i13 Architect




Thought i'd do the honours


Good morning Players!

I wanted to be the first to let you all know that the primary feature list for Issue 13: Architect is now live! That said, I’d like to take this opportunity to talk to you about some of the new features, more in depth.
First off is the issue name, Architect. I liked the correlation that the name has between some of the improvements we are making to bases (in the way new things are purchased for them) and to our Mission Architect feature. Players can now be architects of their own story arcs that other players can play. When I first mentioned this system in the 4th Anniversary post, I had no idea how wildly popular that single concept would be. The thread that followed that post had a plethora of ideas of how such a system could, and should work from a player’s perspective.

With virtually no information to go on, some people very much underestimated what would be possible with the Mission Architect. Some got it spot on, and some people wanted features that were simply impossible to get into the system at launch. Even so, we are very proud of the system as it stands. Players can make their own story arcs using a customized version of the tool used by our mission writers, in some cases rivaling our own internal tools in ease-of-use. I am really looking forward to playing the stories you all create with this amazing tool!

I should probably take this moment to talk about what the Mission Architect is not meant for. It is not meant for “easy leveling” or “badging” or “farming”. Those are things that we specifically wanted the Mission Architect NOT to do. This may be a disappointment to some, I know. The goal was to give creative minds an outlet to tell the stories they have in their heads. We didn’t want the system clogged with Farm missions, so actually finding someone’s story that they lovingly crafted became more a chore than it was worth.
To that end, the Rewards in the Mission Architect are something we, ahem, discussed with raised voices time and time again. How much was too much? How little was too little? What limits needed to be put into place to stop farming? Should we even have such limits? Etc. In the end, we have a system that we believe is the best suited for what Mission Architect was made for, and is not abusable. Time and testing will tell if that is really the case though. Like the Invention System, there will be many iterations on the Mission Architect to make sure we get it right before it goes to the Live servers.

Next I want to talk about Day Jobs. This started out as a kind of “secret identity” system, but we wanted to save the term Secret Identity for a system that fit that name better. Day Jobs works well because it is “what your character is doing when not being a Hero or a Villain”. It’s their “day job”. A character who logs out in the Hospital is assumed to be working in a medicinal capacity, and they will receive a themed bonus when they log back in, that sort of thing. We even made it possible to have your character’s Day Job to be “On Patrol” or “Committing Crimes”, just in case you couldn’t envision your character having a “normal life” while you were not actively playing them.

There are plenty of other features in Issue 13: Architect as well, like the new powersets, including the much requested “Villainous Version of Empathy” called Pain Domination. We’re also adding some great new missions to Issue 12’s Roman Zone “Cimerora,” as well as a brand new reward system that will hopefully see the end of “necessary” Task Force farming trying to get that one specific Recipe you have been dying to get. The Issue 13 Feature List explains more about that. We’ll be announcing more specifics of each of these features between now and the beta testing for Issue 13.

Finally, I want to tell you about two “Booster Packs” that will be available in a month or so. Many players have requested the ability to buy the 30 day temporary jetpack that comes with the new City of Heroes Game Cards. Once the retailer exclusive period ends next month, we are making the same jetpack available for purchase for $4.99 (which is the cost difference between the one month game time and the $20 Game Card price). We are also excited to launch our Super Booster I: Cyborg Pack for $9.99. This pack has an awesome set of costume pieces, emotes, auras and a power. We’ll be sharing all of the details shortly.
So thank you players for the enthusiastic support and I can’t wait to get these new features into your hands and to answer your questions about Issue 13 over the coming months and at Hero-Con in October.

Happy hunting!

Matt “Positron” Miller
Lead Designer, City of Heroes/Villains

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



Ehhh... Seen better.
And the booster packs gives this Issue -3 points from the start.



Ehhh... Seen better.
And the booster packs gives this Issue -3 points from the start.

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Aha, you did say it would.
I'm personally digging eveything but the day job seystem. It sounds okay, but I thought it was a joke when I read it at that other place.
Ah well. I'd pay to see Storm working somewhere boring.

Also, I thought I'd add this. Little more organised.



