mission Creator i13 is a big "meh" for me for now. (Keep in mind i don't play villians )
One-handed Shadow Maul? YES PLEASE!
@MidnightGuard - on Union you may know me as:
Mr. Vile - Electroman X - Zenodorus - Battler
Naga Knight - Stinkspitter
Eagles claw/dragon tail is going to look stupid with a shield on your arm
shields = /unsigned imo, couldv put better use of time to create a powerset that could be more widely used like dual pistols/staff/water control/energy control/steel armour etc etc.
[/ QUOTE ]
My thoughts exactly. While Devs bring that old excuse everytime people ask somethings they put resources and time onto something that limited. So except Mission Creator i13 is a big "meh" for me for now. (Keep in mind i don't play villians )
[/ QUOTE ]
I must say the same.
If they will limit dual blades and such to use shields then they should limit the other sets that have 2 hand attacks aswell.
Othervise it would not be fair.
/rantoff sorry i just dont like seeing non-unique toons! I like seeing players who put thought and effort into thinking up a concept and everything, not something that was thought up by another person 175 years ago (a plumber told me that as an estimate).
[/ QUOTE ]
If a plumber estimated 175 years you can bet it's at least 250 years by time it's done.
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
Eagles claw/dragon tail is going to look stupid with a shield on your arm
shields = /unsigned imo, couldv put better use of time to create a powerset that could be more widely used like dual pistols/staff/water control/energy control/steel armour etc etc. Too many Captain America's are going to be wandering around now for my liking, at least with another powerset it would make people have more creative characters.
(the above post realises that SOME people will make actual awesome creative characters with shield )
[/ QUOTE ]
Take a look at the shielder of Cabal, they did a fancy job making a sword/shield combo still look very fancy Lets hope they do the same to katana.
Imho dual blade is supposed to be without shield, it kinda suits the other games that have free options on weapons and shields.
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
BAB has confirmed you will not be able to use a katana with a shield.
The main issue is not so much the animations, which could be changed, but that the katana model is attached to the left hand, which can't.
If you want a shield + katana style you can make BS/Shield scrapper and select a katana model for your broadsword.
I really should do something about this signature.
If you want a shield + katana style you can make BS/Shield scrapper and select a katana model for your broadsword.
[/ QUOTE ]
Only if they change the models available, and I can't see why they would. Currently, the broadsword customisation list does not include a katana model, or even anything vaguely like one. (It also doesn't include anything like a Chinese wu shu broadsword, which I'm a bit dissapointed about. I just ran my level 6 BS Scrapper over to IP Icon to check this out and she can't have a chinese-style sword. )
Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.
Ok from what I understand looking at Paragonwiki and talking to Dark Spider and Blue Rabbit on the Deviant Event channel, the Powerset Shields are gonna work with Right Handed Weapons and Unarmed Powers only.
So from what i'm guessing these powers will be useable with Shields.
Dark Melee
Fire Melee
Ice Melee
Energy Melee
Stone Melee
Super Strengh
Martial Arts
Electrical Melee
Non Useable:
Dual Blades
Not Sure:
Any thoughts? (any I missed out)