Sounds interesting. Hope they'll get a more detailed feature list soon(ish). I'm also interested in more details about the cyborg pack.



Here is the feature list.



Damn, sorry Lankey.
Edited mine.



I'm gonna buy the cyborg pack and a release after october? Too late imo



I really really hope I can log out in icon for appropriate rewards

I think this issue sounds interesting and some nice features in that list - looking forard to it!



Pain Domination – Villains can now bend the power of pain to serve their own ends! Those playing a Corruptor or Mastermind have access to this new powerset. The antithesis of the Hero healing powerset “Empathy,” Pain Domination brings parity between Heroes and Villains with a distinctively evil flair.

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thePhilosopher Martial Arts/Regen/Fire Scrapper
theRegulator Empathy/Energy/Soul Defender
Total Inertia Ice Blast/Kinetics/Psy Corruptor
Total Inferno Ice Blast/Thermal/Leviathan Corruptor



i think it looks fantastic, cant wait to work on my overarc origin story for all my characters combined into a TF/arc




I'm gonna buy the cyborg pack and a release after october? Too late imo

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Don't forget we still have Zombie Apocalypse leading up to, through and beyond Halloween!, It was always going to be after really.



Getting the mission editor in I13 is big, at least in my eyes. Day Jobs sounds like nice fluff. Merit Rewards are okay, I guess, although I'm a little worried that "badges" are included among the things you can buy with it.

I am surprised, and a little disappointed, that the only new story content they've mentioned is "more missions in Croatoa", though. I'd have expected some kind of big event or turn in the ongoing storyline, but can't really see that from what they've listed.



I am surprised, and a little disappointed, that the only new story content they've mentioned is "more missions in Croatoa"

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might wanna reread that post there dude




The Booster Pack is really out of order though! I mean, we buy packs in the past then find they're listed as Veteran Rewards!? How's that fair?

Mission Creator is awesome though, but the Booster Pack has really gotten my wind up!



might wanna reread that post there dude

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Cinnamon, Cymbals, Cereal ... I know it's a c-word. C*cough-cough* There. I said it.



This is awesome

Do you think we will we be able to get all the "Day Job" badges by rotating the places we log out at?

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That would be quite cool... although I dunno how someone could be a doctor, a caretaker, a fashion icon etc all at once? Tho I guess people get new jobs in real life....



Cyborg pack sounds great, but unless the include Ice Cream factory robot in thier day job list I shall be cross.

I really should do something about this signature.




Mission Creator is awesome though, but the Booster Pack has really gotten my wind up!

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Why? It's a cyborg pack - it's not like they're making a underwater-talking-to-fish pack

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



are you talking about the sprints you could get or something else that was given as vet rewards, the above is the only one i can think of... 4 years ago.




Sounds fantastic, and they haven't even mentioned the base stuff that's going on.

As for Booster packs you really dont have to buy them you know :P It's not imperative...6 quid a throw sounds spot on to me, so I'll be happy to indulge in the cyborg pack...*begins to wonder what the included power could be...*

All in all I think it's a fantastic issue, best one I've seen for a while...though I'm not that keen on the name.

Do you think we will we be able to get all the "Day Job" badges by rotating the places we log out at?

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That would be cool, you could also plan ahead for a future TF by getting any necessary buffs on your character etc before the event.

I don't wanna save my soul now,
I just wanna lose control,
And even if it takes a lifetime, to learn:
I'll learn!



Interising points about shields:

Stalkers get them too: Castle was originally against this.

Shields protect "themselves and their allies".

I really should do something about this signature.



This is awesome

Do you think we will we be able to get all the "Day Job" badges by rotating the places we log out at?

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That would be quite cool... although I dunno how someone could be a doctor, a caretaker, a fashion icon etc all at once? Tho I guess people get new jobs in real life....

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That doesn't matter - it's the badges that count

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Interising points about shields:

Stalkers get them too: Castle was originally against this.

Shields protect "themselves and their allies".

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So Stalkers = Villain Defenders?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



yep i'm looking forward to how that works on tanks and the like, a team or close proximity defence/resist buff?

or an 'intercept' move so you can guard a certain person within your melee range?

/me hoping for a shield bash
